I agree. The newest Star Trek installment is a poor imitation of what a wonderful series used to be. There is very little that was once good that hollywood gets it's hands on that doesn't end up being dumbed-down to the elementary level of the younger generations brainless, uncreative thinking to appeal to an audience with a low intellect and feed the masses.
The Gene Roddenberry years, when stories might play with questions of science, ideals or philosophy, have been replaced by stories reduced to loud and colorful action.Think of what Hollywood did to Battlestar Galactica. Look, I have been a casual fan of the series for 15 years, I have seen almost every episode of every series, I could go on for days, but I am making myself nauseous just thinking about how they take everything intelligent out now and reduce everything to car chases, explosions, and unsophisticated 1-dimensional humor.
As for this Star Trek reboot. Well, the plot/story was stupid and pointless. The dialogue was awful, and Checkov's fake accent alone was enough to justify me getting my money back. And the villains have just gotten successively stupider since Khan. Scary tattoos? Give me a break. For anyone who hasn't had a frontal lobotomy, flashy special effects alone just don't add up to a satisfying movie experience worthy of Gene Rodenberry's beautiful and optimistic vision of what our future as a species could be.
Even the attempts at humor fell flat- Is Simon Pegg's new green friend supposed to be amusing or what? Just awful. They did do a good job on the effects as that is all movie producers seem to be focused on today.
This installment could have been fantastic with better writing but I had a feeling that this movie was going to replace some of the series great story telling with action. Unfortunately that is the only way producers are going to get the audiences attention somehow. Essentially it is more a reflection of the disintegration of modern society than it is of bad movie making.