I assume you mean porno; that is, pornography.
No, I don't think it is bad for anyone, in the sense that there is no one for whom it is good. But I think there are people who either don't like it (like me; it either bores me or disgusts me, depending on how they do it) or are disturbed by it. Unfortunately, some people who are disturbed by it do watch it, and that is the source of most of the arguments for banning, etc. It's as if MSG should be banned because some people are allergic to it.
Porno is useful to people who do not have an ongoing relationship, or whose loved ones are far away, and they need something to be stimulating. If it is in fact stimulating to them, what's the problem? I recently inherited this computer from my roommate and lover of over 20 years, and there were some very up close and personal photographs of women in it. I simply deleted them, but did not take offense. They were his way of worshipping the Goddess of Love! Seriously! He referred to them as pictures of Venus, and for him, they were. What's the harm?