Question: Can anyone go in it?
Finding Life
2011-09-03 00:26:56 UTC
The "evidence" of the film Apollo 18, I wanna check it out but cant : (
Kinda unprofessional of a theater released movie telling you to go to a web, when its blocked, taken off, or w.e X((
43 answers:
2011-09-03 13:53:08 UTC
FYI folks this movie is just that a movie. Its fake, any references found in the content of this movie are in themselves fake as-well. Their very well maybe memorandums that once existed about samples taken from moon-rocks but dormant micro-bacteria would be the only worry. Any kind of life form requires three basic items for for functional survival, Air - Food - Water. The moon is incapable of sustaining any kind of cognitive life. Furthermore; the website is a blog, and the admin of that website can put anything on that site he so wishes too, no matter how much editing with Photo-shop the material has undergone. Its just meant to fuel the conspiracy theorists further, or scare the living **** out of simple minded people. Do you really think TOP SECRET Documents are kept and not destroyed?
2011-09-05 20:16:37 UTC
The real question is how many of you guys are older than 12?

This is a MOVIE. Sure I know it says it was based on real film footage etc... but the truth is that I can drive down a certain road and and then base an entire movie plot around the fact that I drove down it....I can make up anything I want. Remember that movie Strangers or something w/ Liv Tyler? It was supposedly based on a true story turns out the only true part was that the guy who wrote it stayed at a buddy's house after a wedding...the way they did. No drugged out homicidial maniacs came to the door. No death and destruction... let's keep it in perspective people. I seriously doubt a few moon rocks are turning into space spiders and taking over the world ...under our noses....and it's taken um about 40 yrs to come to light that this could be a problem?!

It's fiction. Not even very good fiction.
2011-09-03 15:55:28 UTC
People do not panic. It is just a movie and though the story on how 3 astronauts went on a secret mission and didn't come back is believable, It is OBVIOUSLY fake. If NASA didn't want the movie released, they would have covered it up or something. But what I find interesting is that I was reading something in a book, it said a large moon rock sample had gone missing 0.0. The USA has many cover ups like the Roswell incident and having a UFO, yet if these little rock spider lie alien creatures were real, I'm 100% sure they would have told the public. I may be wrong but if some THAT bad was real, the government or NASA would have told the public to evacuate. That is my hypothesis and i am pretty sure im correct.
2011-09-04 20:42:36 UTC
Apollo 18 is just a movie yes but this movie could be truthful in all the ways it was created for. 1st a 3 man top secret mission to the moon and them never coming back is believable. 2nd 840 pounds of rock were given out to countrys and then them being stolen or reported missing is believable and to these countries that they where handed out could be aliens and they choose to live in secracy(this is very unlikly and borderline stupid but there are still animals that are alive in the ocean that we don't know about). 3rd some people say that the only way for things to survive is by oxygen water and food and frankly people that think that way have to be ignorent because who are we to think in the billions of galaxys another form of life hasn't adapted to the conditions it was given the extraterrestrials in Apollo 18 were disguised as rocks on the moon they could have been living off of minerals in the moon and they could have had there own system to maintain homeostasis therefore it is believable. I was also 1 of the lucky people that actually got to see the website before it was taken down and some other people have said that top secret documents are destroyed after they are done with which is totally not true there are thousands of documents deemed top secret that have been stolen or released to public knowledge therefore yes the documents could be forged or could have been real no one will know except the admin of the website that was taken down. Also if anyones wants to argue there point i would be glad to accept it if anyone has any questions feel free to email me:
2011-09-03 14:45:18 UTC
One i just came from seeing the movie. Two i thought it was great. The fact that the government have scredded documents makes it 30 times more believeable (i.e. Neo Contra affair) okay they took moon rock samples but can u breath without oxygen? Maybe they can't live with it, and supposedly its an retired astronaut from a suppose apollo 20. 18, 19, and 20 all had paid an trained astronauts by NASA what happened to the missions? If 60% of the footage was real would u still question?
2011-09-03 16:50:20 UTC
Watching the movie today, I was some-what disappointed with what was presented. However, I did look into this website and nothing appeared. I've been reading the numerous posts on this specific question, and the one that caught my attention most is the one gentleman said there is three requirements for a living specimen: air - water - food. This is a very false and untested theory. Coming from an actual scientist, I'm here to say that just because we, as humans, as well everything else that lives on our planet, thrive on high levels of nitrogen, with oxygen, does not mean that other planets can not inhabit living organisms just because nitrogen and oxygen levels are not the same as ours. Here is a question for all of you to think about: how did we become so lucky to sustain life? Why can't other planets sustain life for other living species that could not survive here? Now, I'm not saying I believe in "aliens", but I do believe that other planets can obtain life in other forms that couldn't live in our environment, as we can't in theres. These answers may never be answered until we are deceased and ask the big man (God) what else is out there.
2011-09-03 23:19:50 UTC
After just seeing this movie I'll admit to being a little freaked out. I do believe that the government has and still is hiding things from the general public. But after seeing Apollo 18, I would say it's very similar to the "Paranormal Activity" movies. It's Hollywood; made to make people question and to get a scare out of people. I'm not saying that the mission couldn't have happened. But it would be extremely difficult to complete a secret mission with nobody knowing. Over 300 people are needed for a NASA space mission. How you could get that many people to keep their mouths shut is beyond me, but I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade. If you believe in this movie and think that it actually happened..good for you for having an opinion. But I personally believe that the movie was made for entertainment reasons only. I do believe in extra-terrestrial life, I just don't believe that a mission this big could be hidden from the general public for this long.
2011-09-03 13:24:42 UTC
Usually if a website was made it will pop up under any search engine...and this one does. Something is just blocking it from the general public from viewing it exp. NASA US govt. The movie was originally scheduled to come out March 4 2011 and then was changed 5 more times till it came out Sep. 2. The story does seem a little out there with the 840lbs of moon rock coming back and nothing happened catastrophic like it did in the movie, but a story of a 3 man secret mission to the moon and they never returning home does seem believable. The alien moon rock just makes it more of a hollywood movie to get more people to come watch it.
2011-09-03 22:17:28 UTC
I watched the movie today, and though I think it was super good I just don't find it to be true. I mean it was to obvious. People will believe that it's true because so many people believe that the government hides things from their citizens, and to be honest the fact that they showed a website to go to and then when you search the site, you can't even get on makes me feel like the site never existed. And the first thing that would come to your mind would be that "Maybe the government doesn't want us to see it, maybe they blocked it so no one can see the site" which is what the movie makers want you to think to make their movie look more believable. I think it was a good movie, but nothing to go off of as real evidence.
2011-09-04 15:35:11 UTC
Ok everyone, lets take this a bit seriously here. I'm not saying its totally out of the question there was a secret moon mission, and the missing moon rocks IS very interesting, but seriously? Extra-terrestrial arachni-rocks? That's a bit far fetched.

"Hey man, where do you think all those rocks went?"

"I don't, maybe they walked away..."

"...or the government took 'em back cause they can walk away 'cause the're ALIENS!!! D:!"

"DUDE! That's TOTALLY a ligit theory!"

Meh, If anything my first bet is (if the government did take em all away) is that they're infected with a virus or are extremely toxic and should not be in our atmosphere and were destroyed. Haha or its just a movie XDDD but still I cant get on the site either :I
2011-09-05 21:23:19 UTC
@Tony M- I did my research on the Apollo 18 mission(supposedly cancelled) and the Apollo 18 movie. It turns out that the Nixon Administration DID give away 135 Apollo 11 moon rocks and 135 Apollo 17 moon rocks. AND IT IS TRUE that many of these rocks have been stolen, destroyed, or are missing. Many scientists have dedicated their whole life trying to find these rocks and they have not succeeded So before you say stupid things, do your research.
2011-09-03 00:39:43 UTC
I am sorry I can't answer your question but I will agree with you I was unable to get in the web sight as well but I would also like to make a coment that I after seeing the move I honestly thought the movie was lame I really did not think the movie was all it was cracked up to be I give this movie Apollo 18, 2 thumbs down >:( !!!!!!!!!!!
Tony M
2011-09-03 03:04:01 UTC
So I saw Apollo 18 on opening night.

At the end of the movie it states how 840 pounds of lunar rock was brought to earth and handed out as gifts to various heads of states and how most of it disappeared or was stolen. OK; lets look at this as rational and reasonable people. 840 pounds of ANYTHING is a lot.Our world would have been decimated many fold by now if this was true about extra terrestrial matter being contaminated in the rocks that Apollo astronauts brought back.
2011-09-05 20:29:12 UTC
It could be that these are not just rocks. But a werid creature that has been able to not breath off of oxygen it might not even breath and it could survive off of various things. For example they may be blocking the website for 1 of 2 reasons 1:: It is just a hox to gain some money 2:: It is real and the website is holding information that NASA or govt. officials do not want us to see and the creature is useing the rocks as shells, just a thought. :)
2011-09-04 19:14:22 UTC
One of the answers suggested we try the following

I couldn't get into that one either. Why-because my norton security saved my butt by blocking it with a big red warning that it was blocked because it was a known malicious site. Thank God for Norton! By the way, the movie sucked, made no sense, and any ideas that there was a real "conspiracy" are ludicrous. Use your heads people, pick the story apart and you will see what I mean. Example-how did the "footage" end up back on earth?
2011-09-03 20:43:14 UTC
AS much as I'd love this movie to be based on edited footage, it is not. Two of the three astronauts I recognize from tv shows I have been a fan of.

The one that had to stay in the shuttle, is on the tv show "The Sanctuary," which you can watch on Hulu. He plays a character that is more or less a werewolf!

It's all a marketing ploy, and the movie was horrible..the preview makes it look better then it is.
2011-09-03 15:26:20 UTC
Warren Christie as Benjamin Anderson

Lloyd Owen as Nathan Walker

Ryan Robbins as John Grey

actors who played the roles in the movie, google them

screenplay by Brian Miller
Ray C
2011-09-06 19:54:08 UTC
The website is solely to encourage you to see the move, which is fiction. If the incident had actually occurred then 1) there would be no sound made by the critters in space since you cannot make sound in a vacuum, and 2) NASA would have removed all rocks on display and in storage.
2011-09-03 21:37:12 UTC
the spider rocks disrupted the signal lol but really y didnt the russians head implode in space when exposed to the vacuum of space, also how did they get the footage back to earth, why aren't the spider rocks raping the entire human race its been like 30 yrs now, why hasn't nasa and the us government flip the sh*t on these guys for making the movie, and lastly if this was real footage how is this not all over the news........ or am I really a spider rock (and/or spider rock infested human) saying this just to keep you from discovering the truth, you decide, but be swift
Jillian Webster
2011-09-04 14:50:58 UTC
Its a movie...therefore its not real. Besides there was a cast at the end of the film, those people were actors, so no real footage. Maybe some, like the launching of a ship but as for the rest of it, fake and it was horrible movie. Blew dogs for quarters in my opinion.
2011-09-03 16:52:53 UTC
omg... how funny... my little boy 10 yrs old husband and i just saw the movie we rushed home to check out what the fuss is all about . but we got nothing . the server does not respond... its scary to know that they know something about it I"m sure NASA or government took it off of course they do not want us to know the truth about any thing... like 911 etc. what is space? was it filmed from a holly wood basement? is it real? what if aliens r real? i say we r a spec of sand in the beaches near the ocean to them we r nothing in this vast galaxy of life... there are creatures out there with far more knowledge than we have and there are planets that are just starting and have no knowledge of whats coming to them in the future... how can we talk to people across the world sending messages through mid air messages penetrating your body... if us dumb humans that chose to destroy their planet slowly but surely can come up with all this revolutionary inventions... imagine what older planets that have life can do ???? wow that was some twilight show stuff ... lmao ok people thats what my son and I came up with :)
2011-09-03 13:54:24 UTC
Maybe the alien rocks can't survive on earth much like we can't survive on the moon without equipment. Not saying I agree with that but just a thought. Can't assume all rocks are aliens either. Maybe it's true maybe it's not. Gov will never tell us so I guess we'll never truly know. But the gov aren't very good liars and cover ups from them suck. They'll slip one day beyond repair I bet. Original movie at least. Give it 3.5 outta 5.
2011-09-03 11:45:13 UTC
I agree - I've tried to access it but without any luck. I saw this film today and thought it was very good but I don't know if it reveals a hidden truth or if it's BS. I'm no ufologist but I do think there's been a huge cover-up about a lot of things - is this one of them - seems a bit far-fetched to me but I do believe in the Roswell 1947 incident and the recovery (and back engineering) of a UFO craft.

2011-09-03 18:46:51 UTC
If someone is blocking the site, NASA, gov, whoever, there must be a reason. Maybe its true. There is alot of things the gov is hiding from the public. Like what is really in Area 51.
mike c
2011-09-04 07:50:42 UTC
Not sure if u guys know this but THE MOVIE WAS FAKE!!!! ALL EVENTS WERE IN FACT FAKE!!! They used the same ploy as Paranormal Activity, where they put at the intro "Based on real events"... And we all know Paranormal Activity is fake... Just letting u guys know take the conspiracy level down a notch and relax
2011-09-03 00:36:31 UTC
Have you thought that maybe it wasn't the movie that blocked it off, but NASA. That was one of the reasons why the movie was pushed back, because NASA didn't want the movie released in the first place.
2011-09-03 11:20:34 UTC
An attempt at a viral marketing strategy, much like "Blair Witch". What could be more intriguig than posing a question and not revealing the answer?

Kinda obvious in my opinion.
2011-09-04 18:30:08 UTC
honestly the site wouldnt be down with any links at all cmon ow the site was pulled by gov and if you think the government would actually be honest just look into the illuminatti you will be quite surprised every terrorist attack was planned as well as lots of other stuff but i do belive the movie has fact to it how far it was exagerated is beyond me
2011-09-03 22:42:52 UTC
K.......First of all if it was real ya maybe it is true that there could be life that can't survive on our planet as we cant survive on the moon so think of this if they did bring the rocks back or whatever they probably died or something who the hell knows and as of the footage do you remember when he the guy back at the station said we recieved your evidence or whatever i think the camera's that were outside of the shuttle were on a livestream or something idk :D
2011-09-03 17:23:08 UTC
I don't think its taken off; I think its just flooded. If you do get on, the way past that first page is to click the tiny white dot in the lower right hand corner.
2011-09-03 15:01:14 UTC
Listen everyone, the movie is not real, there are no videos of a moon mission that never happened. Come on guys, use your head.
2011-09-03 19:54:59 UTC
Friday the day it was released I went on to the website on my iPhone and I was able to get in the website. I wanted to wait until I was home to get on the website and check it out but now I can't even get on it!!!!!! I wanted to see what all it had on it!
T. Jefferson
2011-09-04 18:06:27 UTC
*Comment deleted by the United States Department of Defense*
2011-09-03 14:28:19 UTC
sweeping generalisation, Earth-based life form require air, food, water and not even all life forms on Earth require air for that matter... Not that I believe moon-evolved organisms are likely to exist, which does not mean that non-lunar evolved ones cannot go there...
2011-09-03 09:12:49 UTC
On the link you just posted, scroll down to the bottom right and click on the little white blurry dot.
2011-09-03 20:27:02 UTC
lol, it is not true. there were no real rocks. and hence, no "evidence", maybe thats why the website isnt working.

they made the movie that way so that it has more effect on you. "scarier"
2011-09-03 09:43:13 UTC
Same result here (UK), website not being displayed.

I know the film is cobblers, but it's a good story.
Predeep R
2011-09-04 06:33:18 UTC
Check this out......its the cached copy of the website
2014-07-28 15:39:25 UTC
All on WHo have commented here are morons except the ones WHO linked the sub-link; theres à small white dot hissen at: and When clicked it takes You to the next site, it can also be for by looking in the scripts of

It takes you to: which is the uncensored version WHICH also Should be notes that it is à blog and can therefore be changed in any way to make it seen real. And the most convincing evidence that it is fake is on the imdb link which i in My "Source" altough i can explain a few things myself that are not on the imdb site. First the fight which was on the ground modulen was obviously on Earth as the light gravity of luna would have sent them spinning and also When the blood droppen from the top bunc it fell to fast and When the helmet fell it was also to fast (and way to similar to Earth's gravity to be ignored as fact that they are on Earth and shooting à movie) Obama has also told NASA that they are to fokus on building an outpost on Luna and shall have Been building by 2025 and manned om 2030 but NASA is withholding the release of This information until the next presidental reelection. Later When the spider was in his suit it must have penetrated the suit in order to get in there which would have resulted in the need of oxygen but what was missing was the sign of the pressure releaseing, in other Words we would have seen the suit become smaller and à white gas would have Been seen next to him(oxygen is white in space) and lastly there was the interference so Houston would not have Been Able to get the video nor sounds the way it was shown in à teathrecal view it would rather have Been 30 min random footage and then a white screen with interference. BUT just to make it clear it is possible for other creatures to survive on Luna as it is made of the same elements as Earth and before When Earth notering but floating magma and lava it had oxygen and water trappen into the rocks it was made of which was Later released and the same could have happened for the Luna just that all of the water was on the inside of the moln or in à crater and the same with the oxygen and like with alot of Earth spiders they can create à bubble Aroumd their but which they can use to breath with if you throw them in à Toilet or if they want to swim and the Luna spiders could have à similar tactic inside their exoskeleton (i and noone Else cannot be certain if they have an exoskeleton without examinating them but it Look like they have one, it would also protest them against the cold. (cockrouches also have exoskeletons check them out if you want to know more about exoskeletons(Brasicly the sceleton is on the outside))
Latiza S.
2011-09-03 03:50:57 UTC
GO here:

Site was censored, forced to take down... So they say. Could be a marketing ploy.
2011-09-03 13:05:29 UTC
i know right! i tried to go check it out too and it wont let me go on it! :(
2011-09-05 21:21:24 UTC
just a damn movie
2011-09-03 23:36:13 UTC
hell yeah wtf man ! EFF NASA ! EFF THE GOVERNMENT ! thats prolly why they took the site down they didnt want people to look at the real evidence . damn .

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.