So,I'm a teenager..And my mom and step dad don't think i'm mature enough. Screw them! Anyway,We just saw a preview for the movie:"Bruno" and i WANT it! Sure it may be stupid,but SO was:Jeff Dunham's movies,Step Brothers,{My damn step dad and mom didn't complain about THAT one!!} The jackass movies,etc" I could go ON and ON about it..But what's so freaking bad about Bruno? Sure it's stupid. But i'm stupid too..My step dad is offending me and the things i like. And that's why i'm pissed at him. So he said:"No! That movie is wrong in EVERY aspect." He said it was perverted and nasty..Like what's so nasty about it? Bruno's gay right? My step dad HATES gays. And like besides...Mainly all the nasty movies,are with STRAIGHT people..GIRLS and GUYS. Not GUYS and GUYS..So anyway,Is there any sex scenes in the movie? Damn,....I need to convince my step dad to let me watch that movie...
And don't answer with:"You're stupid!" Or something like that...