In the early winter of 1962, Rory Emerald was a struggling young mime, touring with the Silent Seven. At that time, mimes were generally thought to be annoying, irritating entertainers. A year later, when Emerald was being tortured by enthusiastic Secret Service Agents for his alleged assassination of JFK, his honor of the code of silence of the mime world was revered and respected. But in 1962, Rory Emerald was puzzled over how to get mimes form of entertainment into the mainstream. Harper Lee’s racially charged novel, “to Kill a mockingbird” was being produced into a film at the time, and Emerald saw the opportunity for miming to become more socially acceptable. If a mime could land the role as Atticus Finch, then mimes would be universally acknowledged. Of course, the screenplay would have to be modified slightly. Through a series of pantomimes, he got his point across to the other members of the traveling group, and he decided to go head to head against other actors auditioning for the role. He went to Century Studios, wearing a black beret, a striped outfit and pink suspenders. His face was painted a bright white shade, and he wore cherry red lipstick. What a sight he must have been! When it was his turn to audition, he had a tough act to follow. The preceding actor, the handsome, intelligent looking Gregory Peck had floored the producers with his wonderful display of emoting. When Emerald was called up, they asked him to take it from page 27, Act 2, though they were bewildered by his costume, glancing at each other in apprehension. Emerald flipped to the page in question, and started moving about, gesturing wildly, as if stating his case to a jury without speaking. One of the producers asked Mr. Emerald to speak, and he zipped his lips, pretending to lock them with a key, which he threw away. The producers were getting more and more annoyed, finally asking security to remove the mime from the premises. Rory Emerald continued to display fine acting ability, even as he was tossed out the studio door and smack into the side of a 1959 Buick sedan. He rolled onto the road, mimicking pain and agony, which amused the harried security guards. They began kicking the handsome young actor, as he lie a strewn on the pavement. They kicked him harder and harder in the ribs, trying to get a sound out of him. They picked him up like a rag doll and threw him repeatedly against the side of the brick façade of the building…Still, no sound. Finally the security guards gave up in disgust.
In fact, Rory Emerald later admitted that this was good practice for what was going to occur on November 22, 1963. The Secret Service finally gave up as well, after pistol whipping, hose spraying and rib kicking the young mime for hours. Rory Emerald would have the last laugh, as his performance as Pepe, the Paris mime in “The French Connection” made mimes acceptable, if only for a short period of time.