7 Pounds - Overrated and too long. Just a movie to make you cry, but it takes forever to get to the point. John Q is mostly about the same thing, but a way better movie.
I Love You, Man - Paul Rudd is a genius. But I've heard this movie isn't all that great. Try Role Models. One of Paul's best movies.
Taken - Liam Neeson is an awesome actor. He proves it, once again. Great movie.
Last House on the Left - the original really sucked and wasnt scary at all. This remake really surprised me. Being that im mostly a horror movie buff, I thought it was pretty enteraining and well worth the watch.
Marley & Me - I don't do dogs, I don't do Jen Aniston movies, I don't do chick flicks. I feel bad for Owen for being in this pos, but at least dude is getting paid.
Milk - Well, it got Sean Penn best actor didn't it? Watch if you would like to see some Sean Penn on James Franco action. I'd go with Pineapple express as a better Franco movie though.