EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT THE TITANTIC SINKING FROM 1912 TO 2012. This is a GRAVE YARD full of people, MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN, most of whom had FAMILIES, rich, poor, and yes a tragedy that this AWSOME SHIP perished on that cold winter night at SEA!
But like the AIRZONA this ship maybe should be laid to rest in PEACE, giving RESPECT to all whom gave their lives aboard it, many with HUGE hearts, to allow others to take to the life boats, some tried to escape but could not, others tried to escape even before children, but mostly was panic and through all that, LETS REMEMBER THE AWSOME BAND, whom played tilll the end, though many probally not even knowing they were, as the WORLDS MOST AWSOME, LARGEST, UNSINKALBE SHIP was about to rest 2 1/2 miles below the world floor as we know it.
To much is FOCUSED on MATERIAL WORTH, making $$$$$$ and as long as their is human interest and movie directors push to view, and items are displayed by POWER HOUSES, using white gloves to show, and names of those whom wore or owned them, YES PROBALLY BE INTEREST FOR YEARS TO COME. But again, should not maybe we FOCUS maybe more on allowing those whom perished on that dreadfull cold night, REST IN PEACE.
Make movies to remember them, that maybe is ok, but maybe we should not enter into their resting grounds for personal gain, world fame!
The ship could never be raised to the service again, other than few bits and pieces, so again WHY! Would just be another item to display, when the world can already see the HUNDREDS OF PICS that have been taking before and now!
We all are amazed at finding her, the pics, the sinking, the PEOPLE ABOARD, the events leading up to her hitting the Iceberg, BUT SHOULD THIS UNSINKABLE SHIP with all its LOST SOULS, not be allowed to just lay at the oceans floor as is, IN PEACE AND REMEMBERACE for them, their familes, and all of us the world to remember.
You are one of my favorite Directors, love all your movies, AWSOME, but as the AIRZONA lies beneath shallow waters, still driping (oil) blood from the wonderful souls whom gave their lives, to defend our FREE COUNTRY (USA) should the TITANTIC not be allowed the same.
They are now getting MAYBE closer to finding probally what would be the worlds most famous airplane if found and the two souls whom were lost aboard it also. And as the world wishes to put a close on what really happened, no one really wishes to display them, but only would love to know where they landed at, and what series of events took place after that, if any!
Being a retired Pilot, no one respects or is more intrigued in such world events unfolding than I, but even so one must remember these are people whom lost their lives, gave their lives most with missions of setting examples of doing something wonderfull for all of us THE WORLD!
I have been to many countries, and seen poor and wealth! Maybe we need to FOCUS more on making movies in PHILLIPPINES, other 3rd world countries that are ALIVE, and need HELP, maybe movies would draw some attention to them, THE LIVING, to enable them to have better lives as well as us FREE americans, and not DWELL quit so much on the lost souls of 100 years ago whom are resting in peace,
So lets give them all as much peace as possible. Thank you and God Bless the USA and WORLD !!