Scarface, the "say hello to my little friend" scene and the ensuing gun battle.
Saving Private Ryan, two scenes, the beach landing scene, and when Capt Miller breaks down and cries after they capture that German soldier.
King Kong, on top of the Empire State Building.
Alien, when the creature bursts out of the chest of John Hurt's character.
Psycho, the shower scene for sure. One of the most memorable.
Fast Time At Ridgemont High, the slo-mo scene with Phoebe Cates in her red bikini.
The Matrix - so many scenes with great special effects, but for one, I would mention the scene where Neo stops the bullets and then fights Agent Smith. He is the one!
The French Connection - the car chase scene under the rail tracks.
The Godfather - the bedroom scene with the severed horse head.
Schindler's List - the little girl in the red coat.
Cool Hand Luke - the egg eating contest. Nobody can eat 50 eggs.
The Shawshank Redemption - when Andy emerges from the sewer pipe and is finally free.
Fargo - the wood chipper scene.
Hidalgo - when he thinks his horse is dying and he chants in the desert.
Pulp Fiction - yep, it is the Kahuna burger scene.
Casino Royale - When James Bond is tortured while sitting in the cane chair. I don't care who you are, that has gotta hurt.