In the movie "X-Men: Days of Future Past" (2014), the timeline has been altered and Magneto throws Wolverine in a Lake in the 70's. William Striker doesn't meet Logan like the original timeline and he doesn't give Logan his adamantium claws and doesn't become Mutant X and has amnesia. He doesn't become The Wolverine like "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" (2009) movie. Now Mystique finds Logan in a Lake, as she transformed into William Striker. On the future Wolverine has his consciousness back but don't show what kind of claws he has, bone or adamantium claws. Will Mystique allow Wolverine to have his claws again? We can't have Wolverine without his adamantium claws in X-Men 5. In the 70's Lake, he has bone claws, now who gives Wolverine his adamantium claws?