What is your dream movie film?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What is your dream movie film?
176 answers:
2016-08-26 09:06:31 UTC
Paul McCartney's 10 days in a Japanese Jail starring Elijah Wood.
Daaria Joslyn
2016-08-28 01:24:36 UTC
I too have the movie-like dreams sometimes, not all the time, and I love it! I dreamt such a cool crime genre last night that I wanted to write all that down when I woke up and write a book, but the only issue is, I dont remember my dreams very well, so I have some scenes remembered, but I can’t remember key details to the story and that’s what’s killing me because I really really want it written down. Fug. Do some of you know aome technics I could try for remembering the whole story? I’m thinking of finding someone who does hypnosis and try to go back to the story so I could write it down, how does this solution seem to you? Does anyone has a better idea? Thanks.
2016-08-26 08:05:43 UTC
2016-08-28 21:00:15 UTC
I can't give you a cast, (6 young teenage actors? I don't know enough. And you'd need a lot of subtly menacing/creepy people for the bad guys.) but I would die for an Animorphs show, or series of movies. It would have to be rated R. You know what, I might have Peter Jackson direct it, because I know he can get twisted and gruesome but also really heartfelt and epic, and his over the top action scenes would be just PERFECT in this case. I would pair him with the original author K.A. Applegate as the writer. I think they'd be a good team. (Oh man, I've never thought of that. They'd be a GREAT team.) Weta Workshop, of course, would do the effects.

Now I'm sad this will never happen.
2016-08-27 18:55:10 UTC
An Evil Ernie film verbatum from the comics. Except maybe change the flowing because it's a movie and not a comic. I would make it like Creep Show 2. Have Rob Zombie and Quinten Tarrintino direct it depending on if it was a gory scene or a dialog scene because I think they both work great together and have the best skills on those areas.

I would have Michael Bein play Evil Ernie and Margot Robbie or Milla Jovovich play Lady Death and have Amy Pohler play Smiley and just make a really graphic, realistic movie about what it would be like if a satanic army came back from the dead or joined after cities were destroyed. And eventually nukes society.

I would hire nothing but desperate talent of people who need work to do all the other roles. People who were actually good at acting and need a break or a role. Like probably some of the cast of police academy or Ernie Hudson. People who need work and are amazing at acting and never get the attention they need. ALL of the effects would be practical except for here and there and even then I would keep getting rid of as much as I could.

Stan Winston would be the person looking over all of that and could fire and hire who ever he wanted.

I would have Stephen King write the horror story the movie was about and I would have probably Zach Quinto or someone who is amazing with dialog edit and overview the script and I would have it written by probably the staff of

I would never hire a family of workers. I would want it to be amazing all the way through.
2016-08-26 17:44:10 UTC
I'd pay to see the warhammer 40,000 franchise to get turned into a film. It would most definitely be an R rated affair, but it would still be pretty cool...
2016-08-26 14:57:00 UTC
Turn the Deus Ex game franchise into a film (or series of films). That would be epic! It's got great characters, a dark and amazing story that touches on real world issues as well as things our future is likely to bring, an awesome world/setting, tons of action, and a healthy dose of "conspiracy theory paranoia". I would definitely be rated R for violence and language, in particular, but also for adult themes and nudity. It would fall under the "action/thriller" category.

A film based on the book "Jennifer Government" by Max Barry would be great as well! A twisted parody of our corporate-owned government and consumer culture taken to the utmost extreme. And it's hilarious too! It would be rated R for tons of foul language, adult themes, and some violence. It would belong to the "comedy or action/comedy" genre.
2016-08-26 13:17:21 UTC
OMG!! Harry Potter and the Cursed Child! The cast of the original movies and the kids can be casted by Susie Figgis, Jane Jenkins, Janet Hirshenson, and Karen Lindsay-Stewart. (They casted Philosopher's stone) Warner Bros of course. PG-13: Violence and language. I'd rather have David Yates direct it though.
2016-08-26 06:39:26 UTC
My movie would be called Membrane. In this dream, all Liberals would receive brain surgery to repair their thinking and lifestyle. Everyone would pull their weight with no free handouts or wealth redistribution. There would be instant punishments for law breakers broadcast on TV and after three strikes, you would be permanently deported to labor camps in Siberia --thus eliminating the need for prisons. Children would respect parents, be taught the golden rule, and not trample the rights of others.
2016-08-26 13:52:35 UTC
A movie where the main actor and actress are no-names. But the rest of the supporting cast would be comprised of A-list actors. Imagine Clint Eastwood as the bus driver. Paul Giamatti taking your pizza order. Christopher Walken as the graveyard shift cashier at a convenience store. Even down to the extras. Stallone walking across the street at a crosswalk full of other famous actors. Emma Stone hailing a cab in the background. The list could go on. At first, you'd think A-listers wouldn't stoop to such a limited or unnoticed role. But the more that start to sign on with the project, the more of an "it" thing that it would become, and you'd have everyone clamoring for a spot role. Viewers would have to watch it 10x over just to catch all the guest appearance, some obvious and some very discreet.
2016-08-27 12:06:39 UTC
2016-08-27 06:22:36 UTC
nside Out is probably the biggest gamble that Pixar ever made trying to tell an animated story. It s more geared to adults than any other film they have ever made. It s complicated, with a lot of very complex metaphors. It attempts to tell a story far more related to the real world than any they have ever told as far as I can tell. There s no witches, magic, space-rangers, talking inanimate objects, or the like. And yet...

I knew from the trailers and reading a book about Pixar that this film was going to be different from the other ones that Pixar has released. I knew it was a gamble. But it also struck me as being more intelligent, more thoughtful, and perhaps more from the heart and soul than some of their other films (and that takes some doing). I was not wrong and I am glad I ventured out to a theater to see this film.

It s an ambitious undertaking to try to tell a story about the emotions in control of a person s mind, and even moreso when you dive into the other parts of their brain like the subconscious, dreams, and memories. On the surface this is a story of creatures trying to do their job who run into problems (two of the emotions get lost and have to find their way back), and the little girl who s life is undergoing changes that make her inability to express said emotions somewhat heart-breaking. But there is so much more going on here.

You can looks at this film and think that the people in it are being pushed around by the emotions in their head. You can see it as people being at the mercy of these emotions and other forces. can look deeper and see the introverted message of this film. That everything that happens inside of this young girl represents her reactions to events in her life. Have you ever felt that your dreams were really bizarre?
2016-08-26 23:39:18 UTC
An Arrested Development movie. Obviously starring Jason Bateman, Michael Cera, Portia De Rossi, David Cross, Alia Shawkat, Tony Hale, Will Arnett, Jeffrey Tambor and Jessica Walter (the original cast)
2016-08-27 07:02:59 UTC
Friends Movie. Friday sequel bringing back Chris Tucker. A Football Movie about Diego Maradona. A sequel for Pineapple Express
2016-08-30 20:28:26 UTC
1- "Hellboy 3"... Written and directed by Guillermo del Toro. Featuring the entire original cast. This series needs a third film. Desperately. The second film so clearly was planting the seeds for one last adventure, and it's a shame we will probably never get to see it.

PG-13 (for violence, disturbing imagery and some profanity); Universal


2- "Spider-Man 4"... Directed by Sam Raimi. Starring Tobey MacGuire, Kirsten Dunst, etc. A proper continuation that redeemed the series after the third film. Sony really screwed the pooch with their unneeded reboot and that potential second series of films died quickly. They should have stuck with their original plans and made a fourth film in the original series, and maybe a fifth. And they should have either payed off Lizard finally or brought in a classic villain like Mysterio.

PG-13 (for action-violence); Columbia Pictures
2016-08-29 17:59:15 UTC
Friends Movie. Friday sequel bringing back Chris Tucker. A Football Movie about Diego Maradona. A sequel for Pineapple Express
2016-08-27 02:19:05 UTC
Friends Movie. Friday sequel bringing back Chris Tucker. A Football Movie about Diego Maradona. A sequel for Pineapple Express.
2016-08-28 23:45:36 UTC
Most likely i will forget while i am older, so i will tell you. A movie about flying fast airships Divinci style in the future with time machines. The plot is airships already existed for a while till someone made a crossbreed of an invention of mixing the time machine with the airship. During the presentation it gets hijacked by a gang of ruthless grunts who take it for greedy purposes of power and money and accidentally get sent back in time to midaevil times. So they build a new one out of cloaked city sky fortress and another faster airship has one too, but that gets revealed later in the plot as a secret when the it shows the sky fortress crashes in the ocean and they fly out of it later revealed to be in cloaked above the sea after they repair it at the end of the credits. So the world around them keeps changing with ripples and they collect all the people not being changed by the catalism, then they reveal they have a tracking device to go back in time. They head back there,
jeffrey f
2016-08-27 13:09:39 UTC
My dream movie would be a docu-drama of the Falklands War, told mostly from the standpoint of Margaret Thatcher, but with scenes from the battlefield, the streets of London, at sea and in the air, along the lines of Top Gun or Thirteen Days. Cast would include:

Helen Mirren as Margaret Thatcher

Lori Singer as Margaret Thatcher's assistant/secretary

Donald Moffat as William Whitelaw

Alan Rickman as Francis Pym

James Tolkan as Adm. Henry Leech

Dennis Hopper as Adm. Terence Lewin

Charles Dance as Adm. Sandy Woodward

Gary Oldman as RAF bomber pilot

Robert DeNiro as General Galtieri

Larry Hagman as Alexander Haig
2016-08-30 12:40:08 UTC
2016-08-26 11:53:12 UTC
Uncharted 5
2016-08-27 10:49:35 UTC
James Cameron's Avatar
2016-08-29 18:59:03 UTC
Human Centipede 4
2016-08-27 11:42:25 UTC
Wolfenstien the Movie Featured John Cena as Captin Blaskowitz
Born of the Viking Blood !
2016-08-27 02:33:13 UTC
Had the idea for a while now, wish I could get paid suggesting it to someone in the industry with the power to make it happen. ....

But the most awesome movie that could be made right now, with our advancements in CGI and all the other movie mastery tricks .....

Is the story of "Revelations" from the Bible, take a look at the actual words written there, it is wilder than any Star Wars or Lord of Rings type fiction, by a landslide .....
2016-08-26 21:16:45 UTC
Mine would star David Duchovny, Roy Thinnes, Gillian Anderson, Sigourney Weaver. A strange formation would be discovered on one of Neptune's moons. A micro space probe would be sent to investigate using a new technology which enables it to arrive within a few weeks. It turns out that a signal was sent from Neptune's moon instructing the space craft designers in how to build the probe, which turns out to be via alien telepathy.

The rating would be PG

Distributed by Fox
2016-08-26 22:42:32 UTC
Conjuring 2
2016-08-27 01:55:47 UTC

Live-action, great cgi, action-sci fi


Sigourney Weaver (early 80's era, since she pretty much already played the role in the movie from which metroid was ripped off) as Samus Aran

Chistopher Plummer (think Sound of Music era) as Commander Adam Malkovich

Rated PG-13 (Some violence, intense action, adult themes)
md. rajib
2016-08-28 19:20:18 UTC
My dream movie film about ancient historical site.
NPG Starlett
2016-08-27 00:54:10 UTC
I'd like a musical-fantasy film like Wizard of Oz and Disney's Mary Poppins. I'd like to use Julie Andrews as the main lead, and the setting either in London or Paris, time period in mid-1960s or early 1990s.
2016-08-26 11:13:31 UTC
Artificial Movie.
2016-08-27 09:07:11 UTC
That's a really good question. Would I want a Breakfast Club sequel or would it just not be the same?

Anyway it's too late for that now. All the actors are too old and replacing them would be a crime against TBC.

What I wouldn't give for the extra few minutes on John Hughes' director's cut. But he never released it.
2016-08-26 16:55:10 UTC
Batman vs Dracula's Army
2016-08-26 12:34:45 UTC
Freddy vs Jason 2
2016-08-27 00:08:49 UTC
I wish they would make a proper Final Fantasy Movie.... PG-13 of course....

Any suggestions as to cast?? Could be anybody up and coming, with someone older, well known and tough (like Liam Neeson) as the always present stoic older guy character. Emily blunt would make a good female villain, for a change...
2016-08-27 22:47:41 UTC
Static Shock is currently owned by DC

They should use the licence in a film

Make the costume like the animated series he could be a kid or adult version

Use underground rappers as thats a main part of the characters style
2016-08-26 06:01:58 UTC
Rush 2013
2016-08-27 17:05:54 UTC
My dream movie would a mixture of various movie themes and the setting would be in Texas and it would be a modern day western. And it feature a lot of different things their would be love, devotion, romance a Jail break passion sex violence profanity and lots of guns and shooting.

The leading lady would work for the U.S Marshal's and specialize in fugitive recovery and she would be both beautiful and lethal ride a motorcycle love the outdoors and would define the word badass in fact her nickname is badass.

The leading man has had a tragic and horrible life he loses his parents and his beloved sister in a tragic accident and was sent to an orphanage to live. In addition to these things he was also born severally

disabled and use's a wheelchair to get around from place to place and the people of the city where the movie takes place treat him like crap because he is disabled and also very poor. But she loves him very much disability and everything that comes along with it and does not give a Damn!!! what other people think.

But their would be conflict within their relationship in the form of her stepmother, who is the richest and yet the most arrogant and racist woman in the city, but he is not racist against minorities she is racist against poor people and disabled people.

And my Movie's leading man fits in both of these categories but despite their differences this young couple fall in love and they want to get married and build a life together. But her cruel stepmother refuses to allow them to marry, And she threatens to shoot and kill the leading man, so they run away and build a life far away from her terrible stepmother and the other people who despise their relationship.

Then one they end up in a gun fight with an army of people lead by her stepmother, they do their best to keep them at bay but unfortunately it gets really bad, and when all hope for their future together seems lost they manage to slip away and go off into the sunset.

And this movie would definitely! be Rated-R

Now I don't have a set list of character names but here is the list of Actors and Actress's I would want to play the various parts in the movie.

Cast of characters would be this.

Leading man Portrayed by Jonathan Togo from CSI Miami

Leading lady would be portrayed by Jessica Biel.

The Leading ladies stepmother would be portrayed by one of the following actress's Jennifer Lopez Kate Winslet, Gillian Anderson, or Catherine Zeta Jone's
2016-08-26 14:45:24 UTC
Jason Bourne
Kristen Stewart
2016-08-27 05:17:38 UTC
Terminator vs Rambo
2016-08-26 14:40:22 UTC
Childs play 3
2016-08-26 14:30:25 UTC
Jason Bourne
2016-08-27 03:31:29 UTC
A really good, well put together as realistic as possible Sailor Moon or The Legend of Zelda movie. Think The first two X-Men. That style.
2016-08-26 06:32:22 UTC
A fourth Friday with Ice Cube & Chris Tucker
2016-08-26 13:58:31 UTC
A movie dedicated to Harambe
2016-08-27 06:01:37 UTC
It's definitely time for the modern take on King Kong vs. Godzilla. Perhaps with Emily Watson in a starring role as a scientist who ... ummm ... is responsible for sciency type things.
2016-08-27 09:30:28 UTC
Robin vs Buffy
2016-08-27 01:33:41 UTC
There must be more than 100 on my list of dream movies. . . this is just one of them.

"ILL Met by Moonlight" a Brit war movie about how a group of Cretan partisans and a couple of British Army Officers captured a German general on Crete and smuggled him out to Cairo. It was all true.

The veterans meet

I've got this movie on disc and have seen it dozens of times. Saw it first time out in c1961 - released in 1957.
2016-08-26 13:25:15 UTC
Jason Bourne
2016-08-27 07:18:06 UTC
I have two dream movies.

One is a Knock-Off of Red Dawn in which the U.S. is invaded by ISIS, North Korea and Los Zetas. Their only hope lies in the hands of Christians who decide to use Guerilla Warfare to free their country and secure their religious freedom. (Rated PG-13 for action violence)

The other is a live action remake/adaptation of Hayao Miyazaki's Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Directed by Roland Emmerich and produced by Dean Devlin. It would be distributed worldwide by Disney. (Rated PG-13 for action violence and pearl)
2016-08-26 11:14:37 UTC
I'd like a worthy remake of 1980's The Final Countdown.

"A modern aircraft carrier is thrown back in time to 1941 near Hawaii, just hours before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor"
Doug Freyburger
2016-08-26 13:00:44 UTC
Lensmen series was worked on by J Michael Strazinski for a while. He has done Thor, Babylon 5, Murder She Wrote, a lot of comic books.
2016-08-28 13:23:59 UTC
An original movie made from scratch.

Reboots, prequels, sequels are dumb and are unoriginal for the most part.

Make a new original movie and bring life-long movie aficionados back to the theater!
2016-08-26 07:35:40 UTC
"Karma Girl" with Ashley Tisdale and Megan Fox in the lead roles, and Selena Gomez as the female librian and professor in a wherl chair. August Jones from "Angel"as "Cold Freeze",and Orlando Bloom as "Silver Fox".

It would be a stand alone movie, they could change things and add more explosives to the story. Add a bank robberies in the movies so we could see The Supers and Big Bads do their own thing in the movie. It would be 2 hours and 40 mintues of romance, friendship, intellect, wisdom, action, true love, and super hero fun!!☺👱👧👨


Make the romance more rated PG- 13, it is R+ In the novel, and re- write the story a little more towards teens and men, instead of young women. It is based off the famous super hero comics- Big Time Comics- romance novel BY JENNIFER ESTEEP. They could film it in Cinncinati, Ohio, Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL, Buffalo, NY, or NYC, NY. One of my favorite, aspiring, and inspiring novels. Love it!!❤☺😍😗😘😍👨👱
2016-08-26 18:35:15 UTC
Movie based on dark gritty action adventure and comedy game saga fear first encounter assault reccon don't know if that would happen tho cuz Hollywood nowadays are bitchass ****** and niggets that's why all these video games are better
2016-08-27 08:09:04 UTC
Harry Potter because I dream of Hogwarts
2016-08-28 14:32:23 UTC
I guess a live action version of the red hood batman story directed by David Fincher. The movie needs to be rated R and be co-written by Affleck and Fincher
2016-08-26 22:57:19 UTC
recent movie Conjuring 2
2016-08-26 22:47:38 UTC
I would love to see a sequel to The Shawshank Redemption........

what happened to Andy and Red after they met up on the beach .?

Did they ever fix that boat? What happene to the guard in prison?

What became of the other inmates? Did they ever get out and visit Andy in Mexico?

maybe even a Prequel......what were they all in for? Show each of the convicts stories........and how they all ended up at Shawshank.
2016-08-27 15:51:55 UTC
A movie where there would be an actual war between genders. Girls vs Boys
2016-08-27 12:42:16 UTC
All the best comedians in 1 movie. That all play there part with a good story.
2016-08-31 04:30:50 UTC
Comedy and love story movies is always included in my dream movies..
2016-08-26 07:43:30 UTC
Freddy vs Jason 2 same Freddy.
2016-09-01 15:26:33 UTC
If Bruce Lee made another movie, or a new Dwayne johnson movie
2016-08-27 04:53:18 UTC
Debbie does Dallas
2016-08-27 01:31:16 UTC
Constantine 2 or proper remake of Spawn
2016-08-26 11:09:19 UTC
Braveheart or Avatar or Batman Vs superman or The Avengers or James Bond.
2016-08-26 15:03:28 UTC
Cant wait to see Harry Styles in Titanic next year
2016-08-27 21:58:07 UTC
2016-08-26 13:41:56 UTC
2016-08-26 08:19:32 UTC
Another Harry Potter!
2016-08-26 06:03:41 UTC
2016-08-31 10:40:19 UTC
Hmmm-a cross between Jurassic Park and Flipper.
2016-08-27 08:53:11 UTC
2016-08-26 12:20:57 UTC
Training day 2 hands down.
J. David
2016-08-26 11:51:10 UTC
S.O.G. 7:

A true line-for-line remake of Seven Samurai/The Magnificent Seven, this time set in Vietnam during the war.
2016-08-26 22:33:59 UTC
my dream movie is Mohenjo Daro,it is a epic adventure is directed by Ashutosh is produced by siddharth roy.the main star is Hrithik Roshan, Pooja is a good movie you should see once time i hope you love this movie.
2016-08-26 10:52:49 UTC
More Harry Potter or a series finale movie to the NBC show "Chuck" because the ending was absolutly horrible and I STILL DONT KNOW IF SHE GOT HER MEMORY BACK
2016-08-26 23:54:10 UTC
It is to see Jason Statham as James Bond. He's Perfect for the role.
Mont K
2016-08-27 16:02:54 UTC
Gladiator and Alien 3 merged.
2016-08-30 00:59:11 UTC
I've already seen my dream film - The Cynic the Rat and the Fist
2016-08-26 17:53:20 UTC
2016-08-28 00:09:47 UTC
Oh an Uncharted movie for sure
2016-08-26 13:47:04 UTC
A spin-off of the warriors that focuses on a turf war between several small gangs and a much larger one.
Anthony Pittsburg steelers
2016-08-27 21:35:11 UTC
Last Friday
2016-08-26 11:44:55 UTC
Bollywood Fashion Movie is my favorite movie and I like it very much.
2016-08-26 14:20:08 UTC
I'd like to see a biopic on Stanley Kubrick.
2016-08-27 09:18:56 UTC
2016-08-30 10:25:36 UTC
XXX rated movie lasting about 12 hours with me as the star
2016-08-26 16:04:56 UTC
Godfather remake It would of been hard to find someone who could play Michael so good as Al did
2016-08-26 18:02:12 UTC
John Cena in Suicide Squad
2016-08-26 09:17:50 UTC
2016-08-26 14:18:42 UTC
I love horror films so
2016-08-26 15:48:05 UTC
Alien vs predator reboot using the original screenplay and a sequel to the last starfighter
2016-08-27 07:52:50 UTC
A Voltron movie done right.
2016-08-26 11:50:17 UTC
Harry potter X-men.
2016-08-26 10:23:34 UTC
Camilla "Milly" Rosso and Rebecca "Becky" Rosso in a horror movie
2016-08-27 12:03:32 UTC
i remember watched film years ago cant remember what film called know but i want see it again
2016-08-28 00:06:38 UTC
Mine would have been anything starring both Meryl Streep and Alan Rickman 😔😭
2016-08-26 21:49:59 UTC
Movies are a waste of time.
2016-08-26 19:39:46 UTC
I would like to see an old style planet of the apes sequel with charleton heston, i saw them all back then, but I would make one more now with him, it would be da bomb
Edgar J
2016-08-27 22:08:20 UTC
A prequel to The Hobbit explaining who or how Sauron was created etc.
2016-08-30 20:02:40 UTC
Foxy babe
2016-08-27 01:13:19 UTC
I Don't Like This
2016-08-26 12:52:24 UTC
Grand theft auto.
2016-08-26 13:39:06 UTC
Bettle juice
2016-08-26 17:54:23 UTC
Doctor who
2016-08-26 13:12:13 UTC
A bugs life
2016-08-26 14:28:01 UTC
Requiem for a dream.
2016-08-27 05:35:43 UTC
2016-08-26 19:38:21 UTC
2016-08-26 13:17:29 UTC
batman beyond

directed by guy ritchie

terry mcginnis: adam driver

bruce wayne :ed harris

hush:rory mcCann

max:amber stevens

blight: aiden gillen
2016-08-26 17:40:34 UTC
I want to see : Marvel VS DC UNIVERSE VS Mortal Kombat! this is going to be epic
2016-08-28 03:04:36 UTC
Among others, I would love to take a stab at doing a very linear, accurate rendition of H. G. Wells time machine. All the movies have made the equipment too decorative. The time machine wasn't ornate in the least. It had elements of a sextant and old brass microscopes from the 19th century, but generally I got the impression it looked like a big mass spectrometer with a motorcycle seat, mounted inside a dune buggy's roll cage.

The moorlocks never looked right, they were supposed to be graceful lemur-like creatures. Cgi could really do the time trip now, what's more, nobody ever shows him driving the time machine up to where the sun is starting to go red giant.

__ I might do Frankenstein as a kind crime caper. I'd get Justin Timberlake to play Victor Frankenstein, he'd play him Reeeally German! The kind of cheerful German that when you say you bought tickets to the planetarium, he cheerfully says, "I want to see your main marketplace, you will now take me to your city's largest farmer's market." and other Germanic utterances like, "No, no, What is this--this is no good: we will use the other one." I think Justin Timberlake could get that manic excitement, a real "Damn the consequences, full speed ahead!" attitude. He'd have a big dollop of Nietzsche, and a dash of Mengele, a mix of supreme arrogance, and puppy like enthusiasm about doing stuff to people that would make either of them cringe. Cut people apart, and sew them back together again, and make them/it live through pain that had already killed it/them once already, all with an attitude of, "Hey WOW! Neato! Look what I can do!"

_ Oh, and the monster, I like to see Aston Kutcher play him! An Adonis lying on the table, but then he looks like he survived a skydiving accident without a 'chute when he gets up and starts moving around. Aston Kutcher has a way of kind of panicking and flailing his arms, kind of lashing out while he yells, "Bwaaah-ugh!" It would be funny to show this great big monster throw his hands up "like a little girl", except when HE does it and flails around in a panic, he breaks people and attack dogs in half!

___The third of many things I'd like to see is a treatment of the new testament stories, the gospels, where all of the Jews are played by mostly Sephardic Jews, and the Romans are all played by Italians. I was originally picturing Adam Goldberg playing Jesus, but it turns out that HE might not even be Jewish enough! Oh well... in this imaginary casting call we could get Speed Levitch to play John the baptist, and, although this is totally breaking the mould, st. Peter seems an awful lot like Larry the Cable Guy. I know! but it would be a lot of fun to see Jesus and his dad wearing tool belts and wielding nail guns on a construction site. It's as if I can't make up my mind whether I'd like to see an accurate period piece, or all of the events transposed onto the modern era.

I've picked my Pontius Pilate years ago. I want Al Pacino. Imagine an almost sympathetic bureaucrat Pacino at the trial, saying lines like, "Listen, pal, you're not making my job any easier...Why don't you go ahead and deny the charges, and I'll see what I can do. Hey, I'm dying out here, I can't help you out here if you don't give me anything to work with!" and so forth. Al Pacino can really display the pain of the world on his face, and that's what a bureaucrat in a sucky position between a rock and a hard place needs to show. There's the sympathetic centurion, the one who said I tell this man "go over there." and he goes over there, I tell another "do this" and he does it, so I know power when I see it, just say the word and it'll be done. Maybe he could be played by Ray Romano.

I've often thought that if a guy wandered around and said the EXACT same things that Jesus said, and said them today, would we kill him all over again? Well, that probably depends on context. Do that in California, you'd probably form a following and a free store and food pantry, do that in Mecca and you'd probably be stoned. (not in the good way) Imagine a guy in Mecca saying "I am the only begotten son of Allah, he is my father." He wouldn't last a week, not to mention several years.

__ What if we set the whole shebang in Iraq? Volatile enough, various factions fighting for control... conflicting beliefs... an occupation force...

That could be either the Romans OR the Americans. What if it is both of them, one and the same, spread out over two thousand years? Imagine that all those Italian guys are U.S. soldiers, and that Pontius Pilate is an American general in charge of a region in Iraq. There is rumor of Insurrection, and one of some terrorist leader's guys sold out this dude, but General Pilate really can't figure out what this guy was supposed to have done. The guys that turned him in said it's blasphemy, but General Pilate can't find anything that the dude has actually DONE, so he holds him a long time waterboards him a good bit... and you basically know the rest.

__ Last but not least, if we hurry up we could actually squeeze this one in:

I'd like to see Anthony and Cleopatra done by George Clooney and Lady Gaga. There is a certain goofiness to their relationship, the practical jokes they played one another. Imagine George Clooney in his men who stare at goats persona, and Lady Gaga is kinky enough to do all of the Cleopatra stuff too, and they are pretty good physical matches for historical characters, and their age separation is even about right.

After I read about Anthony and Cleopatra, and pictured Clooney and Gaga, several months later they came out with the first previews of "Hail Caesar!" and I went, "D'oh!" so much for originality....

So, if I win the powerball, expect to see these movies about two years later.
Joel Venegas
2016-08-26 11:33:50 UTC
They NEED to make another Spawn movie....either remake or sequel
2016-08-26 07:38:51 UTC
Rush hour 4 using all the same cast... Piece of art.
2016-08-27 09:00:24 UTC
2016-08-26 22:40:59 UTC
I wish they made Drag Me To Hell a sequel.
2016-08-27 06:30:02 UTC
a warhammer 40k

horus heresy movie
2016-08-26 11:20:42 UTC
A sequel to 2012's "Chronicle". I think it's a true shame that this movie never got a sequel. It showed so much potential to be a franchise, and now it's nothing.

2016-08-26 20:59:02 UTC
My dream movie is nothing with melissa mcartney, no more remakes ever! And please no more stupid blockbusters! But that's just wishful thinking.
2016-08-27 12:16:40 UTC
Ninja turtles lol
2016-08-29 22:29:13 UTC
Funny you should ask(U:one that came down from heaven and then went back)
2016-08-26 14:34:34 UTC
Harry Potter with all the words and all the characters ex:Peeves+the dursleys leaving ;)
2016-08-27 19:39:11 UTC
Ramboo part 5.......... but this time he on vacation then grand kid got kidnap and he has to save the kid and he grab a machine gun......... i wannt to see him in machine gun one more timeeeeeeeeeeeee
2016-08-27 07:04:50 UTC
pooty 2.o
2016-08-27 04:38:36 UTC
Anything horror
2016-08-26 13:27:48 UTC
i would love to see a sequel to zootopia more than anything. hopefully disney will make it happen asap!
2016-08-28 23:31:15 UTC
You should know before asking
2016-08-26 15:24:04 UTC
Titanic 2 where no one die either hero or heroin
2016-08-26 07:55:03 UTC
someone WITHOUT those overrated actresses like natalie portman ugh
2016-08-27 15:22:55 UTC
Prequel to men in black
2016-08-30 16:57:15 UTC
the big screen confrontation the worlds been waiting to see SUPERMAN VS STAR WARS
2016-08-26 08:03:34 UTC
2016-08-26 08:20:21 UTC
Friends- All grown up

2016-08-27 19:40:58 UTC
Don't know
2016-08-30 14:52:07 UTC
bubble gum
2016-08-29 19:46:32 UTC
2016-08-28 17:23:31 UTC
2016-08-26 09:07:25 UTC
THE Best movie
2016-08-27 08:06:55 UTC
a movie with a lot of sex ;)
2016-08-26 17:35:04 UTC
Seeing a big penis
2016-08-26 08:48:20 UTC
The longest yard, the one with Adam Sandler in it.
2016-08-26 14:18:44 UTC
2 girls one cup
2016-08-26 09:57:33 UTC
Fallout: the movie
2016-08-26 08:37:49 UTC
2016-08-26 08:19:43 UTC
ghostbusters but with an all female cast
2016-08-27 06:08:05 UTC
The princesses bride
2016-08-26 12:58:42 UTC
forest gump
Sumon Ahmed
2016-08-27 21:16:43 UTC
jason bourne
2016-08-26 09:04:00 UTC
2016-08-27 00:28:56 UTC
2016-08-27 23:10:17 UTC
Kal Ho Naa Ho
2016-08-26 09:03:55 UTC
"Libtards Drown!"

2016-08-26 15:15:11 UTC
2016-08-27 09:42:44 UTC
2016-08-26 18:51:13 UTC
2016-08-27 08:16:54 UTC
fkcing all beautiful women.
2016-08-26 13:14:58 UTC
The book dorthy must die. The series.
2016-08-26 16:28:58 UTC
The notebook
2016-08-26 11:36:53 UTC
2016-08-26 15:33:28 UTC
2016-08-27 05:56:37 UTC
One with boobs
2016-08-30 11:14:26 UTC
2016-08-26 18:54:11 UTC
2016-08-28 01:38:28 UTC
2016-08-29 00:32:12 UTC
2016-08-27 07:28:03 UTC
2016-08-26 17:50:17 UTC
Me masturbating
2016-08-26 13:09:51 UTC
2016-08-27 03:07:51 UTC
2016-08-29 05:21:47 UTC
2016-08-29 19:18:07 UTC
If it's porn it's for me....................
2016-08-29 16:24:15 UTC
2016-08-26 07:43:37 UTC
2016-08-29 14:44:39 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.