Hey! Hey!
I was 25% excited that JGL was in it so my feelings towards it is 'meh'. The movie STILL retains it's awesome cast and according to a ton of articles he had his reasons, (scheduling conflict with his own directorial debut). "He had to drop out of the role due to a scheduling conflict with his directorial debut, Don Jon's Addiction. He tells the site, "No, I'm not going to get to do that. I'd love to, but it just doesn't work. I've been in touch with Quentin about it, and it was so cool to trust me to do this little part in his movie. I would have loved, loved to have done it. He's one of my very favorite filmmakers, and he was really supportive of me directing, and that meant the world to me." [source: http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2012/04/05/joseph-gordon-levitt-django-unchained/]
If he's been in touch with QT like he says he is, I'm sure he'll get a much bigger/better part in another one of QT films. It'll work out for him. :) I'm just super excited to see him in Dark Knight and Spielber's Lincoln (which has DDL) now. :D :D :D
BA: Why Django of course!
BA2: Yep, he's very serious about his work. JGL is creatively involved in a lot of his side projects (hitRECord, YouTube- been pretty vocal politically). I think they'd make for a good match.
BA3: Haha. I know no new information about the hunger games through Y!A. Any recommendations or hype I followed has been through word-of-mouth and friends. I would definitely recommend to read the books first. (or at least the first book before watching the movie)
BA4: Uhh I don't watch too many westerns myself but 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' was pretty good. My mum practically forced me to watch it since it's her favourite movie of all-time. As a person who normally doesn't enjoy "westerns" I do highly recommend it. :) :) :)
You too! Have a good one!