2009-06-01 09:43:46 UTC
Homer Roy Lee O’Dell Quinton
1. What special radio bulletin does the movie start with?
2. When will sputnik be visible?
3. Where is the story set? When-in what year?
4. What is Homer not good at that could get him a scholarship?
5. How fast is Sputnik traveling?
6. What does Homer proclaim at the breakfast table?
7. What happens with Homer’s 1st rocket?
8. Who does Homer write to and why?
9. Who does Homer talk to in order to start collecting rocket information?
10. Describe the scene in Homer’s basement when they build their 2nd rocket.
11. What do the boys think about the science fair?
12. What benefits can students get from the science fair?
13. Describe what happens with their 2nd rocket flight?
14. Where do they set up their launch pad?
15. What do they call their launch area?
16. How do they get their supplies?
17. What is their test fuel?
18. Describe what happens in science class with the sub.
19. What happened to the man who helped Homer weld his 2nd rocket?
20. What happens on their third launch?
21. What is wrong with their washer?
22. How to they get money for the new steel?
23. Angle of __________________ is crucial for gas propellant.
24. What does O’Dell do when Quintin talks to the men helping them?
25. Why does Quintin think the rockets are not doing well?
26. How do they solve the problem?
27. What happens o their 1st big launch in front of their schoolmates?
28. What does Homer get in the mail on his birthday?
29. What book does his teacher, Miss Riley, get for him?
30. What is Homer’s father’s response when Homer invites him to a rocket launch?
31. What happens after the “Rocket Boys” get written up in the paper?
32. What do they do after the arrests?
33. What happens at the mine the rainy night the boys go to the “juke joint”?
34. What does Homer do for the family?
35. What does Homer see his first time going into the mine?
36. Why has Homer’s teacher, Miss Riley, been missing school?
37. What does Homer stay up all night doing?
38. What does he tell Quintin?
39. How far away should their last rocket be?
40. What made the rocket land in a different spot than their calculations?
41. What equation does Homer use to prove to the principal that their rocket did not start the fire?
42. What does Homer tell his dad he wants to do with his life?
43. What happens at the science fair?
44. What ends the strike at the mine?
45. What happens after the judging of the fair?
46. Who does he shake hands with?
47. Who is Homer’s real hero?
48. What do they name their last rocket?
49. What did each boy do after college?
Roy Lee-