2013-05-01 02:25:43 UTC
Name..................................... Age....... Gender □Male □Female □Prefer not say
Action/ Adventure Quick Questionnaire
Do you agree with the current price of a cinema ticket?
In a month how often would you go to the cinema?
(Tick one answer only)
Every 3 Months
No Regular Basis
Where were you?
(Ticket one answer only)
□Friends House
□Family Members House
□On The Move
If other could you please state
When you’ve seen a film you’ve liked would you considered purchasing the film?
How would you purchase your film?
□DVD/ Blu-Ray □Internet download □Streaming □Other
If other could you please state
Do you prefer to Rent or Buy Blu-Rays/ DVDs?
□Rent □Buy
What is your favourite genre of film?
□Action/ Adventure □Crime/ Thriller □Horror □Comedy □Animation □Sci-Fi
Have you ever watched an Action/ Adventure film?
□Yes □No
If so what is your favourite Action/ Adventure film?
Example Indiana Jones, The Terminator etc.
Part 2
Comic Books and Graphic Novels
Do you read comic books or graphic novels?
□Yes □No
If yes which comic book series do you read?
□ 2000 AD
If other could you please state
Have you ever seen a DC film?
□Yes □No
If yes which DC film adaption have you seen?
□Batman □Batman Returns □Batman Begins, □The Dark Knight □The Dark Knight Rises □Superman□Superman 2 □Superman Returns □Other
If other could you please state
Have you heard of the character Batman?
□Yes □No
If you have what is it that attracts you to the character?
e.g. the gothic look of the character, the character development etc.
Who is your favourite Batman Villain?
□The Joker
□Cat woman
□The Penguin
If other could you please state
If you do not watch Batman which other characters do you watch?
(Tick one answer only)
□Spider man
□Iron man
□The Incredible Hulk
□Captain America
If other could you please state
What certificate do you think “The Dark Knight” should be?
(Circle one answer only)
Would you suggest “The Dark Knight” to a friend or family member?
□Yes □No
How would you tell them?
(Circle one answer only)
□Social Network e.g. Facebook, Twitter etc.
□Word of Mouth
If other could you please state
What would you be interested in seeing from a future Batman film release?
E.g. more action, more focus on character, different Batman villains etc.