What question would you ask James Cameron about the 100th anniversary of the Titanic’s sinking?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What question would you ask James Cameron about the 100th anniversary of the Titanic’s sinking?
560 answers:
2012-04-10 12:15:51 UTC
After all this time, just what is left down there to explore? Isn't it true that most of it is disintegrating at a fast rate of speed due to the depth and bacteria eating away at what is left? Is anything else salvageable for display? What was the most fascinating thing found down there by you? Does it affect you in anyway by actually seeing the grave of the ship that this poor unfortunate event that caught everyone on board by surprise and cost them their lives has been turned into a virtual circus of souvenirs and propaganda through the century and definitely on its 100th anniverary?
2012-04-10 12:25:36 UTC
There is much talk about an international treaty(s) to protect the Titanic from salvage operations. However, it seems to me that it would be better to have the items recovered than to be lost to the sea forever. What is your opinion on that topic?
2012-04-10 12:24:20 UTC
Can you still see the name TITANIC LIVERPOOL on the stern?
2012-04-10 12:36:45 UTC
Why didn't you include the story or make reference to Joseph Laroche, the black man who perished on the Titanic?

PS: It would have made a great antidote to the belief the Titanic was exclusively white Europeans. Laroche heroically went down with the ship after placing his wife and daughters in a lifeboat

The Nazis made a propaganda film based on the Titanic, called the Atlantic, in which a black man is shot trying to sneak on a lifeboat.
2012-04-10 16:25:01 UTC
If you had a choice what would you choose?

Getting to know the love of your life and knowing your going to die..


Never meeting your love but living a full life....
2012-04-10 16:09:14 UTC
When will you burn all copies of that stupid movie?
2012-04-10 15:39:08 UTC
Obviously you've spent some time researching and exploring the Titanic, so I must pose this question. To you, what is the most puzzling question remaining about the Titanic?
2012-04-10 15:27:03 UTC
What did it cost to build the Titanic ... in 2012 dollars?
2012-04-10 13:47:50 UTC
Mr Cameron

Are you ever going to release all the video footage of the ship (inside) that you took on your many visits?
Pat the Bat Burrell
2012-04-10 12:06:39 UTC
If you could have an exact replica of the Titanic built to sail (with all of todays proper safety guidelines of course) would you build it?
2012-04-10 13:14:07 UTC
What was the most poignant moment for you personally that truly touched your life about the disaster and being able to see the wreckage for yourself?
Amamax O
2012-04-10 20:50:49 UTC
One question I've always wanted to ask...

The bow is buried in mud about 60 feet from the keel right?

The part that's buried includes the area that would have struck the iceberg. How come explorers have never taken a fleet of ships over there with towable .. water-jets lets say.. or something like the ROV's propulsion systems but larger, and start at one end, and blow all the sediment out of the way? Obviously it would take several trips and many hours, but it's an unmanned undertaking! Basically you'd just have crews round the clock in shifts "steering" these devices and clearing the sides of the hull until after obviously many hours worth of effort would eventually clear the front end free.

Then... and only then you can send people back down there and film it in HD like crazy and put the damaged area to bed once and for all. If you're going to do it, you need to consider doing it ASAP before the ship pulls a Lusitania and collapses in on itself, ultimately ruining the structure that's still relatively intact.
Edward S.
2012-04-10 16:23:08 UTC
You DO know the rudder was NOT too small right?

That is a myth that is busted by suppressed witness statements and the Olympic Class' own performance during sea trials. They didn't see the iceberg until they were less than 900 feet away. They turned the rudder immediately and the crew stated that the engines weren't able to go into full reverse until the collision started so the "dirty" wash over the rudder didn't make any sort of impact.

The Olympic class begins to turn almost immediately before engines are slowed in order to reverse. In the distance stated in official reports,and the distance depicted in the film the Titanic would have cleared the iceberg with plenty or room to spare. Seeing as the Titanic had no trouble swinging the stern around after the collision began, it does NOT fit with the theory that reversed engines hampered her turning ability.

A two point turn like that could be accomplished by the Olympic class in 25 seconds rather than 37 seconds as has been believed for a century. She was MUCH closer than most than the official story states. She performed as she should have. It was entirely human error, and not rudder performance that lead to her demise and the loss of over 1,500 people.
2012-04-10 17:26:57 UTC
In a documentary it is proposed that the Titanic was switched out for her sister ship the Olympic because the Olympic had been in a collision with a British Cruiser and the keel was bent and would not pass a future Maritime Inspection and was considered totaled. The closing 5 minutes of this documentary shows that the port side bow nameplate has rusted and under the riviited nameplate a portion had fallen off and the letters YMP appear under the Titanic nameplate. This was supposedly discovered by a French dive a few years ago. What is your take on this?
2012-04-10 22:33:04 UTC
Mr Cameron, it is said you are a stickler for detail and authenticity. Have you had a chance to examine John Chatterton, Richie Kohler and Roger Long's data that the Titanic broke apart at a much lower angle than previously believed? You dismissed Roger Long's theory early on- do you still feel he was incorrect? It stands to reason that the stern followed the bow in fairly short order to the bottom of the sea, merely sinking without standing on end as so dramatically portrayed in your movie. In light of such compelling evidence, would you have filmed the movie to depict a more realistic yet maybe less sensational sinking of the Titanic?
2012-04-10 16:13:31 UTC
What was the most difficult aspect of the Titanic to reproduce for the film?

How did the animators reconstruct the computer-graphic demonstration of the Titanic hull breakup--was it already computerized before you made the movie?

Besides having made a multi-million dollar movie, how do you think that we could best commemorate the lives of those lost in that great tragedy?

Did you have any relatives on the Titanic, and how many of the survivors/relatives of survivors have you met personally?

James, I just want to thank you for making such an excellent movie--I loved all aspects of it; the acting, special effects, music, sets, and the attention to detail you so lavishly displayed. I've seen the movie many times now. Bravo!
2012-04-10 15:39:41 UTC
In researching more information on the current condition of the Titanic on BING, I came across tow references regarding a possible ruse by White Star concerning substituting a damaged sister ship for the Titanic's voyage, the RMS Olympic. Different links claim that the sea has exposed engraved letters "lym"on the stern of the ship where the Titanic letters have been lost to the ocean.

Having never heard this supposed cover up claim, I'm 77 yrs old, a PhD and a history major, I'm curious if there has been any investigation to dispute these claims.

Thank you.
2012-04-10 18:09:27 UTC
Mr. Cameron, I was so impressed with your research and deep interest in the Titanic when I watched the National Geographic special this last week. You are a totally dedicated person and have allowed millions of others to share in this fascinating piece of history by your effort. My question is, why don't you as a wealthy individual buy or be part of a group that ends up buying the artifacts, related intellectual property, intangibles and salvor rights that are being auctioned/sold by RMS Titanic, Inc? I just can't fathom your not being interested or any ultimate buyer not wanting you to be part of the team.
2012-04-10 17:21:08 UTC
You have become such a visible player of both the Titanic exploration, as well as going to the deepest parts of the Ocean. My question is a three-parter: 1) Did you have this interest prior to filming The Abyss as well as Titanic? 2) What kinds of emotions and feelings did you get the first time the wreck came into view? and 3) What was it like to know that you had touched down on the deepest point on Earth? Have more men walked on the moon then made that trip? And solo, no less!!! As somebody who grew up living in the documentaries of Cousteau, I am so very impressed by your endeavours!!
2012-04-10 16:03:05 UTC
I think the question about the sinking of the Titanic is the most over answered question in the history of mankind other than the subject of creation vs big bang. We know what sank the Titanic. If we were looking for bodies as a recovery effort, it might be worth the effort and expense. If we were still building ships like this, we may be able to use the info to improve the construction, but we are not.

So my question is, why piss this money away, trying to understand something that is absolutely useless to anyone, other than a few glory hounds seeking a feather in their own cap. There are many good worthwhile causes deserving of attention, and desperately in need of monies. Please allow these souls to rest in peace, and the Titanic to give way to nature's call. I would much rather hear of James Cameron donating some of his millions to build and maintain recreation centers for childrens activities and fund soup kitchens for the coming deluge of victems of Obama's economy.
Michael R
2012-04-10 17:20:53 UTC
What didn't you reference the ship SS Californian in the movie. It had a huge part in story on the night of the sinking. So much so that The Titanic's Captain Edward Smith felt the ship was close enough that he ordered the first lifeboats launched on the port side to row over to the ship, drop off the passengers, and come back to the Titanic for more. The lights of the ship were seen from her lifeboats throughout the night. But the film does not mention this ship at all why not?
2012-04-10 18:57:37 UTC
The bow of the Titanic is buried 60 feet deep into the ocean floor. Can the speed at which the Titanic hit the ocean floor be determined by measuring the density of the mud at the impact area and calculating how fast the ship hit (given it's weight) in order to bury it 60 feet in the mud? Could this impact have caused the ship to break apart and collapse at the mid section? Is it possible given the ship was almost completely flooded that most of it would have followed the bow to the ocean floor causing it to break apart in the mid section upon impact? I would love to see these questions explored and the conditions recreated in a scale test.

Have any human remains been discovered during any of the submersible dives inside the ship? I know they would never be shown publicly out of respect for the souls that lost their lives on that tragic night but I am curious.
2012-04-10 17:00:17 UTC
Hello Mr. Cameron: I have read several books about the "Titanic" as I have been a fan for many years since my youth.I would like to ask your opinion and also your theory about my question to you. We all know how the real Titanic had a accident with the iceberg. As you are aware with the way the Titanic slide by the iceberg on its starboard side causing the interior compartments to start to fill up with water. As like your own boat in your awesome movie shows how the water filled up to each compatment and went over into the next one. My question to you sir is the following. What would have happened if they DIDNOT flip the switch to close all of the water compartments? I ask you this as I fimly feel that if they had not flipped that switch, I think the Titanic would have settled evenly and given the ship more time for rescue in saving more lives. Please let me know if you feel this is a good appropriate question to ask as I have always thought this could have saved a lot more lives. I hope to hear your response to this question. I thank you for your valuable time. My email address is Best regards ! Sincerely yours, RandyP. Brin
2012-04-10 16:24:30 UTC
Given the fact that it was a glancing blow to the hull, I would like to say that the weight of the ship could have torn a larger hole towards the rear compartments as it side swiped the iceberg. It has always been thought that the bow went down first, like as if the largest of the tear was in the front...but what about this: If the compartment 5 had a rush of water immediately with hot boilers running at full bore and cold sea water comes into contact with them? What do you think that could do? A steam explosion perhaps? Maybe the bow and stearn were more buoyant and the bottom broke first tearing those sections of double hull first...that's were the boilers could have fell out of the bottom? Turn the banana theory upside down. People down there could have been immediately killed. No reaction from them. Blowing out the bottom of the ship first then the bow takes a dive after that? Those sections of double bottom hull show no signs of compression. I'm still not convinced that it all happened the way we think it did. Did you see the side damage as if it was blown out?...
2012-04-10 17:05:13 UTC
I believe that the Titanic artifacts should be recovered and displayed in a proper museum dedicated to those who were lost. As I see it, the ship will continue to decay and recovery of items will prevent them from being lost forever as the ship breaks down and the hull finally collapses. For those who see it as a graveyard are sadly mistaken. The bodies that went down on the ship were lost to decay and scavengers many decades ago. The only trace of where a body landed are their shoes and any metal objects they happened to carry. My question for Mr. Cameron is : Having actually explored the ship and knowing the extent of decay at this time, Do you feel that the artifacts should be recovered? And what should be done with some of the personal effects of the passengers staterooms and still have living decendants, will they return items to the families that lost their loved ones?
ed f
2012-04-10 21:14:41 UTC
I have heard that the toupee of the Asst Chief Purser was found floating in the hold. I have heard from a reliable source that James Cameron actually walks around his house naked wearing nothing but the toupee and black socks with garters and black wing tip shoes. He sings off key opera in a forced British accent and serves petit fours to his guests. He sometimes obscures his genitals in a elephant themed Gstring and has it answer questions about the Titanic for his guest.

My questions are, What color is the Toupee? WHat flavor of Petit Fours does he like to serve? Does he sing Aida or does he prefer something more abstract like Glass? Last, when he breaks wind does he blame it on the elephant or the dog?
2012-04-10 20:55:40 UTC
Other than being a very tragic event associated with technology of an era which is of historical and perhaps archaeological significance of the era when it occurred, what is the significance of this event for the future of mankind? What information about this event can be expected to have a significant effect that will somehow make the lives we live in the era we now live much better? Does the "Titanic" event somehow offer a solution to the major problems in the world today?
Thomas Andrews
2012-04-10 20:50:40 UTC
The story of the Titanic is one of many contrasts:

1st class passengers (the elite of society) enjoying the luxuries of the pride of the White Star Line contrasted with steerage passengers heading to New York full of hope and the promise of a better life

The unsinkable liner, full of the latest of technological innovations, setting sail without enough lifeboats and sinking on her maiden voyage with great loss of life

Even in her death, the conflict over whether preserving her in place as a memorial to those souls lost is preferable to recovering artifacts for preservation in museums and collections to honor and remember her story.

I've read that through Mr. Cameron's numerous dives to her gravesite, he has now logged more hours on the Titanic than Captain Smith himself. I have always had a fascination with the Titanic and her story and remember as a young boy when Robert Ballard and his expedition found her. My question for Mr. Cameron is as follows: Through all those dives where he's walked her ghostly passageways with ROV's and no doubt spent a lot of time thinking about what it would have been like to have been there on that fateful night, if he could sum up her story and the lessons learned in one paragraph, what would it be? Specifically, what is it about the RMS Titanic that 100 years later still makes us picture ourselves standing on the listing liner's deck in frigid April air, somewhere in the North Atlantic and wonder what that night must have been like and what would we have done had we actually been there?
2012-04-10 17:57:33 UTC
I've long thought that there were many things around the sinking of the Titanic that looked very suspicious. The three most powerful men who opposed the creation of The Federal Reserve went down on the ship, and J.P. Morgan, who was one of the proponents of creating The Federal Reserve, and whose company was responsible for having the Titanic built, was supposed to join these three men on the ship but canceled.

What do you think?
2012-04-10 17:19:46 UTC
Mr. Cameron, are you surprised to see your film, Titanic, still topical in relation to today's disgust with the top 1% wealthy class that was portrayed as superficial and selfish while the 99% are left without a lifeboat and have to bailout for the sins of the few?

Is it any coincidence that your film's 15th anniversary dovetails with the reoccurring themes found in the Hunger Games that the rich are a oppressive regime, and that political undertones of rebellion that attract the wish-fulfillment of majority poor movie-goers?
2012-04-10 17:09:28 UTC
James Cameron can you prove that HMS Titanic is not the HMS Olympic? There is a lot of doubt what lies where HMS Titanic lies is none other than the HMS Olympic. That would be a nice movie HMS Olympic gets switched with HMS Titanic. And, names changed. For it is easy to scrape a name off the ship since White Star Liner only has there name on the ships not the ships name.
2012-04-10 16:43:14 UTC
Mr. Cameron, I greatly enjoyed your National Geographic special on Titanic's last hours. My quuestion is, what ultimately is the legacy of Titanic? Is it ultimately a story of incompetence, or perhaps greed? Is it the salvaging of a hopeless situation and saving every life possible? And incidentally, has there ever been a clear answer for why the ship was allowed to come into the path of the iceberg?
2012-04-10 16:41:33 UTC
Do you agree with scientific findings that state the moon's gravitational pull on the oceans tide due to numerous cosmic events in 1912 caused the iceberg hit by the Titanic, to float out to the North Atlantic Sea Lane? Normally an iceberg this large would have melted prior to making it to the Sea Lane and this is why this route was used frequently. If it weren't for the cosmic events the Titanic never would have went down?
2012-04-10 16:29:06 UTC
Did you ever consider that releasing the 3-D version of the Titanic was disrespectful to the victims and even survivors by sensationalizing this tragic incident? That's my question. My opinion is that it is so obviously disrespectful by providing the audience with an up-front and in-your-face perspective which is simply morbid. When we are all dead and gone will some director make a 3-D version of the 9-11 incident with the planes hitting the Pentagon, ground, and towers---with floors collapsing on people, or poor souls jumping out of windows? Nobody is more respectfully fascinated with the Titanic than I am in terms of history and lessons learned, and I appreciate all of your research, but Mr. Cameron, making it 3-D turns it into an amusement ride to excite the viewers. So if you can answer my question, I'd appreciate it.
2012-04-10 16:03:26 UTC
From watching Save the Titanic with Bob Ballard and your own show about Titanic last night I was wondering, will Titanic remain underwater for another 100 years. From the show last night I heard people that pay $60,000 to go see Titanic in Russia submarines land on Titanic and Titanic is wearing away. If this continues will Titanic be permanently ruined or worse decompose into the ocean floor over time.
2012-04-10 15:58:50 UTC
From watching Save the Titanic with Bob Ballard and your own show about Titanic last night I was wondering, will Titanic remain underwater for another 100 years. From the show last night I heard people that pay $60,000 to go see Titanic in Russia submarines land on Titanic and Titanic is wearing away. If this continues will Titanic be permanently ruined or worse decompose into the ocean floor over time.
2012-04-11 08:46:06 UTC
Sir, a woman who survived the sinking of Titanic and was twelve gave testimony that she observed all four funnels when she heard a loud explosion. This is when she testified the ship broke apart. She demonstrated with her hands and fingers that two funnels went right and two went left. Seems she is being ignored. Every time I see the sinking the front funnel is gone and the second submerged. She clearly used all four funnels to reference the ship split apart. Leaves me to believe the ship was indeed at a low angle when she split. Did the boilers there explode aiding in the separation of the ship. Also, is there access inside the ship to see the iceberg damage?
2012-04-10 22:37:25 UTC
1) How have your numerous dives to the wreck site effected you personally?

2) Is there any place on RMS Titanic that you wanted to explore, but where unable to get to?

3) If you could go back and do things differently, with the knowledge you posses today, what would those things be?

4) Do you have anything planned to commemorate the 100th anniversary?
2012-04-10 18:30:58 UTC
During your Titanic: The Final Word discussion you brought up the topic of what each of you would have done to save more lives starting one second after the collision, using what we've learned the past 100 years. What if the crew had flooded the stern tanks with sea water immediately after the collision to cause the ship to list far enough astern to raise the iceberg damage, or most of it, out of the water and possibly keep her afloat longer? Keeping the engine room and electrical rooms dry would have been important however. Just a radical thought. Thank you.
2012-04-10 17:13:53 UTC
I bought a small item at an auction- it is glass with a brass bottom and two tiny handles on the sides. Might have been a sugar dish or holder for cigarettes? It was the only piece locked up in a bank's safe deposit box for many, many years that was escheated to the state of CT b/c the box was abandoned. The old man who owned it and knew bank personnel swore it was his prize possession and that it came off the titanic. It is not stamped White Star b/c it is not porcelain. It is glass and brass. How do I authenticate this piece?
2012-04-10 15:41:30 UTC
Mr. Cameron: Only one photograph is known to exist of the iceberg that MAY have sunk the Titanic. I assume this lone photograph is well-known to you. Scene witnesses reported sighting a "...scar of red paint..." along the berg's base. The historical photograph of the suspect iceberg shows a structure which seems to be somewhat in the shape of a caved-in pyramid - a very unique shape indeed. Although the movie Titanic was extremely accurate in so many aspects relating to the historical Titanic, it seems you chose not to have the movie iceberg shaped as the true, suspect iceberg. Why did you make this decision?

Quoted section is taken from the subject photograph, within "A Night to Remember, Illustrated Edition", 1976, by Walter Lord.
Travis King
2012-04-10 20:52:54 UTC
I am amazed at the degree of expertise being thrown into this project, and to be perfectly honest, I always assumed you were simply another famous director who wanted to pay gobs of money to "do something cool!" I just watched Final Word, and I retract, with full respect to you now, that previous assessment. But If I could ask a single question of you, do you have any plans to join Bob Ballard in saving the site as a 'sacred' ground? I would surely donate to a fund used to stop the increased damage being done to the site, as it is a site that should be explored, NOT toured. Just a thought.
2012-04-10 20:29:35 UTC
Mr Cameron do you think they will ever raise the Titanic and preserve whats left of it being it will be gone soon. Also since Ridley Scott is back to Alien wouldn't it be great to see a just sequel to Aliens and make the horrible aliens 3 and Alien resurrection just a bad nightmare that Ripley had. James Cameron and Aliens again would be Epic!
2012-04-10 18:42:16 UTC
I've read your biography and after reading that you switched from a career in sciences you went into film. I was studying dentistry and am holding a 3.93 but I took a quarter off this spring to figure out if that's what I really wanted to do with my life. My absolute dream job is to be a director, and though I doubt I'll ever make it that far I know there are other ways to help produce a movie than being the one who runs the show. I want to know what gave you the balls to throw a steady career to the wind and rush towards your dream the way you did, cause I'm right there in my life
2012-04-10 17:41:04 UTC
How doe Mr Cameron feel about the items from the Titanic being auctioned off? I feel as well as other people that this is Modern day Grave Robbing. I admire you going to great depths for this (no pun intended) I feel the Titanic should be left alone. No one goes down to the Arizona.
2012-04-10 15:58:49 UTC
I swear these are some of the dumbest, most clueless questions anyone could think of. "Is there a case for raising the Titanic?" Sure, an ocean liner broken in two, rusting to bits on the ocean floor, like anyone COULD raise it. "Will you make another movie where the Titanic makes it to New York?" Oh sure, that would be wonderful. "Why didn't you include the story of the black man who died on the Titanic?" Maybe because this story has nothing to do with what color anyone was so why introduce race into it? "What were the names of the Titanic's sister ships and what happened to them?" Now THAT is a mystery... hmm... if only there were "the Internet", and "Google"... such mysteries could be solved! People, people, people...
2012-04-11 17:39:31 UTC
None. I don't consider James Cameron to be the foremost authority on the Titanic. I would much rather speak to Dr. Robert Ballard, the man who discovered the Titanic.
2012-04-10 20:28:53 UTC
Is this a true fact? That the Helmsman who was steering the ship the night Titanic hit the Iceberg got his hard right /hard left steering confused because he was schooled on a turn of the century sailing sloops which when you are a helmsman on these type of ships you have to turn the wheel opposite the heading you want to go -Thus adding bad time to correct his mistake on the bridge of the Titanic Y/N?
2012-04-10 19:37:08 UTC
I found the following quote in my reading:

John Welshman's book "Titanic: The Last Night of a Small Town" says Lawrence Beasley, third class passenger, was in the library on the afternoon of April 14. I understand he was a science teacher. But the book refers to "two American women, both dressed in white- young, and probably friends. One had been to India and was returning by way of England, the other was a school teacher in America, a graceful woman with a distinguished air heightened by a pair of pince-nez perched on the end of her nose."

Who was this second woman, the teacher from America? Did she survive? Were there other teachers on board the Titanic and did they survive the tragedy?
2012-04-10 18:33:15 UTC
Why didn't you include the story or make reference to Joseph Laroche, the black man who perished on the Titanic?

PS: It would have made a great antidote to the belief the Titanic was exclusively white Europeans. Laroche heroically went down with the ship after placing his wife and daughters in a lifeboat

The Nazis made a propaganda film based on the Titanic, called the Atlantic, in which a black man is shot trying to sneak on a lifeboat.
2012-04-10 18:15:31 UTC
Mr Cameron, my question is:

Even with the damage done to the ship from the moment the Titanic hit the iceberg, if the ship had enough lifeboats, do you think most of the passengers and crew could have been saved?
2012-04-10 17:14:49 UTC
Why have the two main, fictional characters in your Titanic movie at all? There's enough activity with the Titanic without the need for the romantic activities between two fictional characters. I'm guessing that it's an excuse for getting girls and women to want to go see the movie. Right?
2012-04-10 17:00:30 UTC
One aspect of the Titanic disaster that has always puzzled me is--How long did it take for the ship to reach the bottom of the sea? If it takes submersibles two hours to descend to the wreck, obviously under controlled circumstances, I have always wondered about how fast the great ship was sinking.

The Titanic has always fascinated me since having seen the grave of Dr. Minahan(reportedly crushed by the collapse of funnel 1) decorated with a White Star Line flag while living in Green Bay, WI.
2012-04-10 16:52:56 UTC
It's surprising that there are so many naive people on here bitching about the wonder of the Titanic. Everyone should at least read a basic Wikipedia page about the sinking. Everyone on here looks like ghetto idiots. Get over yourselves. Honor the people that passed a century ago without your shrewd comments. The matter if it's a 100 years, or a's still a tragic story that everyone should at least treat with respect.
2012-04-10 16:29:45 UTC
When you made the movie Titanic, why did you choose to throw in all of the fictional characters and stories? You could have told the stories of The White Star Line, Capt Smith, Molly Brown, The Strausses, Bruce Ismay, Thomas Andrews, Benjamin Guggenheim, John Jacob Astor.........I could go on and on. What an enormous missed or should I say shredded up and tossed in the trash opportunity. That movie was ridiculous.

Another question. Why did you allow a re-release in 3D? Why? Why? Why?
2012-04-10 22:25:54 UTC
Concerning the recent tv documentary, "Titanic: The Final Word with James Cameron," does the following apply to your closing remarks?:

- Not even a collapsing world looks dark to a man who is about to make his fortune .

Elwyn Brooks White
2012-04-10 20:23:51 UTC
While the Titanic sank nearly 100 ago, it wasn't the last time it was seen by humans. On his trips to see the Titanic, what was the most breathtaking or memorable sight or moment that Mr. Cameron will always remember?
Steve B
2012-04-10 20:07:40 UTC
Would you be willing to contribute to making the wreck site a protected site? For instance, lobbying World courts to declare it a gravesite like the Arizona. Also, setting up safeguards such as monitored alarms and robotic devices, to keep the wreck site from being plundered by private companies. I would think you and Robert Ballard have both made so much money from Titanic, you could combine resources to give back something to preserve and protect it, if for no other reasons than respect for the victims and their families, and preservation of history.
2012-04-10 17:38:24 UTC
You time traveled to 11:35 pm April 14 1912 your on the Titanic what are you going to do? If it is less then 3 hour I will watch it.
Leon G
2012-04-10 16:45:34 UTC
You've made clear in the film that you believe the third-class passengers were locked below during the sinking, and it is pretty inescapable that this is true; if they hadn't been, the survivor percentages would have been about 15% men (including crew members) and 85% women and children, across the board. The only realistic explanation for the actual statistics is that the third-class passengers couldn't get to the boat deck. My question is, do you think Captain Smith or Ismay actually gave the order, or that the crew just did it without thinking?
2012-04-10 15:41:15 UTC
Mr. Cameron, do you approve of bringing artifacts up from the Titanic? I think of the Titanic being like the USS Arizona and should be a sacred burial site. After reading the latest on this majestic ship in National Geographic....where they say there were many 3rd class passengers trapped and alive as it spiraled to the ocean floor (can't imagine the horror they experiences within their last hours of their lives).....I'm personally upset certain personal items such as a watches, shoes, bracelets and more are removed from the carnage.

I've watched every movie, read every board and magazine, and viewed every Television program. I don't want to go down to see the Titanic or ever hold in my hands any object that went down with her. May they all rest SOMEDAY in peace, quiet, and out of view. Thank you for reading my questions and feelings regarding the above.

Richard L
2012-04-10 19:27:09 UTC
You recently have indicated that you planned to change the night sky background to more accurately reflect the star's positions on the night of the tragedy.

With this attention to detail why did you portray the Titanic's First Officer William Murdoch taking a bribe, shooting a passenger and killing himself where there is no indication he did any of these things on that night?

He was last seen at a life boat station getting people into their boats until the last moments...
2012-04-10 17:17:24 UTC
Why you didn't put anything in the movie about the Titanic almost being hit by the New York as it left the harbor? That was an omen. Had the Titanic been hit, it may have delayed the voyage or slowed it down.
2012-04-10 18:34:38 UTC
I would ask him how his story Titanic is identical in so many ways to the manuscript story Providence, (18+ to be exact) which was written several years before his book came out. I read the Providence manuscript in 1995. The author was rejected by Random House, but his Titanic came out a couple years later. Very strange coincidence. I just knew I read that story before. I would ask him why he changed the name and left out the author.
2012-04-10 17:09:48 UTC
Hi, Jim, I'm a friend of Parks Stephenson, whom you know. I was wondering if you had heard about the L'Amour de la Mer necklace, which was presented by 2nd Class Passenger Henry Samuel Morley to his 19 year old mistress, Kate Phillips? They were traveling under the name "Mr. & Mrs. Marshall." The pendant was a valuable sapphire and diamond necklace which she wore to dinner each night aboard Titanic, and had with her when she boarded the lifeboat and Morley was lost to her. She bore his child 9 months later. Had you known this story, would you have still chosen to write the fictional tale of Jack and Rose?

Kyrila Scully, Titanic Impact Performance Exhibitions
2012-04-10 16:41:14 UTC
What is your opinion of several premonitions that the Titanic would sink? I'm especially interested in the piece published in 1898,"The Wreck of the Titan; or Futility," in which a liner that was called unsinkable, traveling from England to New York with 2,000 aboard (only 200 fewer than on Titanic, 14 years later), hits an ice berg and sinks. It had several similarities to the Titanic. In your opinion, was this ESP? Thanks, Joe Bauman
2012-04-10 16:34:58 UTC
Mr James Cameron , If not for the indiscretion of Mr Ismay turning a Maiden Voyage Into an advertisement

to tout Speed for the White Star Company it probably have been uneventful other than the Revelry ?
2012-04-10 14:37:51 UTC
Why did you exclude so many historical aspects of the sinking during your movie? Such as nothing about the Californian, the ship that was about 10 or so miles from the sinking Titanic and couldn't get in touch with. And the reactions of the captain and crew of the Carpathia upon receiving the distress calls.
Sven The Worrior
2012-04-10 14:31:09 UTC
In the movie Titanic, you have a fictional survivor tell a research team about what had happened, and tell a story of the voyage, the question is, did you seek out and interview any remaining survivors of the Titanic to help you with the making of the movie Titanic?
Meiji Yama
2012-04-10 21:01:57 UTC
Dear Mr. Cameron

Why should I give a **** about the Titanic? Just a boat at the bottom of the ocean
2012-04-10 19:46:33 UTC
Why, with all the incredible true life stories of those who lived through, and those that perished, after the sinking of the Titanic did you use a lame fictionalized story? The real stories of passengers are much more dramatic than what you created.
2012-04-10 17:00:59 UTC
First of all...I'd like to say that Titanic is my most favorite movie in the world, plus I'm the only one in my family who can quote it and watch the full thing. My question is this: Even though Titanic can no longer see the world at the surface again due to it's deteriorated state, do you believe that with the way technology is becoming, that she could one day be taken out of the ocean and preserved? Also, do you believe that Ismay truly asked for the last four boilers to be lit up to increase her speed?
2012-04-10 16:38:51 UTC
You talked in your round table discussion on the National Geographic Channel about why did the Titanic stay relatively upright when most other ships capsize. I eventually thought of an interesting specific contrast, and that is this: why did the Titanic stay upright, but the Britannic capsized?
2012-04-10 16:06:49 UTC
I have heard that there are many shoes strewn in the debris field. In fact, there is a clip from the opening of the movie Titanic which shows one shoe laying on the sea floor. I have read that one shoe found was something that maybe just landed there but if there were two shoes together, that is where a person body landed.

Do you think that artifacts such a shoes should be brought up and displayed or left where they are?
2012-04-10 15:56:24 UTC
In the 1958 movie "A Night to Remember" the ship is shown going down essentially whole. I do recall some articles later challenging this. Your movie shows the stern section breaking off. Either may be possible. Were dives or eyewitness reports from survivors involved? I believe an earlier writer questioned this also. By the way, I am a great fan of your movies, and your bravery in your recent dive is to be commended.
2012-04-10 21:47:43 UTC
Mr. Cameron,

You had always described the stern section as looking like a bomb had gone off. Is it possible that the extremely cold seawater meeting the red hot boilers, cause an explosive like reaction resulting in further damage of the stern section?

Joshua Swetzig

Greeley Colorado
2012-04-10 20:32:17 UTC
The sinking of the Titanic must have been a blow to the industry. What are some of the most important lessons shipbuilders learned from the disaster? Why do you think it affected people so much?
2012-04-10 17:20:20 UTC
Leave it on the bottom where it is.

I would really like to know when the sequel to Avatar is coming out.

That is far and away the very best movie I have ever seen.

I am 57, and went to see it many times, and I generally don't go to movies.

There was so much going on, with so many simultaneous story lines, it was the best.

Sorry for being off topic, but I really want to see the sequel.
2012-04-10 17:10:43 UTC
I don't think that we should disturb the site of the Titanic to bring it up from it's death, there were many souls who were trapped inside of the Titanic so this is their grave, further more I do NOT feel that we should be buying and selling things that belong to the dead, it's like grave robbers, and it's illegal on land, why isn't it illegal in our ocean? Treasure is different, who knows who the treasures really belong to, but people are buy and selling personal artifacts that really belong to the descendents of the Titanic passengers. The Titanic sank 100years ago, it’s a lesson learned and a tragedy, but I feel like it’s time to lay it to rest, and leave it alone for ever.
Janet Law
2012-04-10 17:09:28 UTC
Why do you think it did not occur to the Captain or crewmembers to try backing the Titanic after being struck and getting it closer to the other ship nearby to possibly save lives ? It had to occur to

them at some point what was going to happen to the ship in two hours time!

I for one feel that the ship should remain untouched where she fell. She remains this marvelous site

where she fell and is almost sacreligious to disturb where so many souls perished.
Larry R
2012-04-10 14:39:19 UTC
Three quick questions if I may..

1) Would you, assuming the rights were available, be interested in doing a remake of the 1980 movie RAISE THE TITANIC?

2) What was the funniest thing that has happened to you in relation to either the movie or the dives to the wreck?

3) What was the scariest thing that has happened to you in relation to either the movie or the dives to the wreck?

and this was asked earlier, but I would also be interested in knowing if you ever find yourself dreaming you are on TITANIC.

Thank you.
2012-04-10 21:26:25 UTC
I'm interested in the time frame for this the result of the Industrial Revolution in Britain and it's empire and the vision the people had for such a massive scale project and what expectations they hoped to recoup their investment on with something so extravagant yet of the hubris and technological ideal of the age and how that might compare to any unifying technological endeavor in history and what aspects can be learned for future advancements for humanity and their downside
2012-04-10 17:23:47 UTC
Your research noted that the four forward bulkhead compartments could flood and not sink the ship. If the Titanic had hit the iceberg directly without attempting to steer around the iceberg, would the ship have sunk?
2012-04-10 15:03:03 UTC
You said something on Nat Geo that I have been saying for years,and that given all we now know of the sinking, if we could go back to that fateful night 100 years ago, after the foundering event with the iceberg, we could have saved every man woman child and their dog. My question is: Do you still believe as I do that if the Captain had looked for a suitable platform of debarkation on the iceberg or any iceberg there, most of the passengers (not trapped below the waterline) would have been saved?
2012-04-10 20:39:31 UTC
do you believe that titanic should be left as is, a resting place. or should artifacts be brought up as a reminder of the many lessons it can teach? from mans ego, to the danger of not following safety, by putting the artifacts into a museum some where

thank you for updated rendering of sinking and reminding a new generation it wasn't just a movie.
2012-04-10 20:15:06 UTC
After all the research and planning you did to bring to life the story of the Titanic, what was your over-riding thoughts when you first descended and laid eyes on the wreck itself. i.e., What was your experience, feelings, thoughts when you actually laid eyes on her? Anything you feel you'd yet like to do in the future re. this ship?

Thank you for everything you did to bring this story to the screen and to authentically recreate the ship itself. I have been very interested in this story since I first saw A Night to Remember in 1953(?) as a child. I have collected everything I could get my hands on re. the Titanic, and it is an emotional and important story on so many levels.
2012-04-10 19:11:55 UTC
Do you think for anniversary sake, that there should be a real live re-enactment of the Titanic colliding with an iceberg every one hundred years since the first tragedy?
2012-04-10 19:05:06 UTC
If DiCaprio and Winslet were NOT available for filming, which alternate 1997 actors would he like to have seen land those roles? Same question again, but if the film was made in 2012, rather than 1997 -- which 2012 actors would he approach for the roles of Jack and Rose?
kenneth s
2012-04-10 18:00:40 UTC
Do you feel that if the Titanic had not been trying to set a cross Atlanta time record, they may have sailed, a coarse that did not take the ship into such a dangerous area of the Atlantic.
2012-04-10 17:33:50 UTC
My question to Mr. Cameron would be:

Obviously, the symbolism of the world's largest ship is compelling in any context, but do you believe that there are other compelling themes or subtexts that make the story of the Titanic so fascinating?
web painters123
2012-04-10 17:24:03 UTC
James Cameron is THE BEST dam director for this film, Knowbudy can or will do better, way to much thinking went into this film but it was needed for it to turn out like it did. If I had a chance to work on a film with him i wold work just as hard. doing any hiring ?
2012-04-10 17:16:30 UTC
Of the hundreds of real stories, or points of view, you could have used in the movie Titanic, why did you choose to make people up? Moreover, why did you choose to have your fictional characters interact with historical figures? I understand your "could have been true" angle and your desire to create a story people could follow but there were many real life stories you could have told that would have been more interesting and still created an emotional bond with the viewer.
2012-04-10 16:47:23 UTC
Hello. Why did you not include the presence of the "Californian" in your film? It was believed to be only 15 miles away from the Titanic while she was sinking although it is speculated there was an ice field between them. Was it a question of film length or were you not 100% sure it was fair to mention it, considering the mystery that surrounds it's presence?
2012-04-10 16:13:48 UTC
Will there be a broadcast of the Morse Code distress call like was done for the 90th anniversary of the sinking? It was really haunting.I believe it was @ either 0140 or 0220GMT on 500kHz and went:

SOS SOS CQD - MGY We are sinking fast passengers being put into boats MGY

It really "made the hair stand up on the back of my neck" back in '02.
2012-04-10 15:32:44 UTC
I am a huge fan of all of the many Titanic movies, your's included. I have also hosted Titanic dinner parties in my home, where my guests and I have feasted on the same food that the passengers ate on their ill-fated voyage. From what you have uncovered in your research, what was the last song that the White Star Orchestra played as the ship was sinking? Some say "Song d' Automne" as some suggest or, "Nearer my God to Thee?"

Thank you,

2012-04-10 20:53:31 UTC
Do you believe "God's Will Be Done" is the real reasoning on why the unsinkable Titanic did sink, on it's maiden voyage, with an iceberg directly in it's path, and with the exact passengers who were to lose their lives that dreadful day?
2012-04-10 20:35:40 UTC
Do you think that a ship like Titanic with all of it's grandeur of the time, will ever be rebuilt? And if so, would you want to be involved in the project, would you make it a sailing ship, or a docked exhibit, and if it was made to be a sailing ship, how would you make it affordable so that absolutely anyone could afford a ticket?
2012-04-10 18:50:39 UTC
there's a story that the wireless operator of the Titanic messaged California to shut down because the signals are blocking other signals. this could be a story concocted by the defenders of California, and a way to justify why California did not go to the rescue of Titanic passengers. what can you say about this?
2012-04-10 16:52:44 UTC
It's been 15 years since Titanic was released. Based on findings from exploration of the wreckage site since then, are there any changes to the movie you would make for it to be more authentic?
2012-04-10 16:38:28 UTC
* Since you made a dramatic and truthful film about the Titanic's last voyage, do you feel that a dramatic and truthful film about what occurred on September 11th should ever be made, within our lifetime? There were so many stories of courage, within both of these tragedies, as they occurred. I feel the story of 9/11/01 should also be told, for future generations. Your thoughts?


a 9/11/01 first-responder, south WTC tower collapse survivor.
2012-04-10 15:54:21 UTC
I loved Walter Lord's "A Night to Remember" book & movie. What does James Cameron think of this version of the Titanic story & it's accuracy, history, etc.
2012-04-10 20:28:43 UTC
Has any explorer of the wreckage ever come across a body or skeleton? Given that many people went down with the ship and did not have a chance to float to the surface as other victims did.
Doc H
2012-04-10 21:19:37 UTC
After the Titanic broke into two pieces what is the estimated time it took the bow and stern to reach the bottom of the Atlantic?
2012-04-10 20:26:38 UTC
Since this has been a major point of contention over the years, I would love to get your take on the actions of Mr. Ismay on the night of the crash. I have read the transcript from the Senate hearing, and it seems that some of the Senators were less than impressed with his lack of knowledge of the ship on her fateful night and skeptical of his actions. He has been labeled a coward by some and extended empathy by others. In your opinion, has he gotten a bad wrap?
2012-04-10 16:29:29 UTC
Why don't you do a documentary on Secretary of Energy Chu and the Obama "Green Energy Initiative". As an expert on the "Titanic", wouldn't it remind everyone of the original sinking?
2012-04-10 14:53:51 UTC
Mr. Cameron: its been said that your film is, a directors cut, as is. On a previously released DVD set, one of the special features includes deleted scenes. Will the subsequent blu ray release of your movie give the option to see those scenes put back into the film?
2012-04-10 20:24:26 UTC
Do you think you are qualified to answer the questions of a nation wide audience about something you have no expertise on, or did making a movie named Titanic make you an expert?
animal lover
2012-04-10 20:21:16 UTC
Mr. Cameron, I would like to ask you about the real underlying reason why you chose to be involved in this very important anniversary? Does this have to do with any family history or did you want to bring the truth out about this disaster?
2012-04-10 18:19:03 UTC
Do you have an opinion as to whether the use of forward-shining "headlights" (powerful search light technology was available at the time) could have given RMS Titanic's look-outs a chance to spot the ice berg in time to alter the event?
2012-04-10 17:18:38 UTC
What do think about " Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan, written in 1898 by American author Morgan Robertson." where the sinking of the Titanic had been fore told?
2012-04-10 17:05:37 UTC
Because the Titanic was obvious class warfare as proved by your comments following the H2 documentary tribute. Would you consider entering Politics to try and change the system we have evolved into?
2012-04-10 20:40:41 UTC
Not a darn thing. Thousands of people die here and there, and we have focused too much time on these people from the Titanic. There's a lot more going on in the world.
2012-04-10 20:40:07 UTC
Would you ever consider re-making Titanic the movie where the ship does not sink and all of the passengers reach their destinations?
2012-04-10 20:38:44 UTC
Did Cameron, at the bottom of the sea, manage to learn to write a believeable script for movies? The AVATAR script was terrible; graphics saved the missmash story.
2012-04-10 18:32:18 UTC
What inspired you to create a film about the seaward tragedy that was Titanic's fate, instead of leaving the event as a paragraph in history books?
2012-04-10 18:05:01 UTC
Robert Ballard is wanting to save the Titanic by stopping subs from going down to the wreak site and recovering objects and using unmanned robots. He claims the over diving has began to destroy what is left of the ship and he wants international protection. He also wants "paint" the hull of the with the same type of paint they use to keep working ships from rusting and he feels it will help protect the ship. I would like to know your take on this subject and would you, if you agreed with him help him in protecting the ship from people and would you help finance an operation in helping preserve the ship. Would you stop people from taking objects from the wreak site and selling them during any auction?
Terry L
2012-04-10 17:25:04 UTC
I would like to ask Mr. Cameron if he is considering a sequel to his blockbuster motion picture, Titanic. I would like to know what happened, let's say, five years after the Titanic sank.
2012-04-10 15:40:34 UTC
Thinking of the watertight doors of the time, do you think if the bow section of the Titanic would have made a "clean" break away from the aft section as in eyewitness accounts that the bow seemed to "right" itself, do you think the bow would stayed afloat or would it have continued to sink?
2012-04-10 15:31:00 UTC
Before the discovery of the was assumed by most that the ship went down as a whole...with a massive gash in its side....when Capt Smith and Mr. Andrews were deciding what to do it has been said over time that they at that moment also thought there was a massive gash and for that reason an effort to 'shore up' the ship would certainly fail.......however, we now know that the entire surface opened to the ocean was about the size of a house, in your opinion, if they HAD attempted to 'shore up' the damage would it have been successful??
2012-04-10 15:20:03 UTC
Mr Cameron: If you could know the absolute truth about only one thing surrounding the events that lead to the sinking of the Titanic what would it be?
2012-04-10 15:15:56 UTC
I honestly think that if it wasn't for James Cameron alot of us would not know about the sinking of Titanic, out of lack of education. How does it feel to have educated so many people?
2012-04-10 21:21:50 UTC
The question I would ask is, is it possible that some passengers were still alive when Titanic came to rest on the bottom of the ocean?
2012-04-10 20:09:07 UTC
You can ask him why he sealed the deal and became one of the forces that is about to cause the second sinking. There was a moment in his life where in his heart he knew he had a choice but he chose sadly enough the wrong one. Blame it on his father. If his father was there for him he could have used his gifts for what they were meant to be.
2012-04-10 17:08:58 UTC
Why do directors make such crappy movies as Titanic? Oh, you mean about the boat.... who gives a flying F*** what Cameron has to say about the boat???? Seriously!!! He's nothing but a guy with more money than he needs who got to go on a dive. Big deal! NOT.
2012-04-10 16:41:57 UTC
Having researched the Titanic so extensively, are you ready to explore something like the huge round object sitting at the bottom of the Baltic Sea?
2012-04-10 15:49:37 UTC
I heard that you only changed one scene for the re-release of the movie Titanic (the star-field in the background). Why did you not change any parts of the movie with some of the knowledge that you have captured since the filming (Ghosts of the Abyss...etc.). And, why not incorporate some deleted scenes?

PS... Can't wait to see it again on the big screen.
2012-04-10 15:40:07 UTC
What would have happened if the Titanic had kept the engines and the ship moving and started making a course for the Carpathia or the California?
Peter Wolf
2012-04-10 15:34:09 UTC
Mr. Cameron, Why did you portray the millionaires on board the Titanic as boorish louts, dripping with hatred and disgust for 'the poor'? As an authority on Titanic, I presume you're aware that the rich on board the ship were nothing at all like that. If they were, then why didn't J.J. Astor, George and Harry Widener, Isador Strauss, Benjamin Guggenheim, Charles M. Hayes, etc. simply push women and children from life boats and save themselves? Instead, they made sure that their maids and valets escaped while they themselves perished. In addition, we know that three years later aboard the Lusitania, another millionaire, Alfred Vanderbilt ( who could not swim), spent his time helping women and children into life boats and giving away his own life jacket before he drowned. So why the one-sided and heavy-handed 'class warfare' routine??
2012-04-10 12:45:59 UTC
What do you see as the future of Titanic? Should there be a national Titanic museum? Should the relics from the staterooms be salvaged for a museum or should they be left alone? Do you agree with treating the ship as an archaeological site?
2012-04-10 21:43:40 UTC
Have you heard any talk of sinking a large, indestructable replica of Titanic at her grave site with all the name of the passengers as a marker of the spot for after she is gone?
Carmen Ramos
2012-04-10 21:21:14 UTC
When you were making your movie what emotions did you have in mind and what did you expect the audience to feel? Did you want them to focus on the ship's unfortunate tragedy or on the two main protagonists? What was your true inspiration for creating "Titanic"?
2012-04-10 21:12:55 UTC
Have you in any of your computer models thought about what if the ship had NOT turned and sideswiped the iceberg, but just hit it head on. Maybe less number of flood tanks breached? maybe some more people hurt from the collision, but not enough damage to bring down the ship?

Kent Miller
2012-04-10 19:57:43 UTC
do you think that of the 15,000 or so people that it took to build the titanic, tomas andrews should have taken more effort to design the titanic like his layout of olympic? do you think it was worth disregarging tomas andrews original argument to put in more lifeboats for more room on the upper deck? in your opinion was it ethical for the guarantee group to stay on and go down the ship that they worked so hard to build? with the knowlage you know now would you go back and fix the somewhat smaller details that you missed in your movie if you had the oppurtunity to do so?
2012-04-10 17:09:19 UTC
Do yu think after hitting the iceberg, if the Titanic would have kept going instead of stopping would have kept the ship afloat longer and made it closer to the rescue ship?
2012-04-10 17:05:07 UTC
Were those two fish swimming in the Titanic in the opening underwater sequence added in the latest version? Also, is Michael Cameron your brother? I saw his name in the credits.
2012-04-10 17:00:44 UTC
Would the Titanic have sunk had it hit the iceberg head on? Could the Titanic have avoided the iceberg had the engines not been thrown into full astern?
2012-04-10 16:53:57 UTC
Do you consider taking artifacts from the Titanic as grave robbing, since people went down with the ship and died buried 2 1/2 miles beneath the ocean?
2012-04-10 16:53:39 UTC
Is it possible that anyone left on board the ship as it sank found a water tight room or air pocket that would have allowed them to ride the ship all the way to the bottom? Just curious about the passengers that knew they were going to die and stayed on the ship or went back to their rooms...what were their final moments like?
2012-04-10 16:28:48 UTC
The movie you directed on the Titanic shows steam or smoke coming from all four funnels. Other materials suggests that only the first three funnels, counting back from the bridge, were functional. The four was added solely for styling balance.

Did you know that?
2012-04-10 15:49:39 UTC
Did you REALLY visit the Titanic wreckage site, or was that a bunch of Hollywood B.S.? Some of the submersible shots in the "official" Titanic movie picture book appear blatantly "Photoshopped"- specifically, one where you are depicted peeking out from one of the subs.
2012-04-10 20:58:06 UTC
How much Green House Gases did you emit during the dives on the Titanic and during filming?
2012-04-10 20:54:08 UTC
Do you believe in bringing the Titanic to the surface? Or let it slowly disappear off the face of the earth?
2012-04-10 20:23:18 UTC
While I understand why you chose to use a fictional couple, Jack and Rose, to embody the whole experience of being aboard the Titanic from first class to steerage and using their love story to connect to nearly everyone aboard the ship from the crew to passengers..was there any one real person or couple that you modeled them after...and who was the most compelling passenger or crew member in your opinion?
2012-04-10 18:12:18 UTC
Had there been enough life boats for everyone on board the Titanic, and no one perished, do you think people would still be as fascinated with it's sinking as they are now?
2012-04-10 17:53:22 UTC
What have you learned about the Titanic since you made the movie that you would change or add to the film if you had it to do over?
2012-04-10 17:27:48 UTC
what size was the ice berg that the titantic broadsided and was it as big as the titantic and was it afixed to land or just floating in the water? If it was floating like a big ice cube in water why did the massive ship just not move it aside or was the ship made of cheap material to cut cost? Robert mendoza, austin texas
2012-04-10 17:12:02 UTC
Why do you keep going back to the Titanic? There are many other tragic ocean liner stories, let alone human tragedies that are well worth the attention also?
Richard F
2012-04-10 17:07:34 UTC
My family story is that my grandmother was 6 months pregnant with my mother when she tried to board the Titanic for America but was turned away because of the pregnancy. Is that story likely to be true?
2012-04-10 16:24:05 UTC
Why was Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson not listed in the credits for the Titanic 3D rerelease for first pointing out the errors in the original version's sky, and then providing the requested data for the correct version of the sky that was used in the rerelease?
2012-04-10 16:11:11 UTC
Have they taken underwater sub cameras and gone in the area inside the bow where the iceberg hit and see the inside damage of the ship? Or is it hard to get in that area because of the watertight doors being closed.

Thomas Burns
2012-04-10 15:30:29 UTC
If Mr. Cameron could speak to one person who was involved with or sailed on the Titanic, who would that be? For example, Captain E.J. Smith or Bruce Ismay, or perhaps Second Officer Lightoller?
2012-04-10 11:59:47 UTC
Is it true that the owner of the White Star Lines had the captain increase the Titanic's speed to ensure an early arrival and because the captain complied, put the ship on a different course and speed that put them in the path of the iceberg field?
2012-04-11 04:45:56 UTC
How did you help the Survivors from profits made after the costs for the Titanic MOVIE were recouped?
Robert Burns
2012-04-10 22:59:39 UTC
In light of the recent theory about the moon's unusual effect (differential pull) during that period, does the captain of the Titanic get a little more sympathy in his lack of caution?
tom p
2012-04-10 16:25:14 UTC
Is the White Star Line still around?

Failing that any "protection" for the Titanic should be financed by the British govt. and not U.S. Taxpayers as it was a British ship and not an American ship.

What say you?
2012-04-10 16:17:20 UTC
A Night to Remember is the most accurate of all the Titanic films. With your huge budget and attention to detail, why did you sacrifice historical accuracy with regard to the deeds and actions of the real crew members for story?
Dale M
2012-04-10 16:12:53 UTC
If the Titanic had been made out of modern steel (or even steel to the composition White Star specified), would it have sunk intact like the experts maintained when the survivors said it broke in half? Would it have even sunk at all in either case?
Barry Cartner
2012-04-10 16:11:05 UTC
How has your own personal quest to understand the Titanic story changed your life or the lives of others in a positive manner?
David Hollister
2012-04-10 17:07:14 UTC
On the night the Titanic sank why were the lifeboats used mostly for the upper class and why did they leave only so few people on each lifeboat.
kent j
2012-04-10 15:50:49 UTC
WIth all the money at your disposal to make movies, why can't you create better plot lines? Complete mystery. I think you REALLY short changed the story line of the crew on the titanic. The idiots you portrayed with your stars were just puke compared to the real heros manning that ship.

Get real James. Success does not mean you are creating good things. It just means you know how to pander.
2012-04-11 07:17:01 UTC
Mr James Cameron; Let's the truth be told !
2012-04-10 21:35:33 UTC
After watching your NGC special,which was great,I still don't understand why the Titanic split apart? Most ships sink whole.
Debra S
2012-04-10 20:16:51 UTC
How did you decide to use the name "Ryerson" concerning the overcoat that Jack stole, then was 'framed' with the jewels in the pocket? My cousin is married to the grandson of the actual survivor, Jack Ryerson, who was 12 and after a heated debate with stewards and his father, was allowed on lifeboat with his mother.Would love to send you news articles verifying this info.
chr c
2012-04-10 20:08:28 UTC
Do you feel it at all exploitative that people, yourself included, are invading a grave site for monetary gain?

A case could be made that when ancient wrecks are explored it's to help us better understand their society. There isn't much we don't know about 1912 and I sincerely doubt that anything we don't know could be learned from the burial site of 1,517 souls.
Daniel Dalon'
2012-04-10 17:49:29 UTC
Hey, Mr Cameron, don't you think it is time for you to retire, giving that you have milked out billions from ordinary folks out of the tragedy that is the titanic?
2012-04-10 16:43:09 UTC
Now that you've kind of "Played out" the Titanic, how about the BISMARK??? complete with a movie, (HOLD the sappy love story) a documentary, the clash with the Hood, & the whole nine yards.....I'm a WW2 NUTT, (not so much the "asian" end of it) I think it'd be a BLOCKBUSTER....
2012-04-10 14:31:04 UTC
How did you come up with the plot to tell the story of Titanic? (characters, love story, personalities) Was it hard trying to describe a movie that was sad yet entertaining at a point?
2012-04-10 14:20:41 UTC
With all the disasters that have taken place in the course of history, many with a larger cost of human lives, why does the Titanic continue to captivate the public?
2012-04-10 21:36:21 UTC
Why did you waste all that money on the Titanic instead of using it to do research to find a cure for diabetes or something else?
Jim Eckhoff
2012-04-10 17:20:38 UTC
The Titanic's ships wheel, is it still intact in the wheel house, and how if at all is the wheel preserverd or has the century under water taken it's toll on it?
2012-04-10 16:44:47 UTC
I would like to know how he plans to blame Bush and the Republicans for sinking the Titanic.
Peter Mackin
2012-04-10 16:35:10 UTC
I've heard that the Titantic (as well as the Edmund Fitzgerald) had "brittle steel", or steel made with iron ore that had a high phosphorus content in it. Is this true and would the type of steel used on Titanic made a difference?
2012-04-10 16:27:32 UTC
With so many accomplishments in regards to presenting the story of the Titanic and its past, what do you want the future to hold for Titanic?
2012-04-10 16:07:06 UTC
My Question: "What was the casting experience like, and do you still stand by your decision with all of the characters"?

To be cast in any of your movies would be a dream come!!!!!!!!!!! Titanic is my favorite movie of all time. I have seen it so many times I lost count. You are such a gifted person. Best wishes :)
2012-04-10 16:06:33 UTC
Firstly why are we asking you about the Titanic when you had nothing to do with the creation, embarkment, or eventual sinking of the ship? Secondly does spending five years, budgets of numerous countries, and winning an academy award really constitute your claim to being "King of the World?" And if so please provide examples.
2012-04-10 15:45:33 UTC
After consuming the past 20 years of your life, what will you do now that you've answered the question of how the Titanic went down?
2012-04-10 15:38:22 UTC
Do you think that the Germans had anything to do with controlling the iceberg and slamming it into the Titanic and making it sink to the bottom of the sea?
2012-04-10 15:24:09 UTC
Titanic struck the iceberg on its starboard side. Why then did it develop a port list? What particular characteristics (i.e. fluid dynamics, buoyancy issues, ship characteristics, crowding of passengers) were involved to cause this seemingly opposite reaction?
2012-04-10 13:48:01 UTC
Out of all the small events that contributed to the Titanic tragedy, what one event, if changed, would have led to a significantly different outcome?
2012-04-11 16:08:37 UTC
Mr.Cameron, would you have built the bulkheads below deck completely as they should have been,and did you believe while making the movie, that most of the people,including Jack and Rose, could have lasted as long in the icy Atlantic?
2012-04-10 20:45:23 UTC
Which came first, your love of the underwater world that turned you on to Titanic, or the Titanic that got you interested in the underwater world?
Q. Rick
2012-04-10 17:36:54 UTC
Have you seen the b/w photo of the iceberg with the dark mark in the side? Do you think it was the actual iceberg that sank the titanic?
2012-04-10 15:59:16 UTC
Historically, the rich on board the Titanic acted with courage and compassion and many of the other passengers didn't. Did you feel the need to reverse the truth to appeal to your target audience, 20 somethings, or is it your personal political bias?
2012-04-10 15:25:04 UTC
I understand the case for leaving Titanic undisturbed as it is a gravesite, but one day it will be gone forever as a result of the elements. Doesn't that make a better case for raising it and housing it in a building as a memorial to those lost?
dave f
2012-04-10 20:52:27 UTC
In movie , when the stern fell back after the ship broke , you show a large wave being made. In all my research I have found no accounts or reports by people in life boats of such a wave. Did you ? If so, by who?
2012-04-10 20:30:44 UTC
Is it true that the Titanic never really sank, that it was all a media conspiracy to increase newspaper circulation and that all the crew and passengers are still living on the ship in a port in Ghana?
Super M
2012-04-10 19:43:06 UTC
Mr. Cameron-

Do you think you the liberties you took in making a Hollywood romance/drama at all outweighed the historical accuracy of the film, or do you think you found an fair balance of Hollywood and history?

Princess D
2012-04-10 18:42:24 UTC
Knowing what you do now, would it have been better had the crew of Titanic hit the iceberg head on instead of trying to port around it?
2012-04-10 18:27:08 UTC
not an answer but a question, was there any people turned away from getting on the Titanic, because of not enough room for them
2012-04-10 16:33:48 UTC
* Given that the Titanic itself is largely inaccessible to folks without access to submersible vehicles, what are your thoughts on preserving the site as a whole (as opposed to the recovered artifacts) as a cultural treasure?

* How well do you think we have learned the lessons of the Titanic? Preparation, safety, appropriate assessment of risk versus reward, etc.
2012-04-10 16:33:20 UTC
I would like to know what happened to the smoke stacks. There has been no video or indications of the stack laying on the bottom. You showed them tied to the ship as they sank, but nothing after the sinking. Would these be something that could be brought up?
2012-04-10 16:07:07 UTC
Why hasn't an exact replica of the ship been made? With the popularity of cruises today and the fascination with the ship itself, one would assume creating an exact replica of the ship (with a few 21st century adjustments) would make a lot of money.
2012-04-10 15:29:56 UTC
With all the incredible and heroic true stories aboard the Titanic, why on earth did you have to make up a fake love triangle instead of focusing on some of the real dramas or the real love stories (Isidor and Ida Strauss come to mind) that occured on board?
2012-04-10 15:20:23 UTC
If I was given the opportunity, I'd want to know if it's still emotionally difficult for him to dive to or even talk about the wreck knowing how many people lost their lives because of what he's seeing.

I would think that no matter how many times he's seen the wreck, be it 1, be it 1 million, the emotional strain probably still has to be there every time.
Im Back From the Future
2012-04-10 13:36:16 UTC
Titanic will inevitably disintegrate sometime within the next 40 to 90 years. Are you concerned about this at all? Is there anything we can do to stop this process? Could we, perhaps, bring the Titanic up on shore? What can we do to prevent this majestic ship from disappearing forever?
2012-04-10 19:52:28 UTC
With your successes in the film and exploration of the Titanic, do you feel like you're 'King of the world'?
2012-04-10 16:49:07 UTC
I have been perusing the website which has recently released some information about the body recovery process and am very upset about the sea burials of unidentified bodies. Why was this done and do you believe that any real effort was made to identify bodies of the crew and those id'd as possible steerage passengers?
2012-04-10 16:48:58 UTC
Do you think that the wreck of the Titanic should be protected for the future as a sacred mass grave at sea ?
2012-04-10 15:33:35 UTC
1. Would you ever consider doing a prequel of Rose and Jack lives before they met on Titanic?

2. Have you consider doing a movie about the Lusitania ?

3. Do you think someone will ever remake your movie (Titanic)?
2012-04-10 21:47:56 UTC
Did you intend for the contrast of class and privilege of the elite passengers to the crew and common passengers to frame the tragedy of the movie or was the goal purely historical accuracy?
2012-04-10 18:28:22 UTC
How much money have you made personally on the Titanic sinking tragedy and do you think it is appropriate?
2012-04-10 16:40:56 UTC
Why on earth didn't you know that pressboard was not invented for decades to come, and it was certainly never used for decking on a ship. Yet, that's what you showed stuck to the bottom of the bench the steerage passengers used to break open the gates. That really ruined it for me.
2012-04-10 14:12:30 UTC
Are you planning on being active in the movement to block all future recovery of Titanic artifacts and allow them to remain intact on the ocean floor as a lasting rememberance to the victims?
2012-04-10 12:29:42 UTC
Knowing that time is an elusive commodity with the Titanic's wreck, would you consider returning to enter the Boiler Rooms through Scotland Road with smaller X-Bots in the future?

-Anthony El-Khouri
Bob D
2012-04-11 03:06:03 UTC
When making the movie "Titanic", why was there no reference to the position of the Californian and inability of getting it's attention?
2012-04-10 21:45:17 UTC
If you were in a situation similar to the passenger's of the Titanic, do you think that you would give up your seat in a lifeboat to another person? (Maybe I should, but I'm not sure that I could.)
2012-04-10 21:16:41 UTC
I would ask: of every artifact that's been located in the Titanic wreck, have and human remains ever been found? If so, where in the ship? Or ocean floor?
2012-04-10 17:03:15 UTC
Have you ever decided to release your findings to a archaeology department at a major university for students to learn from and have an archaeologist team accompany you on a next expedition dive you might choose to do for a learning class experience?!
Dave R
2012-04-10 16:59:02 UTC
Would you ever make a sequel from a different person/passengers point of veiw with the sinking & events being historically accurate?
The Grey Chaser
2012-04-10 16:55:30 UTC
Are you now quite satisfied that the exploitation of this most tragic event is now complete? What does Dr. Ballard think of all this, honestly? When he discovered it in '85, that was a joint venture with his group and a French expedition. He would have preferred not to disclose it's location for what has happened in all these years.
Joe K
2012-04-10 16:31:06 UTC
As done with the Edmond Fitzgerald ,on the anniversary why not read off the names of the people who died that day with the tolling of the ship's bell after each name.
2012-04-10 16:18:21 UTC
Do you think Obama was behind the sinking of the Titanic?
Brian A
2012-04-10 16:11:57 UTC
What sorts of research questions do you think the Titanic site still has to yield? If you go down again, do you have any questions you will be looking for answers for?
Michael James
2012-04-10 15:57:14 UTC
If the Titanic was around today, with all of the technology that we now have, would there have been a different outcome?
2012-04-10 15:53:54 UTC
If the Titanic disaster were to happen today, with the same bulkhead design, but the ship had been welded, would it still have sunk?
Ricky Bryant
2012-04-10 13:29:07 UTC
With recent claims on Titanic breaking in two, what, in your opinion, do you believe to be the degree of the angle of which the great ship broke in two and do you believe that the stern did in fact stand straight up before the complete detach from the bow section and making its final plunge at 2:20am?
2012-04-10 16:12:59 UTC
Your excellent documentary didn't address the human aspect of the sinking...the psychology of people gradually learning they were doomed and the ensuing panic towards the end. Is it true as in your movie many of the 3d class "steerage" people were locked down below decks?

Michael Freville

Louisville, KY
2012-04-10 15:49:13 UTC
Why do you think that officials during the investigation after the sinking denied the fact that the ship broke apart even though survivors of sinking clearly saw it happen?
2012-04-10 14:36:58 UTC
I think it's so interesting to hear the theories on how this accident could have been avoided. Is there any truth to the idea that if the ship had struck the iceberg head on versus skimming along it's side, the ship would have survived?
Rhonda yvonne
2012-04-10 22:50:58 UTC
A family member of my mother-in-law was a crewman on the Titanic. Have any trace of human remains ever been sighted.
2012-04-10 22:35:19 UTC
Will the Titanic become just a memory after this centennial?
2012-04-10 21:19:51 UTC
I would ask... Why did you make a stupid *** movie about a romance between 2 whores of hollywood with horrid acting? Why did you make a pearl harbor type movie?... why can't you stop being so greedy and stupid looking for attention around every corner? Why are you a jerk to everyone that's not famous? ... Why can't you quit directing?
2012-04-10 18:20:52 UTC
Mr. Cameron if you wanted to exploer another wrek. What would it be and why? Would it be Titanic's sister ship in the mediterain or another wrek that is not well understood?
2012-04-10 17:32:15 UTC
When you explored the original Titanic, were there any areas of the ship that you wanted to explore but were unable to get to it for safety or other reasons? And, if so, will you ever try to get back to those unreachable areas?
2012-04-10 17:04:26 UTC
Would you take me with you in one of your submersibles to see the wreck myself?

I have been fascinated with the Titanic since I was young, and it is a lifelong dream to be able to view it in person before it deteriorates too much and is no longer viewable.
2012-04-10 16:58:49 UTC
If you could go back in time and be on the Titanic before it hit the iceberg, knowing what would happen, what would you do?
2012-04-10 16:41:07 UTC
What was the one thing, that when you saw it, said to your self "well I never expected to see that on the Titanic after all these years"
2012-04-10 15:57:40 UTC
You have a chance to go back in time and make one change to the Titanic, what would you change? Would you change the way the ship was built? Would you change the orders given to "go faster?" Or would you change nothing since that unfortunate night helped to change the way we sail today?
2012-04-10 15:54:23 UTC
Do you think that anyone will ever try to raise the front and/or back of the Titanic to put it in a museum or for more research?
The Psychotic Libertarian
2012-04-10 15:28:08 UTC
The dime used to pay for the drawing... When shown close up it is a Barber dime. However, when that dime is shown flipping in the air as it is thrown, it looks a heck of a lot like a Roosevelt dime instead. Why was a Roosevelt dime used in the coin flip instead of the Barber dime?
2012-04-10 21:17:06 UTC
In terms of real life vs your film, do you believe there were any women on the Titanic that had breasts as spectacular as Kate Winslett's?
2012-04-10 17:53:34 UTC
Do you think that people exploit the Titanic tragedy too often for profit rather than to remember those who perished?
charles g
2012-04-10 17:45:49 UTC
Would you ever consider making a movie about the RMS Lusitania. I'm sure you can create a love story and have Celine Dion pump out another hit song.
2012-04-10 17:07:30 UTC
If you would have known everything you know now, would you have awaited until 2012 to originally release Titanic?
The A
2012-04-10 16:59:11 UTC
If you went back in time and were a passenger on The Titanic, what would you do?
2012-04-10 16:34:11 UTC
Why did you ruin the end of your recent Final Word documentary by opening your leftist hollywood yap and bringing up climate change? It wasn't rising sea levels caused by AlGore gasses that sunk the was ice!
2012-04-10 16:33:33 UTC
Why do we have to suffer through another round of the sinking of the Titanic. Let it lie!
Todd Is Me
2012-04-10 15:39:29 UTC
Would you consider filming a mashup between Titanic and Aliens? (I would prefer Aliens vs. Na'vi, but that's a little off topic.) If Abe Lincoln can be a vampire hunter, Aliens can take down the Titanic right before Rose goes all "Ripley" on them.
2012-04-10 13:37:56 UTC
Did you interview any of the families of Titanic survivors when you were making the film Titanic, which by the way is one of my favorites?
2012-04-11 08:45:27 UTC
There is a gritty film clip of tug boats pushing the the Titanic out to sea the day of her maiden voyage.Why is the tug boat name scrached off of the film? /
2012-04-10 20:31:56 UTC
With your well-known attention to detail, why did you allow Jack and Rose to spend so much time swimming around inside the ship in freezing water that should have totally incapacitated them within minutes?
2012-04-10 20:26:30 UTC
If the Ship did not sink would anybody care about the Movie?
2012-04-10 18:52:49 UTC
What was it like to see the Titanic in person?
Nuts Are Us
2012-04-10 16:47:52 UTC
Do you think it was wrong to take artifacts from Titanic? It was the grave to 1500+ people. Thank you
2012-04-10 20:39:47 UTC
Nothing, he is a movie director, not an oceanographer, an archaeologist, nor a historian. Why not get Dr. Robert Ballard?
2012-04-10 20:24:11 UTC
So many obsessions , so little time for them all.. Will all our television sets and movie theatres ever sink from watching reruns of this joke.. question: would it be possible for you to make a remix of this movie using only babys in diapers? lifes not cruel enough yet GOD...
Charlie No-nothin'
2012-04-10 19:05:56 UTC
What was the fate of the ship California that ignored the distress calls? Was the captain of that vessel ever charged with negligence?
2012-04-10 17:20:02 UTC
Whatever happened to plans to raise they Titanic? Have they given up on that idea?
2012-04-10 17:02:29 UTC
Since the hull plating at the stern appears to "blow out" from the keel, would this be the result of an implosion, or bottom impact ?
2012-04-10 16:56:56 UTC
Since this is the 100th anniversary of this galant ship's sinking, are you, have you or will you have any plans for preserving and protecting our great oceans and aquatic life?
2012-04-10 16:21:58 UTC
Why did you steal so much dialogue from the 1955 movie about the Titanic?
Lori V10
2012-04-10 16:18:58 UTC
Did you see any remnants of other ship wrecks in that area because there were a lot of ships that went down, specifically the Hannah in 1849 carrying Irish immigrants to Canada
2012-04-10 16:15:01 UTC
James: What was the most intriguing fact you discovered that conflicted with your own personal beliefs or popular myths regarding the Titanic (or any of its passengers)?
2012-04-10 16:06:25 UTC
First of all Titanic is one of my favorite movies.I am a history nut.My question is there was one black man on the ship with his family.Do you see ever making a movie on his story add with the story of a couple others
Rebecca of Faraway Farm
2012-04-11 04:55:04 UTC
Will you return to the oceans for another film along the lines of THE ABYSS and TITANIC?
Mikey D
2012-04-10 16:15:35 UTC
Did the Titanic really sink, or was it just made-up propaganda, kinda like that whole man on the moon thing?
2012-04-10 16:00:12 UTC
@Steven H

Submarines crush because they are filled with air. Air compresses more than water. The Titanic is full of water of equal pressure on the outside and inside so it cannot crush.
2012-04-10 15:45:20 UTC
When did you first become interested in the Titanic? How much did your experience filming THE ABYSS affect your decision to write and direct TITANIC, if any?
2012-04-10 14:39:49 UTC
Would you ever conduct a voyage to the Titanic for others that are obsessed with the ship as you appear to be?
2012-04-10 17:59:30 UTC
Were all of the scenes based on what actually happened when the Titanic sank? If not, what scenes WERE based on true events?
2012-04-10 16:07:46 UTC
If you could go back in time as an observor to the night of the sinking, where would you place yourself, and why?
2012-04-10 15:28:55 UTC
What percentage of the blame for the Titanic disaster do you place on the Captain; and what percentage on the unseasonable conditions with iceburgs. Or, are there other factors I am failing to understand?
2012-04-11 05:44:14 UTC
If you could have an exact replica of the Titanic built to sail would you build it?
2012-04-10 20:43:39 UTC
Would you be able to tell if there was jewelry and other artifacts still down there after all these years, and if there was a safe which they usually have on these ships, has anyone ever found anything?
2012-04-10 20:41:33 UTC
While filming, were there any sightings or contact from souls that were lost in the Titanic?
2012-04-10 18:32:10 UTC
Is there anything that remains intact within the ship even after a century? And can you project its longevity on the ocean floor in the future?
2012-04-10 18:02:24 UTC
with all the speculation about the damage the iceburg did, have there, or will there ever be any attempts to dig around the front of the ship so that the holes from the iceburg can be seen and studied?
2012-04-10 17:22:21 UTC
What was it like seeing the Titanic in peron in the ocean.
2012-04-10 16:25:46 UTC
What level of credit do you give to the rumor that the Titanic was actually named after Queen Elizabeth's posterior?
2012-04-10 16:16:21 UTC
Why didnt Capt. Smith motor on over to the iceberg and start putting people on it when they knew they were going to sink with only half the needed life boats?
2012-04-10 15:43:05 UTC
Do you support efforts to recreate the RMS Titanic, as a tribute to the original ship?
2012-04-10 14:25:12 UTC
What inspired you to make your film about the Titanic, and not another movie? How long did it take you to do all that research and finally put your idea to work?
2012-04-11 05:06:24 UTC
When men begin to thiink too highly of themselves nature has a way of putting them in there place. So the unsinkable ship was sunk on her maiden voyage.
2012-04-10 20:31:23 UTC
I just want to thank him for the incredible images he brought to the world. We now know so much more of what happened because of him. Thank You Mr. Cameron
2012-04-10 16:50:13 UTC
On your Nat Geo special, you said the third "outlayer" of the three was a pile of crap. What exactly was that pile? You never did say on the show. And how did it get way out there past the two floor sections?
bart h
2012-04-10 16:47:44 UTC
Who do you think is most to blame for the tragedy? (I'll list some options, but feel free to add a totally different choice: shipyard for using substandard steel, captain for ignoring iceberg warnings, cruise line for setting a sailing date and course likely to cross paths with icebergs, or marketing personnel for hyping the safety of the trip)
2012-04-10 16:24:38 UTC
From: Robert O'Brien age 7

How many engines and how fast could the Titanic really go?
2012-04-10 15:41:05 UTC
In your analysis of how the various pieces of wreckage came to rest on the ocean floor, was there any consideration to the hydraulic pressure that would have been asserted on the propellers? Would they have been stationary or spinning and could that have affected the trajectory downward?
2012-04-10 21:09:47 UTC
In the movie, the deck captain says 'hard to starboard'(right) , but the wheelman seems to be turning the other way(left), is this a mistake?
Silent Diver
2012-04-10 21:05:52 UTC
Since you made a titanic movie, would you be interested in making a bismarck movie or yamato movie?
Dr. Knowitall™
2012-04-10 18:09:35 UTC
Is it true that there never was an iceberg, and instead, the Titanic was fired upon by pirates?
2012-04-10 17:07:05 UTC
Of all the people you have learned about in your study of the Titanic, do you have one you find most intriguing?
2012-04-10 16:25:57 UTC
Why was seeing the real Titanic so emotional?
2012-04-10 15:42:00 UTC
Since the microbes are 'eating' all the iron from the ship, will there be any salvageable items that will be saved? Or will the site be 'hands off' even when the ship is completely eaten away?
2012-04-10 15:13:59 UTC
How does it feel to profit so handsomely from an event that caused the deaths of so many people? I guess it's no different than any other historically based movie but then again I don't recall any swarmy love scenes in Schindler's List.
2012-04-10 19:03:48 UTC
So, James... how much money are you pocketing for exploiting the victims of titanic?
2012-04-10 18:08:37 UTC
I would like to know when you are going to stop bringing up this tired old story. It was a terrible movie made about a terrible tragedy. Your profiteering should leave you ashamed.
2012-04-10 16:58:36 UTC
I wouldn't like to ask him anything about the Titanic. I'd like to ask him about the Marianas Trench. How come no one is talking about that?
2012-04-10 16:40:39 UTC
Why? What authority does he have? What does he have anything to do with Titanic? He just made a movie out of it. That's all.
2012-04-10 16:38:45 UTC
Why don't you take Dr. Ballard's example, and honor the remains on the bottom, not use it as a profit vehicle?

Are you going to apologize to the family of Chief Officer Murdoch, for the false portrayal of him that you did in your movie? SHAME ON YOU for besmirching a true hero of the disaster.......
2012-04-10 15:54:11 UTC
Why did Jack only try once to get onto the piece of the door? It was very unlike his character, since he proved his persistence throughout the movie when trying to gain Rose's affection.
2012-04-10 15:42:14 UTC
I would like to know how he knows the 3rd class gates were shut and locked. I believe I heard that back when the movie 1st came out. Is this true, were they locked? Is there pictures? Also, next time can I go with you :)
2012-04-10 15:34:46 UTC
What is your position on the matter of possibly trying to raise the Titanic?
2012-04-10 15:33:36 UTC
What effect, if any, can be found regarding the watertight doors that made the Titanic unsinkable? Did they function and have you been able to make visual observation regarding any of them?
2012-04-10 13:21:43 UTC
My question is " How exactly did all the debris get so far away from the Titanic at her resting place?"

Also, "How is it that part of her looks like she was flattened from the top? I don't quite understand how that happened."
2012-04-10 12:53:21 UTC
I've seen your animations. After all the studies you and others have done. Would Titanic have stayed afloat if she had hit the iceberg head on rather than the glancing blow she suffered? What kind of damage or loss of life would have occurred?
2012-04-10 15:26:07 UTC
When men begin to thiink too highly of themselves nature has a way of putting them in there place. So the unsinkable ship was sunk on her maiden voyage. My question is: What should we learn from the disaster that happened?
2012-04-10 20:37:13 UTC
When are you going to stop capitalizing on the deaths of over a thousand people? If I can't dive on the wreckage "because it's a graveyard" neither can you
2012-04-10 20:21:49 UTC
why do you think ppl are so interested ,100 years later even in a sinking ship ? What makes it so interesting ? The ship itself ot because so many died on it ?
2012-04-10 18:19:36 UTC
Do you feel that poor seamanship could have been a major cause of the ship hitting the ice burg
2012-04-10 16:58:34 UTC
is it truth that ifthe walls had gone all the way up on the comparmest went close water tight door s water wont gone over into the comparmets the ship may stay float till help came and may not broke in two
2012-04-10 16:47:48 UTC
i have a question that i dont think anyone has ever raised, beeing it so deep and freezing waters at that depth, has anyone ever recovered a preserved body from that sinking, inside or around the sinking site?
2012-04-10 16:29:33 UTC
I understand that after some fairly recent revelations, you said that you felt like REmaking the Titanic movie....What exactly would you change?
Douglas Ripsom
2012-04-10 16:27:19 UTC
I was curious as to why you re-created the "last song" scene with Wallace Hartley playing "Bethany," rather than "Horbury (Two versions of "Nearer My God, To Thee")? Hartley was British, and it would be extremely unlikely he would know the "Bethany" version well enough to play it. It would have been more likely for him to have played either the "Horbury" version, as depicted in the film "A Night To Remember," starring Kenneth More, or another version called "Propior Deo."
2012-04-10 16:00:22 UTC
Does your life occupation with this event lead you to believe that you, in some way, are connected to it either through your family or a past life or some message from beyond driving you forward and is connected to people who were on this ship?
2012-04-10 15:47:07 UTC
Given that Captain Smith should be placed with full blame, was it his ultimate downfall that because the ship was so large he did not understand how fast it could make a turn if sighting an iceberg "dead ahead"?
2012-04-11 07:20:47 UTC
i want to know if there are any cases in raising the ship cleaning it up and put it in a museum we should remember those who was lost and commemorate their deaths that way no one will ever forget what happen that night i believe that its memory should be perserved not lost forever under the atlantic
2012-04-10 17:10:58 UTC
Did the real-life teenage passenger and survivor Jack Thayer have any influence on your naming of Jack Dawson? My great-grandfather was close friends with the Thayer family.
2012-04-10 16:57:20 UTC
In what time frame can we expect the bow and stern of the Titanic to fully disintegrate?
Steve C
2012-04-10 16:54:36 UTC
After the initial collision with the ice berg...if they had not tried to restart the engines and plow ahead...and had just stayed idle...would she have lasted longer at the surface and had the oppurtunity to have more people survive the disaster?
Kent N
2012-04-10 16:23:58 UTC
Where on the Titanic would have been the best location to see all of the events happen that night?
2012-04-10 16:05:26 UTC
What's your view on the theory that The Titantic may have been able to survive a direct frontal hit of the iceberg?
2012-04-10 15:56:39 UTC
What do you think about Robert Ballard`s efforts to have the site treated as a gravesite.
2012-04-10 15:43:35 UTC
Why didn't you get the salvage rights when you found Titanic? That would have stopped RMS Titanic from grabbing all of the artifacts.
Nick name
2012-04-10 15:29:43 UTC
Will you be diving on the Titanic using the Deepsea Challenger?
Jennison Jayhawk
2012-04-10 14:00:39 UTC
Should they build a replica of the Titanic to either sail or to use as a museum
2012-04-10 13:27:57 UTC
Titanic's sister ships were the Olympic and the Brittanic.

Original wood paneling from the dining room of the Olympic adorns the walls of an upscale dining room called "The Olympic" aboard the Celebrity Cruise ship Millenium
2012-04-10 18:46:26 UTC
Can you please tell us what British people think today about the 100th anniversary of the Titanic's sinking?.
2012-04-10 16:21:12 UTC
Do you ever wish that she was never found and remained a mystery? In other words, all the fantasy about the "what happened to her" is (in a small amount) answered.
Cole G
2012-04-10 15:59:25 UTC
Do you feel that the tragedy of the SS Sultana and the 1500 souls lost on that ship has been unfairly ignored?
2012-04-10 15:51:40 UTC
Do you think that there might have been some sort of a "Jack and Rose" type relationship on the real ship? Even to a certain extent?
Sgt. Smegma
2012-04-10 13:50:50 UTC
Regarding your film Titanic, I've always wondered what had happened to Rose's mother after Rose "faked" her death. Did she become a seamstress or did Cal, somehow, feel obligated towards her to give her a stipend of some kind? And we might assume that Rose made no effort to contact her mother after she was rescued, either?
charles t
2012-04-10 21:02:33 UTC
If you had to rewrite Titanic the movie, and knowing what you do now, what would have also included?.
robert s
2012-04-10 17:29:56 UTC
Where can i buy a complete serving of first class china, silver, and christal ware? How much per setting? For twenty four, priceless?
2012-04-10 17:22:58 UTC
What was your reaction when you found out Titanic was the number one grossing film of all time ?
2012-04-10 17:10:49 UTC
Would you support the production of another Titanic ship, if so, then why?
2012-04-10 16:42:56 UTC
What do you believe releasing the movie in 3D brings to the movie experience, and could you have taken the 3D technology further?
2012-04-10 16:30:33 UTC
What made you so interested in Titanic? Was there one particular story or one of the older movies that spiked your interest, or was it just the entire tragic story in general?
2012-04-10 15:55:45 UTC
Since your first initial dive to Titanic, how has your perspective changed over time about the infamous ocean liner?
2012-04-10 15:47:37 UTC
Were there any African Americans on board the Titanic when it sank?
2012-04-10 15:39:12 UTC
I watched one of many programs on Titanic that said that the water tight compartments were not completely water tight because they didn't have sealed tops on them, allowing water to flow from a full one and fill the next one in line. Were they mistaken?
mike m
2012-04-10 15:32:19 UTC
Why did you choose to have Rose throw the diamond back? She should have given it to her grandaughter, IMO


Any thoughts about editing out the Eisenhower Dime for a mercury dime?
2012-04-10 14:55:04 UTC
What is the thing that amazed and fascinated you most over all about your trips to the Titanic?
2012-04-10 12:39:36 UTC
What do you think the next 100 years will bring to the field of undersea exploration? Is the ocean floor the next frontier? Is the sea the new space?
2012-04-10 20:50:07 UTC
Why did they not use the iceberg that sank the ship for a life saver, maybe many if not all could have got onto it.
2012-04-10 21:29:24 UTC
After a century has passed, is there still artifacts at the site left to find?
2012-04-10 20:37:24 UTC
Will you be making a fictional sequel about the continuing story of Rose?
2012-04-10 20:34:10 UTC
Do you feel the non film related,Titanic merchandise is exploitive,especially if the profits do not go to the survivors' families?
2012-04-10 19:57:59 UTC
DO you think that exploring and removing items from the site is like disturbing the graves of the dead?
2012-04-10 17:31:59 UTC
Why did the lookouts not have their binoculars up in the crows nest on the real Titanic as it should have been something always there?
2012-04-10 16:39:41 UTC
In the movie you shown old cars in the one bay. Did you know this is a fact there was old cars in the bay or did you actually see some old cars while on the oceans depth?
2012-04-10 16:21:27 UTC
When is True Lies coming to Blu Ray? When are the first 2 Terminator movies going to be in 3D?
2012-04-10 16:14:48 UTC
To celebrate an anniversary of such a tragedy is just wrong in so many ways, especially so, when you are making a profit off of it.
2012-04-10 15:57:06 UTC
What started your obsession with the Titanic?
2012-04-10 15:40:07 UTC
Really impressive when you discovered the Turkish baths. Has anyone explored the swimming pool or squash court? Is it impossible to reach?
2012-04-10 21:36:52 UTC
Given so many died when the ship sank do you not have any reservations about profiting from what is extensively a grave?
2012-04-10 21:03:15 UTC
Did you know you could see Kate Winslet's pubes for a brief moment? How did this get by the MPAA?
Eddie A
2012-04-10 20:32:36 UTC
Do you agree with the belief that the George W. Bush presidency was a 'Titanic' disaster?
2012-04-10 18:08:36 UTC
Has any evidence of human remains been discovered on or near the wreckage? (Bones, teeth, clothing worn by passengers at the time of sinking, etc.)
2012-04-10 17:59:20 UTC
You spent so much making the movie realistic. Aren't the main characters and their story fictional?
2012-04-10 15:47:36 UTC
What makes Titanic far more interesting than any other shipwrecks on Earth?
2012-04-10 15:46:35 UTC
I couldn't sit through three hours of that self-indulgent, tedious and desultory movie. It must have taken forever to make. So, Mr. Cameron: are you the most patient man on earth? Or just the most boring man on earth?
2012-04-10 15:42:52 UTC
When are you going to make the real Alien 3, where the Aliens invade Earth en masse? If you use the same CGI used in Avatar, it will be guaranteed awesome and profitable.
2012-04-10 15:38:22 UTC
What is your personal opinion on Joseph Bruce Ismay and his actions that night? Do you feel like he was a coward or do you believe like some historians he did what he could before got aboard a lifeboat?
HR queen
2012-04-10 15:23:53 UTC
Are you pleased with all the free press and the fact the the news cycle is so desperate that they keep talking about an old film? Are you doing this because you are in debt? or just for the fun of it?
2012-04-10 17:37:14 UTC
My question is in two parts: What compelled you to make such a horrible movie? And why are we as Americans so stupid that we made it the highest-grossing film of all time?
2012-04-10 15:45:12 UTC
Enough about the Titanic.
2012-04-10 15:35:03 UTC
Why where 10,000 plus Polish reugees sunk on a cargo ship by a Russian sub and no one cares
2012-04-10 20:20:25 UTC
will there be a Titanic part 2?
2012-04-10 17:59:42 UTC
Have you ever seen any indication of human remains? If leather protects paper, would it not also protect bone fragments inside shoes to help ID victims?
2012-04-10 17:57:08 UTC
Off topic, but since your a yahoo editor, why do you censor people's comments when they do not violate your terms of use. That's the real question!
2012-04-10 16:43:16 UTC
When Leonardo sunk under the water, did he drown or did he wash up on shore at the beginning of Inception?
2012-04-10 16:25:59 UTC
When this Titanic story could be put to rest? That cow is miked dry.
2012-04-10 16:18:16 UTC
Who do think would win a fight between Jesus, Steven Hawking, Godzilla and Titanic?
2012-04-10 15:26:38 UTC
Did James Cameron pay his fair of taxes on the proceeds of profit for this film? Or did this liberal find ways to hide the fortune made off of this as he talks about others should be paying more taxes.
2012-04-10 12:39:03 UTC
What kind of feedback do you get from the descendants of the Titanic passengers? How do they feel about the way the tragedy was portrayed,and how do they feel about it being salvaged?

I also wonder about your feelings. After spending so much of your time and yourself on the Titanic,have you come to feel as of you "know" any of the victims/ Feel as of you are connected to any of them?
2012-04-10 23:20:00 UTC
What was the song the band played as the ship went down? It was not "Nearer My God to Thee" as what was originally thought.
2012-04-10 21:16:43 UTC
Well now Titanic is in 3D.... Do you think they will spot the iceburg this time around ?
2012-04-10 21:04:26 UTC
why is the titanic still fascinating to people after all these years.
2012-04-10 20:27:48 UTC
Why did you pull that "I'm the King of the World" arrogant maneuver at the Oscar's? Aren't you embarrassed about it?
Juana K
2012-04-10 19:23:53 UTC
What was the most poignant artifact or artifacts that you have encountered from Titanic that really touched you? Can you tell us the story behind it?
2012-04-10 21:47:24 UTC
i was thinking about this earlier today...have you or anyone else discovered the remains of any of the TITANIC's four funnels? is any documentation of such a find?...i love your films depiction of the story of TITANIC.
2012-04-10 17:28:56 UTC
I just want to know if Jack survived, because when I saw Inception, he washed up on shore. I'm lost.
2012-04-10 15:54:46 UTC
You've mentioned that you have hundreds of hours of wreck footage from your many dives. What are the chances of them being released unedited I would watch every second till my eyes fell out.
2012-04-10 20:51:07 UTC
Who do you think will win the World Series?
2012-04-10 18:12:50 UTC
How did John Jacob Astor's great-grandfather make his fortune ?
2012-04-10 16:55:27 UTC
How much longer will the wreck last on the ocean's bottom before it will be totally lost?
2012-04-10 16:47:13 UTC
I would ask : James Cameron, Why do you have affairs with your female actors and then leave your present wife?
2012-04-10 16:17:04 UTC
With all the money you have.. When are you going to build your own personal titanic?
2012-04-10 15:59:12 UTC
What made you re-master you film in 3 D ?
2012-04-10 21:05:24 UTC
Why did you ruin the Murdoch's name with your own version of history? What a hack.
2012-04-10 17:53:48 UTC
Here's my question. James, when are you just going to let it go? Have you not already made enough off this tragedy?
2012-04-10 17:08:25 UTC
What do you think they will be talking about 100 years from now the 200th anniverary?
2012-04-10 16:10:12 UTC
Could not the ship and passengers been saved by running the ship up onto the iceberg?
Karl P
2012-04-10 15:58:41 UTC
Man, don't you think you think you've been on the money wagon long enough already? Enough with making millions of dollars on a 100 year old tragedy.
2012-04-10 15:43:26 UTC
How would you protect the Titanic from looters and people landing on it's deck destroying it?
2012-04-10 15:33:24 UTC
What first made you interested in Titanic?
2012-04-10 21:42:58 UTC
Why sinking titanic spilt apart far, far, far away from stern?
2012-04-10 21:01:38 UTC
How many items did you remove from the ship for your private collection while you were down there?
2012-04-10 20:31:10 UTC
What was is like to go deeper than any other human, Did you feel like the "first man on the moon",
2012-04-10 16:42:59 UTC
How much would you auction the whole Titanic wreck for?
2012-04-10 16:13:26 UTC
Can you use that same technique to find Atlantis? Try looking closer to the Canary Islands!
2012-04-10 15:43:22 UTC
What do you think of the jewels that are still locked in the First class pursers office on C deck and in staterooms.Do you think its real or just myth?
2012-04-10 12:04:08 UTC
We humans seem to be rather quick to find fault with any given situation. During the course of your research and exploration, did you struggle to find a balance between historically documenting the event and assigning blame to individuals?
2012-04-10 20:51:09 UTC
What inspired to you make the movie? Was it a piece of history that you were intrigued with?
2012-04-10 17:46:06 UTC
When are you going to make the next Jurassic Park?
2012-04-10 17:06:45 UTC
2012-04-10 16:08:40 UTC
What is behind your personal obsession with the Titanic or (Titanic wreckage)?
2012-04-10 12:25:42 UTC
How exactly did you feel when you saw the Titanic wreck for the first time ever?
2012-04-10 19:51:29 UTC
...The question I would want to ask Mr.Cameron: The Titanic's bell, nameplates, helm & navigational tools located in the command room...ever recovered ?
2012-04-10 18:19:29 UTC
Do you think re-visiting that area..Is a bad Omen or does it show respect to those who lost so many lives? & Are you going back down to it?
2012-04-10 16:03:56 UTC
Were 3d class passengers free to get to the life boat levels?
2012-04-10 16:03:35 UTC
When, or will we, ever have the technology to build a wireless untethered camera that will be able to enter the ship and really explore it, even if the camera is like a space probe and unrecoverable?

2012-04-10 16:02:25 UTC
While exploring the wreck.. has he ever been tempted to leave the submarine and swim for the surface...

thus imploding.. so that real scientific people can do their job.
2012-04-10 13:03:58 UTC
Out of all the relics you have encountered so far, either at the actual site or as part of your research, which one(s) have had the greatest impact?
2012-04-10 12:26:47 UTC
Do you ever dream that you are on the Titanic in the time that it sank? Also do you ever feel that you are exploring a graveyard when you are down amongst the Titanic remains?
Richard D
2012-04-10 21:02:13 UTC
Why destroy the history of this ship with such a POS movie?
2012-04-10 20:56:49 UTC
Nothing. He's a movie director.
2012-04-10 16:57:34 UTC
At what point, like your character Brock Lovett, did you "let in" Titanic?
2012-04-10 16:40:01 UTC
How much of your rise to fame over Titanic do you owe to Dr.Robert Ballard?
My Name is Slim Shady
2012-04-10 16:39:24 UTC
How can we keep people away from steeling artifacts and remember the lives lost during this terrible tragedy?
2012-04-10 16:17:33 UTC
Why are you such an ego maniac? You made a movie you didn't cure cancer. You are a pompous ***. Why are you such an elitists? Why don't you go to NZ and stay there? No one cares about you
2012-04-10 15:17:47 UTC
With so many compelling REAL stories of the passengers on the ship, why did you fictionalize characters in your movie? Do you regret that now there are people who believe your fiction?
Roman Maroni
2012-04-10 17:29:22 UTC
Mr Cameron, may i have a job?
2012-04-10 20:16:11 UTC
Yes, I'd like to know when you're going to stop milking this cow?

It died 10 years ago.
2012-04-10 20:20:41 UTC
James, do you consider yourself successful by having 4 ex-wives?
Bob Bob
2012-04-10 19:20:33 UTC
How has titanic impacted your life and how did you become so intrested?
2012-04-10 17:13:04 UTC
Your film is strongly antiChristian and anticapitalist. How does this fit into your larger filmatic oevre?
2012-04-10 16:40:05 UTC
2012-04-10 15:55:08 UTC
I'd ask him why he let George W. Bush sink it back in 1912.
2012-04-10 15:52:38 UTC
How did Titaniic passengers families/decsendants rerspond to the film???
2012-04-10 14:14:34 UTC
why should i be asking you and not ballard about the titanic? you havent earned the right to be a subject matter expert on the ships sinking.

from what i can see you've only done nothing but degrade the integrity of the resting place of many helpless victims. leave it be. and leave those folks in peace.

no one respects a jerk like you james.
2012-04-10 17:57:59 UTC
Why don't you get off the air and let the hulk rust in peace.
2012-04-10 17:55:07 UTC
Knowing what you know now, that you didn't when the movie was made. Would you have changed the way the ship sank?
2012-04-10 16:27:08 UTC
Is humanity steaming towards an iceberg with the same 'unsinkable' attitudes?
2014-06-17 15:05:43 UTC
He also wants "paint" the hull of the with the same type of paint they use to keep working ships from rusting and he feels it will help protect the ship. I would like to know your take on this subject and would you, if you agreed with him help him in protecting the ship from people and would you help finance an operation in helping preserve the ship. Would you stop people from taking objects from the wreak site and selling them during any auction?
2012-04-10 20:36:22 UTC
Why did you feel that nudity was needed in this film? I feel that you would not have lost any artistic value to the film if you would have excluded the nude scenes.
Abby Normal
2012-04-10 17:38:42 UTC
How much longer are you going to milk this tragedy for your own fame and fortune?
LM-Dallas, Tx.
2012-04-10 16:09:30 UTC
Were any fabulous finds found on the Titanic? If so, what were they?
2012-04-10 15:38:18 UTC
I have absolutely NOTHING to ask him...I am a maritime historian and I have spent over 14 years studying the Olympic class liners and am hoping my book series about Titanic will be completely finished by the end of the year. This is just a questions for him...after spending all these years studying these ships, he can't answer anything that I don't already know myself after thousands of hours of writing and research (and yes, this is my first maritime project and it is very huge!)

Thank you.

Julianne Annemarie Troutman

Maritime Historian
2012-04-10 20:38:46 UTC
Nothing because hes a D-bag.
2012-04-10 17:23:43 UTC
since this tragedy has made you sooo much money which one will you exploit next? the shuttle challenger? it would make great viewing in 3d,and you could get people who want to go into space to renacte it.
2012-04-10 16:20:37 UTC
Why did you have to let Jack die in the end of the movie? I think you should write an alternate ending where he lives and they live happily ever after!!!!!
2012-04-10 21:28:35 UTC
How come in the video clips of the Titanic's departure all the tug boat names are scratched out?

Watch the example here.

2012-04-10 14:42:02 UTC
Sciences and technology are not perfect. and sciences has done more harm than good due to the huge amount of people who died during that tragedy.
Doctor Superman ツ
2012-04-11 06:29:28 UTC
I have nothing to ask him. He was not there, and if I want to know what he thinks, I will watch his movie.
2012-04-11 05:34:38 UTC
Do you think there are still perfectly preserved bodies in the stern?
2012-04-10 17:27:30 UTC
Why did you cheat on Linda Hamilton?
2012-04-10 16:32:53 UTC
Have any human remains ever been sighted on trips to the ship, and how would you feel about any attempt to collect them?
Allen H
2012-04-10 16:21:02 UTC
With everything that you've learned about the Titantic, would you ever make a film about it using the data you've learned?
2012-04-10 16:02:40 UTC
Why did Rose still have her shoes on when she plummeted hundreds of feet into the ocean?
2012-04-10 15:58:25 UTC
Why was it so painful to me as a male to watch this movie? I counted ceiling tiles, sprinkler heads and etc.
2012-04-10 15:32:54 UTC
I wouldn't ask him a think. I would ask Robert Ballard, the man who discovered the wreck. Dr Ballard should get that honor.
2012-04-10 21:34:19 UTC
Are you ever going to get over that boat? It sank. End of story. :p
2012-04-10 20:54:25 UTC
Why didn't Titanic capsize?
2012-04-10 20:20:30 UTC
Who was your favorite character ins Aliens?
2012-04-10 16:27:03 UTC
Do You see a need for ever returning to the wreck ?
2012-04-10 16:26:56 UTC
Who do you really think was at fault for it's sinking?
2012-04-10 11:54:47 UTC
How would you have built the Titanic knowing what you do now?
2012-04-10 16:49:33 UTC
Will you make a movie about a timemachine that goes back and warns the captain the Titantic will sink. (Let those people RIP please)
2012-04-10 16:10:31 UTC
Do you own any memento's from the Titanic? If you do, what are they and if not, what would you like to have?
2012-04-10 18:09:32 UTC
How much longer are you going to milk this cash cow?
Mark A
2012-04-10 16:21:04 UTC
With the amount of money spent on this project, how many people could it have fed?
2012-04-10 20:47:44 UTC
have you seen any paranormal activity at the titanic?
2012-04-10 18:44:53 UTC
EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT THE TITANTIC SINKING FROM 1912 TO 2012. This is a GRAVE YARD full of people, MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN, most of whom had FAMILIES, rich, poor, and yes a tragedy that this AWSOME SHIP perished on that cold winter night at SEA!

But like the AIRZONA this ship maybe should be laid to rest in PEACE, giving RESPECT to all whom gave their lives aboard it, many with HUGE hearts, to allow others to take to the life boats, some tried to escape but could not, others tried to escape even before children, but mostly was panic and through all that, LETS REMEMBER THE AWSOME BAND, whom played tilll the end, though many probally not even knowing they were, as the WORLDS MOST AWSOME, LARGEST, UNSINKALBE SHIP was about to rest 2 1/2 miles below the world floor as we know it.

To much is FOCUSED on MATERIAL WORTH, making $$$$$$ and as long as their is human interest and movie directors push to view, and items are displayed by POWER HOUSES, using white gloves to show, and names of those whom wore or owned them, YES PROBALLY BE INTEREST FOR YEARS TO COME. But again, should not maybe we FOCUS maybe more on allowing those whom perished on that dreadfull cold night, REST IN PEACE.

Make movies to remember them, that maybe is ok, but maybe we should not enter into their resting grounds for personal gain, world fame!

The ship could never be raised to the service again, other than few bits and pieces, so again WHY! Would just be another item to display, when the world can already see the HUNDREDS OF PICS that have been taking before and now!

We all are amazed at finding her, the pics, the sinking, the PEOPLE ABOARD, the events leading up to her hitting the Iceberg, BUT SHOULD THIS UNSINKABLE SHIP with all its LOST SOULS, not be allowed to just lay at the oceans floor as is, IN PEACE AND REMEMBERACE for them, their familes, and all of us the world to remember.

You are one of my favorite Directors, love all your movies, AWSOME, but as the AIRZONA lies beneath shallow waters, still driping (oil) blood from the wonderful souls whom gave their lives, to defend our FREE COUNTRY (USA) should the TITANTIC not be allowed the same.

They are now getting MAYBE closer to finding probally what would be the worlds most famous airplane if found and the two souls whom were lost aboard it also. And as the world wishes to put a close on what really happened, no one really wishes to display them, but only would love to know where they landed at, and what series of events took place after that, if any!

Being a retired Pilot, no one respects or is more intrigued in such world events unfolding than I, but even so one must remember these are people whom lost their lives, gave their lives most with missions of setting examples of doing something wonderfull for all of us THE WORLD!

I have been to many countries, and seen poor and wealth! Maybe we need to FOCUS more on making movies in PHILLIPPINES, other 3rd world countries that are ALIVE, and need HELP, maybe movies would draw some attention to them, THE LIVING, to enable them to have better lives as well as us FREE americans, and not DWELL quit so much on the lost souls of 100 years ago whom are resting in peace,

So lets give them all as much peace as possible. Thank you and God Bless the USA and WORLD !!
2012-04-10 18:34:43 UTC
If they traveled half speed, could they have avoided the icebergs?
2012-04-10 16:01:28 UTC

What do you think of the Beavis and Butthead spoof of Leave it to Beaver, entitled Leave it to Beavis?
2012-04-10 15:51:14 UTC
Now that the 100th anniversary is over. Will you please stop talking about the Titanic?
2012-04-10 20:28:51 UTC
Why did you ruin the story with all that cheesey romance?
2012-04-10 20:19:25 UTC
How many times can you dig up these victims and bury them again.!
2012-04-10 17:55:23 UTC
So did the fish and crabs get to feast well on the dead corpses?
2012-04-10 17:13:26 UTC
When are you going to build another one?
Minnesota Citizen
2012-04-10 16:13:01 UTC
Please tell us about what you were really looking for. Afterall, the Titanic was just a cover for your work for the US government.
2012-04-10 16:08:59 UTC
Why did you make it a chick flick? I have never forgiven you for that Sir! Otherwise, it was enjoyable and I thank you.
2012-04-10 16:04:31 UTC
When will you be able to move on? This is like a bad date - it just never ends.
jason s
2012-04-10 15:38:35 UTC
What is is opinion on taking artifacts from the site? some argue its preservation others say its grave robbing. thank you
2012-04-10 17:35:13 UTC
When are you going to stop milking the titanic teat?
2012-04-10 16:50:18 UTC
Will there be any living survivors or descendants at the 100th Anniversary Celebration?



2012-04-10 12:48:33 UTC
What were the names of Titanic's sister ships and what happened to them?
2012-04-10 20:33:46 UTC
Do you ever think you'll make a movie with actual substance?
rob l
2012-04-10 17:00:03 UTC
do you think that the hope diamond is on the bottom with the ship and do you think it ever will be found among the wreckage
2012-04-10 15:31:35 UTC
Did you ever figure out who left the water running?
Patricia M
2012-04-10 13:04:49 UTC
what happened to the lookouts' field glasses? They were missing when they sighted the berg.
2012-04-10 20:40:49 UTC
Does katie winslett boobs look as good in person as they do on the show
2012-04-10 15:51:18 UTC
Why did Kate Winslett let go? I thought she would never let go.
Dena S
2012-04-10 15:47:56 UTC
If you had it to do over again would you still have cheated on your then wife Linda Hamilton or would you have done things differently?
2012-04-10 16:56:23 UTC
Did your heart drop into tears feeling that they were all there beside you?
2012-04-10 16:35:21 UTC
Are you going to stop making movies about it?
2012-04-10 16:31:52 UTC
why was the name jack used so many times
2012-04-10 13:59:16 UTC
How many times did you go to the front of that ship and yell "I'm king of the world."
Stephen H
2012-04-10 12:22:44 UTC
Under pressure: I am curious as to how delicate artifacts like porcelain cups, dolls and cabinets are still intact when the water pressure at that depth is enough to crush a submarine's hull like an egg shell? For that matter, how is the SHIP itself still relatively intact under all that pressure?
2012-04-10 15:41:49 UTC
i would like to know why after making so much of the movie authentic.
2012-04-10 18:13:55 UTC
What inspired the line: If you jump, I jump?
2012-04-10 16:30:47 UTC
What type of clothing did they where on the Titantic?
Renee M
2012-04-10 18:37:06 UTC
Have you done any research on the USS Indianapolis? It sure would make a great movie. Thanks for all you have done.
2012-04-10 17:47:30 UTC
Are there still victims bodies down there and, if there are, have you seen any?
2012-04-10 16:43:39 UTC
Why did he have to add fiction to a factual story?
2012-04-10 15:42:15 UTC
What type of drugs were people doing on the titantic if any?
2012-04-10 15:35:39 UTC
Did you get to see Rose's bush when filming the sex scene? Did it look like an orange?
2012-04-10 20:20:55 UTC
Exactly how much money do you intend to make off of all those dead people?
Mike M
2012-04-10 13:12:10 UTC
Will you ever make an alternative history version of "Titanic" in which the ship does make it to port so people can finally "get over it"?
Eric G
2012-04-10 12:02:37 UTC
Why is the Titanic site different from other locations like the Arizona where dead are entombed?
Mark R
2012-04-10 20:20:43 UTC
Why did you torture us with that horrible Celine Dion song?
Ramilyn P.
2012-04-10 17:15:03 UTC
is there a possibility that you can recover all the machines in that ship?!
2012-04-10 16:34:13 UTC
How could have more people really been saved? What would you have done differently?
2012-04-10 16:23:12 UTC
Why do you keep going to the wreck site and disturbing this place where people died? I think enough is enough.
2012-04-10 15:44:21 UTC
Did you ever find the remains of Decaprio by the shipwreck?
Mr. Cle Torus
2012-04-10 15:37:22 UTC
More like a suggestion: Cameron, drop dead egomanical jerk!
2012-04-10 14:39:02 UTC
When are you going to make a movie about the Bismarck Mr Cameron? Please do!
2012-04-10 20:39:53 UTC
is it true that the titanic was never christened
2012-04-10 17:33:50 UTC
James Cameron: NO BODY CARES ANY MORE. move on. please. talk about beating your horse to death and back again. holy hell. boat sank. we dont care.
2012-04-10 16:16:21 UTC
why does someone who made so much money through the capitalist system, trash it so thoroughly in all your films?
2012-04-10 16:13:55 UTC
If I was on Titanic and my balz itched, what would i use to scratch them?
2012-04-10 21:00:06 UTC
If you could choke a man to death, who would it be?
2012-04-10 19:29:51 UTC
Why did you make such a crappy movie?
2012-04-10 16:39:56 UTC
Why can't they just raise the titantic already?
2012-04-10 15:45:45 UTC
Was you on the Titanic when it sunk? if not stfu
Rich H
2012-04-10 20:26:12 UTC
2012-04-10 17:35:26 UTC
James, Why are you such a hack?
2012-04-10 16:00:45 UTC
Why would you release that awful movie again?
2012-04-10 15:32:06 UTC
Stay away from the water!
2012-04-10 16:25:55 UTC
Now, don't you think it's time to let this one go and move on?
2012-04-10 16:10:57 UTC
why were you not born 100 years earlier? you 1%er?
2012-04-10 15:42:49 UTC
how could you stand to profit off of your bastardized version of a real life tragedy?
2012-04-10 20:29:16 UTC
I would like to ask him that the next time he dives down to the wreck would he please stay there?
2012-04-10 16:43:19 UTC
How 'bout next time you stay down there with it ?
2012-04-10 15:35:34 UTC
Would you rather have been Cal or Jack?
2012-04-10 15:32:01 UTC
Is it true that the ship is still sunk?
2012-04-10 12:52:12 UTC
Did he actually meet any of the survivors for his research? Who and when?
G 1
2012-04-10 16:39:28 UTC
How come she was the only one on driftwood? COuldnt they just take turns!!?? And she is stargazing while he is freezing his around and is surprised he is dead>>?
2012-04-10 16:24:34 UTC
Will Kate Winslet's breasts be in 3D in the new movie?
2012-04-10 11:24:10 UTC
Do you think that the Titanic should stay at the bottom of the ocean, or would there ever be a case for raising it?
Steve B
2012-04-10 20:30:21 UTC
How do explain and jusify being a GRAVE ROBBER?
Retired MIlitary Guy
2012-04-10 16:27:44 UTC
How much money have you made now from this disaster?
buck g
2012-04-10 16:22:58 UTC
do you ever feel like a grave robber when you go down there and pilfer through dead people's belongings..
2012-04-10 15:26:17 UTC
Is the virtual Titanic larger than your real life penis ?
2012-04-10 19:19:31 UTC
Did you celebrate with Leonardo Dicaprio, and the rest of the cast? Thanks.
2012-04-10 12:24:19 UTC
i would like to know why after making so much of the movie authentic.why would you make the main characters (rose and jack) fictional characters in this movie instead of using someone who was on board ,a real couple ?
2012-04-10 15:42:31 UTC
Not a frikin thing. I'm tired of hearing about it.
2012-04-10 16:41:37 UTC
Will you give me some money?
2012-04-10 16:21:19 UTC
Dear James, could you please stop trying to line your pockets by exploiting a tragedy?
2012-04-10 16:28:37 UTC
Do you think you just sunk your career?
2012-04-10 16:51:13 UTC
Why don't you just shut up about this already?
2012-04-10 16:33:13 UTC
2012-04-10 16:06:24 UTC
How much money have you made off these dead people who died so horribly?
2012-04-10 15:46:45 UTC
Was the iceberg sorry?
2012-04-10 14:19:16 UTC
Why weren't you on the Titanic, and how can we arrange for you to go down there and stay?
2012-04-10 20:38:44 UTC
When will we finally forget it and move on????????????????????

So sick about hearing about this stupid sunken boat!
2012-04-10 18:25:10 UTC
absolutely nothing
2012-04-10 17:43:59 UTC
2012-04-10 16:44:03 UTC
What does he know?

Why would I ask him anything ??
2012-04-10 15:32:51 UTC
Tom w
2012-04-10 17:19:31 UTC
why didnt you make another terminator movie?????
2012-04-10 12:50:19 UTC
in the movie how of it was realy based on true facts
2012-04-10 15:27:44 UTC
Nothing. I am tired of hearing about it.
Charles Whitman
2012-04-10 13:55:17 UTC
Were any sex toys recovered from the wreckage and are any victims still in usable condition?
2012-04-10 16:51:10 UTC
Not a damn thing.
2012-04-10 16:35:48 UTC
Let it go?
Robby H
2012-04-10 22:15:44 UTC
why is avatar so overrated?
2012-04-10 15:40:45 UTC
Does anyone really give a **** ?
Jill R
2012-04-10 20:51:38 UTC
Kenneth S
2012-04-10 17:30:17 UTC
Douglas D
2012-04-10 17:10:27 UTC
what will be,will be.
stasis 1
2012-04-10 16:41:46 UTC
why cant you leave it be?
2012-04-10 15:41:32 UTC
May I please go with you on the next dive.
james b
2012-04-10 16:00:45 UTC
2012-04-10 15:39:14 UTC
why do your movies suck
2012-04-10 15:19:21 UTC
Can I PLEASE go with you on your next trip?
2012-04-10 15:38:52 UTC
Can we please stop talking about it now?
2012-04-10 15:45:55 UTC
Who cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.