Best film scenes ever?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Best film scenes ever?
Twenty answers:
David B
2012-05-29 04:08:18 UTC
Wow...what a great question. I was going to sign off and go to bed but I can't resist answering this first.


The shower scene in "Psycho"

Charlton Heston coming across the Statue of Liberty at the end of "Planet of the Apes"

The child in the bright red coat working her way through the Warsaw ghetto as the Nazis raided the neighborhood, "Schindler's List"

John Wayne as Rooster Cogburn charging the bad guys with the reigns between his teeth, firing two guns in "True Grit"

Movie mogul finding a horse's head in his bed, "The Godfather"

"Shane" heading to the big show down, with the boy running to catch up to him.

The Killing of "Bonnie and Clyde".

The scene in "To Kill A Mockingbird' when the three children brave crawling through the fence to visit the strange house in the neighborhood, with Scout having to wait for her brother to return after hearing a gun shot.

Sir Thomas Moore making his final statement to the court in "A Man For All Seasons"

The teen in "Almost Famous" being seduced by two girls, but still staring straight ahead with admiration and love for another girl.

I would agree that the battle at Normandy in "Saving Private Ryan" is the best battle scene ever filmed.
Bella B
2012-05-29 05:27:33 UTC
Final scenes of Usual Suspects

B&W to colour in the Wizard of Oz
2012-05-29 03:53:23 UTC
Last seen in the movie Blow with Johnny Depp. Where he's imaging his now, teen, daughter comes to visit him and they reminisce. And it shows her as a little girl when they're hugging. And then he snaps out of it and then it fades away onto him talking and he says this:

"So in the end, was it worth it?

Jesus Christ. How irreparably changed

my life has become. It's always the last

day of summer and I've been left out in

the cold with no door to get back in. I'll

grant you I've had more than my share

of poignant moments. Life passes most

people by while they're making grand

plans for it. Throughout my lifetime, I've

left pieces of my heart here and there.

And now, there's almost not enough to

stay alive. But I force a smile, knowing

that my ambition far exceeded my

talent. There are no more white horses

or pretty ladies at my door."

My favorite movie of all time. Very touching and inspirational.

2012-05-30 19:49:43 UTC
So many to choose from. In no kind of order here are a few of mine:

- The entrance to the building being blown up in The Matrix.

- In Equilibrium after Preston's lie detector test flatlines. He has all of those shoot outs & fight scenes.

- In The Prestige when Borden see's Angier's disappearing man act.

- In Batman Begins when Liam Neeson's character is training Bruce Wayne with all of those men dressed up like ninja's. Those moves they were doing was so insync.

- In American Beauty when it looks like those roses are blooming/spilling out of her body.

- In Inception when Cobb & Ariadne go down to the final level there's this big instrument that sounds as a wave pushes her up right before Cobb comes to get her. Édith Piaf's "Non, je ne regrette rien" playing in the background worked so well. I even looked for the translation of the lyrics & found them imdb.

-500 Days of Summer's singing and dancing down the street scene.

- That whole last maybe 20 minutes in Inglourious Basterds.

- No Country For Old Men

- That whole I drink your milkshake scene in There Will Be Blood. Enough said.

- The Fall by Tarsem Singh has got to be one of the greatest movies to me at least in cinema as far as cinematography. This movie is so beautifully done. The acting by the little girl in this movie is flawless.

I better stop here I could go on forever.
2012-05-29 15:03:16 UTC
theres this awesome scene in the movie (500) days of summer where it is like a split screen of two different scenarios of the main character going to his kind-of girlfriends house. once split screen shows 'expectations' anf the other shows 'reality' and it has the same shots in each of them but with different things happening, i just thought it was awesome :D

and quite sad within the context of the movie :(
2012-05-29 08:21:45 UTC
The "Weather Prayer" scene in "Patton".

The final scene of "The Outlaw Josey Wales", both inside and outside the bar.

The final scene of the original 1968 version of "Planet of the Apes".

Roy Batty's death scene (with narration) in the original version of "Blade Runner".

2012-05-29 04:22:30 UTC
My TOP 5 best scenes.

1. Hulk smashing Loki in Avengers.

2. King kong on the top of Empire States building.

3.Presidents last speech in Independence day.

4. Ragging scene in 3 Idiots (bollywood movie).

5.Neville Longbottom Slicing the head of Nagini in last Harry Potter Movie.
2012-05-29 03:57:55 UTC
The Bohemian Girl (Laurel and Hardy).

The duo set out to save the girl from her abductors and Stan is drunk after filtering wine and feeling very brave - hilarious stuff, will stay with me forever.
She's in the west wind
2012-05-29 03:55:41 UTC
The death of Mrs Muir in The Ghost & Mrs Muir - where he finally returns and leads her away. I could watch that a thousand times and cry every time.

Bob's Country Bunker from The Blues Brothers, also the car chase through the mall!

The farewell scene in Toy Story 3 - I think it's the way they portray childhoold's dappled sunlight that gets me.

The scene in The Sixth Sense where you realise that Bruce Willis is actually dead
I Know, I'm Awesome
2012-05-29 03:47:25 UTC
Those are excellent movie choices. But I will have to go with any scene with Mila Kunis would have to be my favorite. :)

But all seriousness

-the scene in Book of Eli where Denzel kills everyone under the bridge

-the one camera view in the middle of "Remember The Daze" when they are at the party

-any scene from shawshank redemption or field of dreams

this question is hard lol
Jake No Chat
2012-05-29 05:26:26 UTC
Scarface, the "say hello to my little friend" scene and the ensuing gun battle.

Saving Private Ryan, two scenes, the beach landing scene, and when Capt Miller breaks down and cries after they capture that German soldier.

King Kong, on top of the Empire State Building.

Alien, when the creature bursts out of the chest of John Hurt's character.

Psycho, the shower scene for sure. One of the most memorable.

Fast Time At Ridgemont High, the slo-mo scene with Phoebe Cates in her red bikini.

The Matrix - so many scenes with great special effects, but for one, I would mention the scene where Neo stops the bullets and then fights Agent Smith. He is the one!

The French Connection - the car chase scene under the rail tracks.

The Godfather - the bedroom scene with the severed horse head.

Schindler's List - the little girl in the red coat.

Cool Hand Luke - the egg eating contest. Nobody can eat 50 eggs.

The Shawshank Redemption - when Andy emerges from the sewer pipe and is finally free.

Fargo - the wood chipper scene.

Hidalgo - when he thinks his horse is dying and he chants in the desert.

Pulp Fiction - yep, it is the Kahuna burger scene.

Casino Royale - When James Bond is tortured while sitting in the cane chair. I don't care who you are, that has gotta hurt.
2016-02-21 05:42:45 UTC
I have a few, I'm sorry, I just can't limit it! The Tyler death scene in 'Remember me' is epic. When the towers fall and the screen goes black, my heart literally stopped beating for a second. Another scene is in Due Date, funny choice I know, but when Peter says "The streets of Hollywood are not paved with gold, they're paved with the carcasses of ******* imbeciles like you who think they're gonna go there and make it" I was like YES, finally some honest cinema. It was a great scene. In Jerry Maguire, when Dorothy says "You had me at hello" that's an iconic scene. Hope this helped :)
2012-05-29 04:09:58 UTC
Nice Picks esp American Beauty,and even though I dislike Pearl Harbour for its sappy contrived love triangle and all round bad acting.

My Picks:

1. Braveheart - the beheading FREEDOM scene with the swelling James Horner music

2. The Last of the Mohicans - when the Gaelic music plays at the Huron Village and the chase up the mountain side, truly epic and mesmerising

3.The closing scene of the Hours w/Nicole Kidman as Virginia Woolf suicide by weighting herself by rock emersion in the river w/ the haunting Phillip Glass music and the real letter voiceover:

Dear Leonard. To look life in the face. Always to look life in the face and to know it for what it is. At last to know it. To love it for what it is, and then, to put it away. Leonard. Always the years between us. Always the years. Always the love. Always the hours.

4. The ending of Titanic - with the haunting James Horner /Sissel music old Rose passes away and she is reunited w/Jack and the rest of the perished passengers as they were on that fateful night.Cheesy maybe but doesn't get anymore cinematic than that..

5.End of Schindler's List - when the Schindler's List piano theme by John Willians comes on and all the actors and the real people they played and or their relatives walk with them past Oscar Schindler's grave and put rocks on it. Great ending and brings all the emotion of the preceding 3hrs to a nice closing coda.

Just missing out the whole start of Terminator 2 when Arnie first touches down and the whole 'clothes boots motorcycle till he gets on the bike with George Thorogoods Bad to the Bone playing...
I'm Ok!
2012-05-29 10:19:58 UTC
First 30 mins of Saving Private Ryan
Me eM
2012-05-29 04:00:46 UTC
The best scenes for me, ever:

The tiny little 5 second scene in Harold and Maude when Harold breaks the fourth wall after setting himself on fire


The 5 second scene of him and Maude dancing across the grass, when he does a somersault.

A whole scene though, would have to be their whole dancing montage to 'If you want to sing out, sing out'. And the shrunken head scene.

Absolute brilliance. Will never be beaten. Ever.
2012-05-29 04:07:54 UTC
2 scenes i think are sensational are from the movies North Country and On The Waterfront

In North Country, when Josey Aimes (Charlize Theron) goes to the union meeting for the coal mines to talk about the rights of women working in the mines. Whilst up on the stage Aimes receives large amounts of verbal abuse by the majority of the male miners, finally her father who has enough of the abuse given to his daughter gets up, goes to the podium and asks that she hands him the mic. Her father then starts to explain how he's been a ranger on the mines all his life, one of his co-workers in the audience replies 'So have i.' and then Josey's father says what he finally thinks about every worker in the room 'I've many friends over the years working the mines. Well right now i'm looking around and i don't have a single friend in this room. I'm sitting down and i hear you yelling at Josey to get off the stage, shouting things like "*****, ****" and all kinds of unspeakable. When we go home to our wives we don't talk to them that way. What the hell makes any of you think you can talk to these women like that?

And On The Waterfront, the scene when Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando) and his brother Charley Malloy (Rod Steiger) are in the back of a cut out taxi cab. In a documentary in the DVD extras i watched after viewing the movie. It is said that Brando read the script before shooting the scene and he felt that the words written on paper were not what he and his brother would say to each other in this kind of brotherly bonding scene. Co-star Rod Steiger agreed so director Elia Kazan let them improvise the scene, the scene itself went for around 2 minutes and 30 seconds and it was for this scene that Marlon Brando won his Academy Award for Best Actor. In the later part of the scene Brando whilst improvising lines to Steiger said the line "I'm sick of being a nobody Charley, i wanna be a contender. I want to actually be somebody." The documentary i watched had interviews with famous film historians who said when Brando delivered that sentence, it was just sheer brilliance, to come up with something like that on the spot and make it sound so real and they said the fact that is was improvised was just unbelievable to think one's mind could think to produce something as good as that so quickly.

My apologies for a long-*** answer.
2012-05-29 04:01:31 UTC
Ooh mine are very different from yours:

-The girl with the red coat scene from "Schindler's List"

-The big kahuna burger Scene in "Pulp Fiction"

-When Travis talks to his reflection in "Taxi Driver"

-The scene with the horse's head in "The Godfather"

-The scene where John Doe reveals the victims of wrath and envy in "Seven"
2012-05-29 14:12:50 UTC
The ending scene of terminator 2 where Arnold says "Now I know why you cry, but it is something I can never do". And slowly decends into the molten steel.
2017-02-16 05:55:50 UTC
2012-05-30 20:10:21 UTC
Nice choice , may be all people like this scenes .I also like these scenes. Has so many but this are really amazing.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.