2011-01-01 18:56:50 UTC
so yea give me a list of truly terrifying movies.
p.s some of the stuff i have seen are like
- Faces of Death
- Martyrs
- Paranormal activity 1/2 ( not rly that scary)
- Human Centipede
- Halloween ( remakes and originals)
- Friday the 13th series ( New and old)
- Nightmare on elm street ( originals, remake was just horrible)
- Drag me to Hell
- Haunting in Connecticut
- Amyityville horror
- Night of the Living dead
- Dawn of the dead ( and all the remakes)
- 28 days later
- 28 weeks later
- Rec & Quarantine
- The ring
- The Grudge
- Poltergeist
- The Exorcist
- The strangers ( i quite liked, because it could happen)
- 30 days of night
- Scream 1,2,3 =)
- Jeeper's creepers part 1 & 2
- The fourth kind ( At first i thought it was real which made me scared lol i always get a bit freaked out about aliens)
- Saw? meh
- Hostel
A lot of B grade horror movies.
And I have watched the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs video otherwise known as "3 guys 1 hammer" and by far this is the most disturbing piece of footage i have had the displeasure of watching.
so yea give me a list of your favorite movies that will make a horror movie buff jump in fear, no restrictions on the country as long as it has English subtitles with it I'm good. ( Japanese scary movies are awesome)
and don't bother answering if you're going say stuff like "the sixth sense" and "jurassic park " LoL