2010-06-19 05:12:24 UTC
But now, since I'm not a little kid anymore, I find the scene to be stupid and completely irrelevant. What's the point of that?
Seriously, the people in the novel and movie act like there's something seriously wrong with Overlook Hotel, when..There isn't. So a cooty old butler chopped up his family because of cabin fever. Big deal..
That's nowhere as tragic as The Amityville murders. And how is it that ONE event inspires the presence of all the people who used to be there?
What's up with all the people in the ballroom? One guy completely offs his family, and now everyone who went to the hotel is a ghost? What gives?
I've just been too lazy to read the whole history on it on Wikipedia, so enlighten me, please.
I used to love this movie as a little kid, but after seeing it on AMC? I don't know. I'm kind of turned off..What's up with the kid? Is it just PURE coincidence that this guy D_ick(In case yahoo censors it) has the same powers as Danny? What's up with that?
That's like freakin Michael Myers meeting up with Jason Vorhees at a bus stop!
What's up with the ghost of that freaky guy dressed in a dog costume? The only bad thing that happened as far as I know, was that Grady killed his family..What, it's not like he ran through the hotel killing everyone too. What's up with all the ghosts?
And what the hell did Danny ever do to be chased by Jack with a damn axe?
I don't think I like this movie anymore..I'm gonna read the novel. Of course, I love the good old classics of horror. The Thing, Alien, Halloween, Psycho, American Psycho, Dawn of the Dead...
So don't assume I'm some kid who doesn't respect good old fashioned horror. As a matter of fact, the only MODERN horror movies I like are Rob Zombies Halloween, Wolf Creek, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
And it looks like they don't have motivation but..They all had a motivation.Leatherface was a retarded bullied kid who let his rage get to him, and let himself be puppied by his abusive family, inspired by Ed Gein. Micheal Myers, depending on which generation you look at, was either someone who came from a bad household, and bad school life, to someone who was cursed to kill his own family. The Thing was a parasite, and like all parasites, it wanted to feed off of the lesser species. And finally, Norman Bates was an incest mama's boy..So was Jason Vorhees, excluding the incest part.
So what's the motivation in The Shining? I don't get any of it..