Favorite sports:
Baseball - Brewers
Football - Packers and Badgers
Basketball - Badgers and Bucks
Do I play sports - Yes (Track, baseball, football, casual basketball)
Top 10 Favorite Books (I haven't had the chance to read many, so forgive me if I can't think of ten):
1. The Passage (Cronin)
2. The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien)
3. The Lost World (Crichton)
4. Sphere (Crichton)
5. Dreamcatcher (King)
6. The Devil in the White City (Larson)
7. The Rum Diary (Thompson)
8. Treasure Island (Stevenson)
9. Dune (Herbert) [I can't recall much of it though, so it could be higher]
10. To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee)
Top 10 favorite TV shows:
1. Firefly
2. Stargate: SG-1
3. Lost
4. Seinfeld
5. Survivor
6. Futurama
7. Eureka
8. Battlestar Galactica
9. Whose Line is it Anyway?
10. Doctor Who
Top 10 favorite video games:
1. Okami
2. Uncharted
3. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
4. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
5. Shadow of the Colossus
6. Freelancer
7. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
8. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
9. MLB 08: The Show (11 is alright, but I thought it would have progressed more)
10. Fallout 3
Are shoes important to me? - Yes, they are. I usually spend over a hundred dollars on shoes.
How often do I buy new clothes? - Probably once a month.
Favorite food? - Anything chinese. I also like cheeseburger pie, among other things
Favorite non-alcoholic drink? - Pepsi or Mountain Dew
Favorite Alcoholic drink? - Miller Lite. I'm not much of a drinker (even when I have the opportunity), so I won't really go with some badass choice ;v
College? - I don't know if I plan on going to college or not. I already have a pretty tough time in high school, and I'm starting to doubt whether or not they would accept me to a college, with my past issues and all.
My birthday is August 17th, 1994.