to answer your core q .......we will still buy the latest this and that ...through word of mouth but if they dont advertise how will we know whats out there ???
that said i do not follow fashion ....i listen to mainly old music [from the 80s and 90s mainly] .....but if i hear a song i like on the radio i will buy it --currently in love with my little boots cd i just got..........
now in relation to film and game violence shaping our minds reply is
i watch an obscene amount of horror films and have done since i was 5 yrs old .......granted in the last decade or so they became more gorey and revolting to most .....i do not in any way reckon watching a film or playing a video game will immediately make you violent ................seriously when i hear that used as an excuse i reckon its a total cop out !!!!!
i never get into fights , i have never murdered anyone , i do not steal or vandalise sh*t .......infact i am a mother ,a childcare worker ......and a friendly face of my local community no i do not believe movies and such breed psychos ....the frigging lazy a** parents who introduce their kids to drugs and alcohol at young ages by either enabling them or not giving a rats a** are to blame ......its pathetic but its environment not what we watch on a tv screen that shapes our lives .........
btw ......i must at this point also point out my fave video game in high school was house of the dead .....i loved just going round shooting zombies needlessly .....but i wouldnt hurt a fly