Are you asking for the stuff that happens in the books since there are no other movies planned?
that is a lot of synopsis to cover but I'll try. here we go.
After the end of Return of the Jedi, Luke wanders around trying to reform the jedi council. he recruites lots of young folks, and trains them to become jedi.
At the same time, the empire has not been completely defeated. There are pockets of resistance tha the rebellion (now the main government) have to go and fight and destroy. Without vader or the emperor it is not a one sided affair, and the rebellion only manage to win because of some luck, and some good soldiers (the xwing series of books is great discussing this)
Han and leia have several children who are all jedi, and all trained by luke.
about 20 years after the end of Return of the Jedi, a new era happens in the galaxy.. the New Jedi Order series of books is released. This new series of books introduced ntroduction of the Yuuzhan Vong-a race that exists outside of the known Star Wars galaxy. This race started attacking and destroying the new republics outposts, and attacking the Jedi directly.
Lots of well known and loved characters die in this series (including Han, chewbaca).
Here are the synopsis of the first couple of books.
vector Prime
Ambassador Leia Organa Solo, Mara Jade Skywalker and Jaina Solo travel to the planet of Rhommamool, which is presently waging a civil war with its sister planet, Osarian. Mara warns Leia not to underestimate Nom Anor, (Rhommamool's leader) who seems to be impervious to the Force. As they approach Rhommamool, their ship, the Jade Sabre is set upon by a group of Osarian fighters, but Jaina quickly evades them. Leia knows the Osarians were just giving them a show of force, but that idea collapses when a hotheaded Jedi by the name of Wurth Skidder swoops in and kills the Osarians. Leia docks on the Mon Calamari Cruiser Mediator and brutally tells Skidder off for sabotaging her mission of peace.
Down on Rhommamool, Anor continues to lead the citizenry in a revolt against all things technological. He even goes as far as to throw all the planet's droids in a deep pit and destroy them.
On the Outer Rim world of Belkadan, at a New Republic scientific outpost, a signal is detected that has come from a comet/asteroid coming in from outside the galaxy. Unbeknownst to the scientists, one of their own, Yomin Carr is a tattooed, disfigured alien using organic technology for a human disguise. Carr contacts his superior - Nom Anor - who tells Carr to hide the asteroid's signal and cut off Belkadan from the rest of the galaxy.
On Coruscant, Luke and Jacen meet with Chief Of State Borsk Fey'lya (elected after Leia stepped down) and Fey'lya scolds Luke for his apparent lack of control over Skidder and other reckless Jedi throughout the galaxy. Luke is debating over whether or not to resurrect the legendary Jedi Council to rein the rogue Knights in and to keep them under control, but many oppose the action, including Jacen.
Leia is able to negotiate a meeting with the enigmatic Anor, who wears a costume that makes him look like Lord Darth Vader, and treats Leia with contempt. He learns from a pet of his that the disease he infected Mara with (coomb spores) is still affecting her badly, slowly wearing her away, even though she is a strong Force user. He tells Leia that the New Republic should back off and arranges for their ship to fly off the planet on a course over the droid pit in the town center, angering Leia even more at the cruelty of his actions.
Luke and Jacen go down to the Millennium Falcon where Han, Chewbacca and Anakin are working on the ship. Luke asks Han where he would be able to find info on the rogue Jedi patrolling the Outer Rim on their own agendas and Han suggests Lando, who latest money-making scheme is something to do with an asteroid belt nicknamed "Lando's Folly." They decide to head there with Leia, Mara and Jaina when they return.
The mysterious asteroid that the Belkadan scientists were tracking lands on the ice world named Helska 4. The inhabitants of the "asteroid" are the tattooed aliens of which Yomin Carr is a member. They begin growing an organic base under Helska's surface.
As Mara and the others return to Coruscant, Mara confesses her greatest fear to Leia - that she will never be able to give Luke the child they both want because of her disease.
In the Falcon, Jacen and Anakin argue over the way the Jedi Knights should behave, and this leads to a lightsaber duel, which the calm Jacen wins. Then everyone sets off for Dubrillion, Lando's base near the asteroid field.
On Belkadan, Carr starts sabotaging the station's equipment and kills off the scientists. He is also using genetically enhanced beetles to poison Belkadan's atmosphere, for reasons yet unknown. The beetles create toxic storms in the atmosphere that smash into the station. On Rhommamool, Anor launches a missile attack at Osarian, damaging the capital city severely.
Jacen talks of his fight with Anakin to Luke, who worries over the course his nephews are taking. Han and Chewie go to a local bar to find exactly what Lando is up to - he is trying to find a better way to mine asteroids as the profits would be enormous. He has help from Jedi Kyp Durron and his Dozen-And-Two Avenger squadron of X-Wings.
Some of the Belkadan scientists, led by Danni Quee fly out to Helska 4 in an almost derelict ship to investigate the extragalactic comet. As they near Helska, they are attacked by what looks like a meteor shower heading up from the planet - but in reality they are a giant swarm of space faring locusts that fly through the ship's shields. Danni's ship crashes on Helska, and she is the lone survivor. She is taken captive by the tattooed aliens, who call themselves the Yuuzhan Vong.
Luke and the others reach Lando's mining operation, where he invites the Solo children to have a go at "Running the Belt". Anakin and Jacen try with Anakin winning the race. When Jaina tries, she wins with flying colors, setting a record and beating Kyp Durron.
As Carr kills the remainder of the scientists left on Belkadan, his superior, Anor (who is also a Yuuzhan Vong operative in the organic disguise) travels up to the orbiting Mediator for talks of peace, only to fly out of his bomb-filled shuttle in an A-Wing as the shuttle docks and explodes, taking a large chunk out of the Mediator with it. He talks with the Vong leader on Helska and they decide their next target in their invasion of our galaxy will be the heavily populated Sernpidal. They will use organic technology to bring Sernpidal's moon down onto it. He also hopes to draw some New Republic forces out to wipe them out at the same time as he views the government as the Vong's major opponent in this galaxy.
Back on Dubrillion, Kyp praises Jaina on her better flight, and invites the Solo children to join his squadron. The boys are still squabbling, but Anakin wants to join. Lando harasses Han and Chewie into making a belt run, as he thinks they will be very good, but as they make the run, their ship's shields fail and all contact is lost with them. Luke rushes into the belt, finding that Chewie miraculously landed their ship on an asteroid. When the three return, Han not so sure of Lando anymore, the man surprises them yet again. He asks Han and Chewie to make a cargo run to Sernpidal...
Kyp and his squadron, looking for trouble, pick up the distress call Danni's ship sent out, and they head to Helska to investigate. The Yuuzhan Vong locusts rise from the planet to meet them and only two of the squadron survives. Kyp who limps out of the system, and Miko Reglia, a Jedi who is taken captive by the Vong along with Danni. Meanwhile, Luke hears of the distress call launched from Belkadan and heads out to investigate with Mara.
Kyp fights to survive when one of the locusts clings onto his ship through hyperspace and continues to damage his X-Wing. He is forced to climb out and kill the creature with his lightsaber. He starts toward nearby Sernpidal, hoping that a miracle will occur. On Helska, the Yuuzhan Vong begin torturing Miko, trying to figure out the physical and mental limits of a Jedi Knight. They use Danni against him, telling him she is worthy of being converted into a Vong while he is not. They also begin giving him sessions with a creature called a yammosk. The yammosk is another genetic creation of the Vong and is the centralized brain of their Yuuzhan Vong political faction (the Praetorite Vong).
The Falcon arrivals at Sernpidal to find the citizenry in panic, calling the name Tosi-karu endlessly. A strange old man, the former mayor, explains that Sernpidal's moon, Dobido is falling out of orbit, on a collision course for the planet. Sernpidal has seven hours until Armaggedon. Anakin senses whatever is dragging Dobido down is east of the city, and Anakin rushes out there with the ex-mayor. Meanwhile Han and Chewie begin loading as many people on the Falcon as they can.
Luke and Mara arrive at the now almost uninhabitable Belkadan. They find the beetles of Yomin Carr that destroyed the planet's atmosphere, and Mara feels a strange connection to the beetles. The station has bits of blood all around it, and while Luke and Mara scope the place out, Artoo begins to download the station's database. Suddenly Mara is attacked by Yomin Carr, without his human disguise so she sees his true face. Carr declares himself the beginning of the end for our galaxy. After a fierce battle in which Carr uses organic technology against Mara, she eventually manages to kill Carr with her lightsaber, and then collapses. Luke finds her and they all head off in the Jade Sabre. Mara has a feeling that her illness, Carr, and the beetles are all connected in some way. They find an organic communicator, as the Vong leader on Helska (Prefect Da'gara) tries to contact Carr. Learning of the comet from Artoo's download, they immediately rush to Helska 4.
Back on the doomed Sernpidal, Anakin finds the thing that is bringing Dobido down - yet another of the Yuuzhan Vong's organic monstrosities. Anakin finds that the thing is impervious to blaster fire. Han arrives to pick up Anakin and the ex-mayor in the Falcon, which is filled to the rim with refugees unable to leave Sernpidal. But the old man (the ex-mayor) claims that he will not let this creature destroy another world so he destroys the creature with a thermal detonator, taking his own life in the process. Returning to the city, Han organizes the refugee convoy to follow him to a safe haven, and as they are about to leave, they hear the cries of a trapped toddler. Anakin and Chewie rescue him, but a boulder hits Anakin. Chewie struggles to throw Anakin up into the Falcon, as well as the toddler. As Anakin wakes up he flies the Falcon in closer to try to save Chewie. But Anakin knows they can stay no longer, and flies off leaving Han to watch Chewie be incinerated as Dobido crashes into Sernpidal...
Unbeknownst to the refugee convoy, the Yuuzhan Vong arranged for a fleet of the insects to follow the refugees to the nearest world and destroy them. The insects, and the injured Kyp reach the convoy at the same moment. Han, devastated by the loss of Chewie, his life-long friend picks up Kyp and fights of the insects only to find Vong piloted organic star fighters (coralskippers) chasing them. They arrive at Dubrillion at the same time as Luke and Mara are attacked over Helska by the insects.
When the Falcon arrives on Dubrillion, Han bashes into Lando, blaming him and Anakin for Chewie's death, Lando for sending them to Sernpidal in the first place and Anakin, who abandoned Chewie. Lando reminds Han it was not his fault and the twenty thousand refugees of Sernpidal would honor Chewie for his ultimate sacrifice. Han still blames Anakin, but he and the rest of the Solo family knew he could not have done anything. Han, full of grief will not listen.
Leia calls for the nearby Star Destroyer Rejuvenator to come and protect Dubrillion and Leia and Han vow to join the fight. Shockingly, so do their children. The battle for Dubrillion begins, but the Vong coralskippers and insects overwhelm the New Republic forces. The three Solo children are forced to "Run the Belt" to escape the Vong forces, and Jacen and Jaina eventually make it out. Anakin, though, is forced to do a random hyperspace jump out of the asteroid field...
Han and Leia manage to find Anakin as Luke and Mara arrive at Dubrillion. Lando tells them of Chewbacca's death and they mourn the Wookie hero. Luke realizes Helska is the Vong's base and decides to infiltrate it, using a ship that will bore under Helska's icy surface and Yomin Carr's disguise. See-Threepio eventually manages to communicate with the captured organic coralskipper and decodes the Vong language. With the Rejuvenator finally arriving, the hastily thrown together fleet departs for Helska.
Jacen, hearing an S.O.S. through the Force, uses the mining ship to bore under Helska's surface, while Jaina waits near the system's sun in order to avoid Vong detection. But the coralskippers do detect her, and as they advance on her the New Republic fleets arrives and picks Jaina up. Under Helska's crust, Jacen is surprised to find Danni Quee as the source of the Force call. As the Yuuzhan Vong arrive to kill Miko, Jacen attacks.
In space, the coralskippers start destroying the fleet, and their weapons do nothing against the alien menace, thanks to the dovin basals - a creature that is fitted on all Vong spacecraft that generates a gravity well like a tiny black hole. Anakin realizes the Force does not touch the Yuuzhan Vong and their creations, and that their fleet is joined together in a dangerous level of symbiosis. Soon after this discovery, the mighty Rejuvenator is a mere flaming wreck.
On Helska, Miko dies in an attempt to help Jacen and Danni escape. As they do escape and join the scattered remnants of the fleet, everyone heads back to Dubrillion. They all compare notes including the Force-sensitive Danni. They realize that the yammosk - the war coordinator - is the key to all the alien forces. If it is not destroyed the Yuuzhan Vong will cross the galaxy, unstoppable until they have conquered everything. Anakin and Danni come up with a plan - use the yammosk's great energy against it. They can reflect its energy back against it using shield ships to increase the level of evaporation around the creature, freezing the yammosk to death. They quickly return to Helska with the shield ships as the Vong would not be expecting them. Incredibly, after another fierce battle, the yammosk does freeze to death. The entire planet of Helska 4 shatters under the strain.
Mara, now critically ill with her disease, plans to leave for a while and go to a Force-filled planet like Dagobah or Dantooine to try and figure out what is happening to her. Leia has decided to return to politics, to make the ignorant leaders of the New Republic see that the threat has not ended with the destruction of Helska and the yammosk.
Han flies the Falcon to the shattered remains of Sernpidal and Dobido for a private memorial service for Chewbacca, before he has to tell the Wookie's family. Han is completely destroyed, in a sense he too died with Chewbacca. He no longer feels safe, fearing any member of his family could be next...
Nom Anor, at present the only Vong alive in this galaxy, prepares for the next wave of the Vong invasion. There are many more of his people yet to arrive, and when they do the New Republic will fall and the Jedi will die...
Dark Tide 1 Onslaught
Two months have passed since the Battle of Helska 4 and Chewbacca's death. On the edge of Imperial Remnant space pirates Urias Xhaxin and Anet Karl go on their supposed final smuggling run, and emerge from hyperspace to find their would-be prey under attack by what they assume to be a hyperdrive-capable asteroid. The asteroid disables their Nebulon-B frigate in mere seconds, taking only two shots...
Leia and Danni address the New Republic senate on the growing Yuuzhan Vong threat. Fey'lya and the majority of the other senators scoff at Leia's story, thinking her warnings are an attempt from her to take control of the Republic again. Leia is told to fade away into the distance as Mon Mothma did. But one senator, a friend from Leia's past, the Caamasi called Elegos A'Kla, believes Leia, and decides to investigate with her.
Rogue Squadron commander Gavin Darklighter is sent into a simulation against a Yuuzhan Vong coralskipper. He lasts twenty-five seconds against it, the best anyone has done as he finds from the simulation's architect, Bothan Admiral Traest Kre'fey. Kre'fey then brings Gavin up to speed. Kre'fey's hands are tied by Fey'lya, he doesn't want the New Republic military to look like they are taking Leia's warnings seriously. But Kre'fey (and a large portion of the military) does believe Leia, and Kre'fey wants Rogue Squadron patrolling the Rim as a "pirate group" that the Admiral and his forces can pursue. If they do run into anything out there, then they will have to deal with it...
Luke summons all the Jedi Knights currently patrolling the galaxy back to Yavin 4 to give them missions to scout the Vong presence in the galaxy. Kyp, with a large faction behind him want to take the fight to the Vong, to stop them as soon as possible. Luke sees just how close he is skimming along the edge of the dark Side again. Luke assigns all the Jedi to recon missions to gather data on Vong activities and how they operate. He warns them clearly that they need to stick together or they, and the galaxy will fall. Luke assigns Anakin to accompany Mara to Dantooine where she hopes to gain some ground on her slowly advancing disease. Jacen, on the other hand does not want an assignment, claiming that he is considering giving up being a Jedi and turning into a hermit.
Since the Vong cannot be felt by the Force, Jacen believes that by focusing inward and strengthening his perceptions on the Force he may find a way to destroy the aliens. But Luke asks him to stay for the moment as he has saved the most dangerous assignment for last. He and Jacen will go back to Belkadan with Artoo to figure out what Yomin Carr and the other Vong were trying to create there. Corran Horn and Ganner Rhysode get the assignment of going to the world of Bimmiel, which the Empire declared off limits for unknown reasons. A xenoarchaeological team that went to Bimmiel a few months ago have disappeared and the Jedi are to rescue them, as well as find any data on the Vong along the way. The two bump heads immediately, with Ganner warning Corran to stay out of his way. Luke is worried with Mara going to Dantooine as it is probably in the Yuuzhan Vong's attack range. Mara reassures him, telling Luke that she might learn what connection her disease has with the invading aliens.
In the Outer Rim, the Rogues find the battered remains of Xhaxin's Frigate, and the pirate captain tells them of the horror that was the Vong attack.
After Leia says her goodbyes to a guilt-ridden and non-receptive Han, she journeys with Danni, Jaina and Elegos to Agamar. Leia appeals to the council to help prepare the Outer Rim from Vong attacks and to accept some refugees that will be heading their way. They promise that, unlike Coruscant they will at least consider her request.
Corran and Ganner arrive at Bimmiel on the old freighter Dalliance. As they land on the planet, they find themselves in an inhospitable environment, fighting stormy deserts and a pack of slashrats (the native predators of Bimmiel), but they eventually find their way to the archaeologists' small camp.
Meanwhile, as Luke and Jacen reach Belkadan they are stunned to find the planet's atmosphere almost back to normal. When they land at the scientific outpost where Yomin Carr butchered all the scientists, they find a grisly warning left by the Vong: destroyed technology littering the compound as well as a smashed R5 droid with a human skull in the place of it's head.
Mara and Anakin arrive on the peaceful, primitive planet of Dantooine, where Mara tries to get Anakin to stop using the Force when he does not really need to. After trial and error, Anakin begins to listen to her.
On Bimmiel, Corran and Ganner meet with Anki Pace, the leader of the archaeologists. Pace thinks that Jedi have been raiding the site, stealing items of value and wiping the memories (up to two years worth) of the witnesses. Corran tries to get Pace to trust him, but it doesn't work. She does swallow her prejudices though, to show Corran something that they found: the mummified remains of an alien that raided the planet around fifty years ago. Corran recognizes it to be the corpse of a Yuuzhan Vong...
Luke and Jacen explore Belkadan, and they find signs of a non-native plant that is almost certainly a Vong creation. The Vong plant has grown like a weed across Belkadan, killing every other type of native plant life. Luke and Jacen also find a small village of various species (Human, Twi'lek, Rodian, Trandoshan, etc) that have been afflicted with abnormal mutations. The village appears to be a coralskipper yard and the people there are slaves, ruled by the merciless Yuuzhan Vong. Jacen, after noting how fast the coralskippers are growing wants to free the slaves, but Luke says they must not, for it would alert their presence to the Vong and blow their cover.
Gavin takes an old X-Wing to the place where the pirates fought the "asteroid." He has the other Rogues cover him while he scouts the place out. But the Vong in their coralskippers are waiting. The Rogues, armed with new combat programming and modified shields and weapons are ready for the alien invaders. Although a couple of Rogues are killed, they win their first engagement with the Vong.
Leia travels to a battered Dubrillion to learn from Lando that after Helska the Yuuzhan Vong came back in full force to ravage his planet. He has holos of the new Vong worldship to give to Leia. While they are discussing Vong tactics, Jaina starts to become friends with Danni.
On Bimmiel, Corran and Ganner find a camp similar to the one on Belkadan. While spying on this camp they witness the sadistic and fatal treatment that the Vong give to their slaves, although the Vong think it is a fun form of entertainment.
During the Belkadan night Jacen sneaks out on Luke to rescue the slaves. It backfires as a Vong warrior engages him in a brutal fight. Jacen remembers too late that the Vong can't be felt or touched through the Force-just before the alien warrior holds him face-down in a lake, drowning him...
Leia and Lando compare notes with Admiral Kre'fey and Gavin, as they prepare to evacuate the people of Dubrillion. They are certain the Yuuzhan Vong will strike there next. Although Gavin tries to prevent it, Leia gives her blessing for her daughter to join the legendary Rogue Squadron as a pilot. Jaina is extremely pleased. The refugees of Dubrillion take off, only to be attacked outside the planet's orbit by the new worldship and a fleet of coralskippers. The Rogues attack the worldship but it turns the tide of the battle by creating a gravity well with the dovin basals. As the convoy cannot make a hyperspace jump to Agamar, they are forced to travel to the nearby Dantooine instead...
Jacen begins to recover from his drowning only to discover he is chained to a pain-amplifying rack. A Vong begins to seed his face with a coral protrusion, the same abnormality he had seen in the slaves. Luke does find him and uses both his and Jacen's lightsabers to fight three Yuuzhan Vong warriors. It takes all the strength and energy Luke has to defeat the aliens. He slowly and painfully removes the seeds from his nephew's face. The Vong slaves have all gone somewhere, maybe they are even dead. Luke and Jacen run back to their ship and depart for Dantooine.
Corran and Ganner, along with the archaeologists study the beetles the Vong use and they learn a way to turn the beetles into a weapon against the Vong. They can use the beetles to create a repellent scent that will make the Vong vulnerable to the slashrats. After this amazing discovery, they learn the Yuuzhan Vong have abducted two of the scientists.
On Dantooine, Anakin and Mara learn that the Yuuzhan Vong have arrived and are in the process of colonizing the planet. Anakin sees two Vong attacking one of the primitive Dantari nicknamed Tuber (the Dantari are the natives of Dantooine). He cuts both the Vong down. In return for his actions, Tuber gives Anakin some roots that will help an increasingly sick Mara. They then learn that the Jade Sabre (which they used to get to Dantooine) has been utterly destroyed by the Vong in their quest to eliminate all technology. As the Vong find Mara, Anakin puts up a brave fight against them, ready to fight until he dies, but then his brother and Luke arrive to even the odds.
The Rogues and the refugees arrive, and everyone reunites. Mara discovers that her resting on Dantooine actually accelerated the disease given to her by Nom Anor all those months ago. The disease is trying to cut her off from the Force, which is the only thing keeping her alive at this point.
Mara decides to go back to fighting the disease and the Yuuzhan Vong full-on now and also to channel the Force as much as possible. The Rogues, with their new member Jaina make for orbit to take on the air cover that the Vong have protecting their brethren on the surface.
On Dantooine's surface, the heroes study the Yuuzhan Vong's current invasion path. They are headed right for Ithor, a heavily populated, utopia-like New Republic member world. After this shocking discovery, Jacen has finally accepted that the Jedi have a responsibility that goes beyond their understanding of the Force, and decides to accept Danni as a friend, nothing more. At least, for the moment. Luke praises and thanks Anakin for so bravely keeping his wife safe through all the horrors that the Vong presented him.
The battle finally begins, and as the killing starts Leia and Mara discover that the Vong have infiltrated the refugee camp using their organic human disguises. The infiltrators start slaughtering the remains of the Dubrillion people, even as a massive ground assault approaches the camp. Leia and Mara fight the infiltrators, who manage to murder Leia's Noghri bodyguard, Bolphur with their bare hands. The Yuuzhan Vong send out their brainwashed slaves in droves to be sacrificed against the enemy, while wearing down their ranks. The number of slaves is numerous, and the Vong are gaining the upper hand. When Jacen gives a snide remark, Leia gets an idea...
On Bimmiel, Corran plans to get the abducted scientists and leave the planet, spraying the village with the synthetic beetle scent. He knows he can't take the slaves with him, as they might be carrying a Vong induced virus. He and Ganner give a distraction at the Yuuzhan Vong camp, only to be captured. The scent spraying begins, giving the Knights a chance to fight back at the Vong. Ganner gets the slaves out while Corran fights the warriors. During the battle Corran is stabbed with a poisonous spear. He holds the Vong off long enough for the slashrats to reach them, and then he collapses. Ganner takes him with the slaves.
Luke fires many torpedos at a Vong ground warship, seizes the black-hole shield with the Force and sends the torpedos to hit where the shields are not placed. The warship explodes, but using the Force so much overwhelmes and knocks Luke out. The heroes and refugees (or the ones that haven't been slaughtered by the Vong) barely escape Dantooine, but yet again that annoying worldship is in orbit, blocking their final escape. Leia realizes this has all been a game for the Vong, who are trying new techniques out on them. As the Yuuzhan Vong close in on their deadlock, Admiral Kre'fey shows up with his task force, pulling them out of the closing vise. The united group escape into hyperspace, leaving the planet Dantooine in the grasp of the Yuuzhan Vong and the poor Dantari to whatever inhumane devices the Vong have in store for them.
The group rush to Coruscant to confront Fey'lya and the Senate with evidence they cannot deny of the existance of the Yuuzhan Vong. Ganner and the scientists (with Corran healing in a Bacta tank) arrive on Agamar soon after, sending their reports to the Senate. It seems Luke, Leia and the others were only saved on Dantooine by Agamarian New Republic Captain Rimsen. He noticed the New Republic military was being drawn away from the (unbeknownest to them) Vong battlesites. It was Rimsen who brought Kre'fey to Dantooine in the first place. Gavin and Kre'fey demand Fey'lya give them an answer-he did know what was happening in the Outer Rim with the Vong invasion. They wonder why he has kept the Republic and it's military in the dark, and Kre'fey threatens that the military will mutiny if Fey'lya doesn't reveal the truth to the galaxy and begin a war effort against the Vong right away. Wedge Antilles and Tycho Celchu privately approach Gavin later and they offer their support to him. Finally the New Republic knows of the Vong and are preparing to stop the invasion. But have they waited too long?
On Bimmiel, Commander Shedao Shai (the new Vong leader after the destruction of the Praetorite Vong) surveys the destroyed camp, where two of his own family fell to Corran's hand. He vows he will personally break all the Jedi, but especially Corran Horn...
Dark tide 2: Ruin
Dubrillion: a world taken and reformed by the Yuuzhan Vong. Dubrillion: the world chosen by the Yuuzhan Vong to be their headquarters in the Outer Rim. Dubrillion: a world that will never be the same again. In the orbit of this destroyed world, Commander Shedao Shai waits in his worldship, the Legacy Of Torment. He knows that soon this galaxy and all it's occupants will belong to his race, and nothing they can do will stop it...
Luke gathers all his Knights on Coruscant for what Kyp Durron eagerly calls a council of war. Even though Luke warns him it is only a meeting, Kyp and many other Jedi are obviously waiting for the time to take the fight to the Vong.
In the Solo apartment, a worn out Han summons his three children to him. Han seems to be coming out of his seclusion, and he wants to reconcile with his children. Unaware of her husband's plight, Leia meets with a few members of the High Council and New Republic military. She and Wedge are looking at the disaster of Sernpidal in a new way - why did it happen at all? What advantage would the Vong get by killing only one planet and it's inhabitants? As they hold this meeting the New Republic military starts frantically evacuating refugees from Rim planets through to Agamar, and then on to the Core. The military also helps better the defenses of planets lying in the path of the Vong. Fey'lya shocks everyone when he declares he will send no more Jedi out on missions against the Vong, as in light of recent events trust in the Jedi is low. Fey'lya says that if Luke sends them out anyway that is fine, but they will get no support from the New Republic. Senator Elegos A'Kla decides he will go on a suicide mission to Dubrillion as a peacekeeper to see if he can learn what exactly the Yuuzhan Vong want. He also wants to see if he can learn more of their culture, and vice versa so maybe they can come to a better understanding of each other. A'Kla states that if he dies, it will matter little in the grand scheme of things.
As the Jedi meeting begins, the Knights fight over how they should deal with the Vong. They have two choices: offensively or defensively. But they have trouble understanding where one ends and the other begins, and to find where they draw the line. As they reel from the news that the Republic has abandoned them, Luke actually agrees with Fey'lya's decision. He tells his students that they can use their own best judgement in dealing with the enemy. But Corran will have to have an active role in the Republic. He will be reactivated into the military, and will lead a mission to Garqi. He immediately sets out with Jacen, Ganner and a few Noghri soldiers.
Meanwhile, Leia sets out with Danni and more Noghri to Bastion, the capitol of the Imperial Remnant. She hopes to talk Admiral Pellaeon into helping the New Republic against the Yuuzhan Vong. After the peace treaty between the two governments a few years ago, the Remnant has kept to themselves, and they know only a little of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Leia fills Pellaeon in on the rest, and Pellaeon is truely disturbed by what he hears.
Anakin brings a shocking discovery to Luke and Mara. Certain Knights have been studying superweapons in the data library. Weapons such as the infamous Death Stars, the Galaxy Gun, Darksaber, the Sun Crusher and the World Devastators. The prime suspect is Octa Ramis, who is Miko Reglia's ex-lover and is also a member of Kyp's faction. Ramis' hot-headed Twi'lek partner, Daeshara'cor has vanished, also making her a suspect. As Anakin searches Coruscant's spaceport for signs of Daeshara'cor's departure, he finds a homeless man, Chalco. Chalco saw the Twi'lek Jedi get on a freighter bound for Vortex. Chalco agrees to take Anakin, Mara and Luke to Vortex.
On the smashed Dubrillion, Shai is growing curious as to what the New Republic wants. As he is pondering their motives, Elegos arrives and meets the Yuuzhan Vong leader. Shai is intrigued by Elegos' proposal, and will learn of the Republic after Elegos has learned of the Vong. The first "lesson" for Elegos is "The Embrace of Pain."
With the Rogues (including Jaina) providing cover, Corran's team crash-lands (as planned) on Garqi in a run-down old freighter titled the Lost Hope. Flying through the shell of the Lost Hope Corran's scout ship, Best Chance lands safely. Mirax (Corran's wife), and Whistler, her droid join Luke and the others on their journey to Vortex. Landing on the planet, Luke and Mara meet with Qwi Xux. The Jedi was there but Qwi told her nothing. Even though the Omwat had regained her memories she had vowed never to use them for destructive purposes again. An idea then hits Luke about the Eye Of Palpatine. Wouldn't the Emperor have created two of the dreadnoughts?
In Remnant Space, Pellaeon calls a meeting of the remaining Imperial Moffs to consider Leia's request. After giving their opinions and starting an arguement, the Moffs eventually agree with Pellaeon to send some of their forces to help the Republic.
Gavin leads the Rogues to the shattered debris field that used to be the planet Sernpidal. There they find giant snail-like creatures on the remains of the planet, taking the shards and building them into giant starships.
On Garqi, Corran meets with a New Republic agent called Rade Dromath. Dromath shows Corran what the Vong are doing with their slaves - using the coral abnormalities to brainwash the slaves, and turn them into an army.
On Dubrillion, Shai's subordinates are beginning to question the time their leader is spending with Elegos. Some of them believe Shai has tainted himself, and they start to plot against him. Elegos is gradually learning to embrace pain, and he finds out why the Yuuzhan Vong are invading the galaxy - they were told to by their "gods."
Luke's group heads out to Garos 4, where Chalco and Anakin sneak off on their own quest to find Daeshara'cor. After entering a cantina, Chalco is lead into a room with false information, while the Twi'lek Jedi jumps Anakin and takes him as a captive. Chalco eventually finds Anakin though, and they both turn the tables on the rogue Jedi. They manage to knock Daeshara'cor unconscious.
On Garqi, Corran's group attack the Yuuzhan Vong, and they manage to capture several of the slaves. Corran, Ganner and Jacen run interference, while the savage Noghri rush the slaves to the Best Chance. As the Jedi fight, they make a crucial discovery that could turn the tide of the war. The Yuuzhan Vong organic armor is fatally allergic to Bafforr tree pollen. During the crucial fight, Ganner receives a slash across the face from a Vong weapon. He gladly accepts a permanent scar as a reminder he is not as good as he once thought.
Rogue Squadron arrives in orbit of Garqi to find the Vong waiting for them. But Admiral Kre'fey comes prepared with reinforcements and a remote feed to Coruscant, showing the capital world all that happens. A few minutes into the battle even more help arrives, Pellaeon with an Imperial fleet. Also with the Imperials is a squadron of Chiss. The Chiss squadron make mince meat of the Vong, and their reappearance is a major shock to the New Republic forces. Even more shocking is the leader of the Chiss squadron, Jagged Fel, eighteen-year old son of Baron Soontir Fel and Syal Antilles, Wedge's long-lost sister.
After the Republic and Imperial forces leave a Vong-occupied Garqi, Shedao Shai arrives to view the damage wrought by Corran and the others. He finds the destroyed Bafforr trees and knows what they signify. Shai also knows the homeworld of the Bafforr trees. He decides to pay Ithor a visit...
Kre'fey and Luke meet and pool their information. Fey'lya and several high-ranking Republic senators are journeying to Ithor, the Vong's next target. Whatever happens at Ithor will be a crucial indicator of how the war will go. Ithor's fate might even decide who wins the war. Kre'fey puts Corran in charge of the planet's defense. All Republic, Imperial and Chiss forces meet at Ithor, on the floating city-ship Tafanda Bay. Fel introduces himself to Jaina, then viciously cuts off Fey'lya accusing him of racism.
The heroes must respect Ithorian customs, if they are to go to the Mother Jungle below. To do this they have to undergo a purification ritual and renounce their sins. Luke shocks everybody by renouncing his sole responsibility as Jedi Master. Anakin renounces his self-assuredness. Corran renounces his fear, Ganner his pride and Daeshara'cor her hatred. Jacen renounces his need to know what the future holds, and it even surprises him as he says it. Many other Jedi and New Republic soldiers have to undergo the ritual as well, and for all involved it is a way of coming to terms with their lives in the face of imminent death.
Shedao Shai plans the assault for the pacifist world of Ithor. His forces will attack Ithor and the nearby Agamar in a month. He knows his warriors can fight without their armor. Shai's second in command, Deign Lian is leaking all this information to his real master, the enigmatic Tsavong Lah. Tsavong Lah is the Warmaster in charge of all Yuuzhan Vong forces, second only to Supreme Overlord Shimrra, the lord of the entire Yuuzhan Vong race. Shai also learns of Corran's involvement at Garqi. He summons the broken Elegos A'Kla. Using the Caamasi senator, he decides to send the Jedi a message they will have no trouble interpreting...
As the New Republic starts fortifying the utopia of Ithor, a Vong shuttle arrives without fanfare. Corran puts his bare hands on the organic shuttle, and it draws his blood, opening the door. (The Vong have his blood from Bimmiel, where Corran was stabbed.) Inside the shuttle, they find the body of Elegos A'Kla. But not just his skeleton, his gold-plated and jeweled skeleton! With the skelton is a message from Shai to Corran. The Yuuzhan Vong leader killed Elegos with his own hands, and sent the New Republic the corpse to show them how to properly venerate their dead. Shai also wants Corran to send him the mummified remnants of his ancestor, the Vong on Bimmiel. If Corran does not carry out this action, Elegos' death can be considered meaningless.
In the wake of the morbid message, the Republic forces frantically evacuate Ithor. The peaceful Ithorians are forced to leave their paradise home and the majority of them are sent to Mon Calamari.
The end of the month arrives, and the Yuuzhan Vong fleet slowly creeps through the abandoned Ithorian star system. Corran comes up with a daring and desperate plan: challenge Shedao Shai to a duel. If Shai wins, he gets the bones, if Corran wins, Ithor will be left untouched. Luke is extremely worried at this challenge as it shows that Corran is skirting the edge of the Dark Side. But no matter what people say, Corran won't budge as he knows he has to do this.
Fey'lya tries to have Pellaeon replace Kre'fey as head of Ithor's defense, but if that happens Pellaeon will return to Remnant Space immediately. Kre'fey agrees with Pellaeon wholeheartedly. Fey'lya orders that Kre'fey, his own cousin be arrested, but no-one listens to the Chief Of State. At that moment the Yuuzhan Vong attack in full force, so threatened are they by this plant that might be the end of their reign. Rogue member Anni Capstan is killed in the first minutes of the great battle for Ithor. Several other Rogues, and many other pilots soon follow.
On the surface of the jungle world of Ithor, the Yuuzhan Vong board the Tafanda Bay, where Daeshara'cor, Anakin, and many other Jedi face off against them. Daeshara'cor is poisoned while she is protecting Anakin. Commander Shai leads a complement of warriors (without armor) on Ithor's surface only to find the cities protected by droids. Angered by the "abominations" he begins a savage dogfight with them, both sides taking casualties. After a few minutes he figures out that the droids are mere decoys and they are only defending empty shells of buildings. At that moment New Republic forces lead by Corran and Jacen attack the Yuuzhan Vong warriors. Corran gives his ultimatum to Shai, who accepts. They set the duel a week from now.
The waiting period for the duel gives both sides the chance to recover and mourn their dead. The duel will decide not only the fate of the heavenly Ithor, but of the entire New Republic. Sick of listening to Fey'lya tell him not to fight, Corran resigns from the military for the second time. Daeshara'cor dies from the Vong poison, but before she does she tells Anakin that her death was not his fault, as Chewbacca's was not either. Then her body fades from existence, connected forevermore with the Force.
Luke and Corran meet Shai and Lian on a mountain on Ithor a few days later. Luke and Corran have brought the bones of the Yuuzhan Vong. The fateful duel begins as Ithor's fate hangs in the balance. After several minutes of fighting Shai stabs Corran with his amphistaff, then licks it. The fight resumes for another long period, and then Corran deactivates his lightsaber as Shai stabs down with his weapon. When Shai stumbles Corran reactivates his lightsaber and stabs Shai through the chest, killing the Yuuzhan Vong commander. Lian refuses to take the bones of the other warrior, saying they are Corran's now, as is Shai's body. Corran leaves them, but does take Shai's mask showing that the Vong are not invincible. Ithor is safe!
Deign Lian is quickly transported to the Legacy Of Torment and contacts Warmaster Tsavong Lah. Lian is promoted to leader of the fleet and his first act of command is to send "airbursts" into Ithor's atmosphere. The "airbursts" then release their toxic contents over key points of the Mother Jungle. In minutes, all life on the planet is dead, leaving Ithor a blackened graveyard.
The New Republic and Remnant forces strike back with a vengeance, destroying Lian's worldship. As the flaming wreck falls into Ithor's high oxygen atmosphere (thanks to the "airbursts") it ignites, setting the already dead planet alight. The remainder of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet flees back to Dubrillion, leaving the New Republic with a dead world. It is clear that no one will ever get over the death of Ithor, a planet that is known throughout the galaxy as widely as Coruscant.
As the devastating news reaches Bastion, the Moffs order Pellaeon home in a panic. Jagged Fel will remain with Rogue Squadron though, and Pellaeon agrees with his decision. A holojournal of Elegos' visit to Shai (but is it real or fake?) makes it clear that Corran's murder of Shai ensured Ithor's death. The New Republic bitterly and publicly blame the Jedi Knights, especially Corran, for Ithor's death. Corran is haunted by what he did, as he knows he did it out of revenge, even though he thought he could save Ithor. He feels he has fallen to the Dark Side and pleads with Luke to expel him from the Jedi Order. As it is the only way to save the Jedi from the Republic's wrath, Luke reluctantly agrees. Corran will return to his homeworld, Corellia, with Mirax, leaving their two children at the Yavin academy to be trained as Jedi. Corran asks Jacen and Ganner to support Luke and never let Kyp's faction gain the upper hand. He says that if the galaxy ever welcomes the return of the man who killed Ithor then the New Republic will beyond saving.
Agents of chaos:Heros trial
After the destruction of Ithor, the Yuuzhan Vong decided to bring in members from their religious caste to oversee the conquest of certain worlds. One of the first worlds to fall to the priests is the library world of Obroa-skai. Much devastation is wrought on the planet. Cities are burned to the ground, forests are immolated and the civilization is reduced to ruins. The priest in charge of Obroa-skai's conquest, Harrar swallows his intense hatred of technology to capture the library computers intact.
Harrar questions a prisoner, a Gotal priest who tells Harrar of the Jedi and the Force. Harrar realizes that he must squash the Jedi if his race is to gain supremacy in this galaxy. He is surprised on how little information there is on the Jedi in the library computers, and wonders what could have happened to virtually erase the Jedi from galactic history. The people that did this could become allies to the Vong. He summons a priestess named Elan, who brings her "pet" Vergere. Executor Nom Anor also joins them. Using Anor's poisoning projects, Harrar plans to assassinate many Jedi in one blow.
He will use a bio-weapon called bo'tous. The bo'tous will be carried in an assassin's lungs, and then the eggs will be breathed onto the victim. The eggs will grow in an oxygen environment. Elan agrees to carry the eggs inside her, allow the New Republic to capture her, then she will arrange to meet with the Jedi in person, killing them all. Elan is then implanted with the poison...
On the Wookie homeworld of Kashyyyk, a very overdue memorial service is being held for the late Chewbacca. Chewie's son Waroo and his cousin Lowbacca swear to uphold Chewbacca's life debt to the Solo family. Even though Han protests this, they do not listen and they present Han with Chewie's bowcaster and shoulder bag. Han cannot forget Chewbacca, his life-long friend and he just cannot find peace. He decides to make Chewbacca's death mean something by getting some revenge on the Yuuzhan Vong. Han refuses to listen to Luke or Leia; he won't even take his precious Falcon home. He sends the others on their way and departs for Coruscant on his own.
Meanwhile, the New Republic senate is trapped in an ongoing circle of arguments. They claim the New Republic did nothing to protect Obroa-skai, and they were also useless against the Vong at Ithor. Director Bel-dar-Nolek of the Obroan Institute asks when will the Republic take action against the Vong. He claims the Republic will do nothing until the Yuuzhan Vong are standing right at the Core, threatening worlds such as Coruscant and Corellia. He throws some insults at the Jedi and Admiral Kre'fey then claims that he will return to Obroa-skai to forge a peace treaty with the Vong.
This initiates another round of bitter arguments...
Luke visits his wife, only to see Mara's condition rapidly deteriorating. In the Meridian Sector, Elan and Vergere allow themselves to be captured by a New Republic task force on patrol. Elan immediately asks to be given an audience with the Jedi, as she has information on Mara Jade's Vong-caused disease. Elan is taken to Wayland and imprisoned, where New Republic Intelligence agent Belindi Kalenda questions her. Elan repeats her request, although Kalenda does not buy her story of defection. Then a Yuuzhan Vong assassin attacks them, and Anor initiates an orbital bombardment. That convinces the New Republic to give Elan what she wants...
On Coruscant, Han has a surprise visit from an old friend, Roa. Roa is an ex-smuggler who recently lost his wife to the Vong due to the involvement of a fellow smuggler, Reck Desh. Desh has started working for the Vong, by scouting out new targets for them and stirring up hatred against the Jedi Knights. His organization is called the Peace Brigade. Han eventually agrees to help Roa hunt Desh down, as it would be the perfect way to avenge Chewbacca. Han makes it clear they will not go in the Falcon, as the ship holds many sad memories for him. Leia and Therapies are preparing to leave for Ord Mantell, trying to get the planetary government to accept refugees that are fleeing the forces of the Yuuzhan Vong.
Han shows up, quickly introduces Roa, packs and leaves, with only a short goodbye to Leia. As he and Roa are preparing to leave on the Happy Dagger, Anakin arrives with a present for Han. The gift is a survival multi-tool Chewie once made for him, that Anakin wants his father to have. Han accepts the peace offering and departs. Only when they arrive at their destination does he learn where they are - Ord Mantell. Looking for leads to Reck in the local bars, they find an elderly Bossk. After the Trandoshan insults the dead Chewbacca, a bar brawl erupts...
Luke is presented with the stunning news of Elan's defection. The Vong captive has even provided the name of the Vong's next target - Ord Mantell! The planet is alerted straightaway and the evacuation begun. The New Republic sends out a fleet just as the Yuuzhan Vong enter the system.
Han and Roa, now in jail, are bailed out a mysterious "Boss B" and are led to his headquarters. It turns out that this "Boss B" had paid Bossk to start the fight to make Han accept his "hospitality." It turns out the enigmatic "Boss B" is Big Bunji, an old employer of Han's. Bunji tells Han that Desh is operating in Hutt Space, trying to find a suitable Hutt world for the Vong to take. Bunji promises Han he will make some inquiries. Then the Vong start their attack. They obliterate the New Republic fleet and attack Ord Mantell around the area of Bunji's headquarters. Roa is abducted by the Vong through a giant worm-like creature, as are many other people.
Han tries to escape the giant worm and is almost killed accidentally by a male Ryn. The Ryn helps Han to a shuttle, which Han tries to fly to the Vong so he can rescue Roa. Then the Ryn points out that the shuttle is unarmed and filled with refugees. Han finds himself in the position his son was in at Sernpidal. He makes the right choice and flies to safety, while the remainder of the Republic fleet chases off the Vong.
On Kuat, in the planet's capital city (Kuat City) Reck Desh meets with a disguised telbun. The disguised person is possibly from New Republic Intelligence, but Desh doesn't know for sure. The telbun offers Desh the route that the captive Elan will be taking to Bilbringi. In return, Desh provides the telbun information on all his dealings with the Yuuzhan Vong. If he refuses, the telbun will bring the New Republic military down on the Peace Brigade. So, naturally Desh agrees.
Han goes back to his family, but will not be swayed into staying. He is going to rescue Roa, and won't even stay when Leia pleads with him to. Bunji contacts Han and tells him of Desh's plans for Bilbringi. Han takes Threepio with him to imitate Leia's voice so he can get passage on a ship to Bilbringi. Han is shocked to find Threepio brooding over death, brought on by the Vong's treatment of droids and technology. Han promises that if anything happens to Threepio, then Han will have his memory downloaded into a new droid body or a data storage facility. A bit more level-headed now, Threepio imitates Leia's voice to book Han's passage on the only ship left available - the old and "cursed" luxury liner Queen Of Empire.
Unbeknownst to Han, New Republic Intelligence has gotten Elan, Vergere, and a couple of their agents booked on the same vessel. On the Queen Of Empire, Han runs into the Ryn again, whose name is Droma. Droma teaches Han a spiritual lesson using sabacc cards, and Han gets a glimpse of his future.
Luke gathers the Jedi Knights he trusts, and tells them of his plan about Elan and Vergere. Luke will meet them alone with Mara, but the Jedi disagree. Even if the meeting is a trap, they cannot pass up this opportunity to meet the enemy face to face.
Nom Anor and Harrar learn of the Peace Brigade's plot to capture and return Elan to them, just as the Brigade strikes the Queen of Empire. The wounded New Republic agents bump into Han, and they turn Elan and Vergere over to them, hoping he will hide them for the rest of the voyage. The Brigade uses a Vong dovin basal to pull the Queen out of hyperspace, and then they proceed to board her.
News of the attack reaches Coruscant, and Leia, knowing her husband's plight, races to the battle in the Falcon. Before she arrives a Yuuzhan Vong ship does, carrying an alarmed Anor. A New Republic fleet is dispatched, and they attack both the Vong ships and the Brigade fleet. Luke, Leia and Mara arrive soon after in the Falcon.
Han hides Droma and the captives in the best way he can, and starts going after Desh. Desh eventually finds them all anyway. He takes Elan and Vergere to his shuttle, planning to return them to the Yuuzhan Vong. He throws Han down a drop shaft, but Han grabs onto Droma's tail, and climbs back up after they are gone. The Falcon lands inside the Queen, and Han introduces Droma to his family. Then Han blasts off again in the Falcon, to hunt down Desh.
Anor has disabled the Brigade shuttle, and Han boards it. He finds Desh and his cronies, all dead from inhaling the bo'tous. Elan and Vergere are alive, though, so Han takes them onto the Falcon.
Things start to add up for Han, like the fact that the Vong seem to be letting them get away with the "defectors." He gives the ship's controls to Droma, and then takes a blaster to the main hold. After he questions Elan a little, she unintentionally gives the game away. Han tells Droma to fly to the Vong warship, and tries to put Elan and Vergere in an escape pod.
Instead, Elan throws Han in, and lets out a breath of bo'tous, only to find herself trapped in the pod with Han. Han uses the re-breather in the tool that Anakin gave him, and watches as the bo'tous tear Elan's body apart. Droma gets him out just in time. Vergere gives Han a bottle of her tears and then jettisons an escape pod. The Yuuzhan Vong apparently blow up the pod.
The Falcon joins the rest of the Republic fleet as the Vong retreat. New Republic Intelligence is shocked at how close they came to helping the Vong cause another disaster. They begin to wonder if there is a traitor in their midst...
Mara tries the bottle of Vergere's tears, and is ecstatic when they cause her disease to go into temporary remission. The tears are not a permanent cure, but they will hold the disease back for a while yet. Han finally reconciles with Anakin. He knows now his son could do nothing on Sernpidal, and that Chewbacca died a hero. Even though Han made up with Anakin, things between him and Leia are still distant. But Han has to leave his family again to find Roa, and to help Droma find his long-lost species. Leia grudgingly understands, but tells Han she will not wait around forever for him to help her fix up their shattered marriage.
On the conquered Obroa-skai, Nom Anor and Harrar are contacted by Nas Choka, (Supreme Commander of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet) High Priest Jakan, (Elan's father and advisor to Supreme Overlord Shimrra) and Prefect Drathul. Harrar is reprimanded and recalled to the Outer Rim for his failure. Nom Anor, meanwhile, is only given a slap on the wrist. After his involvement with the dead Praetorite Vong and now the latest disaster with the bo'tous, Anor has been warned by Warmaster Tsavong Lah himself to be careful in the future. But Anor has two things that will save him, and elevate him up in Vong society. One, is that the Hutts are willing to let the Vong grow yorik coral on their worlds if they are left alone when the Vong take the galaxy.
In fact, the Vong fleet is in the process of moving to Hutt Space to start the production. The second, more important discovery is that Anor has learned that the Vong have an ally on Coruscant...
Agents of chaos: Jedi eclipse
The horrid and inexorable invasion that is the Yuuzhan Vong continues, with the aliens now bombarding the world of Gyndine in the Expansion Region. Leia, now an ambassador for the New Republic frantically tries to evacuate the planet of its refugees, even while the Vong unleash yet another of their organic monstrosities. The new creatures can fly and are capable of spitting out liquid fire. As the creatures start to attack Gyndine's remaining cities, Leia loads the last refugee shuttle to full capacity.
Leia finds some of the refugees left on Gyndine are Ryn, and they mention a member of their clan, whose name is Droma. Leia makes the connection and brings four of the ten Ryn on board the shuttle. As the shuttle departs a war-torn Gyndine, Leia questions the Ryn, and learns that they are definitely related to Droma.
As the Yuuzhan Vong begin to round up the refugees that were unable to be taken by the Republic, they find a human man, Wurth Skidder. Taking him and the other refugees, they fail to realize that he is a Jedi Knight. Skidder plans to infiltrate the Vong forces, and try and destroy them from the inside.
Han and Droma, in a freshly painted Millennium Falcon are still-hunting for Vong prisoner ships, in the faint hope that they will find Roa. They plan to fly to Sriluur, a Weequay controlled world where Han claims that they will find information on the movements of the Vong.
Other Vong forces, including Executor Nom Anor and Commander Malik Carr meet with the pregnant Hutt ruler, Borga, on the Hutt throne world of Nal Hutta. Carr and Anor agree that the Hutts are foolish slugs, but they can be of use to the invasion. As the two sides work out the terms of their alliance, Borga pretends to fear the Vong, when in fact she doesn't. The Hutts have been contacted by New Republic Intelligence to act as spies for them, which Borga agreed to. Carr tells her to cease all activity around Corellia, Bothawui and Tynna, as those are the next targets of the Vong...
Leia takes her refugee convoy to Ralltiir, who refuse their landing clearance. Their reason is that they do not want the Yuuzhan Vong to find them harboring refugees, as the Vong enjoy hunting down the homeless. Leia then travels to Rhinnal, who also have an excuse: the planet has already accepted all the refugees it can handle. The weary Leia then heads toward Ruan, as she receives a message from Han. Leia tells him that she will be heading to Hapes to see if the Consortium will join with the Republic in the war. She also tells him that Anakin and Jacen are heading to the Corellian System to try and reactivate Centerpoint Station, which the Republic Defense Force wants to use against the Yuuzhan Vong. As Han reels from this news, Leia hits him even harder, telling him of Droma's relatives, both on her convoy and the ones abandoned on Gyndine.
On a Vong prisoner ship titled Creche, Wurth and the Gyndine citizens are shown what the Vong have in store for them: they are to nurture a young yammosk for the rest of their days. Wurth finds many other prisoners with the yammosk, including Roa and Fasgo. Roa shows them how to care for the yammosk: they have to rub its tentacles, allowing the yammosk to probe the prisoners' minds and see how they think. Then it will inform the Vong of its findings, and the Vong can use this information in their future conquests.
On Yavin 4, Talon Karrde visits Luke and views Anakin and Jacen arguing over Centerpoint. Jacen argues that if it has to be used, it should only be for defense. Anakin is going anyway, and Jacen eventually decides to go with him. Karrde tells Luke that the Hutts are dropping their activities (mainly spice smuggling) at Bothawui, Corellia and Tynna. He tells Luke he will become a public relations liaison to the Jedi and alert the New Republic of his findings. Kyp and Ganner go with Karrde to gather solid proof from the Hutts.
Leia arrives on Hapes, pleading for help in the war. Half the Consortium agrees to lend their resources to the Republic, but then Archon Beed Thane of Vergill tinkers with the Hapans' doubts, questioning Leia's motives. He insults Leia, getting a bit personal, so Prince Isolder punches him. That punch starts a chain reaction within the Consortium, as the government starts to split on the issue of helping the Republic.
On Sriluur, Han and Droma are attacked by coralskippers. They eventually destroy the alien ships, but the Falcon's hyperdrive and power motivator are damaged. Han can only drag his ship to one world...
Commander Brand of New Republic Intelligence approaches Senator Viqi Shesh of Kuat about how to lure the Yuuzhan Vong into the Corellian System. They would need to leave many worlds without protection such as Bothawui and Duro so that they can hit the Vong. But Fey'lya would not sanction the action. Shesh suggest slipping the Vong information (via the Hutts) about Centerpoint, making it an irresistible target...
On Hapes, Thane challenges Isolder to a duel. If Isolder wins, Vergill will add their vote for the Consortium to aid the falling Republic. If Thane wins, the Hapans will stay put and fortify their own worlds against the Yuuzhan Vong. As the duel begins, Ta'a Chume tells Leia what she has thought all along: that Leia was the only true woman for Isolder. She also informs Leia that Teneniel and Isolder's marriage is falling apart, and that Teneniel is planning to return to Dathomir. It is not known if Chume was telling the truth. The duel is a brutal hand-to-hand fight, and Isolder eventually triumphs. The Hapans prepare their fleet to enter the war...
On Ruan, Droma's refugee family is hired to work as slicers on Abregado-rae. In a twist of fate, the undercover Han and Droma are hired to take refugees off Ruan. They leave for the planet immediately.
On the Creche, Randa the Hutt notices the Ryn prisoners and asks them to read his future (the Ryn are quite adept at doing this). Wurth tells the Ryn to tell Randa that the Vong are double-crossing him and that they will sacrifice him to their gods. Wurth knows that the yammosk on board is taking the ship to a world about to be attacked. He plans to gain its trust, find out the targeted world, and somehow inform the Republic. If that all works, he gets the other prisoners to help him stage a mutiny. He telepathically connects with the war coordinator, but his plan backfires. The yammosk reveals to the Vong Wurth's true identity: a Jedi. The yammosk contains the memories of its ancestors, including the coordinator at Helska, and others that have met with Jedi, so that is how it knows. The Yuuzhan Vong plan to use Wurth as a gift to Warmaster Tsavong Lah when he eventually arrives to oversee the colonization of the Core Worlds.
Supreme Commander Nas Choka arrives at the Vong fleet bringing praise from Lah. He promotes a few bloodthirsty officers for their roles at Ithor, Dantooine, Obroa-skai and other Vong conquests. He only insults Anor, warning the Executor to get his priorities in order and stop putting his own ambitions ahead of the invasion effort.
Talon Karrde gets the proof he needs from the Hutts and gives the priceless information to Major Showolter and Agent Belindi Kalenda. They travel to the Tynna System aboard a cloaked vessel that they believe will render them undetectable by the Vong. In actual fact, the Yuuzhan Vong can detect them, but they leave them as they are because that will suit their plans. The Yuuzhan Vong eventually conquer Tynna, and the New Republic let that world fall so that others can be saved. On the smashed planet, Choka is contacted by Warmaster Lah. Choka tells Lah that Tynna will be the Vong's first step into the Core, and that Lah can soon join the main fleet.
Brand presents his information on Vong activities to the Senate. Fey'lya acts typically, and does not even consider the data. The Bothan leader is convinced in his paranoia that the data came from the Jedi, and that all the Jedi have a vendetta against the Bothan race. After a close vote, Fey'lya sends the Fleet to Bothawui (the Bothans' central homeworld), which is exactly what Brand wanted.
The Hapans decide to aid the Republic by just one vote. As Isolder cheers the decision, Leia is hit by a Force-induced vision of horror. She sees a planet in flames, and people dying in droves. She pleads with the Hapans to change their minds, but they won't hear of it as the decision has already been made.
Han and Droma arrive on Ruan to rescue the Ryn, but they are arrested for forging documents. It was actually Droma's relatives that did that crime, and they have already left Ruan. They have been tricked into going to Abregado-rae. A labor droid resembling Han's old friend, Bollux, agrees to help break Han and Droma out on the condition that Han destroy the transmitter that the planet is using to keep the droids as slaves. The planet is planning to deliver the droids as a gift to the technology-hating Vong. Han happily agrees, and the breakout is successful. The aging droid, Baffle, finds out that Droma's clanmates actually went to Fondor.
Choka tells Borga the Hutt that she can resume all operations in the Bothawui System and asks if she can capture a Jedi. Borga says that she thought the Vong already had one. Then Choka learns of Skidder, and he orders the Creche to stop at Kalarba. He sends a ship out to take Skidder. Then the Hutts realize that the Yuuzhan Vong are truly evil creatures and they tip off Karrde about Skidder at Kalarba.
Jacen and Anakin arrive in the Corellian System and find to their horror that Thracken Sal-Solo has been released from prison and is part of the group trying to resurrect Centerpoint. Jacen still does not want Centerpoint to be used as a weapon of mass destruction, and would rather it be used as a shield. Anakin does reactivate the massive superweapon, and arms it as for possible firing. Then word reaches the system that the Vong are on their way...
Leia and the Hapans arrive over Commenor with the New Republic fleet.
At the same time, Karrde's rescue attempt comes to nothing, and the Creche hyperjumps toward Fondor. Anor learns of the attack on the Creche, and orders the fleet to attack Fondor and it's massive shipyards immediately. Fondor had been the Vong's real target all along.
Han and Droma, the Yuuzhan Vong and Talon and Kyp all arrive in the Fondor System simultaneously. Caught with defenses down, Fondor doesn't have a hope for survival. New Republic forces cannot reach Fondor either, for the Vong have seeded hyperspace lanes between Bothawui and Fondor with dovin basal mines.
Kyp and Ganner force their way onto the Creche, and they find Droma's relatives, Roa and Wurth, the Jedi on the brink of death after being tortured by the Vong. Wurth begs them to leave, and to take Randa with them. They all leave, and in a fierce battle the yammosk is killed.
At Corellia, word reaches Centerpoint of the attack on the Fondor shipyards. Thracken tells everyone that they should fire Centerpoint at the Vong fleet. Everyone agrees, except Jacen, who tells Anakin to back away from the controls. Anakin listens, so Thracken activates Centerpoint's weapons...
The Hapan fleet arrives over Fondor. As they assess the situation, Centerpoint's ultimate power rips right through the fleet, destroying three quarters of their vessels. The laser then proceeds to take a big chunk out of Fondor's moon, and then it vaporizes half the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. The Yuuzhan Vong are in shock - their nemesis wiped out most of their own reinforcements to get at them! But Anor, with infinite knowledge on our galaxy knows it is a blunder on the Republic's part. Their reverence for life will be their downfall. The Vong also decide to make the Hutts pay for their betrayal...
After the massacre at Fondor, the New Republic starts to splinter even further. The small remainder of the once powerful Hapan fleet decide to go after the Vong full bore, if only to make the deaths at Fondor mean something. As the Core Worlds brace themselves for whatever the Vong will come up with next, Thracken becomes a hero, and Governor-General Marcha faces impeachment. Anakin thinks worse of Jacen now; as he knows if he had of fired Centerpoint he would have only hit the Vong fleet. At Yavin, Karrde apologizes to Luke - instead of helping the Jedi, he's made them be seen even worse in the eyes of the Republic. Fey'lya is blaming the whole loss on the Jedi.
Leia receives a message from Han. She tells him she will be going to Duro to see if the planet will accept refugees, and that she won't be returning home for a while. Han sees no reason for him to go back then. Leia tells him that maybe their paths will cross again one day, but Han doesn't seem to sure...
The New Republic is now splintered and arguing over how to deal with the Yuuzhan Vong. The Hapans are in tatters after Fondor, and they are arguing over how to fortify their worlds against the coming Vong without their fleet. The Hutts are now bracing for an imminent invasion by the Vong, and they only have themselves to blame. The rift between the Jedi is now widening even more with Skidder's death. The Yuuzhan Vong have come out on top again.
Even with this victory they are not satisfied, though. A disguised Nom Anor meets with Viqi Shesh, who is very willing to do business with them...
And there are like 20 other books. If you want a complete list go here