2010-06-29 19:31:20 UTC
There is a movie I saw a long time ago and I can't remember the name. I want to show it to some family. I dont remember or not, but I'm pretty sure it was a disney movie. I usually watch disney movies on youtube. I don't know if I can watch this movie/if it is even on youtube. I'll type what I remember of the movie. If it sounds familiar and you know the name, can you please remind me. And if you know of a place online I can watch it other than youtube (cause its not always there) that would be great. Thank you so much!!!
Here is what I remember:
There was this boy in like a band or something. For whatever reason, he needed someone extra in his band, so he makes like this fake girl using technology.(like a hologram or something) Then his friend finds out he used characteristics of different people he knew to put together this person. (for ex: ears, eyes).
I also remember the fake girl like couldnt go near windows and couldnt touch rain.
Then I remember, but I don't know why, one of the people in the movie was in the hospital or something at the end of the movie just before the problem was solved.
Thanks so much for reading all of this. if you know what movie it is - or if it was a disney movie- that would be great. Sorry for how weird it sounds. I only remember a little of it. Thanks again!!