Harry Potter Fans only: Who really disappointed in the harry potter and the half blood prince movie?
2009-07-19 14:00:36 UTC
This for the harry potter fans who read all the 7 of the books to answers this question.

do not recall being this disappointed after any of the other films. I am a huge fan of the books and have re-read all of them to bring me up to speed for this film. While I know that no film can ever live up to the detail of a Harry Potter novel, this film did not even attempt to try. The details left out by this movie are incredibly important to the next installment, unless the director has no intention to living up to that novel, either. Given the ending the of the last film and the omitted details of the sixth book, it is difficult to understand why Harry stood by as Snape killed Dumbledore in this film--absolutely unlike the Harry Potter we have come to know. I could go on, but that would be redundant. I have never written a review before, but as a true fan, I have been compelled by this poor effort at moviemaking to submit my thoughts. Let's hope they do justice to the last installments.
Ten answers:
2009-07-19 14:16:07 UTC
actually i liked it a lot. i thought it was very well acted especially by tom felton (draco) i thought he was so chilling. and as for the story in this film j.k. rowling read and approved all the movies scripts so i say if it is good enough for the author then it should be good enough for me. so i will make my decision on how well the story of hbp is when i see the 7th ones because there is soo much information in the last two that is so important to the whole story that i can't judge one till i see the other to be able to see if they totally changed the plot. plus the movie is about as long as it can be so they packed as much information into it as they could with out confusing non readers. so just say to yourself that a movie will never be as good as a book just because a book has no time frame while a movie does so in general i thought the movie was about as good as it could be which is pretty great.

2016-05-27 09:35:02 UTC
I was really impressed by some of the scenes but overall i would have to agree with many of you that the scenes that were added were completely unneccessary and over the top. For example, the Weasleys house getting burned down. THAT NEVER HAPPENS!!! The Weasleys house is supposed to have the strictest ministry protection since Harry will be staying there. And question why did they have no one know that harry would be coming to stay. And the opening seen, yes it was brilliantly done, however, they really should have ensured that everyone watching realized that the death eaters had taken Mr. Ollivander since the "wand" thing is a big issue in the next book. Also what was with the Hagrid scenes he wasnt hardly in it at all. He seemed pissed at them most of the time, but they never bothered to mention about harry,ron, and hermione quitting care of magical creatures. So all the scenes where Hagrid is with the trio seems awkward and contains misplaced resentment that doesnt fit in with the screenplay that they had written. Also why didnt they show the memory with the locket and Tom Riddles mom Merope. Not explaining the horcruxes left a serious gap in the storyline, especially when they play such a pivotal role in the final films. I also had a problem with the way they filmed the Dumbldore death and Secumseptra scenes. Dumbledore should have frozen harry with his invisibility cloak on to show his sacrifice to protect harry even if it meant him losing his wand. This to me was crucial to the insight of both characters personalities. Also Harry just stood there when Draco was bleeding to death and then runs away. NO SIR, the harry potter i read was freaking out and horrified by what he had done and not to mention extremely remorseful.I didnt see any of this. The two kudos i must make are to Tom Felton (Draco) and the children they hired to play Voldemort, the characters were spot on from the book. Although the film i thought was very good,i think the screenplay writer needs to reread the books and start there instead of making up scenes that either never happened or readers do not care about. Forshame screen writer.....FORESHAME!
2009-07-21 01:57:52 UTC
I liked the 1st 5 movies a lot. 4th being my favourite.

But, I was extremely disappointed with the 6th movie. It just plain sucked.

I have never felt so angry after watching a Harry Potter movie.

What did they do to the script? Its now being labelled as a 'romantic comedy' which is just outrageous. The 6th movie was supposed to be a crucial one. The book was all about dumbledore showing harry all the important memories he has collected, related to voldemort.

There was NOTHING in the movie. No memories, no battle at hogwarts, no horcrux details, no FUNERAL! are they kidding me! dumbledore's funeral was supposed to be the most beautiful thing in the movie.

They destroyed the essense of the book. i mean, i didnt even cry when dumbledire died. where were the emotions?

Sure it was funny, but its supposed to get darker. voldemort came back in the 4th movie, so the 5th movie was pretty intense and serious. so why suddenly are they taking voldemort's return so lightly in the 6th movie? people are still dying, thats how the movie opens.

They were trying to make it too funny. I mean, there Ron is lying on the floor, poisoned by the Mead and he suddenly gets up saying "these girls.. they are goin to kiil me" or dumbledore asking harry "why is he spending a lot of time with miss granger" i mean WTH!

I don't know what they are going to show in the last 2 movies. people who havn't read the books are going to be very confused. Its best they stick to the storyline and not delete all the important parts of the book to add some crappy scenes.

The HP6 tagline says 'dark secrets revealed' well frankly they revealed no secrets. No gaunt house memory, No memory of voldemort coming to hogwarts. etc etc.

All i can say is that Tom Felton stole the show in the 6th movie. he was BRILLIANT! Can't wait to see more of his work.

I'm still a big HP fan and always will be. But i'm just sad and angry and disappointed with what they have done to that amazing story.
darrin b
2009-07-19 17:58:26 UTC
I am EXTREMELY disappointed.

I, too, re-read all the books to bring me up to speed for this movie. I especially paid close attention to the 6th book because I wanted to see the book come to life on the big screen.

Like you, I know that directors can't cover everything in a novel. However, I think they should cover the essential parts.

For example, Dumbledore should have told Harry about the other horcruxes he will have to find: the cup, the snake, the locket, and something or Gryffindor's or Ravenclaw's.

This was essential to the next installment.

Harry also should have gone into the Room of Requirement ALONE so that he could have discovered the diadem horcrux. Now how is he supposed to all a sudden remember where he'd seen this tiara if he had his eyes closed in the Room of Requirement while Ginny was kissing him right before she went to hide his book?

Like you said, it can only mean one thing: The directors and producers plan on messing up the 7th and 8th movies with a lot of "creative license" MADE-UP BS.
2009-07-19 14:15:15 UTC
i think all harry potter's READERS were dissapointed especially from the last film cause it's obvious now that the director will have to change the story of the last book!how else will excuse without dumbledore's memories where harry will look for the next horcruxes and especially the hufflepuff's cup and the ravenclaw's diatem?the tiara was aknowledged only from harry in the book now probably will be genie in the rescue of that one i suppose..
2009-07-19 17:35:56 UTC
cant believe i wasted my money a month before it came out to buy my ticket. then the film melts and i cant see it at midnight. worst harry potter movie by far. i mean i know you have to cut stuff out but still the thing that made me REALLY mad was the dumbledore scene where he's killed. we all know harry wouldve done something to stop them from killing him. ugh theres so much wrong with it dont even get me started
2009-07-19 14:15:53 UTC
I didn't think the entire movie was that bad, but how they ended it overshadowed anything good in the film. I was never fully satisfied with any of them, since they've always cut out important information, but I agree that this movie was extremely dissapointing...I didn't think it could get worse than the 5th. I hope they get another director for the last movies.
2009-07-19 14:07:56 UTC
at first, i was disappointed by every movie, because they cut so much out. but i find its better to disconnect them to the book, they just arent the same. they cut too much out. you have to be able to see them as two different things; books and movies. the directors of the movies know they cut things out, and dont include them usually in the next movie, so it all stays connected.

people who only see the movies will never truly know harry potter !
Harry Potter Twilight Miley Fan
2009-07-19 14:11:08 UTC
I loved the movie!I did not have any complaints,and I am loyal and huge fan of Harry Potter.I did not see the 'poor effort' in this movie,I was very entertained and did not want to see it end.I don't see how you can say he stood by and watched him kill Dumbledore.Because he did go after Snape,like in the book.
2009-07-19 14:13:06 UTC
I hate this movie now. I wish I had never seen it.

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