spencer s
2007-07-08 20:23:00 UTC
“Please, Mike don’t rent that house” James pleaded. Mike Slim was renting a house on Handler Street supposedly the house was haunted. But Mike Slim was on vacation and he wanted to give his family a treat. He wanted to rent a very nice house for a week, and the house was very nice. James Morin was the owner of the house, he had explained to Mike that in that house thirty-six people had committed suicide. But Mike did not care he wanted a house that his family would love and what he would also love. He wasn’t in the house now; he was in the house of James Morin. Once James gave him the key to the house he would go back out to his jeep and drive his family to it. Mike got a big grin on his face and said, “I am staying there no matter what just give me the key and I’ll leave you alone. There’s nothing you can do about it. That house was in the phone book in the rental section.” James looked down with a sad look on his face and said “Ok, what ever. But if something happens to you in that house, I will come to your funeral, look into your casket and say I told you so.” James fumbled in his pocket for a second and pulled out a rusted gold key. He handed it to Mike and said, “The address is 1305 Handler Street.” Then Mike turned around and walked out of James house. But he would soon figure out that should have never grabbed that key from James Morin.
Chapter 1
Mike Slim stuck in the key of 1305 Handler Street, turned it and slowly pushed it open. Once it was open his two little daughters, Lily and Virginia, ran past him into the big Victorian style house. The house was white with two stories, it did not look that big on the outside but on the inside it was huge. Mike himself walked in and looked around for a second, then put down his bag and stretched his arms. His wife walked up to him, hugged him, and said, “O thank you honey. I love it and so do the kids” Mike saw his two daughters run down the stairs playing a game of tag. He would have told them to stop running in the house, but it isn’t his house so who cares? He picked his suitcase up again and propped it on the couch and sat next to it. Across from the couch was a big screen TV, he grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. A big football game was on, he pushed two numbers on the remote and yelled for his kids. “Girlies cartoon are on!” A few seconds later the two kids came running in giggling and tripping on their non tied shoelaces. He picked his suitcase up again and walked up the stairs, walked in the master bedroom and put his suitcase on the bed. He started to unpack when his wife, Jenny, walked in and said “Honey, how bout you take some time off me and the kids tomorrow. We have something big planned for our big man” Mike looked at her and said “O baby that would be great thanks” She kissed him and walked back down the stairs. He looked up from the bed and there was a picture above the bed, it was of one green pair and it was on a brown table. It was an ugly painting the pair was old and gross. Mike didn’t like looking at it so he turned away and walked back down the stairs of the house. Once he got downstairs he looked at the table next to the couch where the girls were sitting. There on the table was an old brown gross pair. He walked over to the pair and stared at it. He turned around and yelled for his wife. She walked in and he asked, “Where did you get this pair?” He moved aside so she could see the pair but when he moved she got a mystified look on her face and said “What pair?” Mike turned around and to his surprise the pair wasn’t there.
Chapter 2
Mike had on his lucky Hawaiian flower shirt on. He was driving back to the house from his break day form the kids. He had gone to the beach and a couple of shops and bought a couple of things for the kids. He had also bought a new screwdriver for himself he needed one to fix the TV back at his real home. He the finally pulled up to the house and put his car in park. He got out with the duffle bag in hand with all the stuff he bought. He went up to the door and turned the handle. Nothing happened. The door was locked from the inside. He knocked on the door and called for his wife. Nothing. He started to knock a little harder. Then he decided to call the phone in there. He pulled out his cell phone and called the number, he got the answering machine. It said, “Your family is no longer with us Mr. Slim” It startled him and he dropped the cell phone. He then went to his duffel bag and pulled out his new screwdriver. He ripped off the package and pulled it out. He put in the key slot and turned a couple of times. Then he heard a click, and without any warning the door slowly slid open. He walked in and called for his wife, nothing. He then turned the screwdriver around, so just in case someone was in the house he could stab him or her. He walked in to the kitchen and saw blood everywhere, on the walls, on the ceiling, on the ground. His eyes got wide and his mouth opened wide. He walked over to the kitchen chair and sat down in it. There was still food, maybe that was the surprise, a big dinner. In front of Mike was one single glass of water. Mike didn’t know what happened, and he didn’t want to know. He started to cry when suddenly, one single drip of blood plopped into the glass in front of him. It startled him and he looked up. On the ceiling holding on to the beams of the ceiling was a man wielding a claw hammer. He shielded his face and fell back in his chair, onto his back. He rolled onto his feet and brought the screwdriver up to his face. His eyes were really wide now and now he thinks he should have believed James to not coming into this house. He held the screwdriver tight and ran backwards to the front door. He bumped his back against it and turned around, he turned the handle and nothing happened. He became very frantic and started shaking it and then very violently started banging on the door. Then he remembered the key to the house was on the table next to the couch. He turned around and looked at the table and on it was the gross old ugly pair. He hit it off the table and grabbed the key to the door. He put the key in the door and twisted it, but when he did it broke in half. Then the rest of the key in the door slid into the door. Mike came down to the keyhole and looked in it. He saw nothing just black. He backed away from the door and turned around. His family was all sitting at the kitchen table, but they weren’t real. They looked like they were a telegraphic picture. They were all talking about when Mike was coming home and if he bought them anything. He was wide eyed and in shock so he didn’t move a muscle. Then out of no where the man on the ceiling walked next to him looked at him for a minute then walked past him to the family. He raised his claw hammer and smashed Mike’s wife’s head open. She screamed and fell to the ground. The man then reached over the table and grabbed Lily’s hair and smashed her face in with claw part of the hammer. Virginia then got up from her chair and started to run away. He threw the hammer at her and the claw part stuck into the back of her head. It all happened in one big flash of a second. The man walked over to Virginia’s dead body and pulled the hammer out of her head. He then turned around to face Mike. Mike raised the screwdriver and rushed the man with the hammer. He ran faster then he ever had before. But when he got to the man, he raised the hammer ready to kill Mike as well. Mike shielded his face with his left arm and swung his right arm that had the screwdriver in it. But he went right threw the man and fell over and hit the ground with his face. He turned over on his back and looked up. Nothing was there. He got up and looked around. Nothing was anywhere. The dead bodies of his family were gone and it was just the blood again. He held the screwdriver and walked up the stairs. He went into the master bedroom and sat on the bed. He lay down on the bed and looked up then he noticed the painting above the bed again. He turned around and looked at it carefully. This time instead of a pair on the table it was a human head. It was his wife’s head on the table. He inhaled deeply and jumped on the bed. It was defiantly her head Mike could tell. But it wasn’t normal; on the face she had a huge grin. He took a step backward and tripped over something he fell hard and jumped back up. The face had changed again, this time her face had a little smile on it. Mike walked over to a chair against the wall, picked it up and walked next to the painting. He swung the chair against the painting and the glass around it smashed. The painting fell to the bed and the paper was smudged. Mike picked it up and took the paper out of the holding and crumbled it up. He walked back down stairs to the gas fireplace, switched on the fire, and threw the paper of the painting in it. It slowly burned. Mike turned around and there sitting on the table was his wife’s head. Mike didn’t believe it was there, so he closed his eyes. When he reopened them nothing was there. He turned around again to look at the fire, and above the fireplace was the painting but this time, on the table it was his head.
Chapter 3
Mike took three steps backwards and tripped over something again. He got up slowly again and turned around to face the TV. He grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. The TV screen was blank, and then suddenly the screen blared with blue. Then a picture came up it was of Mike. It was like as if a camera was watching him and now it was playing on the TV. He walked closer to the TV and looked at it. It showed him looking at the TV. He then looked at it more carefully, behind him, was the man with the claw hammer. The man raised the hammer and was about to swing it down on Mike, when he turned around swiftly. Nothing was there. Mike inhaled and turned around to the TV. The TV was blank as if he never turned it on. He walked over to the couch and sat down. Then he thought something. No wonder all those people had killed themselves. Then the TV blared on with sound. It was so loud that Mike couldn’t take it. It was no ordinary sound either; it was like a bird and a monkey screeching very loudly. He walked over to the fireplace and grabbed the fire poker and swung it at the TV. The TV smashed to little bits. He dropped the fire poker on the ground. He then also went to his knees. He began to sob quietly and softly. Then somehow the front door opened. James Morin was in the doorway. Mike turned around quickly and his eyes got wide. James stood there staring at Mike and said “I warned you about this house” The James turned around and slammed the door shut. Mike rushed up and ran for the door. But when he got there it was already shut. He started to bag and punch the door like crazy. He walked over to the fire poker and picked it up. He went to the door and tried smashing the door open. Nothing, nothing worked he was never going to get out of this house. Then he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He turned around and the wall that separated the upstairs from the down stairs was blocking the face of the man walking down, but Mike already knew whom it was. It was the man with the claw hammer it was Mikes turn to die. He walked closer to the stairs and he saw the man’s hands come down and one of the hands held a hammer. Mike started to back up when he bumped into something. Mike turned around and there, his wife, and two daughters were hanging with a noose around their neck. Mike yelled and ran the other way. He ran into the kitchen and there was no blood, there was just food on the table. The only blood was the one in the glass cup, the one single drop of blood that fell from the hammer. Mike sat in the chair and stared at the glass with the blood in it. Then he got up and turned around. The hammer man was standing there in front of his family’s bodies. Mike’s eyes looked sleepy and drowned out. His wife and two kids really kid kill them self. The image of them getting killed was just another reason for me to kill myself, Mike thought. Mike grabbed the fire poker and walked over to the hammer man. He swung the fire poker and the poker went right threw him. But then somehow, the man hit him in the side of the head with the hammer. Mike fell to his knees and then jumped forward to tackle the hammer guy. He went straight threw him. Mike couldn’t take it anymore he was starting to freak out. He jumped up and started swinging the poker widely. He didn’t stop until he reached the kitchen. He then grabbed a big chair and smashed the kitchen table with it. He then turned around and threw the chair across the room. It hit the door and smashed completely. Mike grabbed at his hair and started to pull some of it out. He walked back to the fireplace and looked at the painting and for some reason there was a pirate ship of some sort floating in the ocean. The painting was moving the boat was rocking back and fourth. Mike walked back over to the broke chair by the front door, and picked up one of the chairs legs. He then walked over to the painting wand swung the chair leg at the painting. But before it got there, the water from the painting broke out and smashed into Mike. He fell backwards and hit his head on the metal table and it smashed. He kept on rolling until he hit the wall. He was drowning, and he had to get out of it quick. He could feel himself going deeper and deeper into the water. Then somehow he was back in the house, just like that he back in the house. Standing there staring at the TV. The TV was blank so he didn’t know why he was staring at it. But then suddenly a picture popped up. It showed Mike putting a noose around his wife and two daughters neck. Mike turned around sharply and couldn’t believe the TV. But when he turned around his wife was lying on the couch. He walked over to her and grabbed on to her. “Jenny, Jenny are you awake?” Her eyes opened and stared at Mike. “Oh my honey, I cant believe what happened in my horrible dream. I remember seeing it all. But couldn’t do anything about it. A man of some sort was hanging the kid’s and me. We died but I could see everything. I even saw you honey. I saw you try to fight that man. But don’t worry honey, you will be just as dead as I am at the end of this” Mike’s wife clamped on to his shoulder and pulled him closer to her. He pushed her off of him and back away. Then her body slowly drifted away. Mike dropped to his back and lay there thinking of how he could have stopped this. When suddenly somehow walked up to him and said “You couldn’t” He snapped around onto his knees and the man with the hammer was standing there. He swung his hammer and Mike ducked. Mike jumped backwards and ran for the kitchen. Then he remembered something. This house had an alcoholic cabinet. He ran over to it and opened it up he got out a bottle of whiskey. He ran over to the cloths cabinet and grabbed one of those out. He slipped the cloth into the bottle and grabbed a lighter out of his pocket. He walked over to the living room and the hammer man was standing there staring at Mike. Mike glared right back. Then Mike broke the silence and said “If I’m going down, your coming with me” He lit the cloth in the whiskey bottle and threw it at the hammer man. It hit in front of him and he got fire suddenly. Then Mike walked over to the kitchen and saw a pack of Marlboros. He took one out and lit it. He took one drag and walked in front of the living room. The whole living room was on fire. The hammer man was moaning for help, “Go to hell” Mike yelled. Once he was down with the cigarette he flipped it in the fire. When the cigarette hit the fire the room exploded, and the whole house caught on fire. With Mike Slim inside of it.
Firefighters slammed open the door to 1305 Handler Street. There on the ground was Mike Slim coughing and for some reason laughing his head off. He didn’t stop laughing until the firemen brought him out of the house and lay him down on the grass. The firefighters were about to go back in when Mike grabbed his uniform and said, “Don’t go in that house. Its evil” Mike Slim was rushed to the hospital and was patched up. He went home after a month in the hospital. Mike was sitting in his new house and his lawyer was there with him. “Listen Mike, you have talked to many counselors. Everything that you claimed happened in that room didn’t happen.” Mikes lawyer, Clint Jenkins, said. Mikes lawyer was walking around with a box in his hands. Mike looked up and dragged a box over to him. Mike pulled out a box of stuff they found in the house once the fire was out. Mike put his hand in the box and pulled out a videotape. He slipped the tape in the VCR and pushed play. Clint stopped walking and stood there with the box in his hands watching the TV. A picture popped up of the hammer man hanging his wife and two kids. Then it switched to Mike looking at the TV, and the hammer guy swing his hammer at Mike. Mike turning around and looking scared. Then it switched it James Morin opening the door and saying, “I warned you about this house” Clint dropped the box with his mouth wide open and his eyes also wide open. Mike looked at Clint and said “The stuff that happened in that house was real, Clint. That house was supposed to kill me Clint. I was supposed to die in that house. I am the only one who made it out alive. Clint, That house is still out there. Their going to remodel it and someone else is going to die in that house” Then Mike’s door opened and James Mori walked in. “Very impressive, Mr. Slim. But too bad you just finished level one. Time for level two” Suddenly Clint jumped up and tackled Mike. Mike closed his eyes when he fell to the ground and when he opened them he was back in the house on Handler Street. Standing in the middle of the living room, staring at the TV.