2011-04-09 04:37:14 UTC
mother board : DG45ID
processor : quad core Q9505
OS : windows XP sp2
memory : DDR2 6GB (2GB X4)
software : nuendo,reason,and etc.
sound card : M audio audiophile 2496 (latency 512 samples,codec sample rate 48.000)
analogue Mixer : behringer xenyx 1204fx
mic : samson condenser
monitor speaker : KRK rokit 5
midi keyboard : m audio prokeys 88sx
HDD capacity : around 3 TB (1TB int. + 2 TB ext.)
These are the setups which i am using.
But sometimes i get a problem(not always) like cpu memory full or kinda clip sound whenever i load large size vsti . why it is happening?? And if i wanna do music for short films, i convert the movie( around 15 to 20 mnts short films) to avi and Xvid codec.then import into my recording software(nuendo) and will do music for it..and i dont have any graphic card. but is it very important? if yes, then why it is important? and tell me which one should i buy. please give me some advice to improve my knowledge in recording technics and technology.. thank you in advance ...!!!