tear jerker movies?
2006-09-10 02:44:36 UTC
i am feeling like i need a good cry today, please recommend a good tear jerker movie ,and why it is so good in your opinion.
40 answers:
Nutty Girl
2006-09-10 02:59:51 UTC
Love Actually , can bring a laugh and a tear , i cried at the scene when emma thompson is composing herself in the bedroom after realising hubby has not bought the necklace she found for her.

Untamed heart - a story of a shy guy meeting a girl who can't find guys with comittment ,Christain Slater

You Got Mail-good story not really a crying sad but a happy cry at end

The notebook - a story of two young lovers and a freindship between two old people will definately get a good cry

The Champ- young son and the relationship with his dad
michael c
2006-09-10 02:59:01 UTC
I just watched a movie on Lifetime earlier called "Jewel" starring Farrah Fawcett - didn't think I'd like it but I got roped in and it made me cry! Other tear jerkers - "Before We Had Wings", "When A Man Loves A Woman", "Steel Magnolias", "Dead Man Walking", "The Hours", "Monsters' Ball" - and for me, any animal movie.
2006-09-10 02:57:59 UTC
The Cure - two kids. one is hiv positive. they try to find a cure. i was still cryin 3 hrs after the movie finished on tv.

My Girl - innocence of'd do anything for love.

A Walk To Remember - outcast girl and popular guy...girl changes guys life forever.

I Am Sam - a mentally retarded man, has same IQ as his 7 year old daughter. tells the struggles of a man, who tries his best to give his daughter a good life.

Pay It Forward - i cried at the end. but its not a really big tear jerker. a boy's scheme to change the world that touches the hearts of many. scheme that will cost a life.
2006-09-10 02:48:52 UTC
This may or may not help but for me (and I cannot believe I am admitting this) one of the all time tear jerker movies is The Patriot. I don't break down and cry but during this one scene I will admit to whelling up.

The scene where Mel Gibson goes to see his family and his youngest daughter pulls away from him as he was saying goodbye. Then she goes running after him screaming "Pa Pa don't go! I will say anything! Just tell me what you want me to say!" as he goes to mount his horse.

That's just one hell of a scene. The little girl deserved an emmy for that performance.
2006-09-11 07:58:25 UTC
Well For Me What Would Give Me A Good Cry

A Walk To Remember


Gone With The Wind

Any Disney Flims
2006-09-10 03:10:12 UTC
Gladiator. Seeing Russell Crowe be so passionate in this movie was very heart warming. And he was so handsome looking in this movie too.

O.k. I know its not like a typical tear jerker.

I would have to say "Terms Of Inderment"

Great acting by both Debra Winger and Shirley McClaine.
2006-09-10 02:58:09 UTC
Well of course what affects some people MIGHT not affect you in the same way but to answer your question -

Ghost - there are several 'brings droplets to your eyes' moments. When Sam (Patrick Swayze) finally manages to get Mollie (Demi Moore) to realise that he's really a ghost and really there by having a penny put under a door and lifting it up and putting it in her hand. Lots of others brings tears of laughter and joy - usually involving the brilliant Whoopi Goldburg as a fake psychic, although realises she has the 'power' after all. Hilarious! :)

The Sixth Sense - another BRILLIANT film - especially when the lad is in the car with his mum and tells her that he can see dead people and tells his mum about HER mum and how proud she was of her. :)

Finally you could try Green Mile - Another BRILLANT film. Without spoiling it too much there's this BIG 'special' guy who has the powers of an angel (although he's not an angel as such) and he's found guilty of murdering 2 little girls, although he didn't do it - he was trying to save them. Anyway just before they are going to kill him in the electric chair, he is granted a last request - to see a flicker show as he's never seen one before and they show him Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers dancing and singing Heaven, I'm in Heaven.

So make sure you have a BIG box of tissues handy but like I say, it might not affect you in ways that they affect others but as you asked ... :D
2006-09-10 03:11:12 UTC
"Stepmom". This moive is wonderful. I balled like a big baby the first time I saw it. Matter of fact..everytime I watch it, I cry. It's about 2 remarkable women that are complete opp. They learn to not only love eachother, but teach eachother a thing or two about life, and themselves. It's funny when you actually realize how sort life is, and what your family means to you when you really look at the big picture
2006-09-10 03:58:03 UTC
If you like sad movies which make you think too:

Foreign films:

The directors cut of "Betty Blue" .. the build-up makes you smile but the tragedy will make you weep every time you remember it. Might only be available on VHS as directors cut. (French with subtitles)

"Jean de Florette" and "Manon des Sources" ... a beautifully shot story in 2 parts... lots of scenes and characters which will make you weep!! (French with subtitles)

"Life is Beautiful" .. it won 3 Oscars... it will make you laugh and cry in equal measure!! (Italian with subtitles)

English Language Films:

"Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence"... often painful to watch, but a true masterpiece with an enchanting score.

"Heat"... De Niro and Pacino together in a scene at last!! Great action but thought provoking and very watchable too.

"Schindlers List" - tragic and horrific throughout but with hope and redemption. Very moving... you will definitely weep!!

"Armageddon" - a blockbuster with a great cast... very funny but you will weep for sure at a number of scenes.

"Carlitos Way" - Pacino at his best!! Exciting, engaging, evocative....great music, great action, but ultimately a sad movie.

Hope this helps!!
John H
2006-09-10 02:48:02 UTC
Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan - the Spock death scene, gets me every time.

The final 5 minutes of the first episode of House season 3 is also good for a few tears.
2006-09-10 02:56:04 UTC
Just about ALL of "North Country", Eric Bogosian's last scene before he gets shot in "Talk Radio" (where he lashes out at his listeners) and the scene in "Mississippi Burning" where Willem Dafoe is walking with the crowd of protestors while the black minister is giving a sermon.
2006-09-10 02:47:54 UTC
beaches - friendship, love, but mostly friendship

the notebook - true love that lasts a lifetime

dead poets society - not usually thought of as a real tear jerker, but it made me cry.....oh the tragedy

schindler's list - sad, very sad
2006-09-10 22:41:35 UTC
E.T. Funny and sad...Mask great movie starring Cher,Gorrillas In The Mist true story , great acting by Sigourney Weaver.
2006-09-10 03:12:50 UTC
Shildlers list was good, as was sleeples in seattle.

If you are into Doctor Who, the very last episode when Rose was lost on the parralel world gets me going every time.
2006-09-10 02:52:56 UTC
Rent "What Dreams May Come" with Robin Williams. This movie always makes me cry.
2006-09-10 03:05:15 UTC
Truly, Madly,Deeply. With Alan Rickman and Juliet Stevenson. Wonderful film, will make you cry and laugh (out loud!). LIfe affirming too!
2006-09-10 02:54:18 UTC
the cult of donnie darko in the uk documentry

on the donnie darko directors cut double dvd,

as i am naked on it, and it made me cry because

i was a lot fatter than i am now

( nearly 14 stones at the time)

i did not realise how ill i loooked

and it was a spur to make me lose weight,

im a lot fitter now

hooray !!!!!
2006-09-10 02:48:21 UTC
"My Life" Starring Michael Kheaton, Nicole Kidman, Queen Latifah. Released 1995

About a man who gets Cancer and has a few months to live, his wife "kidman" expectng baby. cant tell you rest! you will need atleast a box or 2 of tissues
2006-09-10 02:51:30 UTC
A Walk To Remember... soooooooooooo sad!
2006-09-10 02:50:43 UTC
saving private ryan. the bit at the start when the old man cries & then again when the mother learns that 3 of her 4 sons have died. makes war look so futile
Alfred E. Newman
2006-09-10 02:56:17 UTC
The Notebook,best film ive seen for ages.
2006-09-10 02:48:40 UTC
Beaches is a good weepy.

I never broke down after my died until I watched that movie and then I couldn't stop.

It was about 3 months after my dad died when I watched it.
2006-09-10 05:15:19 UTC
Meet me in St. Louis Judy Garland singing 'Have your self a merry little christmas' to her sister when they have to leave their friends behind.

Also Top Gun when Tom Cruises navigator dies.
Ozzie B.
2006-09-10 09:39:45 UTC
"Imitation of Life". The remake with Lana Turner.
2006-09-10 02:53:28 UTC
The Notebook. Love story I thought would be real romantic....TOO romantic....I'd never watch it again...I bawled my head off through nearly the entire movie!!
2006-09-10 02:51:51 UTC
Forrest Gump - when he loses Jenny.

Hotel Rhuanda - just watch it and you will see!

City of Angels - when he finally becomes a mortal
2006-09-10 03:03:28 UTC
Kramer vs Kramer

An oldie but goodie.
2006-09-10 03:33:16 UTC
Hana-Bi (translates as 'Fireworks') it is a really beautiful Japanese film. It is the only film I have ever cried over.
Jane S
2006-09-10 02:46:41 UTC
Titanic or Brief Encounter or Ghost all good old tearjerkers
2006-09-10 03:01:49 UTC
home alone made me cry or smallville season 5 100th episode called reckoning
2006-09-10 02:48:52 UTC
Cool Runnings - the end always gets me.
2006-09-10 02:56:15 UTC
Titanic ( theme song played at my mum-in-laws funeral )

The Body Guard ( theme song played at my father-in-laws funeral)

Nuff Said.... :(
2006-09-10 02:53:02 UTC
old yeller, steel magnolias....every time i watch those darn movies i cry like a baby..(even when i tell myself that i will not!!)
2006-09-10 02:51:47 UTC
steel magnolias,divine secrets to the ya-ya sisterhood
2006-09-10 03:46:36 UTC
steal magnolias, terms of endearment, beaches. all the same realy someone dies. very sad
2006-09-10 02:50:38 UTC
Titanic - best movie ever, & Leo DiCaprio is hot!
2006-09-11 00:02:42 UTC
the enforcer
Phoenix 2
2006-09-10 02:47:31 UTC
millon dollar baby. it was soooooooo sad
2006-09-10 02:47:59 UTC
king kong, i'm not kidding, just watch and you'll see what i mean.
2006-09-10 13:13:15 UTC
bambi no other

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