I got a few
Neil Marshall-Director of The Descent,Dog Soldiers,Doomsday, & Centurion.
I love all his work, he really does know how to balance suspense with horror.
James Cameron-Aliens,Terminator,Titanic,Avatar
He really knows how to structure a story line with a budget & hes really inspiring
Eli Roth-Hostel,Hostel 2,Cabin Fever
I don't really LIKE his films, just him in general. Hes the type of guy you can have a beer with & talk about anything for hours hours & hours
Adam Green-Hatchet,Hatchet 2 & Frozen
Hes a newbie but hes on his way to become a top film director
Robert Rodriguez-Planet Terror,Sin City,Once upon a time in Mexico,From Dusk till Dawn
Hes just so influential, hes really passionate about all his work,he really does put alot of dept into all his movies & sets a great example of not yelling to get what you want