whey are more people existed about twilight than harry potter 6?
Thomas C
2008-11-28 13:49:37 UTC
As we all know twilight and harry potter 6 both come out round about the same time but every body seems to be existed about twilight but no body seems to give a beep about harry potter. I thought that harry potter 6 would be way more popular twilight but apparently not
25 answers:
Queen of the Thestrals
2008-11-29 03:44:01 UTC

But yeah, I still want to see twilight. Just less... ok a lot less, than I want to see HP&theHBP!

People, why are you dissing the spelling? Like you never make mistakes. KMT
2008-12-02 17:58:53 UTC
Where are you from because in the UK twilight is barely even known. I only found out about Twilight a few months ago over the net when it was claimed it would be bigger than harry potter. Harry Potter is getting alot more hype than twilight here.

Thing is Twilight will never be as big as Harry Potter and you just need to look at the HP's books sales/first day sellings of each release/the movie's have made alot of money - it wouldn't be an exageration to call harry potter an epic because when the first harry potter book was released and kids began to get in to it it actually raised the sales of other books - HP brought back reading and made it fun for kids.
Jodie K
2008-11-30 15:47:28 UTC
I, personally, am excited about both twilight and harry potter in equal measure. But I think because there have been five Harry Potters already, and this is the first film based around the Twilight saga to come out, that people are more excited. And also, Twilight's story appeals to people on a different level than Harry Potter.
Cameron R
2008-11-30 11:29:58 UTC
Twilight is NEW.

Harry Potter has been going for 5 years now - while people still love it (me included), it doesn't have that "new" novelty anymore. People have gotten used to the fact that the Harry Potter books are being made into films now, and almost take it for granted.

However Twilight series are books that people love as books. Now there's going to be a film, so people are excited. Just like when HP1 came out. By the time the fourth twilight film comes out, people will be just the same as with HP now.
2008-12-06 20:23:15 UTC
Um, you got some of your facts wrong...the dates were changed. Harry Potter comes out July 17th, instead of November 21st. And twilight moved up, from December 12th to HP's November date. Twilight has been out for 2 weeks, and the HP delay was announced in August. You need to keep up with the times.

To are such a hypocrite. You make one of your points on this person's spelling being wrong, but you say that twilight is "repeditive" and I believe it's REPETITIVE.
2008-11-28 21:58:51 UTC
Harry potter was due to come out at the time that twilight does in the uk but Harry's release date has been delayed till june 2009 with the strikes given as a reason.

Twilight was then chosen to replace HP in the release schedules. So most are probably just on about twilight at the mo as it due out soon as unlike HP.
2008-12-01 21:53:00 UTC
Harry Potter 6 isn't suppose to come out until July.
2008-12-05 05:33:00 UTC
OK - You want the truth Thomas?


Here it comes boy:

1) Fix your grammar, spelling and punctuation. They're all appalling.

2) Get your "facts" straight, as:

(i) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Twilight are NOT

released at the same time as one other, as Twilight

is released in late November/early December (depending on

where you live, due to varying release dates) and "Harry Potter

and the Half-Blood Prince" is released in June/July of NEXT

YEAR. They seem to be a little further apart than your question


(ii) Your supposed belief that, what was it, "every body seems to be existed about twilight but no body seems to give a beep about harry potter" was both grammatically insulting and presummably pulled, no doubt, as one of your own unsupported pressumptions and ridiculous, incorrect and totally irrelevant concepts surrounding Harry Potter and Twilight. Not only are you basing your idea of Harry Potter losing popularity on Twilight's premiere film being "apparently" more "popular" than the NON-EXISTANT Harry Potter film which you believe to be released at the same time, but you are totally ignoring the fact that the first Twilight film is obviously going to be popular amongst the fans and supporters, and even new-comers to the series, as are most new films. Even if Harry Potter WAS released at the same time, it would draw, at increasing rates, higher incomes and worldwide support than Twilight, (premiere, sequel or not), ever could.

3) What is this utterly INSANE idea that "no body seems to give a beep about harry potter". Before I lose my cool in trying to burn the oblivious and unsupported hypocrisy of this ridiculous comment into your mind, let me first explain how enormous Harry Potter is, and how, no matter how many films about a lovestruck, repeditive and 2-dimensional teenage girl falling head-over-heels for a sparkling vampire there may be, Harry Potter is a world renowned series which redefined the now long-forgotten taboo surrounding children and literature, but created, in turn, a series and story which revolutionized the world and all those willing to open their minds to the rich, vivid, imaginative and epic tales of Harry Potter, opening their minds and hearts to the themes and messages that JK Rowling, who is now richer than the Queen herself having sold the most succesful novels (selling more copies than "the Bible" itself), fights to send. Harry Potter is, in no sense of the world, "unpopular" and how dare you imply that noone gives a hoot about it, when obviously, if you open your own oblivious eyes to the world around you, it is more apart of our daily lives and the history of our planet than any other series has stood before.

3) You proved no evidential support for any of your concepts, your "Yahoo Answers" question was actually a blase and biased attempt at making a social point, and while failing miserably at spreading those same ignorant ideas, you insulted the fans of Harry Potter, the speakers and writers of the English language, and any one, fan or not, who can see a flawed and ridiculous argument when it's so rudely shoved in their face as this one is.

Next time you ask a "question",

get your facts straight,

don't make biased and unjustified remarks,

don't make a statement without an answer,

and be prepared to cop the defensive natures of those who oppose your ideas.

Good day to you Thomas C.
2008-12-03 23:42:04 UTC
It's probablt because Harry Potter is kind of getting old. (not that I don't respect Harry Potter, it's just that this is going to be the SIXTH movie)

Twilight is brand new! It's a new experience!
2008-11-28 21:54:36 UTC
I like the potter books and movies but I am more exited to Twilight I think because its new - I know what's going to happen in Potter6
2008-12-04 11:55:10 UTC
harry potter has sadly been delayed to 17th july 2009 because they said themselves that they don't have any good movies coming out next year and they didn't need anymore money this year because of dark knight.

But anyway I think hbp will be a box office hit and it is a lot more anticipated than twilight.

hope this helps
2008-11-30 20:54:53 UTC
i dont know how anybody could hate harry potter. those who do probably havent read thru the whole series.

im not dying to see harry potter, the UK acting isnt the greatest...(no offense to anybody...)

i think everybody (mostly the chicks...) just want to see how hot all those freakin vampires are.

stephanie meyers is a very, VERY lucky chick

remember when eragon came out? everyone was excited about it too until the second one sucked. and the movie did too.

ramble ramble ramble
2008-11-28 21:54:08 UTC
It's probably because Twilight came out first and it's the first one of the series to come out. This is going to be the 6th Harry Potter.
2008-11-28 21:59:32 UTC
HP 6 should have been out this month.

I suppose Twilight is new and those of us who have read HP to the end only really seem the films to feed the addiction.
2008-11-28 21:53:15 UTC
I just think its because Harry potter is still so far away.

But i am excited to see the 6th one.

I love Harry Potter

2008-11-28 21:54:04 UTC
what do you mean by existed?

and about everyone i know who reads books has read harry potter 6, while only a few people (those who are into romance and vampire books) have read twilight. though those who have all seem to love it a lot and talk about it more.
2008-11-28 21:58:34 UTC
I exist. You exist. We exist.

I'm not excited about Twilight or Harry Potter.
2008-12-03 23:56:19 UTC
i am a huge hp fan, nd i waz reallyy mad when they postponed the realease date till july 2009!! i waz more excited for hp than twilight...i started reading twilight a few months's ok (i did not watch twilight tho). but idk why people were more interested in twilight
Sir George [Swam Out To Sea]
2008-11-29 03:52:50 UTC
Stop comparing twilight with HP, they're two different things, regardless of the fans, even the authors themselves (true literary masterminds) say so. Anyway, being a HP man myself, I am so pissed they delayed the movie. Sigh, the wait goes on....and on.....and on.....and on......and on......sigh.......
...i am an iams cat
2008-11-29 10:03:53 UTC
because harry potter is starting to drag although i must admit i cant wait for the film. TWILIGHT rocks btw
2008-11-28 22:00:08 UTC
because twilight is amazing

harry potters good to

but the story of twilight its just wants to make you cry

because its so romantic:]

and i already saw twilight is was amazing:]
}ΖặﺃŅǻ SċяїВє{
2008-12-04 00:46:00 UTC
I am not more excited about Twilight.

Harry is my first love :)
2008-11-28 21:52:38 UTC

Not existed...
2008-11-28 21:55:16 UTC
I would love to answer this question. Please ask again in English. Thank you
2008-11-28 22:13:41 UTC

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