What would your movie be about and who would you cast, if you were a filmmaker?
2011-09-15 10:58:09 UTC
Many people have had ideas for movies they would love to make. What story would your movie tell? Would you see it as a big Hollywood blockbuster or a smaller independent film? Who would you like to cast in the main roles?

To get some ideas, check out omg!
112 answers:
2011-09-15 13:08:28 UTC
I'm not enthusiastic about having my story adapted into a movie, but many people tell me my book sounds a lot like a movie.

It's about a 10 year old boy named Logan, an orphan boy with split-personality disorder, much like Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde. He has two minds, he is two people--one is the normal, somewhat depressed boy who constantly has intense, almost physically painful "visions" and moments where he has memories--he has almost zero memory, can't remember anything a year back, but occasionally has memories of completely random events.

His other self is a mysterious serial killer--even though he is ten years old.

Logan is also an extremely unique and amazing piano player. He never had lessons or any experience at all--it was like he was born with it. His foster mom, the only person who loves him, the only person he really actually knows, has no idea where he came from and how he knows how to play. There's this one tune, this one intensely creepy yet beautiful melody he always plays. Whenever he plays it, he goes into this weird trance, often remembering distant events that build up to kind of reveal his background, in a mysterious way. Sometimes he sees things he did as his other self--the aggressive, yet clever and "sane" killer who sneaks out at night for unknown reasons. There's this one little girl he always remembers, a girl with red hair who often hums the familiar melody he knows...

None of his therapists--and there are a lot of them--can figure out what's wrong with Logan. They can't tell he has split personality (it's not revealed he actually has it until somewhere near the mid-end) and have no idea why he hardly talks, can't remember anything, or especially why he always plays the tune on piano. He's assaulted many of the therapists, not knowing what they are (human), as the only people he really knows are himself, his foster mother, and that girl in his memories--and, of course, his "friends" whom he oddly finds himself dragging up to the attic, his "friends" who he talks to, even though they won't talk back or open their eyes.

Logan does die at the end, when the police discover it's him who constantly murders people in the area. His last vision is the bullet heading straight toward his eye.

There's a LOT more too it. It sounds confusing and weird, but it's not. I worked on it for quite awhile and it has lots of twists and thrilling scenes.
Pro Activ
2011-09-18 08:46:23 UTC
I want to be a film director after I get out of high school and go to NYFA so If I made a movie it would be like an Not Another Teen Movie/Scary Movie/Knocked Up i would cast

Nicki Minaj

Lindsay Lohan

Miley Cyrus

Sarah Palin

Lady GaGa

Queen Latifah

Katy Perry

Taylor Swift(lead)

Rebbecca Black

girls from Teen Mom

Beyonce(giving birth)

Kathy Griffin

Ellen Degeneres

Jane Lych


the men

Zac Efron


Rick Ross


Taylor Lautner

Russell Brand

Adam Sanlder

Martin Lawrence

and others

I would have to figure how to fit all of them into the movie someway and other newcomers
Focus on what's right. Not what you want
2011-09-18 18:08:52 UTC
I want to make a movie that has meaning; something that will change the way people think for the better. It could simply document the horrific events that happen in society and let us be aware of that, or it could tell a story which we could all relate to, and enjoy as the movie lets us re-experience our memories.

The only important part regarding the cast is that the right cast member is hired. There's nothing that says you must hire Tom Cruise or Angelina Jolie for your movies. For a good movie, you not only want good actors, but the "right" actors.

Ideas for movies fly through my head by the hour. And it would be great to get the chance to make one of those movies. But there only a few chances. That's why it is important to make a good movie; a movie with a believable story (an audience will accept ANYTHING, as long as it's believable), has a message that will change the way the audience thinks for good, and maintains the limit of excitement - you always what to make your audience "want more".

But of course, I'd rather entertain and hope that people learn, than teach and hope that people are entertained. I don't want to aim for an oscar; I want to make a movie I like, and see if others like it, which will end up with 'the academy' liking it, and then comes the oscar. I think too many movies are being made these days, and with too little meaning. Let's work together and make a movie that will make our world a better place.
2011-09-18 03:54:41 UTC
I would make movies about coming of age. They would be stories that are related to the general public and based on true lives of people that want to share. These stories are rewarding in showing people overcoming adversity in life and still becoming a good person that people could look up to. These are the people that make the real world and these are the people that should be famous.

For the roles I'd cast people that have been in B-list roles. Famous people good actors/actresses but after a while it's refreshing to see a new face with good talent too!
2011-09-18 00:26:22 UTC
If I were to make a movie, it would be a combination between science fiction, steampunk, fantasy, the gothic TimBurton-like style and old Venetian style. The protagonist would be the narrator of the film, who travels into a variety of worlds (found in different white/semitransparent Bucky balls connected through a wire) in order to know herself, similar with *Le Petit Prince* by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Also, the author would not be from Earth, but from a pentadimensional projection of it, and would often explain some details from her experience on her planet or from Earth.

If I were to cast, I would definitely cast Benjamin Thomas Barnes♥ in the role of Prince Cyan (an important character), Winona Ryder♥ as the protagonist, Hugh Jackman♥ as the protagonist's real-time lover and Olivia Wilde♥ as the narrator.

The Soundtrack would be composed by Danny Elfman♥ or it would consist in some mainstream songs.

The scenario is still in progress, but I'm sure the movie would be a blockbuster because of its originality.
2011-09-18 10:02:47 UTC
My movie would be an adaptation of the book, Teeny Tiny and the Witch Woman, by Barbara K. Walters, which is based on an old turkish folk tale.

My movie would be about a family with a mother and her 3 boys. She used to read the book to them as kids, and the events of the book would start happening to them.

It's an idea I've been working on for quite a while. I've even started the script, but it's far from finished.

As for who I'd cast, I have no idea at this point, but I did like the actors in Super 8, so I might like some of them. But I'm also very interested in finding new actors no one knows about yet.

As for the mother and the witch woman, I think the mother would be good played by either Zoey Deschanel, Kate Winslet, or another undiscovered actress.

and the Witch played by either Helena Bonham Carter, Rene Zelwager, or an undiscovered actress.

But really I'm not thinking about casting at all at this point.
2011-09-18 11:58:56 UTC
If i was a movie maker i would make a movie about the children in Uganda and places around it. It would document several children's experiences being taken into captivity and trained to be soldiers in the rebels and brainwashed to go and shoot up villages. I would take it from true, actual stories. I would have an unknown cast with fresh faces. I would do this because i think it is time for the ongoing problems over there to being acknowledged. I am hoping to go on to be a producer after i finish High School and i am very serious about this.
2011-09-18 03:45:41 UTC
I would make a movie of the game serious Halo cause i'm a fan myself and many others are, i would make a movie based on every game and story line in the game, start with the the beginning with Halo Reach cause it was not only the biggest game it was the start of the halo saga (time wise) and then after seeing how big that was and the profits got i would turn to Halo ODST and so on, keeping the movie based on the game itself, for actors i wouldn't pick any big names unless they showed interest, but i would try and get Jason Statham to play the role of Master Chef (the main characters) for directors and producers i would get big ones to help with the making of the movie
2011-09-17 16:36:13 UTC
First idea: a crime film where two soldiers (mark wahlberg and Jason statham) are partners in a crime syndicate where they're under the command of three ruthless leaders ( De Niro, Pesci, Pacino) in an underground hit man services business; name and where they'll be, no other questions asked. In a bizarre turn of events, one of statham's family members rats out and turns in an associate of the syndicate. So, De Niro orders statham to carry out the hit. However, he Refuses and goes against the business. Now, statham is on the run from the syndicate and his former partner, Wahlberg.

Hollywood blockbuster, and those were the main cast members.

I also had an idea about Jeremy piven and Larry David being stuck together but I didn't want it to be similar to that film with Downey Jr and galifanakis
Awesome Bill
2011-09-16 22:34:11 UTC
I would probably make it a space-based adventure unlike anything made to date. No political or social overtones, just a film about a certain period of time in the protagonists life that would require special effects but not your typical bonanza. I think some of the movies it would draw from are "Once Upon A Time In The West"; "Alien"; and "Road To Perdition" either for style or story element.

My intent would be to tell a story so unlike we see today where the message is political, the special effects are overly used and edited for the masses. I guess mine would be a very well-made cult classic. Consequently, I would most likely cast the film with virtual unknowns who can really dive into their character and the story so as to make it most believable. I wouldn't want anyone so well-established that their previous work would work against the story and mood of the film.

I would respect physics as we know it because plausibility is what I like to see more of in todays films. If anyone has read the "Alien vs. Predator" novels, that would be the sort of ambience I would use. There's something about the remote setting that I would emphasize in order to convey the message that just because one is on the frontier, it does not mean they should let themselves stray from what makes them a decent human being. Something along the lines of a play on morality.
2016-02-29 07:38:39 UTC
Denzel Washington Matt Damon Christian Bale Amy Adams Scarlett Johansson Margot Robbie
2011-09-18 04:03:05 UTC
that is a very interesting question.

i should think first off the premise to my film would be something that i have not seen in film sofar. a space-western of sorts. it starts off on earth, goes out in space. and jumps back and forth between a few planets in our solar system. set in the future ofcourse when mars and ganymede are colonized. it would be very little technology related. primarily a romance, hero legend reborn in modern times roughly related to the beowulf saga, with some political undertones between the differing governments throughout the solar system.

It would definitly be a large scale film with a fare amount of CGI, but i would demand no less than a top notch performance from the cast who would be veterans in the field with very few newcomers, i doubt i would use any high profile mainstream actors in it since their notoriety would take away from the film, i wouldnt want it to be "just another of that guys films".

but as a fan of older films when "the method" was still concidered new by all rights, where acting was actualy acting. those kinds of skills would be paramount.

for the lead role as funny as this sounds. i would want kevin sorbo, as strange as it sounds since he would be doing zero action sequences and would be required to fullfill a role that i dont think he has touched on sofar in his career. that of the out of touch, depressed, very exposed and vulnerable recovering alchoholic with a large load of guilt issues. (not in a comical way)

for the heroine's (there would be two total) im not sure which actresses would fill those roles since i cant think of any offhand which fit the bill for the characters.

a majority of the cast would be a combination of american, european and canadian actors from various films and roles such as stellan skarsgard, gerard butler, dennis storhoi, including some actors who primarily do voiceover work like beau billingsly. im sure jack black and kyle gass would make a cameo as interstellar "truck drivers" arguing with eachother over the radio.

all in all i suppose it would be a romance, with the convenience of technology almost on par with star trek, run down anti-hero thrown into a politicaly motivated scenario where faith in oneself, and the dedication of the one you love survive the test both literaly and figurativly.

the thing that i would find most important though is that, the storyline would not be intensly detailed, because you ruin the film if you spend too much time .. or too little time describing what the backstory is pryor to the film. thats why the film would probably end up as a two parter. This would enable the actors to actualy do their job, nothing ruins a scene like hurried dialogue, especialy in a romance.

i havent really thought on this concept too much until i read this post, but i think the opportunity would be very interesting, not only that in writting it i would be able to meet the actors and developers of whom i have a great sense of respect for in their own right aswell as their craft. but the people who work behind the scenes that i really admire. the CGI programmers, the composers, film crew, prop makers, stage managers.. it would be rather interesting!
2011-09-18 17:00:14 UTC
How about a movie that features a giant white shark that terrorizes an entire new England community? Or how about a little girl in Kansas that gets swept away to a strange land by a tornado?

They probably won't sell though. It was just a silly idea. Scratch those two off the list.
2016-04-28 14:07:54 UTC
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2011-09-19 09:14:44 UTC
if i were a filmmaker, i would like to make a movie on the subject of peaceful situation in Pakistan. i would tell the world that Pakistanis are not terrorists instead they are very loving and peaceful nation.

My film would be a big-budget film and its cast should be like this,

Heroes, Ali Zafar and Atif Aslam, besides this i would also introduce some new faces!
2011-09-18 02:54:01 UTC
My movie would be a force multiplier duo in Afghanistan forced to train children as soldiers for the Afghan army. The children were temporally adopted by the duo's assigned tribe after their missionary parents were killed by an IED. As you probably know having child soldiers is a war crime although training soldiers to fight when they are adults is not. Not only do the duo have to, train the children, they have to face the Taliban and a Western reporter that wants to run with the children soldiers story. I would have Afghan, Persian and Indian immigrants playing all the roles except for the children and reporter.

Another story would be of Iraqi immigrants to the U.S. which join the army and assigned to a boarder fort with Mexico just after the Mexican American war. Not only do they have to face Mexican soldiers that still want to fight, they have to face bandits, Indian attacks and mercenaries from rich ranchers which are fighting other rich ranchers and farmers. Think of it as the war in Iraq happening in a small section of the U.S.
Steve Y
2011-09-18 13:22:17 UTC



Wet Doggie
2011-09-18 11:11:04 UTC
It would be a non fiction story about a person who lived to be 80 yrs old against the odds because he or she was diagnosed with a debilitating disease as a child... The story tells about all the teasing and bullying in school and hard times as a young adult.. Then, how hard it was to conquer problems we all have but what proved to be harder as a challenged person... If I had lots of money, it would be Hollywood but an indy if I only had a few thousand. I played in a movie before... (Buffalo Bushido) It was fun!
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2011-09-16 19:44:07 UTC
I've been working on a screen play idea for quite some time. It's a sort of a twist on the novel 1984, by George Orwell, and Ian Fleming's Bond. Picture The Truman Show meets Live and Let Die.

Jim Carrey as the lead.
2011-09-18 13:35:09 UTC
My movie would be about a ranch girl who loves and trains horses. She would always have a lot of friends, may have a couple enemies but she's an overall outgoing, fun person and always nice to hang around with. She would be 16 years old, living with her Grandpa and her big sister. Her mother passed away from hitting a moose on the road. Her father would be living out of town with his little daughter. I would have it where they have difficulties, they find out that the horse trainer girl has a step brother, someone may pass away and the horse training business falls apart and they are trying to rebuild it up and make it a stronger, peaceful horse ranch.

There will be a lot of problems but they always try to fix it. It will be a running ranch. Just kind of like Heartland I'm trying to get at but different in ways.

I would have to have Amber Marshal play in the movie and of course Michelle Morgan :)


I would have a movie about my life/horses life. Where I always loved animals, had a best friend that owned a lot of horses. I decided I wanted a horse but I lived in town. Finally, one year we moved out to a farm. No animals, sometimes my neighbor's had horses and I would go riding with them and my friends. Then finally one day, after always horse looking on the internet, I went to the horse auction and I bought my very own, first horse and he was the best. Owned him for 4 years but he was too tall for me and I would liked a smaller one. So we sold him. The day he left, he had his best friend in the pasture neighing like crazy. Then when he left in the trailer, the other horse galloped down the field neighing running after my horse until he could no longer see him in sight. Both were neighing, one galloping around, and I was crying, laying in the field, with the other horse. Very sad moment. TRUE story!
2011-09-18 09:44:51 UTC
a war including 4 brothers but really big and hits the audience hard

special scene where brothers are about to go to war and are standing and then theres silence and all of a sudden the armies run screaming toward each other

i'd like GERAD WAY to play a roll in the film cuz hes freaking sexy xxxx
2011-09-16 22:26:13 UTC
I would adapt a book I have loved for years it's called Grey Matter by Shirley Kenett. It's about a 30 something single Mom who happens to be developing a computer program for the police and gets herself wrapped up in a murder case. The bad guy is a multipule personality wack job who starts stalking her. I love the book and think it would make a chilling thriller. I think it would be a blockbuster. The female lead would be Lauren Graham, and her aging but good natured cop partner would be Jim Belushi, and the bad guy would be played by Brian Greenburg.
2011-09-16 16:01:13 UTC
The name of the movie will be HER WORDS.

A girl runs away from her horrid uncle who makes her slave, while her parents are out on vacation. She changes her identity, by plastic surgery, but has no where to live. One day, she loses her memory, her voice and has a few injuries after being chased by a wild animal, and being hit by a tree. A guy who lives near the forest (right beside the city) finds her, so he lets her live with him. Since the boy is looking forward to becoming a singer, he writes his lyrics and music in his notebook. The girl uses a notebook as her diary. They have the same diary though, and mixed it up one day, reading each others thoughts. They fall in love. But, her cruel, rich uncle is still on a search to find that girl, to use her as a slave. The guy's friend doesn't want them to be together, which is another problem. One day, the girl finds out who she is, and tries to tell him by writing it in her diary. The guy took her diary to work, was about to read it, but had to do work. He comes home drunk, and thinks she was using him to live in his house. The next day, the uncle finds her and takes her away. The guy misses her, and writes a beautiful song using HER WORDS from her diary, which makes him a super star. He brings the girl back, and plans to move. when the girl is packing her stuff, the uncle comes in and stabs her on the arm. the guy takes the knife and stabs the uncle, who no one heard of after that day. She goes to the hospital, is cured, gets her voice back from the doctors, and sees her parents. :)

EPILOGUE: a man comes to their house 6 years later, when they are married and have 2 kids. The man tells the guy he has to go to another country for his job. That mans goes into a car, and talks on his phone “I FOUND HER”. A voice on the other side of the phone says “KILL HER”. That’s when the next movie will start. :D

I think this movie will be a Hollywood blockbuster because of the suspense, mystery, action, and romance. The movie scenes are going through my mind, and it is amazing. there is so much more to the story than this.

I want to star someone who has the same look as describe in book. Some famous director, and famous actors, because i want the movie to definitely be worth it.
2011-09-19 08:29:38 UTC
The movie Johnny Belinda needs to be remade starring Mia Wasikowska. And Ihave a whole bunch of ideas for movies
2011-09-16 17:50:42 UTC
I'd like to do one on a Mark Twain book; "Puddin'head Wilson." It is a case of switched babies in pre civil war Missouri, and a very early use of fingerprints to find a murderer.

I'd try to shoehorn in Robert Duvall, Liam Neeson, Tommy Lee Jones, Tom Hanks, and Sam Shepard, I guess. No place for Jim Carrey or any comedy actors, too bad. I also wouldn't have any Ugly chicks in there just because they were box offices draws or on magazines all the time....

@TJ516--this gives me a Great idea. You could digitize them together. Remember "Forrest Gump"?..... I am generally not for fully digitalized movies, but when classic stars are dead, more power to some way to make them Live again!
Crazy sweetheart
2011-09-18 09:49:19 UTC
My movie would be about a young girl named Nikyla Williams (Emma Roberts) with a power that can either destroy many worlds, or save them. Then there is the good side that is trying to help her find her power to save these worlds. They are led by beautiful princesses Vexeria (Adrianne Palicki) and Ivy (Adrienne Frantz). Then there is the bad side, that is going to do everything they can to get Nikyla to use her power to help them rule over everything and everyone by making a superplanet out of every planet in every galaxy. They are led by the evil Lord Jeremierin (Taylor Lautner) who is going to use his charm and looks to make Nikyla fall for him, and turn against Vexeria and Ivy.
2011-09-18 16:37:36 UTC
You think aliens are from outer space? How about miles below the surface of the Earth! Right under our feet. A secret, thriving world of human-like creatures that live and breathe as we do. Much the same, but then, very different. Discover the strange secrets that lie within "InnerEarth". Starring Steven Berkoff and Christopher Walken.
Midknight Cat
2011-09-18 08:38:59 UTC
I would make a movie about the Second Punic War, the main character being a soldier in Hannibal's army.
2011-09-17 15:55:09 UTC
I'd make a happy sad movie about a girl's path from a homeless refuge living on the beaches of Thailand with her mother and the impact she had on people...

The movie starts with a seen of an airplane flying into Phuket. The movie follows an extended family of wealthy middle class Thais and mixed (half Thai- half American) vacationers. At the beach, a dark skin cute girl with bright eyes, about 13 years of age walks buy, successfully selling dresses. However she barely speaks Thai or English. At first the family heasitates to buy dresses, but as the girl introduces herself as Amina and says how she is a refuge from Bangladesh who lives with her mother, the family is won over by the girl. The family buys 3 dresses to a total of 70 baht (7 meals). We see the girl go on to sell more dresses, smiling. The sun sets. Then we go to a scene of the Amina and her mother going to sleep. As they sleep outside (they are homeless), it is hard for Amina to fall asleep so her mother tells her stories. We learn that Amina's father died of malaria. The two are very close and fall asleep. The next scene is the next night. Amina meets the oldest child in the Thai family. Her English name is Amelia. Amina repeats the name says they are similar. They are.

The next scene is 5 years later. Amelia (Nam Oi) is in college on a study abroad scholarship in Thailand. One day when she is in the market, buying food, somebody yells out her name, Amelia. She dos not recogniz the voice, but the "stranger" and Amelia conversate, and we learn that the stranger is Amina, now a vendor selling muslim food in Bangkok. Amina still lives with her mother, but now lives in an apartment. The two talk and become friends. We see the friendship evolve through day to day life. Eventually it comes time that Amelia is ready to head back to the states.

I don't know how this story will continue, but eventually both Amina and Amelia will become successful. The story will highlight their contrasts, friendship, and a few of the consenquences that occur from a sudden influx of money. However the story will end happily.
2011-09-17 14:44:02 UTC
1, small independent film, with the great producer backing it up

2. story about two people living in the wars, different ones, and both are poets and writers, but it is also a love story and the story about other artist, politics and universe.

3. eva green, dustin hoffman, johnny depp, whoopi goldberg, glen cloose, naomi campbell, and many unknown actors...

4. music highly important as well as pictures, and time doesn't follow the linear time, as well as space is not restricted to 3d only.

5. first want to show it on the independent film festivals.

6. unexpected ending. different from one scene to another...something completelly different, and the most important is to fall in love with it.
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2011-09-19 10:05:24 UTC
It would be an independent film starring Joan Collins.
2011-09-19 09:35:57 UTC
it would be called: KENEDY HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL

and it'd be a one man show, staring Sheldon Hons.(:
2011-09-19 07:15:07 UTC
The future after an apocalypse.

Amy Lee, James Marsters, Oliver Goodwill, Anton Yelchin, and Adele if she ever did any acting

It would tell things how they should be. How people react to what greed, overpopulation, etc. will cause in the future.
2011-09-19 06:19:03 UTC
My crazy husband :)
2011-09-18 20:29:21 UTC
i would make a surreal movie with animation stop motion clay and real actors my life goal
2011-09-18 20:01:55 UTC
i would make a movie about a researcher obsessed with insects, pays to has his scientist make a formula to make them 1000X bigger, and have them believe they can take over the Earth at any cost. even if it means to kill everyone. the insects would have a mind of their own and can talk but not understood by humans.

meanwhile, the humans try to find a way to kill them all so they can save the human race. another researcher and scientist wants to make a formula to change them back to their original sizes and bring everything back to normal before there is worldwide human and insect massacre

i don't know which actors could play the parts but i know there would be voice rolls and live action roles
2011-09-18 19:53:29 UTC
jenifer hudson my life growing up with an old grumpy man my mother being a crackhead and my father having 7 baby mother my brother coming to live with me and getting lock up for something he did not do getting fired from my job for speaking my mind and what i felt i can go on an on but who's listening.
Brown Eyes
2011-09-18 18:22:21 UTC
I have a lot of ideas! I would hope it'd be a blockbuster, and it would star Sigourney Weaver and Meryl Streep! :D
2011-09-18 18:17:17 UTC
lol is this a sleek way to steal ideas off peeps?
2011-09-18 17:15:39 UTC
Mumblecore is a new hip genre that cheap to shoot,considered art, and also can involve sex between leads,and one in which the director often plays the part of a lead,which makes it the ideal genre for an ambitious entry level film nerd
2011-09-15 11:00:37 UTC
About my crappy life growing up and I'd cast winona
2011-09-15 11:01:06 UTC
I am a film-maker with more scripts than a lifetime of back-to-back movies could produce. How about going to the pictures please.
2011-09-15 11:26:49 UTC
I would make a movie about area 51 and an alien they have in captivity. In the beginning the alien is presented as mean and nasty and extremely powerful (because it looks mean and nasty and is powerful) which killed some soldiers in an attempt to protect itself and get away. It is eventually captured and held / tested and abused....but as the movie goes on, the tone of the movie changes because of one person who forms a bond with it. That person discovers that the Alien is non violent and compassionate and comes from a peaceful world and was out searching for resources for it's dying planet when it crashed on Earth. The human struggles against all odds to release the Alien and the human ends up dying in the resulting gunfire. The Alien goes to the aid of the human at the risk of losing it's life which is witnessed by the top brass who is convinced the Alien is not a danger. In the end the Alien is able to help help bring humans together and gives them a gift in the form of atelekinetic genetic code which allows humans to be more compassionate toward one another and eventually leads to the end of all wars on Earth.

I wouldn't cast anyone who is overly famous but I would have top notch writers and directors to ensure a good final product.
2011-09-15 12:04:53 UTC
If I was a film-maker, I would have the settings in the city, then the country. This kid would get kidnapped for ransom and to get back at his dad (who is the head of the pentagon) for breaking up one of the most dangerous drug smuggling scheme in history. He would be taken to the country where he was held and his parents would have to fork over $ 200,000 in 24 hrs to get him back. They did that so that his dad would be distracted so that they could pull ANOTHER drug smuggling cooperation. So, It would be a win-win for the bad guys. At least they think.

I have been writing it for a book for 2 years, and I have gotten pretty far.
vin petrol
2011-09-15 12:16:39 UTC
I will make a movie on Indian myth and hero will be me n myself, heroin would be Freida pinto :D
cant learn more than 4 moves!!!!
2011-09-15 13:06:28 UTC
An adult film, I could be lead male cast and the female casts would be the hottests sexiest babes out there like Jessica Alba, Megan Fox, the new girl from Transformers, Miss California and more hot babes.
Stevie G
2011-09-15 13:19:08 UTC
I would make one about the battle of Stalingrad, the bloodiest battle in the history of modern warfare
i'm me
2011-09-15 13:38:01 UTC
it'd be about having a good time and sex, kinda like a porn movie. people hitting on some other people out in the streets, libraries, supermarkets, malls, bus stops, etc.
2011-09-15 13:48:47 UTC
I would make it about a story I will be writing about wattpad about a girl who lost all her memory and was sent to a mental ward. I would cast-

Dylan O'Brien

Amber Heard (people ask why I am so obsessed with her (even though i'm not) and it's because I am like her twin. We look alot alike and I think thats cool)

And probably Scarlett Johansson

Rachel Nichols

2011-09-15 13:55:24 UTC
if i could make a movie. Id make a Ninja Turtles movie. Ninja Turtles was the second movie i saw as a kid in the theater. I was just blown away i had never seen something like that. It would just be were ninja turtles 3 left off. Id find a way to bring back The Shredder.
Cheeseburger in paradise!
2011-09-15 14:17:40 UTC
I was toying around with an call it, "The Plants". This story would be about 3 guys that work as a team that collaborate with political campaign managers to literally "give off the wrong impression" about how their rival political party operates. For example, there would be a scene where there is a Tea Party rally. These 3 "plants" were hired by the Democrats to dress up as a stereotypical southern Tea Partier (flannel, trucker hats, fake rotting teeth etc.) with poster boards that say something extremely racist and absurd in hopes that the media will catch it on television and scorn that political movement/party. It would def. be more of a dark comedy that walks the line with many current issues concerning society. It would be involving 3 funny comedians as the actors,Aziz Ansari (as uptight character), Charlie Day (the crazy wildcard), and Seth Rogan (sensible guy).
2011-09-15 14:19:36 UTC
Abuout a disforme baby who grew up with cartel members, then the baby grows up and kills then, moves to the forest with a road, puts wrong roaad signs, and kills and rapes everithing that comes by! yeap i will hire prostitutes!
2011-09-15 14:55:11 UTC
Oh, that's easy! I'd make a Toni Morrison novel into an indie film, probably "Song of Solomon", and I'd use ALL UNKNOWN ACTORS. All actors would be carefully auditioned and cast, no nepotism or personal favors, no stars of film, TV, or theater. They would have to be completely convincing and believable as the characters. I'd choose a director carefully, too - I'm not sure who. I'd have to get permission from Toni Morrison to make her movie; that would be the hardest part! :)

I wouldn't care how much money it made, as long as it was done right.
2011-09-15 15:16:37 UTC
I would make a film version of the Kama Sutra starring myself and Montana Wildhack
2011-09-15 15:37:49 UTC
I would do my movies based on nightmares I have had over the years, I know this sounds crazy, but I have a real problem with nightmares, I still remember one having a bunch of people tied in a dungeon type room, just sliding knives across the bodies, and I remember one woman leaving a scream that I know I will never be able to repress, I can't say anything on the cast itself, but I would say any actor/actress that can do a good horror movie would be good
2011-09-15 15:39:18 UTC
A story about how kids were abandoned and have to grow up by themselves while being homeless

Special scene: kids crying while eating grass off a playground
2011-09-15 17:04:56 UTC
a movie about the "The New Jersey Devil"
2011-09-15 18:27:19 UTC
My movie idea is about a family with ignored children and workaholic parents who can't find time to see there kids grow up yet the kids turn out to be great though eventually they develop a financial relationship with there parents rather than a loving one. Once the kids do get older there parents realize there existence and try to be with them emotionally but they fail to realize that its too late as they are now too mature. Simultaneously reasons why the parents were workaholic is disclosed which is to support the kids financially and other disastrous situations that they went through. The parents having worked since a very Young age had killed there Sense of passion and desire in the process. Having not purchased anything at all for themselves for the past 3-5 years the parents lived a life of austerity and incompleteness while there children failed to understand there absentees whenever they wanted them to be there. A lack of mutual misunderstanding prevails yet there is still something keeping them together. Things in the movie such as love affairs of the teenage daughter are highlighted which take place in the absence of the parents and what they feel when they catch her. Shoplifting and other dirty habits of the son are disclosed in the movie. The son being a miss guided individual more involved in fashion, fails in deciding subjects to pursue as his career and flunks 3 years in a row while the daughter passes successfully. Childhood memories of both the son and daughter are disclosed along with the subsiding of hidden feelings towards the parents and in the end comes Harmony and acceptance of what went down in the past years. After keeping everything aside the father and the daughter develop a better relationship and try and remember the good things in life rather than the bad ones. The son however disconnected from the family still holds on with a sense of bonding with his mother.
old lady
2011-09-15 19:52:37 UTC
It would be the book "With A Silent Companion" by Florida Ann Town. It's the story of a young Irish girl, back in the early 1800s, who wants to become a doctor but has to disguise herself as a man in order to go to medical school. The lead role would be played by Jodie Foster. This is based on a true story and in fact, Foster bears a striking resemblance to Dr. Barry.
2011-09-17 19:31:36 UTC
The setting of my story is in N2055. N is the designation for Neo, meaning post WWIII or P2021 purge, P for pre-plague era. In 2021, WWIII started. In P2025 radiation from fall-out created a new strain of botulism which contaminated the worlds food supply and water supply by bird. It killed 6.5 billion people of 7.5 billion. Japanese, European descent, Anglo-Saxons, African Americans, Native Americans, and Interracial people were largely immune. Japan Conglomerate, American Humanist Union, European Union (reformation 2037), and the Russian alliance are the survivor nations. The pandemic killed 95% of those who were not immune, and caused an evolutionary response. Average IQ from 2020 - 2055 rose sharply from 110 - 175 requiring a rescaling and change to the test for IQ over 225, even the survivors experienced modest neurological intelligence change. Called the Neorenaissance by many culture and technology expanded dramatically. World religion was virtually wiped out by the plague and the intellectual response of the survivors.

NASA with fusion technology plans a mission to Saturn. It's a Crew of 4 with an AI Science computer. The main character is the narrator, and perspective of the story. The mission is launched and encounters a storm in space killing the main character who continues in ghost form. He communicates with the computer to help his crew-mates. They arrive at Saturn and find a comet which turns out to be an ancient ship. They board the ship and find it to be very humanoid but far more advanced than their technology. The language the ship uses has just been created, and all NASA Astronauts must learn it and use it in first contact scenario. The ship has a city in it resembling Tokyo, New York, Moscow, Paris and Venice. The main character is revived in a fountain of DNA ooze that is all over the ship, and is reunited with his HS sweetheart who died just before the mission who is reincarnated of a person who lived on the ship and her. The occupants of the crew come back to life because of the terraforming technology that liquefied them when the tanks ruptured.

All together they find out there was two ships from a super-earth w/25 moon orbiting the star Aldebaran in the Taurus constellation. The first ship made it to Mars, while the second ship suffered a tank rupture after engine troubles leaving the ship adrift for 6000 years. 100 years after the first ship colonized Mars, they had to leave when a violent cycle of solar storms bombarded Mars. The were on their way to Earth when they were hit with a solar flare, dooming their vessel, rupturing the tanks, and spreading their DNA across the Earth. Their terraforming tech contains an exotic particle that effectively decays making a time dilation field that affects millions of years of change in 6 days, all of which occurred on Earth 6000 years ago. As their descendants, we are identical to them with residual ancestral memory of their race. The main character, and his girlfriend/wife to be are reincarnated members of the crew of the two ships (him on the first, her on the second). So, essentially Earth was seeded by aliens, who aren't aliens really, but it was completely seeded (all species) accidental and our predecessors died in the process.

Additional information: It would be a bigger budget Indy Scifi Film, with known actors but whom aren't very well known, and maybe one big name. I'd want Patrick Stewart in it for sure. The film would be called "Promethius" or something to that effect.
We all have sparks!
2011-09-17 16:42:17 UTC
My film is based around a novel I'm writing and it takes place at Walt Disney World. I'd most likely be the only real actor while all the other characters are portrayed as cartoon characters from classic shows I enjoy watching!
2011-09-18 12:13:17 UTC
The movie is probably going to be independent.

Title: Preparing for the 2012 G-8 in Chicago...Are The Protestors Ready For Shock-And-Awe Repression?

Logline: This is mainly a discussion by some of the famous hippie celebrities about what they think about Chicago hosting the G-8 summit in May 2012.

Summary of the Story......

Chicago Police are making definite preps to make sure that protestors and anarchists are at bay, during this summit, but there are now predicted fears that Chicago Police could unleash extrajudicial brutality against these groups. One fear is that Chicago Police could even arrest those who do have official permits to dissent, protest, or openly expressing anything against the G-8. Other tactics Chicago Police could also use witchhunt raids on cafes along Logan Square, surprise raids on other anarchist venues (most of them located in Pilsen, La Villita and Humboldt Park), and use of flash-bang grenades and rubber bullets on even peaceful protestors.

Such police repressions had already been used in past G-8 summits......

Chicago is known to have hosted independent films and Hollywood blockbusters, and some of the hippie stars that made it to Hollywood might think that Chicago might resemble 1968 during the DNC at that time....a milieu of rioting and anarchy.

Whom would I like to cast for this film?

I want to make Michael Moore the producer, director, and narrator. He has guerrilla documentary experience through films like "Fahrenheit 9-11" and "Capitalism: A Love Story."

Some of the cast are already Hollywood greats....but I will focus mainly on the females....

Sandra Bernhard, supporting actor (there will be shots of her comedy shows that will focus on anarchist issues that she knows)

Susan Sarandon

Natalie Haines

[They will be guests who have very strong activist experience.]

There will be males in the cast: Howard Stern will be cast. And Danny Glover--he is in the cast thanks to his activism during "Lethal Weapon 2".

The film would be released 3 weeks before the G-8 in Chicago.
2011-09-18 13:28:13 UTC
If I were to have the budget for anything?

An 18-21 hour adaptation of Ralph Ellison's "The Invisible Man," to continue to explore the inherent racism of American society and the fallacy of static racial identity.

Shot mostly in extreme long takes, a la Bela Tarr, Miklos Jansco, and/or Liu Jiayin, etc., but with plenty of formal dynamics added in when necessary.

Casting would probably be of no-names, or of artists, but certainly non-actors.

If I were to have a realistic budget?

A study of racism and social disaffection set in the eyes of illegal immigrants in the southwest, featuring real legal and illegal immigrants. Because to view something non-racially in the U.S. is a gift awarded only to whites.

Shot in mostly long-take hand-held shots a la Cristi Puiu or even Frederick Wiseman/Allan King. "Verite," I suppose.
Frank Mason
2011-09-16 04:12:03 UTC

okay lately the popular thing in movies is to turn all the comics heroes into movies also famous historical people to and usually with enough sexual angst to make it interesting.

So i would suggest Rasputin, He was an enigmatic figure, often regarded as a sorcerer and a huge womanizer and advise to the Russian court. He was shot seven times supposedly before he was killed

He was also a very big man to.

HIs life reads like something you would read in a comic. So for my money if this was cast right i would say it was a winner. For the casting hmmm thats a tough one let me think he has to be big he has to be mean and he has to be cool GOT IT Vin Diesel ( you know XXX) the guy oozes bad guy and knows how to make the woman want him so i think he would be pretty good .The other guy who might be good is the guy who is the star of the transporter series.

I think it would be good also as most people know little about Rasputin and it should be noted that the most popular movie theme of all time is another historical figure Robin Hood and there has also been a lot of King Arthur movies to so i think this has a chance to rake in the money at the box office.
2011-09-17 15:05:03 UTC
A comedy about a 1980s all male metrosexual dance troupe who attain fame and fortune

starring Christopher Walken, Bill Nighy, Steve Buscemi and Ron Perlman
Douglas D.C.
2011-09-17 12:40:30 UTC

Four American friends are vacationing in Europe, then they play the lottery and earn 200 million euros. The problem is that, by disaster, the winning ticket is stolen and now they are desperate looking for the alleged robber in the Old Continent.


Whoppi Goldberg

Gabriela Spanic

Cyndi Lauper

Jensen Ackles
2011-09-18 11:00:29 UTC
I would make a movie about all of the greatest civilizations known to mankind and I will rank them in order of greatness. I would choose Jessica Biel, Jessica Alba, Odette Yustman and Blake Lively to present all of the greatest civilizations. For eg: Jessica Biel for Rome, Blake Lively for India, Odette Yustman for Greece, Jessica Alba for The Incas etc....
2011-09-17 07:32:50 UTC
I'd make a movie about someone who asked a large community of people for their movie ideas so that he or she could "borrow" one of the ideas to make money off of it in Hollywood.

I'd try to cast only actors and actresses who I thought became famous because someone else in their family was famous first. Stephen Baldwin might be the male star. Khloe Kardashian Odom might be his co-star and love interest. Actors and actresses who I think came to fame because of someone else all playing in a movie with a borrowed story line. That's the way I'd go.
Jake Rather
2011-09-18 13:07:46 UTC
It would be about the time I gave an idiot 6 sticks of dynamite and he wired it to a long pole and bushed it down in his cistern that he had converted to a septic tank. It was full and his bathroom and kitchen was plumbed to it and it was a real blast when he set the dynamite off..
2011-09-17 08:28:03 UTC
I would remake 2001: A Space Odyssey, maybe starring George Clooney. The remake would be a lot cooler than the original. It would have explosions and violence and HAL, instead of just being a computer with a circular camera eye, would be this evil robot that with missiles and lasers and stuff that tries to kill David Bowman.
2011-09-17 01:38:00 UTC
I am currently making a sims 2 series on youtube. But If I ever was a film producer i would make it a real series.

Its about a girls boarding school called St Mary's. It has about 10 mAIN CHARACTERS, VARYING FOMR HYPO, SHY, QUIET, AND SPOILT. Ooops, I left caps lock on. I would also make his dark materials into REAL movies, aonce the first wasn't like the book, and they are never releasing the 2nd and 3rd:(

Its by Pillip Pullman
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
2011-09-17 09:04:34 UTC
i would make a movie about a life of poor people how they r treated and all

I would cast Sarah Michelle Gellar , Ronan Keating , Miley Cyrus , Lindsay Lohan , Matthew Perry , Brat Pit , Freddie Prinze Jr , Angelina Joe etc

smaller independent film
2011-09-18 10:42:04 UTC
Zombie man alive-(Russell Crowe or Gerald Butler) Epic fighting.
2011-09-18 15:48:19 UTC
i would make a hollywood block buster... well hope i twould be a smash hit, make it basically a degrassi on the big screen and star my ultimate man, munro chambers!<3! James franco would also be in it, bus as a really cool principal simpson or maybe eli's dad, bullfrog! :)

only degrassi-ans would understand me <3
2011-09-18 14:32:48 UTC
I'm sorry, but the Area 51 idea I had, but it was kind of different. So when I came here and saw that was the first comment I got really freaked out.
mel mel
2011-09-18 04:19:53 UTC

The clean up women

This women goes around having sex with married men. and she knows he is married but she do not care. every neighbor hood has a clean up women........
Tommy Ah
2011-09-15 19:52:43 UTC
about your mom
rusty shackleford
2011-09-15 20:28:23 UTC
I've always wanted to turn the Star Wars: X-Wing books into movies. Some of my cast would consist of:

Chris Pine as Corran Horn

James McAvoy as Wedge Antilles (Since Denis Lawson's too old now).

Karl Urban of Star Trek as Tycho Celchu.

Timothy Olyphant as Wes Janson

Famke Jansen as Ysanne Isard

Just a few ideas I had.
2011-09-15 20:55:30 UTC
I will make a movie about how i start to making movie.It's start when I answer Yahoo! Answer question.It's about what movie I will make if i a filmmaker.Then there's someone from Production Team who read the answer and give me a chance to make that movie.Me as the main character, and i will take Megan Fox as my heroin..LOL
Victor Garibay
2011-09-15 23:10:07 UTC
dragonball z and i would have ieghthr micheal bay or da dude who did x-men origins: wolverine this would be a big movie it has many fans but for that reason it would have to be well made and follow the storyline and these directors wouldnt mind putting in bad words and adult situations like the original japanese ova
edward k
2011-09-16 00:43:47 UTC
How Mainstream Music Turned From Good to Crap:Documentary.I would interview like from great musicians like Metallica,RUN-DMC to crappy musicians like Nickleback and Soulja Boy.


A movie just about cars I would include variety of car from Monster Trucks and 'Donks' to Supercars and Tuners
Magic * Meg
2011-09-16 02:02:12 UTC
I would make a film about sexism in the days during the 19th century. Its my dream project. About a young woman who strives for independence, running away from her employer only to be repeatedly shot down. She falls in love with a man she initially thought would be capably of treating her like an equal, but realizes later on that she's only fooling herself.

It would work best as a small, independent film. I would cast Mia Wasikowska as the leading lady.
2011-09-16 04:18:50 UTC
My film would be about seven kids who are Angels. Six would each have different powers (of the elements), the seventh would have all the powers of the six plus a few more. They would have no idea who they are and would only find out about each other by pure chance; the seventh kid (his name would be Nick Coleman) would be in trouble and his powers would just start to activate, just like that. The others would hear about it and have to find each other. The trouble would probably be; the devil finds out that the Seven's powers are activating and sends people to kill them or, there could be an eighth Angel and he could have been banished by previous carnations of the Angels and could want to get his own back, he could be the most powerful, save for the one with all the powers and he could create an army to fight the Seven.

Hope you like it!!
2011-09-16 06:24:09 UTC
My film would be called "Zero Drive". In the year 4107, a group of colonists on Mercury discover a virus that causes the victim to be driven insane. When the team are overwhelmed by the virus, can they stop it before it gets to Earth?

Cast: Milla Jovovich, Angelina Jolie, erm, Ewin (or something) McGregor, Hayden Christien, Sienna Guillory. Notice? Milla and Sienna both starred in Resident Evil, Ewin and Hayden in Star Wars? and poor Angelina in Tomb Riader? My film would be a massive hit, and it would be released on March 15, 2014.
2011-09-16 07:24:11 UTC
Action movie.

Name The Lost Division

Nazis in late 1942 experiment with teleportation (5D Gereat) technology. They have a spy in New york who sets up a Receiver device in an huge abandoned underground area that has been purchased by the Nazi Spy (Ruth Wilson).

In germany they prepare a whole division to be transported, equipped with tons of experimental weapons (tanks rockets and such)

They get transported and nothing happens.

In 2011 a History Professor (Tom Hanks) gives a lecture about the lost 13th SS Panzer Division. HE tells the students that a whole division just vanished by the end of the war.

Later in New York the earth opens up and german tanks roll out from underground accompanied with a thousends of soldiers who all pop up from underground and start seizing the city. The police and swat teams are quickly overwhelmed and the german Commander quickly realizes that they travelled either in time or into another dimension. He instructs the soldiers to collect all kinds of technology, History textbooks to send it back to 1942.

Meanwhile the US military gets ready to strike and they send in a couple of helicopters which are quickly dealt with by Nazi Flak. The president (Samuel l Jackson) orders a full scale invasion to fight off the nazi`s oblivious from their intentions. The Military gets going and is overconfident that their technological advances will brush the nazis aside.

However the Nazis are much tougher and dug themself in ....the president finally realizes the nazis plan and wants to Nuke New York in order to save the past, but the professor has another idea. In the end the professor convinces the Leader and his soldiers in the end to abandon his plan after he shows him pictures of Concentration Camps dropped by helicopters.

There is more but u get the basic idea
2011-09-16 07:58:13 UTC
i would like to make a film about whats going to happened if we knew god is absent for one week and no body is watching us???!!!

i will named gods absent.....and the main roll goes to allpacino.. Nicolas cage
2011-09-16 08:03:20 UTC
I would make a movie about everything that happened to me, being in a abusive relationship that was the worst that the police had ever seen. To show everyone that no matter how bad it is you can fight back and get out. Even if everyone thought you should have been dead. I am alive :)
2011-09-16 08:04:48 UTC
At the school my children attend, required reading for seventh grade students is "Briar Rose," by Jane Yolen. "Briar Rose" tells the story of one woman's search for her grandmother's past; a search which leads her to Poland and the town of Kulmhof -- Chelmo, site of the first Nazi death camp and setting for this story.

"Briar Rose" is terrifying yet hauntingly beautiful, and is a book I read often. Steven Spielberg did such a wonderful job with "Schindler's List" that I am sure he would do justice to "Briar Rose."

As for who should be cast? I would place all my trust in Mr. Spielberg's judgment.
2011-09-16 08:20:42 UTC
Why would I tell you my movie ideas? So that you can steal them and make money and I get nothing? huh???

Anyway, I would like to make a documentary movie about Aliens and UFO sightings.
2011-09-16 11:19:59 UTC
I would love to make a movie piecing together clips from old movies to create something new. John Wayne, Errol Flynn, Jimmy Stewart, Hedy Lamar, Betty Grable. All of the old stars movies strung together to have them speaking - but creates a whole story line.
2011-09-16 12:05:41 UTC
i would do a movie about my life. its similar to Coco's over all, but totaly different, Rags to Riches if you catch my drift. My mom had my sister in high school was a single parent raised me and my sister. a lot of ridiculous stuff happened because my mom was never home she had too jobs. i was always getting in trouble, hung out with my older sisters friends who were into a lot a bad things. my sister and i havent tlked in 3+ years now. Sounds like a typical struggle story but theres so much more and i would love the message to encourage ppl
2011-09-16 14:43:52 UTC
mine would be about a girl and best childhood friend (WHICH IS A BOY) who have a big secret their spies when there scandal at their school its up to them to save the day.

prom comes up and will they have time to save the day and share a dance (and a kiss)
2011-09-16 14:55:00 UTC
If i could make a movie, it would be about a woman he cannot get pregnant. She turns to fertility tretments, and as she's looking over the shelves, she notices an egg. She asks the doctor if she could use it. She says it has "great potential." The doctor scrunches up his face, unsure.

"Well," He says, clearing his throat, "that's been up there for a while. Are you sure you want to put that in you?"

She says, "I don't care what you say. I'm doing it."

He nods, and brings it down from the shelf.


Finally, when the baby is born, it turns out to be a.......CAT. The woman dies, but her husband takes care of the cat. the authorities want this story to never get out, so they force a cover up story upon them: The woman died giving birth, so the husband bought a cat to fill the hole in his heart. The cat can also talk! :D
2011-09-16 16:23:06 UTC
I'd make the Vega brothers film, since Tarantino never got around to it. Clearly, I'd cast Michael Madsen and John Travolta.
Ivanya Braginski
2011-09-17 11:46:22 UTC
I've been writing a science fiction novel. It's the typical "boy saves world from evil corporate entity while getting the girl" type of deal. I would hold open auditions and give a whole bunch of amateur actors a solid start. :)
Lost In A Forest
2011-09-17 16:37:10 UTC
I'd do it after a book and I would cast what most of the people who read the book who like to be casted:)
2011-09-17 13:11:07 UTC
I think an emotional/romantic film about I guy or a girl at 20's would be great.It could be in a poor or strange cultured country for example.
2011-09-17 09:54:43 UTC
mine would be a tokusatsu/sentai movie (essentially, power rangers/voltron type shows).

I'd likly cast fairly talented B-list actors.

I find that many of the big name actors are too full of themselves and hollywood tends to focus the story towards their biggest A-list actors in movies. The story should focus on the whole team, not just 1 or 2 of them who are big actors.

If I were to let any big name actors on, it would be maybe as the main villain. Maybe alan rickman....

I'd love to have a cameo from jason david frank, maybe narration from peter cullen, music by ron wasserman

A few actors totally banned from holding any roll would be:

will ferrell (lost his talent long ago and he is a known *******)

brenan fraiser (only good roll he ever had was george of the jungle. maybe dudley doright)

nicholas cage (never had any talent to start with)

seth rogan (do i even need to axplain this?)

Michel cera (no... just... no.....)
2011-09-17 03:41:54 UTC
I would make a movie about 2 spoiled siblings that hate each other, they have busy parents and only maids took care of them, but one day the airplane that their parents were riding crashed which caused the company that they owned to be passed on to their children which still hate each other meanwhile a greedy company worker tricks them to hand over the company to him, then he kicks them out of the house. losing their wealth the siblings must learn to take care of each other while meeting different kinds of people that will teach them the values of the end they started their own company which bankrupted their parents old company, therefore leaving the greedy man homeless and poor.
2011-09-17 15:09:00 UTC
Me killing Rick Perry. The murders of him.
law student
2011-09-17 12:59:23 UTC
the movie would be about me and I would cast myself.
Ginny Wealsey
2011-09-17 09:39:04 UTC
it would be about a young girl, a high aged film of course. who is raped by her dad and eventually he gives her a knife and she kills him. she has never understood that sex is love either. she doesn't understand a lot and has never been outside. after killing him, she is rescued by a man who is 21 and she is 12. she grows up with him. and gets a friend. she later, at 18, finds out he is an assasin and he killed the wrong man. they head off to his parents house and she gets attacked. after she has healed , they get chased. they head off to a hotel and he gets injured. she gets a phone call when he is recovering saying to take him to a hospital and give herself in, they want her not him. she does so and gets tortured everyday. he saves her. she wakes up and he tells her he loves her. they are in love and she eventually agrees to have sex and loves it. then, his old girlfriend comes and tells her that she is kidnapped from her adopting home by the head of the guys after them. her mum died giving birth and her dad didnt know about her, as it was a one night stand. the film ends with, them getting new identities and moving to australia, him proffesionally playing piano there.

i would cast someone who could maybe relate to not understanding the world and the man who takes her in being someone who has had to follow in their parents footsteps. maybe one very famous person for getting viewers, but it's all about getting more new celebs in it :)
Ramesh K
2011-09-17 08:28:28 UTC
The subaltern people whose voice is never heard and who are far away from the benefits of government, politics and economy.
2011-09-16 17:55:04 UTC
it would be magical and have effect like avatar but with very different plot.

or a great live action on amines!!!!!!!! that would be great..

im not sure about the actors but something legendary....
2011-09-16 18:53:49 UTC
I have a damned good idea for a movie. I don't think that I would share the idea on the internet. That would be dumb!!
2011-09-16 20:32:55 UTC
how do i know you guys wont steal my idea??? O_o

im on to you!
2011-09-17 06:14:23 UTC
Starring a teacher married 5 times, currently lives in Nevada with husband #5 and ex-husband in the same house. The story would dramatize the various happenings in her life. One plot line would open with the wife and hubby #5 discussing how much the repair job for the central air conditioning would cost as they are getting out of bed. The wife happens to look out the window of the bedroom and sees the repairman's truck is still in front of the house in the same spot since the day before. Wondering how big the job is, the wife asks present husband who is in the bathroom - what time did the repairman arrive this morning. He answers that he didn't realize the repairman was there already. Wife knocks on ex-husband's bedroom door asking if he let the repairman in before she awakened. His reply "No" The wife goes to front door looking for the repairman by the truck, not seeing him she returns to the bedroom thinking his truck must have had mechanical problems from the evening before when he was at the house. When the repairmen was there the day before, he had arrived late indicating that he had transmission trouble. The day progresses, the air conditioner is cooling much better, and no word from the repairman concerning the repair bill or when he will come to pick up his van. The teacher has to pick up her grandchildren from the next town over. She promised her son (product of her union with husband #1 who she married twice, and is said ex-husband living in same home with her now)she'd babysit, since he has to take his wife to the doctor and then he has to go to work. She arrives at her son's trailer park right outside Henderson, parks and proceeds to knock on the door. The oldest granddaughter opens the door, gets a hug from grandma and then indicates that her father is in the back attempting to get their mother to unlock the bedroom door and come out so they won't be late for the appointment with the doctor. Grandma(teacher married 5 times) walks to her son and asks what is happening. THe son indicates that the wife has been diagnosed as bipolar, she is not taking her meds regularly and now she refuses to get ready for her follow up visit to the doctor. Grandma tells him she will get the three granddaughters ready and take them to her house. As she is packing the girls into the car, the son comes out and asks if the guy he recommended to repair her air conditioning system fix the problem. She indicated yes and now she is just waiting to hear from him in order to settle the bill. The son said to let him know if she does not hear from him and he will try to contact him since they are currently working on the same construction job at a new casino in Las Vegas. Grandma and the kids go back to her house and now it is almost midday and the repair van is still parked outside. She calls the office number on the van but gets the voice mail. After the children eat lunch, they go upstairs to grandma's room to watch movies on her big flat screen television. Downstairs, grandma finishes cleaning the kitchen and decides to call her son for an update on his wife. She also asks he has another number for the repairman. He says he will try the cell and attempt to make a three way call so his mother could speak to the repairman. In the meantime, the oldest granddaughter comes downstairs interrupting her grandmother on the phone. The granddaughter says that they keep hearing a ringing sound coming from the ceiling in her bedroom. THe grandmother switches to the cordless phone and walks up the stairs behind her granddaughter to her bedroom. She stands in her room but does not hear a thing. THe girls turn down the television stating that they heard it too. THe son comes back on the line saying there was no answer and he cannot reach the repairman and he will keep trying if he does not see the repairman at work. LATER ARRIVES. THe son comes to pick up his daughters around six that evening and sees that the repair truck is still there. When he enters the house he tells his mother that he did not see him on the job-site. As he is walking upstairs to get the girls, his mother asks if he could try calling the repairman's cell again. In unison, the three granddaughters scream out "The ceiling is ringing again!" The grandmother comes upstairs and tells her son that the girls have been playing that game all day and she thinks he should limit the time they use headphones with their portable video games - now they probably have tinnitus! While they are all in the bedroom, the son says he will try calling one last time and tells the girls to turn the tv off and pack up. Holding the phone to his ear, everyone in the room suddenly looks up. The son looks at his phone; the girls look at the grandmother. Son dials again; everyone looks up. The son sends an SMS -walks to the entrance to the attic in the spare bedroom, the granddaughters yell out, "Why is the ceiling screaming 'Message! Message' Messssssagggge!'

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.