Surely you cant be serious?
And stop calling me Shirley?
I think he needs a hospital?
What's that?
A big building with lots of nurses and doctors in it?
Now if you look under the otto pilots belt you will find an inflatable valve we want you to blow it?
Too many one liners in Flying High!!!
The Green zone is for unloading and loading of passengers only.
The white zone is near the green zone and is for the loading and unloading of passengers only.
Hey you keep outta my white zone you talk about your own green zone!!!
Oh well thats fine I can talk about your green zone but you cant talk about my white zone???
Finally, would you like to make a donation to church of religious consciousness?
Would you like a free flower?
Whack pow zam.
Would you like to make a donation to the Harrie Cruchsners?
Whack pow zam.
How on earth can so much gratuitous violence against do gooding um followers of air ports go un notices by all but those who control Hollywood? No publicity bad, or in the spirit of the movie?
Was Leslie Nielsen a Scientologist? God rest his poor soul he did everything after being a serious actor to be all but seriously funny!
I have had many hours of crying absolute laughter as he stated more powerfully than John Cleese the unformidable and yet, ending up clearing out my lungs, to just prove laughter is the best medicine than whatever that cough syrup was what gave me high blood pressure, Leslie Nielson, we blame the floods in Western NSW on you, heaven is shedding tears of laughter as you keep them rolling in the eisles up where?
Take care, we will miss you?
Now, I'll just give him ten more minutes in this cab to make sure he aint coming back as the risen Jesus, um what's the bill? You gotta be jokin? at $1,560,654.46c I'm doing a runner, airport, where to anyone? Except by QANTAS!