2008-12-04 11:58:28 UTC
-Is The Wall a metaphor, an actual wall, a hallucination, or all of the above?
-The soldier's son, the rock star, and the Nationalsocialist : All the same guy?
-The rock star shaved his eyebrows and all of a sudden he's a warlord. Why?
-What's up with all the flying cartoon va*inas? Heck, what is up with the toons in general? Were they real or imaginary? What exactly does the trial at the end mean?
-Is it supposed to be a clever movie that makes you think (Requiem for a Dream, Trainspotting)? Or is it a goofy movie to trip out ston*rs (Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, Escape to Whitecastle)?
(If it hopped time and logic any more, they'd make it an episode of Lost.)