Who would be in your ideal James Bond cast?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Who would be in your ideal James Bond cast?
538 answers:
Uh oh i know to much!?!?
2012-11-09 20:58:34 UTC
wow all low ratings. maybe we should calm down on the thumb's down button.
2012-11-12 11:31:05 UTC
James Bond: Clive Owen (Suave British Actor)

Bond Girl: Gemma Arterton (Has the look)

Villain: Ben Kingsley (Just a great villian, think Sexy Beast)
2014-06-12 11:07:15 UTC
I could see Don Cheadle, Benecio Del Toro, and Michael Gambon as supervillians, too.

I would like to see Sienna Miller and Nicole Beharie and Sofia Vergara (I am convinced she can do more than comedy) in Bond movies.
2014-06-11 09:15:12 UTC
Kate beckinsale. shes good at wat she does and she could pull off anything. shes classy, tough, pretty and would fit the script(one of my fave actresses) and alternate Juno Temple
2014-06-07 19:03:39 UTC
Katie Mcgrath(sexy,dark,mysterious and great at playing kind and evil, which would be perfect for a character both on bond's side and the enemy's side, stuck between right and wrong.
2012-11-12 11:39:50 UTC
Judge Dredd, Alice (Resident Evil), and Don Vito Corleone (Godfather)

Judge Dredd is the machine that would kill everybody in sight.

Alice is my sexual partner and she is also a great killer.

Don Vito Corleone because he is smart and he would be the brains of the operation.
2012-11-12 11:12:27 UTC
Bond: Daniel Craig.

Bond girl: Marion Cotillard.

Villain: Benedict Cumberbatch.

bugs again
2012-11-12 10:06:12 UTC
A young Sean Connery, because he is the best Bond of all time. Kate Upton, for freakin' obvious reasons. And me, because I've always wanted to play a villain.
2015-10-14 07:37:41 UTC
BOND: Shemar Moore without a doubt. He's manly, really good actor but also would make a convincing bond. Also he is the sexiest man alive!! haha
2012-11-12 04:12:07 UTC
I think daniel Craig takes this role and runs with it, so keep him, wenever he gets out of it,Jeremy Irvine should take over. he looks like he could catch on quick and be good.

Kate beckinsale. shes good at wat she does and she could pull off anything. shes classy, tough, pretty and would fit the script(one of my fave actresses) and alternate Juno Temple

Joesph Pilato bc he is a good actor and has the villain look. Hed work good in a spy movie i think.

idk much about stars and casting but these would be my choices! good luck!
2012-11-09 12:58:40 UTC
BOND GIRL: Christian Bale...has role as a protagonist seems very fit especially from his exceptional performance in the recent batman films

BOND GIRL: Milla Jovovich..she has starred in the Resident Evil film series as Alice..her appeal and performance as an action type hero would suite her well to fight along with bond.

VILLAIN: Cilllian Murphy..having played two high-profile villain roles: Dr. Jonathan Crane(Scarecrow) in Batman Begins, and Jackson Rippner in the thriller Red Eye. he has the talent to play as a truly convincing villain and his pale blue eyes are cold enough to freeze water and has a menacing wolf-like facial status. In addition to playing Scarecrow in "Batman Begins"

All of the actors seem age appropriate...Bale is 38, Jovovich is 36 and Murphy is 36...
2012-11-12 10:53:40 UTC
James Bond: Daniel Craig

Bond Girl: Scarlett Johansson

Villian: Tom Cruise
2012-11-12 08:04:04 UTC
Explanation: He is british and he has a very physical attitude and ability that would benefit the franchise. Also he is super suave and handsome (this is coming from a guy)

Bond Girl: Scarlett Johansson

Explanation: A bond girl needs to be sexy which Scarlett is, but she is a tremendous actress and can handle large dialogue and take the bond girl character from a simple sex symbol to a bigger part in the movie.

Explanation: Guy Pearce is a great actor and he is very versatile actor, i think he is at his best when he plays a character with authority such as LA Confidential or Lawless. He isnt a fully physical villain but a psychological villain who would be perfect for the Bond franchise
2012-11-12 10:39:54 UTC
BOND: Shemar Moore without a doubt. He's manly, really good actor but also would make a convincing bond. Also he is the sexiest man alive!! haha

BOND GIRL: some hot exotic girl like adriana lima, or Eva Mendes, because they're feisty and would look wicked in a bathing suit.. ;)

VILLAIN:Christian Bale, because he British an excellent action hero as can be seen in the Batman movies, and he has that je ne sais quoi that the most recent James Bond lacks.. also he's hot!
Just L
2012-11-12 11:22:56 UTC
Bond-Christian Bale

Villain-Dwayne Johnson

Bond Girl-Milla Jovovich
2012-11-12 04:32:54 UTC
James Bond: Tom Hardy - He's big, the ladies love him, he's intelligent, looks good in a suit... what more could you want?

Bond Girl: Amber Heard - She is incredibly hot with a look of class too, perfect.

Villain: Ben Foster - Got the evil look, not too old either so he'd be able to hold his own if needed.
2012-11-11 20:23:34 UTC
Bond- Tom Hardy

Bond girl - Keira Knightley

Bond Villain - Kevin Spacey
2012-11-12 01:55:00 UTC
For Bond, I think, although it isn't the most popular opinion, I'd have to say George Lazenby. I loved Connery, but he came across a little too persistent at times. (a bit rapey.) George was the perfect divide between a slightly dry Sean Connery and the tongue in cheek antics of Roger Moore. He was just smooth. He got a bad wrap after On Her Majesty's Secret Service purely because he was the first to replace SC. Which took away from his brilliant bond performance.

The Bond Girl I had to think about. There aren't many characteristics to look at when thinking about bond girls other than how they look in a bikini. So I tried to look at personal features more than looks. I must admit my personal favourite bond girl is Diana Rigg. Which I'm sure many will agree. She was a fresh look at Bond's view on women and really helped bring an aura of sophistication to the franchise. And nobody can say they weren't touched by her both her and George's performance in the barn after that famous car scene. And even grown men felt their heart sink when the police officer pulls up at the end, finding a shattered James Bond cradling his dead wife in his arms.

As for the perfect bond villain, there is so much choice. Be it Jaws with his intimidating physique and slightly bitey tendencies, Odd-job with his peculiar use of headgear, Gold-finger with his childlike obsession with shiny objects. I can't say any of them didn't come under consideration. But my personal preference will always be the man with the golden gun. Mr Scaramanga. The worlds greatest assassin, charging one million dollars a hit and never missing a shot. There was something very eery about his island paradise and midget accomplice that helped create a very old world assassin feel around the character. He was the first villain that I truly felt was a match for Bond, and after a mind-blowing performance from Christopher Lee, I don't think any other villain should have the top place.
Andy Lucia
2012-11-12 00:05:08 UTC
James Bond Christian Bale

Bond Girl Scarlett Johansson

Bond Villain Elton John
2012-11-12 06:43:40 UTC
Bond: Andrew Lincoln(Rick From The Walking Dead). He can obviously do big things in the show, while showing no emotion. He laughs at fears face....after he shoots it of course. He's an overall great actor, and a true leader.

Bond Girl: Milla Jovovich. When I think of somebody who is a complete female badass, it is Milla. Her in Resident Evil is just wow. Nobody could ever take that role.

Villain: Chazz Palminteri. He's no stranger to the villain role, and he also just looks like a villain.
ProLife Liberal
2012-11-11 20:23:41 UTC
Val Kilmer would make a good Bond (but I do like Dennis Craig). For a Bond girl, I would say Madonna. As the villain, I had to give it some thought, and I came up with Gene Simmons of Kiss or David Bowie.
2015-01-11 05:16:49 UTC
Explanation: Guy Pearce is a great actor and he is very versatile actor, i think he is at his best when he plays a character with authority such as LA Confidential or Lawless. He isnt a fully physical villain but a psychological villain who would be perfect for the Bond franchise
2012-11-11 21:13:54 UTC
James Bond: Kermit the Frog

Bond Girl: Miss Piggy

Villain: Sam the Eagle
2012-11-12 09:58:21 UTC
James Bond: Sam Worthington or Gerard Butler

Bond Girl: Drew Barrymore

Villain: George Clooney
2012-11-12 11:10:22 UTC
James Bond: Nicholas Cage

Bond Girl: Nicholas Cage

Villain: Nicholas Cage
Gavin Taylor
2012-11-12 08:09:32 UTC
Bond:Toby Jones(Great in any role Good or Evil and also great at play dark, mysterious characters like the dreamlord and bond)

Girl:Katie Mcgrath(sexy,dark,mysterious and great at playing kind and evil, which would be perfect for a character both on bond's side and the enemy's side, stuck between right and wrong.

Villain:John Simm(Great as the master)
2012-11-12 07:49:50 UTC
Bond: Daniel Craig.

Girl: Milla Jovovich

Villain:Antonio Banderas
Anne Keithleen
2012-11-12 02:04:37 UTC
James Bond.
2012-11-11 20:41:09 UTC
First off I did see Skyfall, awesome movie! Second off, we don't need a new Bond, Daniel Craig is the best Bond right now! He is fantastic! He has his british accent, he can play his role right, he does his own stunts now and then, and he can say the funny punchlines in a great way! A Bond girl.. Hmmm.. Well, the person would have to be a good match for him even though though they may be good for the role. This is quite difficult.. If I had to pick someone for a Bond GIRL it would probably be someone who is attractive, can beat up the bad guys now and then, and isn't too cheesy. Someone like Eve Moneypenny in Skyfall might do it. She sounds great! For my James Bond Villain! Well, I was thinking Ralph Fiennes. He's good at playing the bad guy, he was Hades in Clash of the Titans, Lord Voldemort in four of the Potter films, (4,5,7P1, and 7P2) kind of a switch from good guy to bad guy in the Skyfall film, but I think he would do well. Thanks!
2012-11-12 10:03:03 UTC
Oh man this is easy for me :D

James Bond - Christian Bale (he's British , he's a brilliant actor and is the master of action) (also hot)

(all the batman reboot movies)

Bond Girl - Anne Hathaway , she is funny energetic , sexy with that bit of a country girl feel and can sing meaning she could even sing the theme tune) (also is a kick *** action girl) (Dark Knight rises)

Villain - Liam Neesson , he is British/Irish , is yet another epic *** beater and can play a excellent stern figure with attitude (taken)

Just my opinion but man what's a cast that would be in my opinion !! ;)

007 !
2012-11-11 14:03:01 UTC
Look I am not try to be a rock in the road here. But truly, this new Bond film I have not see and as for the last with the fast action. Just not my idea of bond films. SOmewhere it got off track and away from the true story line. I would not even stop to buy the pop corn. James Bond to be is a cool headed, good looking man, with LOTS and LOTS of stile, as this new bond is fending off bullets and jumping around roof flats He seems to childish to worry about a stop at a fruit bowel for a grape, while casing apartment, after a bit of love making with a top model. This new guy is just not cool or is he Bond and as much as you think he is, it just not working for me Go back and watch a few old clips from the old Bond films and tell me the new guy is not trying to just play a fast action shot everyone. Where is the spying. I like to enjoy the movie set back and enjoy a shot from the hip while everyone thinks he is going to be late for the shot. You want to kill of the Bond idea, just keep doing what you are doing.
2012-11-11 10:01:50 UTC
James Bond: Henry Cavill. We need a change up in the Bonds, Henry Cavill is young, fresh, and very talented. He has the dashing good looks and can pull off the characer of a suave ladies' man perfectly. Also, he's got the English accent, which is always a plus.

Bond Girl: Scarlett Johansson. She was born to be a Bond girl in my opinion. She's sexy, smart, and has the husky voice that is necessary for every seductress role. Great actress as well.

Villain: Gerard Butler. He's great at playing an armed and dangerous mastermind (Law Abiding Citizen), which is exactly what a Bond film needs. Plus, he's attractive and the Bond films need to veer away from choosing the stereotypical creepy looking freak.

My cast totally wins.
2012-11-12 10:56:08 UTC
Jude Law would be Bond, because he's a natural in conveying wit, romance and a good sense of humor to the audience. Plus, he's plenty handsome!

The villain would be Tyler Perry, because he's able to connect effectively to the audience and convey a sense of humor, both of which are necessary qualities in a successful Bond villain.

Jessica Alba did well in an action/romantic role in Fantastic Four (and she certainly has the good looks!), and she'd be a good Bond girl.
2012-11-11 17:26:08 UTC
James Bond, Nicolas Cage

Bond Girl, Betty White

Villain, Vladimir Putin
2012-11-11 16:55:34 UTC
James Bond: Mark Wahlberg would make an excellent James Bond. He is in great shape and can definitely be cool and exciting at the same time. He also can make comedy scenes.

Bond Girl: Zoe Saldana is the best choice I can think of for Bond girl. Her work on Avatar and Pirates of the Caribbean nearly stole the show. Her look is sexy, intelligent, and deceptively innocent. Perfect Bond girl.

Villain: Raymond Cruz, he would be excellent as a bond villain. Few actors can go from calm to psychotic as fast as he can. Check out his performance in breaking bad.
2012-11-11 14:59:20 UTC
Bond: Daniel Craig. For me, he is James Bond. By far my favourite, he just fits the character and plays the role flawlessly.

Girl: Kate Beckinsale. Effortlessly classy and stylish, she actually seems to get better with age; did you see her in Total Recall?! And when she was in that fuschia jumpsuit at the Independant Spirit Awards this year... Absolutely stunning. I'm surprised she hasn't been a Bond girl already.

Villain: Cillian Murphy. He is kind of creepy, very intense, yet is still so classy - that, in my eyes, is what makes a perfect Bond villain. He's the type of guy that I can imagine in a very powerful position, but could also be some sadistic serial killer. I don't think I've described it well enough, but bottom line: he'd be perfect for this part!
2012-11-12 09:51:27 UTC
James Bond- Either Jason Statham or Tom Cruise. Both men are great action stars.

Bond Girl-Cameron Diaz because she's a great actress & would do well as a Bond Girl

Villain-Liam Neeson. He's a great actor & I think he would do well as the Bond Villain. He's one of those actors that can play the hero or the villain in any movie.
2012-11-12 07:34:49 UTC
Russell Crowe as James Bond.

Charlotte Gainsbourg as another MI5 agent that eventually saves Bond's life, and becomes his love interest along the way.

Willem Dafoe as an American research scientist that was discredited during his career and is now seeking revenge though the use of biological agents that can turn humans into something akin to zombies.
2012-11-11 12:36:13 UTC
It is too bad that Sean Bean played a Bond villain. I think he'd make a great James Bond. He can play in action films and be the tough guywith an edge but also play a human side as he did in the Sharpe series--more dimensional than just a soldier. The Bond girl? Lucy Lawless. She is strong and has proven she can kick butt in the Xena series but she is also beautiful and sexy. The villain? Ralph Fiennes. Played THE villain in Schindler's list but can play one with style. Played a Bonds-like character in The Avenger so can play the negative of Bond as the villain.
2012-11-11 12:14:50 UTC
James Bond : George Clooney or leonardo dicaprio ( They have that personality and body to look and be Bond )

Bond Girl : Angelina Jolie ( Just see her Movies like Tomb Raider, Salt, Mr and Mrs Smith etc. - She is already a Female James bond )

Bond Villain : John Cusack ( He would be a very ideal choice [ I know that nobody was expecting his name ] - See Grosse Point Blank - He plays a good guy and a little comic character to, but if he cuts out the good guy and the comic part he could make a very good villain )
2012-11-11 18:54:10 UTC
James Bond: Daniel Craig. He is the only person I can see playing Bond for now, since he is perfect for the role, especially in Skyfall.

Villain: I can see two people playing good villains in a Bond movie: Joseph Gordon-Levitt and/or Jeremy Renner. I love it when the villain is a very active character and is a challenge to Bond. These two can defiantly deliver that and they also have the "bad guy" appearance to them. Maybe one can be a henchman and one the villain or two villains.

Bond Girl: This one is difficult since I believe unknown actresses make the best bond girls, but I think Zooey Deschanel would be a good at the role. I can picture Olivia Wilde being the "bad" Bond girl.
2012-11-12 09:20:37 UTC
Keyboard Cat, the prisoners who choreograph all the dances at that Filipino prison, Bo Obama....

LOL no, seriously...

I would like to see Sean Connery come back as a villian.

And to see an older Bond girl/woman or villain.

Diana Rigg or Sophia Loren or Diahann Carroll come to mind.

I could see Don Cheadle, Benecio Del Toro, and Michael Gambon as supervillians, too.

I would like to see Sienna Miller and Nicole Beharie and Sofia Vergara (I am convinced she can do more than comedy) in Bond movies.

I think outside the box.
2012-11-12 11:53:15 UTC
Bond-Vin Diesel

Bond Girl-Angelina Jolie

Villain-George Clooney
2012-11-11 15:59:03 UTC
James Bond - Hugh Jackman

Bond Girl - Charlize Theron or Salma Hayek

Villain - John Malkovich

Hugh Jackman is handsome with a great body. Great muscles and very sensual with a bad side. Charlize and Salma would be perfect. Salma has a killer body while Charlize is very tall and slender with beautiful eyes. Since John was great as a killer in Con-Air, he will be a good choice as a James Bond villain. But, he will have to be bald and show his muscles off.
shaun s
2012-11-11 06:47:51 UTC
Dell Boy, Rodders and Grandad.

What a force these 3 would have been.

They could have been called 0007 and been involved with the Russians and so on.

I can see the scrip now,

Dell has a great idea to sell old Russian arms since the break up and so on so on they end up selling the British Army a total load of crap and then find out they are been chased by Russion agents all over the globe because they flogged it cheaper than was on E-Bay.

The agents just want the diff in price but Dell been what He is decides to buy it all back and make a great profit.

What a show eh, I live in dreams, by the way it turns out Grandad to the end of my script new a old Russian General with dealings from the past and sold the lot as scrap at a yard He was aware of in the East end, some of them things were dell are glowing and in yellow said radio.

Grandaaaaaaaaaad what happened, they went into the crusher dell and I got 30 Quid.

Bloody hell, Clapham does not need Xmas lights this year.

Ha........ha.........ha a great 0007 script, needs some work though.

Have fun all.
2012-11-12 08:48:28 UTC
Jason Statham as James Bond!
2012-11-12 02:46:13 UTC
James Bond: Simon Pegg

He might be a tad short, but he can be really cool and kick-***, he could exude smug confidence and he'd definitely nail the "bond, james bond" line.

Bond Girl: Kate Beckinsale.

I cant think of many female actors of the top of my head, so this'll have to do....

Villian: Owen Wilson

The nose would be perfect for a villain.
2012-11-11 21:48:58 UTC
Bond: suave, physical, sexual, aloof. HMMMM! Christian Bale is a thought.

Bond Girl: innocent, clever, quick. I know that Amy Adams or Rachel McAdams is not everyone's choice but I'd take either. Rachel McAdams can do just about anything, and Amy Adams needs a breakout role other than being Meryl Streep's side kick.

Villain: Cool, powerful, ruthless. In some roles Sir Anthony Hopkins. He's still a draw with the older crowd. I'll bet he can still scare the crud out of an audience.
2012-11-11 19:28:13 UTC
James Bond: Zac Efron

Bond Girl: Emma Stone

Villain: Vanessa Marano

I would cast these three because I would like to make a Bond movie with James in either high school or college where James starts off his career as a spy.
2012-11-11 14:25:01 UTC
my Ideal cast would be :

Timothy Dalton as James Bond

because his accent is totally a James Bond and his looks too gave my mind the original face of James Bond more than the others , he also is very accurate and sharp which makes him the perfect actor for this role .

Ursula Andress

because she was the perfect role for a James Bond film she is a unique figure in the whole film giving also that she is the most attractive actress to be in 007 film in my opinion .

Jeroen Krabbé

definitely him because he was very conceptive and very cunning at first we thought he was a friend but suddenly we all figure out he was the villain through the whole story
2012-11-11 11:38:55 UTC
I would keep Craig as Bond. His performance in Skyfall made me feel a lot more positive about him.

As a Bond villain I would go for James Purefoy as he has the both the suaveness and the outragueous attitude to be a Bond villain as he showed in Rome. He could demonstrate a loud and obnoxious veneer very well and could certainly get into a physical fight with Bond.

As for a Bond girl I would choose Scarlett Johansson as she's extremely good looking, whilst at the same time she has shown herself to be capable within action related roles such as in the Avengers and the Island.
2012-11-12 08:58:32 UTC
James Bond = Zach Braff. Weird but it works :)

Bond Girl = Emma Stone (with blonde hair, not red!)

Villain = Jim Parsons! That would be amazing!
2012-11-11 19:39:04 UTC
You'd probly have to go back in time a little bit for these three to be on top of there game... but this would make an ausome movie...

James bond - Pierce Brosnan, think he should have got a couple more movies in before he stopped

Bond Girl - Angelina Jolie, not sure about now, but a few years back she would have been a great side kick for 007, would hate to see her get killed though.

Villain - Christopher Walken; Although he doenst typically play a bad guy, he has the attitde and stuff that keeps you on your toes and guessing, Would definatly be a great leader, top gun in a bond flick
2012-11-10 06:14:45 UTC
Leonardo DiCaprio Will Play James Bond Because I Would Like To See An American Guy Play Him,Claire Danes Will Play The Bond Girl Because She Would Look Great In A Red 1 Piece Bathing Suit In The Movie & Charlie Sheen Will Play The Villain Because Of His Big Temper.
2012-11-12 10:04:26 UTC
James Bond: Peter Kay

Bond Girl: Justin Bieber

Villain: Jo Brand

Well it will bring a lot of laughs! Comedy Bond for a change. lol
2012-11-12 09:22:32 UTC
Bond - Chace Crawford, because he's got the bond looks, he is sleak and stylish and is believable as a womanizer

Bondgirl- Olivia Wilde, because lets face it she's gorgeous and has a little bit of edge to her, she can really develop a carachter

Villan- Mickey Rourke - after seeing how creepy and evil he came off in iron man 2 I think he's the perfect choice to play a bad guy. Plus hes a tank so its not like he would be easy to take down or anything.
2012-11-11 16:09:49 UTC
Christan Bale As James Bond, Angelina Jolie as Bond Girl and Jack Nichoson because of their chemistry.
2012-11-11 14:12:11 UTC
I would have Idris Elba as James Bond. He has gotten huge (and deserved praise) for his turns in The Wire as Stringer Bell (drama) and in The Office as Charles Miner (comedy). Plus he is gorgeous and also very manly.

Sienna Miller as the girl because she is beautiful, and there is just something appropriate about her doing it. Maybe because she starred in Layer Cake with the current Bond, Daniel Craig.

Nicolas Cage as the Villain. Hear me out: I know he takes flack for having made some duds recently, but he is one of his generation's most interesting actors, and has a manic, over the top quality that fits perfectly for a Bond villain. And he legitimately does have skills; the Oscar he has was not a fluke.
2012-11-11 06:11:54 UTC
James bond: Tom Hardy

Bond Girl: Eva Mendez

Villain: Johnny Depp
2015-02-21 06:37:04 UTC
Villain-Liam Neeson. He's a great actor & I think he would do well as the Bond Villain. He's one of those actors that can play the hero or the villain in any movie.
2012-11-11 13:13:28 UTC
Bond: Daniel Craig

Bond Girl: Megan Fox

Villain: Sacha Baron Cohen
2012-11-12 09:07:28 UTC
James Bond: Tom Hardy- It would be nice to see him as the hero in a movie. He's got such amazing acting talent, and he just seems like the 007 type!

Bond Girl: Charlize Theron- she's an amazing actress and she's gorgeous, too!

Villain: Johnny Depp- I think Johnny would be able to do a lot of great things with a role as a Bond villian. He's so versatile and innovative in his acting, he could definately pull it off!
2012-11-11 20:40:12 UTC
James Bond - Leonardo DiCaprio He has the James Bond look to him and i think he would be perfect to for the part. I also heard of rumors that Christopher Nolan would like to do a James Bond movie or series and Leo is in mostly every one of Nolans movies so this would work out good.

Bond Girl- With all of the Bond Girls and there look, I have two strong women who I think could fit the role. One of them is Jessica Biel, she just has the total look for it but i would rather see and i actually think Scarlett Johansson would a perfect Bond girl.

Villain- My choice hasn't really had a villian in a movie role yet, that i have not seen anyway. But going back to Chistopher Nolan making a new Bond movies, i really think one of his actors could be an outstanding villain. My choice for a villain would be Joseph Gordon-Levitt. If the movie is good and have a good plot i could totally see him as a total bad guy.
2012-11-11 15:39:56 UTC
Me as James Bond, Halle Barry, Natalie Portman, Lyndsey Lohan, Sandra Bullock, Hillary Swank, Angilina Jolie, Marian Rivera, Cameron Diaz, Seto Saki, & Reece WItherspoon an the Villain!!! Thot works for me!!
2012-11-11 14:04:29 UTC
James Bond: Dolph Ziggler
2012-11-10 21:56:06 UTC
Bond: Jason Statham

Villain: Robert De Niro

Bond Girl: Natalie Portman
2012-11-12 06:28:57 UTC
JAMES BOND: Brandon Barash

Why: He's slightly different from the other James Bond's, so I think it would be interesting.

BOND GIRL: Rachel Weisz

Why: I loved her in "The mummy", she's so pretty, and, again, she's not really the first woman you'd think of for the part.

VILLAN: Robert Downey Jr.

Why: He just looks like a bad guy, doesn't he? :)
2012-11-11 18:30:50 UTC
Hugh Jackman as James Bond - He could bring back the suave, brown haired womanizer we first came to love

Emma Stone as the Bond Girl - She could add some much needed personality to a classic bond girl role and is smoking hot

Daniel Craig as the Villain - He's changed James Bond from the untouchable hero, to a questionable character steeped with gritty realism. Make him the villain already!
2012-11-11 12:39:47 UTC
Bond: Daniel Craig

Bond Girl: Jennifer Lawrence as a red head

Villian: Idris Elba
2012-11-12 02:59:11 UTC
James Bond : Justin Bieber

Bond Girl : Jeffrey Dahmer

Villian : Charlie Sheen
2012-11-11 18:09:03 UTC
James Bond - Bruce Campbell

Bond Girl - Lucy Lawless

Villain - Kevin Spacey
2012-11-11 13:45:17 UTC
Bond: Hugh Jackman

Why? Hugh has the perfect combination of classy and tough.

Bond Girl: Scarlett Johansen (spelling?)

Why? She is gorgeous, first off. Secondly, like Hugh, she seems classy but also a little bit tough. Everything a Bond girl should have!

Villain: Minnie Driver.

Why? She has a certain devious look to her that every villain should have. Also, who said women can't be the villains?
2012-11-11 13:37:49 UTC
Bond: Daniel Craig

Hot girl: Jessica Alba

Villain Robert Downey Jr
2012-11-11 12:17:05 UTC
Kevin Spacey- James Bond

Hilliary Swank- Bond Girl

Michelle Pffeifer- Villain, we have to many male bond Villains, time for a change!
2012-11-11 06:48:24 UTC
Bond: Michael Fassbender EASILY. He's very handsome, charming and charismatic, yet he also has this air of mystery to him that James Bond has to have. He is also an incredible actor, one of if not, the best in the industry at the moment, just watch the films Hunger, Shame, Prometheus and the most recent x men film where he played a young Magneto. Here is a fan made video of Michael as James Bond:

Bond girl:

Marion Cotillard. She is a very talented actress and very pretty so I think she would be very suited to play a bond girl.

Villian: Jack Nicholson! I think he would make a brilliant bond villian, and he's such a legendary actor.
John Smith
2012-11-12 05:31:53 UTC
Tom Hardy as Bond, Christopher Eccelston as the villain, Anne Hathaway as the bond girl
Boshosaurus Rex
2012-11-11 22:08:25 UTC
James Bond: Tom Hardy

Explanation: He is british and he has a very physical attitude and ability that would benefit the franchise. Also he is super suave and handsome (this is coming from a guy)

Bond Girl: Scarlett Johansson

Explanation: A bond girl needs to be sexy which Scarlett is, but she is a tremendous actress and can handle large dialogue and take the bond girl character from a simple sex symbol to a bigger part in the movie.

Bond Villain: Guy Pearce

Explanation: Guy Pearce is a great actor and he is very versatile actor, i think he is at his best when he plays a character with authority such as LA Confidential or Lawless. He isnt a fully physical villain but a psychological villain who would be perfect for the Bond franchise

Thanks for Reading!
2012-11-11 13:56:58 UTC
I would go golden age of Hollywood with bond if I could. Do it in B&W all that 40s elegance and sly double entendres. Really make use of the shaodws. Still have the action but do it more of a Hitchcockian way. Use Hawaii, London, and Paris as locales with the showdown in San Francisco.

Bond: Cary Grant

See 'Notorious'

Bond Girl: Rita Hayworth

See 'Gilda' best entrance by a leading actress EVER.

Bond Villain: James Cagney with Peter Lorre as the henchman

See 'Scareface' and 'M'

And I would get Sarah Vaughn to sing the theme song.
2012-11-11 17:54:57 UTC
Bond: Harry Potter

Bond Girl: Luna Lovegood

Villian: Severus Snape
2012-11-11 15:44:55 UTC
James Bond: Demba Ba

Bond Girl: Taylor Swift

Villain: Cheryl Cole.

2012-11-11 12:46:56 UTC
Bond: I really liked Craig. But an actor I always wanted to see as Bond is Clive Owen.

Bond Girl: For some reason, the first girl that clicked in my mind to co-star with Clive is Emily Blunt. She brings something classic yet contemporary with her. Not to mention she is a stunning woman!

Villain: That's going to be a twist. My pick for villain would be Andrew Lincoln. Especially for those who watch The Walking Dead, Andrew (as Rick) gives out a very benign, friendly vibe. Now, try to picture him with longer hair and a scar across his eye.
2012-11-11 11:51:14 UTC
Bond: Michael Fassbender but I'm certainly not opposed to the Idris Elba rumors, the Bond series would do well to switch things up.

Bond girl: Catherine Zeta Jones, a triple threat entertainer who's still rocking curves and a beautiful smile after all these years.

Villain: Malcolm McDowell who has gained a reputation for playing great villains.
2012-11-11 11:22:50 UTC
James Bond: Ian Flemming

Bond Girl: Ann Geraldine Charteris

He had an idea of what James Body should be like, he invented him. She is his spouse and so must have shared in his vision for James Bond. Together on screen they could show James Bond, there image visually on screen reaching out to new audiences outside of the books whilst appealing to the existing people who read and imagine what Bond must have been like from there interpretation of the books.

Villan: Ian Flemming

Again same reasons above he had an idea for the threats Bond would face.

He is the creator Film is another media to get that creation across.
2012-11-10 12:14:16 UTC
James Bond- David Tennant

Bond Girl: Tulisa Constavalos

Villain- Alan Rickman
Captain Hindsight
2012-11-12 04:51:08 UTC
Amai Liu, Lil Candy Jersey Jaxin and Lexington Steele.
2012-11-11 21:27:57 UTC
Bond: Jude Law. He has everything someone would want for Bond. He's a great actor, he's good at fight scenes, he can make a joke while sounding serious, and he's clearly an attractive man

Bond Girl: Natalie Portman. I don't know why. I guess that's the reason in itself. I kind of like that idea of a Bond Girl that's attractive in a bit more of a mysterious way

Bond Villain: Daniel Day-Lewis. He is epic in everything he does and can even make someone that looks like they're from a Hanna-Barbara cartoon into one of the best villains of all time (Gangs of New York)
2012-11-11 15:05:37 UTC
James Bond- Hugh Jackman

Bond Girl- Sofia Vergara

Villain- Philip Seymour Hoffman

I chose these three because they all look the part and you can see the story just writing itself- Hoffman having the biggest lines because he could conjure up anything.

Jackman is constantly suave and badass nearly all the time, so just give him some lines.

Vergara's photos say it all...
2012-11-11 10:12:35 UTC

James Bond - Henry Cavill because he's gorgeous and has the accent. He's done action movies quite well so I'm sure he'd love to do his own stunts.

Bond Girl - Me because at least in my head I think I'm a femme fetale with a tough side and I'd hate to miss out on the opportunity to work with such fabulous actors. ;)

Villain - Ian Somerhalder because he's gorgeous and can play a villainous character quite fluidly and seductively.

If I don't make the cut at least cast the other two. :)
2012-11-11 08:30:25 UTC
James Bond: Chuck Norris

Bond Girl: Olivia Wilde

Villain: Eddie Murphy
2012-11-11 05:19:00 UTC
Bond: Daniel Craig

Bond Girl: Eva Mendes

Villain: Ben Kingsley
2012-11-12 07:28:01 UTC
Bond - Corky from life goes on.... Bond Girl - any conjoined twins Villain - Joe Paterno
2012-11-11 20:22:21 UTC
The Next James Bond: Daniel Craig is a total bada!@ 007 so when he does eventually retire from the role I'd want to pick someone as equally bada!@ as Craig. Someone who is both a proven action hero, a great actor who can convey Bond's inner conflicts & emotions just as well as he would in a big action sequence and has as magnetic a presence as Craig himself. Someone like CLIVE OWEN. Owen has a proven action resume in films like King Arthur, Shoot 'em Up & Killer Elite and has also shown himself to be a fine dramatic actor in films like Closer, Gosford Park, Children Of Men & Inside Man. Clive Owen wouldn't just be at the top of my list for the next James Bond, he would be the list period!!!

The Next Bond Girl: There are alot of great actresses I'd love to see as Bond Girls but the first to come to mind is RACHEL McADAMS. She's the total package. Beauty, brains, talent, class, wit & charm. She'd have no difficulty romancing 007 with her amazing looks & charm. She'd have no problem catching Bond off guard with her brains & wits and she showed in the first Sherlock Holmes movie with RDJr that she can more than hold her own in a big action flick.

The Next Bond Villain: Bond needs someone who can challenge him both physically & mentally. Someone who commands both fear & respect. Someone who can both give James the biggest and most threatening fight of his life while also masterfully pushing 007 to his mental breaking point with brilliant and ruthless mind games in the same manner that Bane did against Batman in The Dark Knight Rises. So than in that case why not cast Bane himself: TOM HARDY. Hardy was absolutely intimidating in the MMA movie Warrior & again in The Dark Knight Rises he was simply phenomenal as Bane. He broke Batman both physically & mentally and he could do the same to James Bond if given the chance. 007 has had very few Bond villains who could threaten him both physically & emotionally. Tom Hardy would be the perfect candidate to do so.

That is my dream James Bond cast. Thank You!
2012-11-11 05:51:30 UTC
James Bond - David Tennant

David Tennant would be a great Bond; he can draw the audience in and make them feel part of the story. Plus as Bond, he can easily play the fool to confuse his enemies and get information out of them before transforming his demeanor into someone who cannot be crossed without terrible consequences. You can see this in some of his past work like Doctor Who, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and as the lead role in Hamlet (play).

Bond Girl - Ashley Scott

I first saw Ashley Scott in "AI Artificial Intelligence" as Gigolo Jane and I thought she was pretty good. A few years later, I realised that I recognised her as she starred in CSI: Miami and NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service in at least a couple of episodes. After doing some research, I've discovered she done a lot of action movies as well as television. This would be great as she would have no problem doing the action scenes and can be the femme fatale at the same time.

Villain - Harry Dean Stanton

Again, Harry Dean Stanton has been in plenty of action movies and has many years of experience. This has given him a great edge as he can play both a heroic role as well as a villainous one. Plus, he has a weathered look that would be perfect for a role as a Bond villain.
2012-11-10 16:34:33 UTC
James Bond: Leornardo Di Caprio

Bond Girl: Meghan Fox

Villian: Samuel L. Jackson
2012-11-10 15:43:06 UTC
James Bond- Daniel Craig In my opinion he is James, he portrays Bond more realistically then any past actor yet

Bond girl- Monica Bîrlădeanu A talented actress at the right age for a bond girl, she's very hot and exotic and I can see possible film chemistry between her and Craig; she suits double crossing him too!)

Villain- John Simm An actor that can perfectly be the antonym to Bond; dark, destructive, manipulative, and playing the characters like a puppeteer. Simm has excellent villain credentials to boot as the Master from Doctor Who
Hafriz Althoir
2012-11-11 16:56:45 UTC
As long as Craig is healthy and continues to look convincing beating baddies to a pulp, he should stay.

Emily Blunt as a Bond girl. Make it happen. the next Bond girl should be as attractive and intelligent as Vesper Lynd, Emily Blunt can no doubt be both.

Enough with the western villains, pick someone from Asia this time. I freaking love Donnie Yen, great charisma and screen presence. The previous villains in the Craig movies don't have what it takes to fight mano-a-mano with Bond, Donnie Yen is the exact opposite. Their height is more of the same too.
2012-11-11 14:24:10 UTC

Harrison Ford. He had been in a lot of adventure movies, including "Raiders of the Lost Ark." Bond's character focuses on exotic locations to track down villains. I had seen him in "Clear and Present Danger" in the 1980s and he was perfect in that movie, because that movie was almost like a Bond Film--focuses on secrecy, exotic locations, and dangerous drug dealers. A stunt double for him will be added for the most dangerous action sequences, such as explosions, gunfire, parkouring, etc. The stunt double should also have experience as a villain in any of "The Bourne Identity" movies.


My friend Mallory would be the Bond Girl. She is a runner, a boxer, and a yoga enthusiast. She might be resembling one of those bad Bond Girls who was hired to do the most dangerous ******** on Bond in "Goldeneye". She will also likely be almost like a counterpuncher as played by Sondra Locke (who played Augustina "Gus" Malley in the Clint Eastwood film, "The Gauntlet").


Probably Jet Li. I had seen him do his dangerous martial arts in "Lethal Weapon 4". And he was more lethal in the movie than the great Bruce Lee. He might play the role as the villian called "The Black Mamba" (named for a snake venom featured in "Kill Bill Part 2").
2012-11-11 12:16:56 UTC
Well ever since 007 went all American off late I cant say I find it very interesting as it has hardly anything British about it.

For my sins off not agreeing with the critics I would nominate Christian Bale as 007, Laurence Fox as the bad guy, Caroline Cats would be the Girl... an intelligent one at that.

Bale would go the whole way off method acting at doing bond 100% no doubt to me and would look the part full stop.

Fox has it all to exhale charm and needed as an ultra bad guy who would look quiet unassuming to most folk while Catz for a change would if any off her work on TV is to go by do everything asked off her to complement bond without looking silly.

At lest it would be British in this way and not trying to do a Jack Bauer [admittingly without the rucksack and scruffy clothes]
2012-11-11 10:40:08 UTC
James Bond - George Clooney

Bond Girl - Cameron Diaz

Villain - Alan Rickman / Bruce Willis

I picked Clooney because I think he has the right attitude and maturity for the role. He has style and let's face it, most of the women seem to fancy him a lot. And I mean, A LOT.

Alright, you have seen her in Knight and Day and Charlies' Angels. She's one hell of a tough cookie and she looks dangerously beautiful. That's Cameron Diaz in my eyes after my crush "Catherine Middleton". What more would you want in a Bond movie to see a Bond girl like that?

I'm thinking either Alan Rickman or Bruce Willis for a villainous role. I don't know why but after seeing Alan as Snape in the Harry Potter series, he would feel absolutely perfect for the role. Bruce Willis with his action kicking style in the Die Hard series should take everyone by surprise.

Personally, I like my casting. I don't know about you. :-)
2012-11-10 16:36:19 UTC
James Bond=Hugh Jackman Bond Girl=Megan Fox Villain=Christopher Lee
2012-11-10 13:43:38 UTC
James Bond- Brad Pitt

Bond Girl- Angelina Jolie

Villain- Liam Neeson
2012-11-12 07:21:03 UTC
Sean Connery, was the only real James Bond, to me he was the ultimate actor, to play it, he made my heart flip every time i watched him in that/those series, as well as any other movie he ever did.

As far as the Bond Girls, (never mattered,) they all look/looked the same to me, really just the Barbie type, look alike, big boobs, pretty faces, and long, long legs, (dime a dozen, actually), as for Villains, they too, never mattered, bad is bad, ugly is ugly, *any way you cut it, not looking for looks here, or even character. One is a bad as the next, who needs them?
2012-11-11 23:56:00 UTC
I would pick Barack Obama to be Bond. He is in shape, has the moves, he got Osama Bin Ladin taken care of. He's witty, good looking, sexy, and he smokes, occasionally. He can tell a joke, and still get the job done.

The Bond gurrrlll. Hmmm,,,sexy, sexy hot, smart. I'm thinking, I'm hopeing, that Rhianna, could, pull it off. She has the body and the moves. She can be pretty hot, even sizzling at times.

For the Villian, easy. It has to be the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The most untrusted person in the world. He's not good looking, he personifies evil. He's strong, defiant, to the point of death.
2012-11-11 13:03:23 UTC
Bond: Leonardo DiCaprio His acting is just wonderful especially in shutter island. He would make a perfect James Bond character or Tom Hanks

Girl: Catherine McCormack Her acting is also good but she would specialize in a James Bond movie!

Villain: Robert DeNiro I think he would be a great villain as he played in the Godfather, Goodfellas, etc.
2012-11-11 11:47:44 UTC
Zachary Roloff for James Bond, trust me, controversy sells like you can't imagine.

Selena Gomaz as bond girl.

Crispin Glover and Rocky as the villains.

Depite the possible comical impression, it is not comedy, but an unexpected action movie. This is the cast that no one will ever forget!
2012-11-10 15:42:19 UTC
James Bond: Nathan Fillion!

Bond Girl: Sofia Vergara

Villian: William Defoe
Fell In Love
2012-11-11 21:23:42 UTC
Bond: Ben Stiller

Bong Girl: Sofia Vergara

Villian: Jonah Hill
2012-11-11 19:53:11 UTC
Clive owen as bond. He's british and has the look of a classic bond.

Kevin spacey as the mastermind villain because he always seems to be playing a bad guy and he seems smart. Mark whalburg as the more physically threatening henchman/ no. 2 to kevin spacey because we haven't really seen him as a villain yet and I think he could do it well.

And for the bond girl I would go to with mila kunis she showed herself in an action movie in max payne and I think she could hold her own in a bond flick
2012-11-11 00:00:22 UTC
Bond: Jason Statham is British, has worked as a model and is an accomplished actor on both sides of the Atlantic. He would be great for action scenes. Give the guy some hair and a tuxedo and he's good to go.

Bond Girl: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is drop-dead gorgeous! (see link below for credentials & photo)!image-number=21

Villain: Matt Damon - He has stage presence as Jason Bourne, but as a villain could stretch that character and would be the perfect adversary as a slightly younger version of Statham. Damon is a talented actor with depth who can blend into any crowd. The possibilities of cat and mouse chases that are a trademark of Bond movies are almost limitless with these two.
2012-11-10 03:24:07 UTC
Well personally I liked the cast already for Skyfall. I believe that Daniel Craig has done so much for the Bond series. Even though when I first saw him as Bond I thought 'Nah' I have grown to love him as a Bond. They have tried too hard to replace Sean Connery and no one could ever do so. They eventually decided to go completely the other way. Daniel Craig has this emotionless edge to him that I just adore and he is so quietly spoken that you know when he is angered. When he is upset etc. you know full well that something is wrong.

A good Bond Girl for me personally would be Keira Knightley. She would be a breather from the exotic Bond Girls that show up in the newer films and because she is British she would be a closer to home Bond Girl. Knightley is also beautiful in her own right and she is fairly capable of becoming the woman who is able to fight back in a film having acted in action movies already. Because she is famous too, I am confident that she would make a good Bond Girl.

And finally the Bond Villain, the most important role next to Bond himself if you ask me. I think what makes a good Bond Villain is someone who is able to be sly, cunning and also unexpectedly funny at times. On the other hand, as in Skyfall, we had a villain who could relate to Bond from standing where he did at one point in his life. I believe that a Bond Villain who can match Bond is important. Javier Barden did brilliantly as the Bond villain in Skyfall. He made it overall very personal which I personally loved. At the same time however, he came across as a bit if a madman which every Bond villain needs I believe.
2012-11-09 21:31:32 UTC
I would have cast a young Jason Isaacs as Bond. I see Bond as sort of a cold, hawk-like, predatory character. He's sophisticated and calculating, and like an English gentleman, tends to move slowly and deliberately, not just doing a job but enjoying himself and taking the time to savor the experience of being awesome. That's what Bond films are about - they're not about an action hero, they're about the coolest guy on the planet being the coolest guy on the planet. His defining character trait is his complete mastery over every situation that he's involved in, and he primarily acts through his charm and sophistication, winning people over, because he generally has no need to resort to violence. He's just too powerful to need to be violent in most situations. His missions are not missions, they're vacations.

A good Bond girl is seductive, sultry, very maturely womanish, not girlish. I think Megan Fox has a Bond girl personality even though I don't find her especially attractive.

Plenty of good villains. Somebody scary but eccentric, they should be smart, and are usually not English or American. So somebody with an accent, like Vladimir Mashkov.
2012-11-12 10:23:57 UTC
Definitely Jason Bateman!
maria cherrie rose s
2012-11-11 23:06:35 UTC
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2012-11-11 10:41:18 UTC
James Bond: Tom Cruise (totally)

Bond Girl: Adele (just because she's singing the theme tune!)

Villain: The guy who play Johnny English and Mr.Bean( He's Awesome!)
xx Bubz xx
2012-11-10 15:10:35 UTC
I think that Robert Downey Jr would be an excellent Bond. Added to the fact that he can put on an excellent British accent I think he would add a more mischievous side to Bond, yet still stay true to the character. He can pull off any action stunt and I think he would be able to develop an excellent relationship (not really the right word) with the villain. Plus, he's not perfect either, which would add an interesting twist to Bond. I think he could play a character who wants to do what's best, yet still has difficulty making the right decisions.

My Bond villian would have to be someone incredibly creepy. My first thought would be Kevin Spacey. He's totally got the creepy factor, and is incredibly talented. He would be perfect in a darker Bond plot, and would be able to pull off deceit on screen. I wouldn't have him go as bad as he was in say Seven, but I think he should play a role in which intelligence makes him even more dangerous.

Bond girl is a more difficult decision. Personally I think it should be someone with a bit of depth and a certain side to her that she can't be trusted. She would need to be someone with a few layers. She's good at heart, but has difficulty in putting that across. Perhaps Rachel McAdams. She could pull off the untrustworthy side, but still appear sweet and innocent, and have the best intentions at heart.
2012-11-10 21:56:53 UTC
Bond is a difficult guy to cast. I haven't seen any of the Daniel Craig films, and I don't really intend to... I personally think Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan were the best Bonds. For a new style of bond, perhaps someone like Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Definitely Christina Hendricks for bond girl. She is incredibly sexy and acts intelligently.

For a villain... why not Kelsey Grammar?
2012-11-11 19:09:07 UTC
James Bond- Zack Galifanakis

Bond Girl- Melissa Mccarthy

Villian- Adam Sandler

I would cast these people because i think it would possibly make the funniest movie ever especially since its a James Bond movie lolol :)
2012-11-11 17:07:26 UTC
James Bond = Leonardo DiCaprio

Bond Girl = Gwen Steffani

Villain = James Gandolfini (Tony Soprano)
Tony O
2012-11-11 15:10:46 UTC
Bond: Jason Statham. He is just bad a@@! And he's got the accent.

Bond Girl: Should be an unknown but sexy. Because it could make a new star for future bond movies.

Villain: Liam Niesen. He is a good jerk and also has the temperament for a villain and the accent.
2012-11-11 12:43:24 UTC
Bond - Daniel Craig.

Bond Girl - Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (Transformers Dark of the Moon)

Bond Villain - Pierce Brosnan.

Daniel Craig is a great Bond. I would keep him with no doubt.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley because she has a look of a bond girl.

Pierce Brosnan cause it would be a hell of a twist to have a former Bond face off against the current Bond.
2012-11-11 11:52:27 UTC
James Bond - Joseph Gordon-Levitt

LOL What better way to make James Bond movie then to have this chunk of a hunk in it...

Bond Girl - Scarlett Johansson

She's attractive, she's got the perfect image for the bond girl, plus she's a dangerously EPIC actress!! :)

Villain - Chris Hemsworth

Just because. :D

EDIT: OH MY GOSH now that I re-read my comment, it's like I really want these 3 to happen in the next after Skyfall... Oh please producers see this!! xD
2012-11-11 11:40:28 UTC
BOND: FPS Russia

Bond Girl: Kate Middleton

Villain: Jerry Sandusky
2012-11-11 10:02:54 UTC
Bond - Pierce Brosnan!! Even though Daniel Craig is doing a fine job, I think Brosnan's chutzpah, exuberance and composure is class apart!! No other character in my mind except him. Even at the age of 50, he looks damn fit. Hands down!!

Bond girls - As usual, there will have to be more than one bond girl. Well! those drop-dead gorgeous temptress wonder women can be Tanya Roberts (wish she was alive) and Gena Lee Nolin - both the lead figures of Sheena!. Their wild sides would definitely match Brosnan's passion. Drilling down the bond girls list, Sophie Marceau is the hottest choice for me.

Villian - George Clooney? He can pull off any role. Be it with or without the white beard, Mr. Clooney is a smart bad guy!!
2012-11-11 18:57:03 UTC
Bond: Chris Hansen

Girl: Celina Jaitley

Villain: Mitt Romney.
2012-11-11 16:52:01 UTC
Bond - Johnny Vegas

Villian - Ricky Gervais

Bond Girl - Joanna Scanlan
2012-11-11 15:43:48 UTC
Jude Law as James, Olivia Wilde as his girl, and Bill Nighu as the villain
2012-11-11 14:14:11 UTC
JAMES BOND - Jack Davenport

BOND GIRL - Madeline Zima or Amira Casar

VILLAIN - Naseeruddin Shah or Om puri

BOND- Davenport for -


Bond Looks & Attitude


BOND GIRL - Zima or Casar for -


Not-much-known so can be a fresh addition

Charm & Attraction

VILLAIN - Om puri/Shah for -

Exotic Addition


innovative Addition
2012-11-11 12:37:10 UTC
Adrian Brody as Bond - can carry the image of doing action without getting sweathy and dirty and in a full suit.

Corey Stoll as the Villian - capable of doing subtle but pure evil

And Eva Green just can't be replaced as the Bond Girl. Too much class and intelligence in her looks.
2012-11-11 12:15:04 UTC
Here are my suggestions, enjoy :)

Bond: I kinda like Craig now, although I didn't used to like him. Controversial, but maybe Daniel Radcliff or Rupert Grint?

Bond Girl: Angelina Jolie? Anne Hathaway maybe? Megan fox (lol, JK :P) ( if only she was as good at acting as she is as good looking!) Anna Chapman? Yvonne Strahovski? Scarlett Johanssen?

Villain: Michael Mando (voiced Vaas in Farcry 3), Heath Ledger (if only he was still alive), Alan Rickman. How about Martin Sheen perhapse?
2012-11-10 12:44:49 UTC

Michael Fassbender- James Bond

Emily Blunt- Bond Girl

Gary Oldman- Bond Villain

Other Options for James Bond:

Henry Cavill & Tom Hardy


Michael Fassbender is an awesome actor and clearly a fan-favorite for Bond. Fassbender has the looks, talent, and physique to pass as 007.

Emily Blunt looks like a Bond Girl and was great in Sunshine Cleaning.

He's Gary Oldman!

Henry Cavill would also be another great choice for Bond as he's got the looks, physique, and acting chops (watch Blood Creek) to don the suit.

And Tom Hardy would also be another good choice for 007. He was great in Warrior, got a smooth yet dangerous look, and can put on extra pounds for roles.
2012-11-12 09:41:11 UTC
Matt Damon as Bond if he could pull off a British accent, bond girl would be Scarlett Johannson and the villain would be Jonny Depp as he could be a funny but hated villain with a British accent.
2012-11-11 09:47:03 UTC
Daniel Craig - Bond Craig is actually better than Connery!

Charlize Theron - Bond Girl Hot, Smart, Physical and she's S African British

Dick Cheney - Villian He's so hated by so many

Mike Meyers - Q Wacky fun and he's Canadian

Tom Selleck - M Commanding presence - He played an Aussie so it's OK

2012-11-11 07:58:52 UTC
James Bond: Samuel L. Jackson - Mean and macho but also can be cold and calculating, would be a great actor for 007.

Bond Girl: Scarlett Johansson - Good looking, athletic, ticks all the boxes for a Bond girl.

Villain: Cillian Murphy - Did brilliant as Scarecrow in Batman and has that villainous edge.

Q: Ben Whishaw - Was brilliant in Skyfall, he looked the part, talked the part, he is the part.

M: Robert Downey Jr. - Was brilliant in Iron Man and would love too see him as boss of MI6, he would play the part well.
2012-11-10 22:05:27 UTC
keep Daniel Craig, he did a better job in Skyfall than he did in Casino Royale, and Quantum of Solace

Bond girl: Marion Cotillard, because she's foreign, and would probably do a good job at being a spy

Villian: Andy Serkis, because he's got the look of a villain

I know that This isn't included but

Q: John Cleese, It suits him quite well when he was R, in The World is Not Enough and When He was Q in Die Another Day

R: Ben Winshaw, because he was rather funny when he played Q. He would go great working with John Cleese in a bond movie.
2012-11-09 22:28:46 UTC
First of all, I'd really like if the film would take place in the 1940s. Smoking, suits, and classy dresses. Why not? This would be a definite change from the newer version.

James Bond: Liam Neeson. I think he would be a great Bond. Can't you picture him with a cigar in his mouth and a pistol in his hand? He's got that "cool guy" vibe going on, and I can imagine him with a smug (but humble) attitude as he saves the day, as well as when he saves the amazingly beautiful Bond girl.

Bond Girl: Christina Hendricks. She's a beautiful, curvaceous, red-haired vixen. She's a perfect fit for the 1940s style, and her "Jessica Rabbit" like looks would be absolutely stunning on the big screen. She could be the girl who sings at a classy bar, purring through her words.

Villain: Hugh Laurie. He's a villain with a sick obsession with money. He would have a greasy personality, but be dressed extremely well. Laurie would be running a fraudulent casino that robs people of their dollars. He rigs games unfairly, making a huge profit on all who play the games in his so called "high-class" casino. Hendricks would be on his arm. Not necessarily because she wants to be, but because Laurie has threatened to strip her of all her money if she tries to get away from him. Neeson doesn't know this, but finds out when Hendricks starts to come onto him behind Laurie's back, saying that she wants his casino shut down.

There would be a lot more to this, but you get the idea. :)

Just my two cents.
2012-11-11 03:54:43 UTC
James Bond = Pierce Brosnan

Girl = Honey Rider/ Tatiana Romanova

Villain = Ernst Stavro Blofeld

Give me 50!
2012-11-10 02:53:05 UTC
Well, I reckon the next James Bond should be gay, because that would really really shock people. I wouldn't really know who to pick for James Bond because he is the James Bond, but if I could I would drag the real James Bond out of the book and make him act. For the bond girl, I guess it be, maybe Nina Dobrev because she fits the bond girl look. As for villain, how about some really scary dude, who scares the audience and makes you think that this might be the end of Bond.
2012-11-12 09:00:42 UTC
Bond: Keep Craig in right now, he seems like a good choice(for now).

Girl: Uma Thurman (With kind of the same performance as she did as The Bride in Kill Bill)

Villian: Robert De Nero( preferably.) or Al Pacino. No real reason but either would be badass as the villain. Or maybe both.....that would rock....
Jonathan Mark
2012-11-11 20:21:40 UTC
James Bond - Bradley Cooper.

Bond Girl - Mila Kunis.

Villain - Nicolas Cage.
2012-11-11 20:17:02 UTC
Bond: Robert Downey Jr.

Bond Girl: Anne Hathaway

Villian: Ralph Fiennes
2012-11-11 15:55:59 UTC
James Bond has to be Christian Bale

Bond Girl is Nicole Kidman or Natalie Portman

Villain has got to be Megan Fox (have you seen her in "jennifer's body")
2012-11-11 11:24:02 UTC
Richard Armitage for James Bond. He is very good in the British show MI5 and, has played a variety of characters which gives him experience to draw on. He is also gorgeous. He was in a TV version of Robin Hood, playing Guy of Gisbourne with right amount of darkness.

For the Villain it would be another British (Welsh) guy - Paul Rhys, who has a lovely voice, an unreadable face and can be an incredibly believable bad guy conveying the right amount of emotion. Some of his characters drip with disdain for the normal.

I wish Angie Harmon could be a Bond Girl. She is very attractive, is funny and, would be a challenge for any guy.
2012-11-12 09:14:29 UTC
James Bond – A very underrated actor who can do anything: Christian Bale. He is charismatic and can act any character, he would bring a darker element to Bond and really fill out his character.

Villain – Ron Perlman: he does villains very well with his big features and scary posture.

Bond girl – Mariah Carey: She is timelessly beautiful, glamorous and loves a bikini.
2012-11-11 19:58:58 UTC
Daniel Craig as James Bond....cause he is awesome and I wouldn't change that.

Monica Bellucci as the Bond Girl, because she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Gary Oldman as the Villain, because he always plays such a great villain.
2012-11-11 19:26:14 UTC
Chris Hemsworth - James Bond

because he's smooth and has sex appeal

Rachel McAdams - bond girl

because she would pull in the female crowd to theaters

Shia Labeouf - villain

because I think he could play the antagonist role well
2012-11-11 09:53:53 UTC
The only James Bond characters would be either Pierce Brosman or George Clooney. The girl can be played by Angelina Jolie. For the villan I would have to go with Jaws, which it can be played by non other than Khali, from wwe.
2012-11-11 05:56:30 UTC
daniel craig as james bond :D

ive never seen a good actress for bond girl and to be honest i look down on the bond girl...

villain, the guy who played the villain in skyfall was quite good and really funny :p
2012-11-11 00:21:07 UTC
As James Bond I think I would go with Clive Owen first point in his favor hes British. He has done plenty of action movies and I could see him in that part easily. I like him as an actor I think that's important when choosing. He has had plenty of experience with firearms in his career which Bond does use. He also has played many roles were deep emotional acting skills were displayed. I personally think he would be a good choice. For the Bond Girl I think I would pick Mila Kunis first point in her favor she's very pretty or smoking hot which ever way you want to call it. She has played in action films before and has looked good with weapons or little clothes I think the mix would be awesome.She has played deep emotional parts as well and did a very good job at that. She can go from the sweet girl next door look to a vixen to someone who could kick your butt or kill you and then back to the sweet girl again. Again I personally think she would be a good choice. The Villain that ones harder for me I think it should be a female who isn't impersonating looking at but can play a good sweet psychopath. I think I will go with Leighton Meester she can play sweet very well and from the movie roommate she does crazy very well. Shes small only 5'5" so I think that would add an element a small female commanding a group especially if her bodyguard/2nd in command was huge but scared of her. Shes pretty having a pretty villain has happened before but not often. Anyways those are my choices and why hope someone likes them.
2014-07-02 03:55:04 UTC
Judge Dredd is the machine that would kill everybody in sight.

Alice is my sexual partner and she is also a great killer.

Don Vito Corleone because he is smart and he would be the brains of the operation.
2012-11-11 16:33:27 UTC
James Bond - Ian Somerhalder: Everything Bond should be. Sexy, moody and extremely smooth with the women.

Bond Girl - Eva Longoria: Sexy, feisty and incredibly flirtatious. She could handle my gun anytime.

Bond Villian: Kevin Spacey because he's Kevin Spacey.
2012-11-11 02:37:44 UTC
Bond = Bruce Willis

Bond Girl = Jennifer Lopez

Villain = John Travolta
2012-11-11 01:56:00 UTC
I think Andrew Garfield and Carey Mulligan would be the perfect actors for a new James Bond film because they are young, talented and British, making the film appeal to a younger audience. Both Andrew and Carey are good looking and this would make them suit the roles perfectly.
2012-11-11 01:10:31 UTC
BOND: Jude Law - a great actor who's definitely capable of all those actions scenes, and I think playing James Bond would get him the recognition he deserves.

BOND GIRL: Rachel Weisz - ignoring the fact that she's married to Daniel Craig, I think Rachel would make a perfect Bond Girl with her looks and talent.

BOND VILLAIN: Benedict Cumberbatch - Benedict is already rumoured to be in the running for the next bond villain, and I think he'd be perfect for the role. He's got the looks just right and he's one of Britain's greatest actors in my opinion.
2012-11-10 20:59:48 UTC
James Bond- Hugh Jackman

Girl- Kate Beckinsale

Villain - Kevin Spacey
2012-11-10 12:47:26 UTC
James Bond - Charlie Sheen

Bond Girl - Emma Watson

Villain - Rowan Atkinson
2012-11-11 16:14:53 UTC
Bond: Hugh Jackman - dont think wolverine.. this guy cleans up well.

Bond girl: Chloë Grace Moretz

villain: Dominic Monaghan .. i like the idea of an unassuming kinda nerdy guy ending up being the mastermind
2012-11-12 05:08:39 UTC
Pierce Brosnan is the best Bond. Daniel Craig is the worse Bond ever.
2012-11-11 21:55:15 UTC
James Bond should be HARRY POTTER. Harry has amazing powers and could stop anything with his invisibility cloak and his mind. His powers would defeat his enemies.

Bond Girl should be HERMIONE GRANGER. Even though there is only friendship between hermione and harry, hermione would make a great companion and her smart brain would solve all the technical and mind boggling clues and riddles.

The Villain should be a RE-INCARNATED VOLDEMORT. With Voldi coming back, everything upscales the interest to x10000. i'd love to see the duel.
2012-11-11 19:00:59 UTC
James Bond: Jeremy Irons

Sexy Bond Girl: Me

Sexy Villainess: Halle Berry
2012-11-11 18:24:24 UTC
James Bond - Clive Owen simply because he would be elegant, assertive and foreboding.

Villain - Hugo Weaving- He makes very thing bad look good

Bond Girl - Olivia Wilde - The classically beautiful with the hint of the door next door.
Hero 2 Devil
2012-11-10 06:54:58 UTC
Michael Fassbender - James Bond

Kelly Brook -Bond Girl

Tom Hardy -Villain
Live Lovely
2012-11-10 06:34:07 UTC
JAMES BOND: George Clooney.. perhaps a bit over used, but goodness he's a hottie! Even in his 50s! colin farrell and also could see Ben Affleck as bond.

BOND GIRL: Kate Beckinsale or Blake Lively

VILLAIN: Anthony Hopkins/Heath Ledger would have been great, too.
2012-11-09 23:32:56 UTC
JAMES BOND: Joseph Fiennes. English, tall, dark, handsome, distinctive, perfect age... Also not so hugely popular that he wouldn't seem fresh.

BOND GIRL: Eliza Dushku. Classic beauty, intelligent, often plays feisty characters, exactly 10 years younger than Joseph Fiennes in typical Bond fashion! American but many Bond girls have been American or other ethnic backgrounds. I see her as a CIA agent as Bond has always worked hand and hand with the CIA. That also can be a setup for conflicting agendas which causes drama and sexual tension.

VILLAIN: Tim Curry. This guy was born to play villains with devilish looks and persona. Also Bond villains are rarely Hollywood a-listers like many posters have chosen. That's partially because film makers never needed to name drop to get people to see Bond movies. How many actors who played Bond villains can you name off the top of your head? Exactly...
2012-11-12 08:33:10 UTC
James Bond should be played by Macaulay Culkin, the girl should be played by Betty White, and the villain should be played by Justin Bieber.

I would see this movie.
2012-11-11 09:28:40 UTC
"Tom Cruise" as JAMES BOND, "Megan Fox" as BOND GIRL and "Brad Pitt or George Clooney" as VILLAIN.

WHY I PICK EM: Because, Lets face it. It will be awesome to see TOM CRUISE on the good side after seeing him as a bad like person in mission impossible. Plus, He got that body and those instincts of a spy too. MEGAN FOX because she is HOT and as we have already seen her in Transformers Revenge of the fallen, She can look very sexy in those bond girl outfits plus a gun in her hand! The last but not the least the villan can be GEORGE CLOONEY OR BRAD PITT because first of all they have the looks, The body, The style/Personality. And villans should look hot too right?
Lord Quackers
2012-11-11 09:02:48 UTC
James Bond should be played by Ted, the bear in the film Ted.

His bond girl should be played by Sarah Millican, for the funnies.

And the villain should be played by Bill Nighy, because his accent is great and he makes a fantastic bad guy.

I do realize I just turned James Bond into a comedy, but come on, after 23 films, thats where it's headed anyway :p
2012-11-11 08:18:03 UTC
James Bond: Eddie Murphy

Bond Girl: Cameron Diaz

Villian: Jim Carrey

a funny and hot version of Bond yeah

I would like to see that
13th Floor
2012-11-10 20:13:52 UTC
JAMES BOND: Clive Owen. He fits the author's description of being slim, dark-haired and 40ish. In the novels Bond was said to resemble Hoagy Carmichael and there is a slight resemblance between the two; especially the vertical lines in the cheek area. Bond was a drinker and written as a heavy smoker and Owen has a rugged look that one might expect with these vices.

BOND GIRL: Penelope Cruz. She is age-appropriate for a 40-year-old Bond. She is attractive and lends an air of the exotic. She can be coy and seductive but also can seem coldly indifferent (many Bond women initially dislike him but are soon won over.)

VILLAIN: Stephen Lang (Colonel Quaritch in Avatar). A fine actor well-known for ability to play tough-minded or villianous roles. His ice-cold stares penetrate the psyche.

Alternate: Keith Richards. Would add some quirkiness and, if there is anyone rougher looking, I haven't seen him.
2012-11-10 14:50:32 UTC
One of the Dr. Who leads as Bond

- A blatant tie in with a time travelling individual who has two hearts.

Jimmy Carr, Sean Lock &/or Frankie Boyle as the villain[s]

- For the perspective offered - people often realise how sick it is to laugh at some things, then they do it again - it's comedic relief after all.

The Cirque du Soleil contortionist[s] as the Bond Girls - Hearkening back to the days of Bambi & Thumper of course.
2012-11-10 11:22:36 UTC
James Bond: Orlando Bloom

Bond Girl: Keira Knightley

Villain: Johnny Depp

Although the trio have previously acted together in the numerous Pirates of the Caribbean characters, I believe that as the brilliant actors they are they could certainly tackle a Bond movie with ease and would be able to mold into their above characters very well.

Since Bloom is one of our leading British Hollywood-star heartthrobs, he would have to be Bond. Likewise Knightley ticks all the Bond girl boxes; she is always elegant, sophisticated and mysterious, not to mention absolutely beautiful. Last but definitely not least, Depp is renowned for his various eccentric roles such as Captain Jack Sparrow, Edward Scissorhands and the Mad Hatter, so being a Bond villain would be no different and we'd get to see yet another fantastic alter ego created by the genius!

Sorry for the wordy paragraph but these three are truly three of my favourite people, especially because I'm an avid Pirates of the Caribbean fan too. Also I recently watched Skyfall for my birthday and it was fantastic! Bérénice Marlohe in particular was stunning, I can only wish to look as gorgeous as her one day!
Tom H
2012-11-10 04:56:30 UTC
Bond: Sean Connery

Bond Girl: Ursala Andress

Villain: Oddjob
2012-11-12 05:46:48 UTC
Daniel Craig because he is so down to earth and manly I love him he is the best Bond he has that something about him you just cant put your finger on the Ex Factor
2012-11-11 14:47:46 UTC



Reason Bond always gets the girl and having female villains makes life more interesting for Bond

in the interest of world peace
2012-11-11 04:23:01 UTC
James Bond: Tom Hardy

He's a hot British actor who has a huge fan base and has a dry British sense of humour. Also starred in 'Inception' hes great in action movies.

Bond Girl: Rachel Weisz/Jennifer Lawrence/Kate Beckinsale

All three are beautiful, statuesque and would be perfect in playing those great kick-*** sexy female characters.

Villain: Rhys Ifans

He plays fantastic scheming badies in movies like 'Spiderman' and can pull off the 'creepy' look.
Katiaa .
2012-11-10 06:16:41 UTC
Bond - James McAvoy his acting just gets better and better, Chris Pine or Chris Hemesworth would also be good choices since they are young good actors.

Bond Girl - Blake Lively she is gorgeous and a pretty good actor, Rachel McAdams, or Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson

Villian - Mark Strong plays a great bad guy in Sherlock Holmes, Micheal Sheen, Ralph Fiennes
2012-11-11 11:37:00 UTC
My James Bond would be: Robert Downey Jr

My Bond girl would be: Megan Fox

My Villain would be: Vinnie Jones :)
2012-11-11 22:45:21 UTC

Asa Akira (okay the population of Asia is like half of the world, if you can lock in that market instant blockbuster! p.s. she is ******* hot)

Jenna Jamison (older and sophisticated but is still hot and still puts out)

Ron Jeremy (just for old times sake)

Johnny Rapids (just to keep the gays interested)

Liam Neeson (have you ever seen a bad Liam Neeson movie? didnt think so)
2012-11-11 20:38:19 UTC
I can't think of a cast but James Bond NEEDS to be animated! Like make an animated parody video where everything is funny.
2012-11-11 14:34:16 UTC
Bond- Ryan Gosling (HOT)

Bond Girl-Blake Lively(HOT)

Villain- Tom Hardy (HOT)

Why?: Hot cast
2012-11-11 01:17:15 UTC
Bond - i would like to stay with Craig, he seems to have the sophistication and roughness about bond although if truth be told, he is getting on a bit!!!

Second choice would be Ryan Gosling - he has the boyish good looks charm for the ladies but i still think he could pull off the other side to bond.

Bond Girl - Megan Fox - the girl is hot! She has that mysteriousness about her face. Is she on the good side or the bad? The face says it all. Also bring back the bond girl names - xena onatop :) classic!

Villain - Bring back Blofeld! "No Mr Bond i expect you to die!" Classic bond moment!
2012-11-10 22:43:46 UTC
007: Chris Hemsworth - Has the deep voice, probably a good English accent and the size necessary to appear manly in the movie. As well, I just think he's bloody hot.

BLONDE GIRL: Miranda Kerr. Yes she's not an actress, but she's a cute super model. As well, she has the hotness factor, the long legs and the sexy Australian accent. Besides, all the women in the Bond movies have to do is look pretty. She's a good height for Hemsworth too.

VILLAN: Johnny Depp. Fantastic actor, can be creepy in movies and doesn't overact. He's also awkward in person, so that'll add character depth if he plays the evil dude.
* Kiki
2012-11-10 20:54:42 UTC
Hugh Jackman as James Bond: He's physically fit/has the body & very attractive Angelina Jolie or Al Pacino as the Villain: she's amazingly intelligent and strong & Al Pacino simply has the looks & character

Halle Berry as Bond Girl: has the Bond Girl looks
2012-11-09 21:59:16 UTC
James Bond: Mark Wahlberg

Bond Girl: Kristin Kreuk

Villian: Jason Statham
2012-11-11 10:12:08 UTC
Villian: Me. I'll kill him when I get him, no cat and mouse nonsense.

Bond Girl: Stoya she has the requisite Exotic looks, already sounds like a bond girl and... And, well you would, wouldn't you. In this movie the villain gets first dibbs, Bond gets sloppy seconds... and my infection.

Bond: David Cameron, he's a posho public school boy with bags of unlikable smarm, perfect. I bet his parents wished he were an orphan every day.
2012-11-11 06:52:41 UTC
james bond-daniel craig because he is the best james bond so far and by far the hottest.

bond girl-rihanna because everybody loves her and she is probably the most attractive woman alive. and she could also do the song for the film, which is good because she can sing as well.

villain-brad pitt/george clooney, because they are both so sophisticated that seeing them play a villain would be so entertaining.
2012-11-10 12:53:37 UTC
Ryan Gosling or Ryan Reynolds as Bond.

Lily Cole as the Bond girl.

Cillian Murphy as the villain.
2012-11-10 11:17:05 UTC
Anthony Head as James Bond!

Have no idea for the girl.

The villain would be Robert DeNiro.
2012-11-09 23:47:17 UTC
Bond: Sean Connery, he was the best.

Bond Girl: Marilyn Monroe, yes she isnt around anymore but her in her prime would have outclassed most Bonds but Sir Sean.

Villain: This is a very difficult one as there has been so many great ones. I really liked the Media Mogul from Tomorrow Never Dies, bring him in as the new man, cloned of course.
2012-11-09 22:23:29 UTC
Bond: Christian Bale would be an awesome Bond. Brosnan is my favorite of the past and present Bonds, but Bale gives me tingles down my spine just thinking about it.

Girl: Mila Kunis. I've always thought of her as extremely attractive, even before being voted "Sexiest Woman." She's also come a long way as an actress, and I think she'd be a kickass Bond Girl.

Villain: Jason Statham would make an EXCELLENT baddie. No explanations needed.
2012-11-11 07:24:29 UTC
Ron Jeremy as James Bond.

Christopher Walken as the villain. (Yes, I know he's already been a Bond villain but I like him, so there!)

Lot's of nameless and soon to be forgotten beautiful women.

Oh...and I want to see Rosa Klebb come back...she's a hottie.
2012-11-10 15:53:28 UTC
Bond=Daniel Craig.........the current bond is perfect already........even Roger Moore agrees, he saw the newest bond, Skyfall !!

Bond Girl=Eva Mendes.........she acts well, is beautiful, and sexy when she needs to be

Villian= Anthony Hopkins......he's already one an Academy Award for being a villian......not much or many can top that accolade!
2012-11-10 15:45:35 UTC
James Bond- Pierce Brosnan- for me, classic Bond

Bond Girl- Emma Thompson- she seems to fit the role because she's a versatile actress

Bond Villain- Alan Rickman- he was asked to play a Bond villain once, but turned it down; he's an excellent choice to play a British villain
2012-11-10 13:50:23 UTC
I'd have to chose Mickey Rourke as the villain. He is pretty badass (excuse the language). He'd be the perfect guy, very cold & calculating, like in Iron Man 2. As for James Bond, I'd have to choose Tom Hardy. He has the look of Bond. He could be so cool, & collected, & yet be able to kick some serious tail. Now, for the Bond girl, if she is on James Bond's side then I'd totally root for Scarlett Johansson. She is sexy but can still kick someone's butt. If there were a villain girl, then it'd have to be Marion Cotillard. She can be so convincing to Bond, & yet absolutely deceive him.
2012-11-10 03:41:46 UTC
The Person I would most like to play James Bond would be Bruce Willis because he is the typical hero type. I would like Nicole Kidman to play the Bond girl because well, she's Nicole Kidman! The Villain well, Alan Rickman makes a great villain and maybe him and Bruce Willis could work together well because they have already made a movie together.
2012-11-11 19:26:24 UTC
Clive Owen as 007

Kierra Knightley as Stella Boff

Gary Busey as Judge Pete Slice
2012-11-11 06:22:31 UTC
James Bond - Stephen Colbert

Bond Girl - Jane Lynch

Villian - Zack Galifianakis

M - Betty White
2012-11-10 21:34:07 UTC
Bond: Andrew Lincoln (from the Walking Dead)

Bond Girl: Isabel Lucas

Villan: Jude Law

I would choose Andrew Lincoln because he is British, attractive, and perfect as James Bond.

Isabel Lucas is so pretty, she is the perfect bond girl. (Zoe Saldana would also be a good bond girl.)

Jude Law, although he is very handsome, would play an attractive bad guy well.
2012-11-10 06:42:31 UTC
Bond: David Tennant

Bond Girl: Meryl Streep

Villain: David Cameron
Kobron Brames
2012-11-11 16:39:54 UTC
Bond-Kobe Bryant

Bond girl- Angelina Jolie

Villian- my mom
2012-11-11 11:19:17 UTC
Sean Connery

Linda Evangelista

Anthony Hopkins
2012-11-11 11:03:17 UTC
Bond: Depp or DiCaprio

Bond Boy (Hey, it's 2012!): Zac Efron

Villian: Steve Buscemi
Sweet Sarah
2012-11-09 18:05:17 UTC
Idris Elba (Luther BBC) - JAMES BOND, The next bond should have a more menacing presence but still be handsome and a great actor with scene stealing looks and charm. Idris fits this bill perfectly. This Bond would be more of a item or person recover utility. When MI6 drops the ball this is the guy you send to get the item or person back. This is the Bond the bad guys whisper about because you do not want him coming after you. M is hesitant to use him because his mode of operation is to create mass scale chaos and destruction and then he waltzes into the madness he's created and just gets the job done.

Carey Mulligan (Drive) - BOND GIRL, She is beautiful, an amazing actress and would be the perfect "agent in distress that Bond must retrieve". She is also small, so she would not pose such a huge problem to transport. She is an agent that seduces her way into a Villain's heart and then she steals a valuable secret from him and gets the info back to MI6. In this case she seduced the Villain, stole the information and got away but then the Villain sends a team of badies and they get her before Bond can get to her. Now the Villain knows that MI6 knows he has the information and the only way MI6 can get the info is to get the Bond Girl back as she is being transported back to the Villain for a hideous end. M tries to call Bond off but to no avail. Destruction and lots of chasing ensues.

Michael Sheen - (Frost/Nixon) VILLAIN, He is pitch perfect in every part he plays and he simply looks like a man that was raised rich and will never take no for an answer (I am certain he is a very nice person in real life). He would be the perfect sniveling Villain that would keep the woman that broke his heart alive just so he can confront her and cry and then kill her. Even with Bond chasing the package that is coming for him, he is too spoiled to call the whole thing off and just let his badies do her in.
Maria Iqbal
2012-11-11 10:20:43 UTC
I've never watched James Bond movies.
2012-11-10 03:55:45 UTC
James bond: Rowan Atkinson. He is a British, A great sense of hummer, romantic and masculine. Did you watch Johny English.

Bond girl: Anne Hathaway. She is pretty, agile, smart and funny. Did you watch Rachel Getting Married.

Villain: Hank Azaria: Doesn't need an explanation. Did you watch The Smurfs.
Tiger Boy
2012-11-09 23:08:15 UTC
Bond: Jason Statham

Bond Girl : Scarlette Johansson

Villain : Me
2012-11-12 12:44:55 UTC
james bond : jack black lol bond girl: kaley cuoco and villain: jim parsons
Sláinte xx'engaged'
2012-11-11 09:22:51 UTC
My man for James Bond would be Idris Elba he was the main character in Luther which was a great series, he is charismatic, handsome, good actor & it would be nice to have a black James Bond for a change... my bond girl would be Adrina Lima as she is gorgeous & the villain would have to be James Corden as he is a great character & think he could easily transform to a villian...
2012-11-10 21:55:44 UTC

Girl:Jason Statham...

2012-11-10 19:58:21 UTC
One-What is with the low ratings?

Two- My cast would be :

James Bond- Gir from Invader Zim

Bond Girl- Queen of England

Villain- George Takei

Together they would make the most comedic James Bond movie ever.
2012-11-10 16:04:26 UTC
Milla Jovovich would make an amazing Bond Girl! Beautiful, sexy, trained (She did Resident Evil and most of the stunts for that)

I would pick Alan Rickman for the Villain, because although Alan is a very nice man he can pull of a convincing bad guy. Especially with that voice!

My James Bond would be Daniel Craig. I know he is James Bond, but after his amazing performance in all three (especially SkyFall) he portrays Ians image of James Bond perfectly. 70% cold blooded killer, 30% ladies man. Daniel Craig makes a perfect Bond.
2012-11-10 04:49:05 UTC
Bond: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Bond Girl 1: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Bond Girl 2: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Villain: Arnold Schwarzenegger

M: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Bond's Car: Reliant Robin
Alice Augusts
2012-11-10 02:44:19 UTC
James Bond: Keep the same Bond! Daniel Craig is doing an excellent job.

Bond Girl: Its always quite difficult picking a bond girl, my suggestions are Sienna Miller or Holly Willloughby. Aaaaah, i don't know..

Villain: just how awesome would the movie be if Robert Downey Jr. would be the villain?

I am not sure if any of these have been casted in a Bond movie before, I have not seen every movie. But here is my list! YAII!
2012-11-09 22:36:43 UTC
Bond- Tom Hardy (cause he's an awesome british guy)

Sexy chick Bond Bones- You know what, i'll go with either Scarlett Johansson or Keira Knightly

M- Judy Dench (truly Iconic, so I can't swap her for anyone.)

Villain- Let's make it Bruce Willis (Put in a big name.)

Q- One of two people #1 Jay Baruchel 2# Joesph Gordon-Levitt (they're funny)

Everyone else can just stay the same, Craig is a great bond btw, so they shouldn't be too quick to get rid of him. Ya Liam Neeson would be epic, but he's already an (EX)Agent in taken.
2012-11-10 16:23:25 UTC
Bond: Craig he's solid

Bond girl: hmm... Kate Upton/Olivia Wilde both are pretty enough and wilde showed she can act in transformers. Mila Kunis might also be a good choice.

Villain: I can't think of one at the moment. Bruce Willis would be cool
2012-11-10 06:09:47 UTC
I think Christian Bale could be great as James Bond, maybe Penelope Cruz could be the next Bond Girl and Willem Dafoe could be the next Bond Villain.

Christian Bale - I think Christian Bale could be the next Bond, because to me he is the best Batman all of time and maybe he could be the greatest Bond, and show a new whole different side of Bond that no one has ever seen, just the same way he did with Batman.

Penelope Cruz - She has stared in great film, great actress and she is beautiful.

Willem Dafoe - To me he is quite scary and has stared as mostly as a villain and I think being a villain is in his blood.
2012-11-11 05:20:10 UTC
Bond: Crowe, Russele Crowe - He has a commanding presence that I think is necessary in a Bond. A top notch actor. And he looks like he has been around the world a few times and felt the weight of it on his back.

Bond Girl: Milla Jovovich - She certainly has the action creds (Ultraviolet, Resident Evil) and that exotic look and style (Fifth Element, fashion model) and acting talent both in comedy and drama.

Villan: Hugh Laurie. Very civil and very mad.
2012-11-10 21:43:18 UTC
Bond: Jason Statham because he is just awesome

Bond Girl: Emma Watson just because ;)

Villian Sylvester Stallone- an unsual twist
michele p
2012-11-10 14:46:12 UTC
The three ideal characters where already casted. Sean Connery, Honor Blackman and Gert Fröbe. I thought they where the ultimate Bond, Bond Girl and Villain. If not for the move Goldfinger, then for the characters they portrayed. With names like James Bond, Pussy Galore and Auric Goldfinger, is why they picked as my ideal James Bond cast. And don't forget Harold Sakata (as Oddjob).
Horchata and kimchi
2012-11-10 14:27:21 UTC
James Bond: Pierce Brosnan, he was smart, charismatic, fought well, and was close to Ian Fleming's original Bond.

Bond Girl: Michelle Yeoh, she was bad-*** and hot

Villain: Ernst Stavro Blofeld, the most famous and iconic villain
2012-11-10 09:19:39 UTC
I would be James Bond because:

James Bond is a fantasy, he is the character who every man wants to be. He can do anything and nothing can stop him. He is invincible, smart, well dressed and drives the Aston Martin DB5 which is a beautiful Car. James Bond can't live or die he always gets out of every situation. I would love to play James Bond... I am only 16 but it would be an honour to play him in a film. Daniel Craig has played Bond very well and I loved Skyfall.
2012-11-11 06:23:52 UTC
James Bond: Jack Black, because we need a Bond who doesn't conform to the norm.

Bond Girl: Dawn French, because we need a Bond Girl who doesn't conform to the norm.

Villain: Rowan Atkinson, because we need a spy thriller turned comedy!
Maryann Jennifer Burnett
2012-11-10 14:06:10 UTC
James Bond: david tennant Bond Girl:Megan Fox Vllain Crispin Glover
2012-11-10 12:38:21 UTC
BOND: My favorite actors for this role have always been Daniel Craig and Sean Connery (young, obviously), so either of those is fine.

GIRL: Mila Kunis sounds fine.

Villain: How about Tommy Lee Jones or Robert DeNiro? Or maybe a woman for the first time? Demi Moore or Uma Thurman??
2012-11-10 01:19:27 UTC
Robert downey jr James Bond Nice Actor

Angelina jolie Girls Tough character play

Heath Ledger Villian plays crazy charactor good
2012-11-10 00:49:19 UTC
Bond: Timothy Dalton. My favorite Bond and the closest to his description from the books

Bond Girl: Ursula Andress. The best part of Dr. No! She's never been surpassed.

Villain: Blofeld (Donald Pleasance). Bond's most consistant villain and the reveal of him in YOLT was fantastic.

Henchmen: Jaws (SWLM, NOT Moonraker)! The most terrifying villain
2012-11-09 21:23:27 UTC
James Bond-Robert DowneyJr

Bond Girl-Megan fox

2012-11-09 18:50:33 UTC
Bond: Michael Fassbender

Bond Girl: Marion Cotillard

Villain: Monica Bellucci
2012-11-11 20:03:21 UTC
James Bond: Clive Owen.

Deep baritone voice, a sardonic sense of humor, and he frequently plays tough characters who use intelligence rather than strength.

Bond girl: Charlize Theron.

Stunning, elegant and sophisticated. She would be a natural for this role.

Villian: Morgan Freeman.

With his authoritative voice and calm demeanor, he has grown into one of the most respected figures in modern US cinema. He would be an extraordinary villian.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


James Bond: Apu (from the Simpsons, KwikiMart owner)

Bond girl: Helen Lovejoy (Rev. Lovejoy's wife)

Villian: Ned Flanders (he'd be the most hilarious 'villian' ever - okley dokely)
2012-11-11 07:38:43 UTC
Liam Hemsworth - he was a good actor in the hunger games, so i think he would be good here (James bond)

Taylor swift - shes defiantly pretty, most people know her. Playing this character i think could loads of the younger generation to get into bond (bond girl)

Julia Roberts - i think she could bring her mean side on (baddie)
2012-11-11 03:21:04 UTC
JAMES BOND - I think Daniel Craig is a good Bond for now

BOND GIRL - Angelina Jolie, she's really pretty and can act seductive and sneaky

VILLIAN - Liam Neeson or Gary Oldman

(Don't know why so many answers have got such a low rating, they were just answering the question...)
Arcus W
2012-11-10 02:54:43 UTC
Bond: Iain Glen. Cold and rough, can continue very well from Craig, and could tie him well with some of the previous bonds. Plus I think Bond needs to get older again, for once.

Girl: Mary Elizabeth Winstead. She's pretty and she hasn't been one. Do we need any other criteria? Oh yeah and she looks alot more mature than most girls her age.

Villain: Ciarán Hinds. The guy looks suave, yet creepy, like any classical villain would be. He can bring in intensity and mystery with a flick of a wrist.
2012-11-10 02:00:13 UTC
Bond: Tom Cruise

Bon Girl: Halle Berry

Villain: Javier Bardem

Just my opinion...
2012-11-10 12:02:01 UTC
JAMES BOND: Sean Bean or Ben Affleck

BOND GIRL: Marion Cotillard or Jennifer Garner

VILLAIN: Daniel Day-Lewis
CUTTY (>^.^)>
2012-11-11 11:44:00 UTC
James Bond because i think he would be a great president for the whole world :)
2012-11-10 15:18:27 UTC
Bond: George Clooney - has the charisma, personality and skill as an actor.

Bond Girl: Scarlett Johansson (The Avengers, Manny & Lo) - She's clever, beautiful, seductive and dangerous.

Villain: Ray Stevenson - His performance in Dexter season 7 gives him my vote for this role.
2012-11-12 08:53:36 UTC
daniel crag stays bond! he's hot

cameron diaz bond girl! shes a good actor and is pretty

& Brad pitt for the villain!
2012-11-11 09:22:07 UTC
Bond = Michael Fassbender

Bond girl = Jessica Alba

villian = dont know haha
2012-11-10 22:07:40 UTC
JAMES BOND : Chris brown

BOND GIRL: Rihanna

and VILLAIN: Drake

Why? Just 'cause.
2012-11-10 11:55:21 UTC
JAMES BOND: Elton John

BOND GIRL: Jocelyn Wildenstein

VILLAIN: Haley Joel Osment
2012-11-12 08:18:41 UTC
Me, James Bond, My dad, James Bond, and My dog, James Bond. Oh and you, you stupid rat.
2012-11-10 16:38:14 UTC
Bond: Daniel Craig. Reason a good James Bond

Girl: Emma Watson. Reason: Perfect

Villain: Sean Connery
2012-11-10 12:43:03 UTC
Bond - Jude Law

Bond Girl - Malin Akerman

Villian - Anthony Hopkins
2012-11-10 08:08:48 UTC
My ideal James Bond cast would be :1)James Bond:There is no better guy to play this role than the original James Bond,Sean Connery.He is cool,calm,collected,and suave.He makes the role look easy, like he is actually a spy as opposed to playing one.2)Bond Girl: Halley Berry.What can you say about her ,what adjective can you use that will do her justice.She is beautiful,plays the role like a male Sean Connery.It is a slam dunk 3)Bond Villain: No contest ,it has to be Gold Finger.The other villains looked cartoonish ,unbelievable .Gold Finger on the other hand played the role great as a villain and his choice of Fort Knox as his target was brilliant.
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2012-11-09 19:11:37 UTC
James Bond: Vin Diesel

Bond Girl: Sandra Bullock

Villian: Justin Bieber
2012-11-11 15:50:30 UTC
That's weird I thought it was the 24th.

Bond-Neil Patrick Harris -cause nothing suites him better than a suit.

Bond- babe-Candice Accola -pretty and talented

villain-Jim carrey -he can do anything
2012-11-10 22:28:56 UTC
Javier Bardheem
2012-11-10 20:51:05 UTC
Idris Elba

Aubrey Plaza

Jared Leto
2012-11-10 09:00:46 UTC
James Bond: Clive Owen would be perfect - Can play the perfect english gent but is sexy, charismatic with an underlying menace!

Bond Girl: Jessica Alba - beautiful, very fit (in the true sporty sense of the word) and would be believable as a girl with a brain (a liberated Bond woman - i.e. beauty AND brains!)

Villian: Alan Rickman - supreme villain in Die Hard, made a fantastically evil Sheriff of Nottingham and Rasputin. Was very dark as Snape in Harry Potter. Is dark and enigmatic - perfect as someone battling wits with 007!
2012-11-10 05:38:08 UTC
James bond : Chuck Norris

Bond girl : Zoe Saldana

Villain : Morgan freeman
2012-11-10 04:46:05 UTC
The best JAMES BOND has to be Roger Moore. He is smooth and at the same time a very good fighter. He was the only Bond to incorporate Martial Arts moves in fighting scenes.

The best BOND GIRL has to be Solitaire. Simply because she was the hottest Bond girl ever!

The best VILLAIN has to be Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Not only is he an evil genius who appeared in numerous films, he is also only "presumed" dead and worst of all, a member of his team, Irma Bunt (SPECTRE) killed Bond's only ever wife on their wedding day! Can't be more evil than that!
2012-11-09 17:38:25 UTC
James Bond: Tom Hardy

Bond Girl: Clémence Poésy

Villian: Benicio del Toro

I would pick Hardy because he has such range as an actor, and he's somewhat new to the big screen, so he would be very fresh to the audience. I chose Poésy because she's not only beautiful, but she is a great actress. I would pick del Toro, because, well, he can play a damn good villian! And he doesn't get all the big roles that he deserves.
2012-11-09 16:48:06 UTC
Liam Neeson ~ James Bond

WHY: Cause Liam Neeson is a Bad ___ (You know what I mean) And he could probably fit the part/look well. Also because Liam is an amazing actor! I don't think there is one movie that is horrible with him in it.

Scarlett Johansson ~ Bond Girl

WHY: She could fit the part really well ,in my opinion. You saw her in The Avengers and that explains enough! Lol

I have somebody for the Villain but I can't think of his name! So I'm going to say Denzel Washington.

WHY: Cause he is pretty good at playing a Villain. He is also a very talented actor.
Sister of Silence
2012-11-11 09:20:41 UTC
Bond: Lol, let's put Pierce Brosnan back in :D He's just SO. AWESOME.

Girl: Like someone said, Uma Thurman :D she's awesome, too.

Villain: Hard to pick... Bruce Willis?
2012-11-11 16:24:21 UTC
Halle Berry, Gwynith Paltrow, Tyra Banks, and Opra (as the new Q)
2012-11-11 08:27:07 UTC
Bond: Tom Hardy.

Tom Hardy has been in some decent films and I wouldn't mind seeing him hit the limelight as Bond. Face it, he's got the looks and the swagger to go with it. Here's a picture to give you an idea of what's going on in my head right now.

Villain: Gary Oldman.

This could be quite cool. As you all know, a renowned British actor and in my opinion a perfect candidate for a Bond villain, some sleazy sociopath some-what like his performance in Leon. Here we go.

Bond girl: Emilia Clarke.

She's fairly new to the acting scene, but I reckon she's got a promising future. Not to mention, she's gorgeous.
2012-11-10 11:35:30 UTC
Errol Flynn, Diana Rigg, Tony Blair (aka Princess To) with Dubya as Oddjob
2012-11-10 10:24:39 UTC
Bond - Tom Hardy (He can pull off any role, see his films Warrior, Dark Knight Rises, Lawless etc. He has the Bond look already and he will be a versatile bond with a variety of personality)

Bond Girl - Keira Knightly (Perfect blend of sexiness, suppleness, surreptitious and purely state of the art)

Villain - Shia LaBeouf (He wouldn't be taken as a serious threat, so he would be underestimated but could just be the geeky villain who would be ten steps ahead of bond at every turn, even killing his girl... ?)

Oooh the possibilities!
2012-11-10 05:57:16 UTC
Bond: keep daniel Craig, he is the best bond

Bond girl: Anne Hathaway, incredible acting, just like in The dark knight rises as Catwoman. good thriller movies actress

Villain: jet li or Jason statham, incredible acting and good martial arts
2012-11-12 02:26:32 UTC
james bond = jimmy saville

villian = joseph fritzl

james bond girl = hillary clinton
somebody from here
2012-11-10 22:45:56 UTC
Jeremy Renner as Bond, Mila Kunis as Bond girl, and Gerard Butler as villlain.
Dances With Mops 2 - Mop Bucket Boogaloo
2012-11-10 11:01:35 UTC
BOND- Keep Daniel Craig. He's been doing well in the role so far.

BOND GIRL- Salma Hayek. Don't ask why, just comply.

BOND VILLAIN- Is George Lazenby still around? The plot could center around his getting kicked out of the series.
2012-11-10 04:24:34 UTC
Alex Pettyfer in a few years - Bond

Lucy Griffiths - Bond Girl

Takeshi Kaneshiro - Villain
Mr X
2012-11-09 23:03:36 UTC
Bond: Tom Hardy

Reason: Smooth, charming, proved he can be a spy (Inception)

Bond Girl: Halle Berry

Reason: Awesome, sexy and fresh in terms of style

Villian: Cillian Murphy

Reason: Makes for a good russian-like influencing hardcore bad guy.

That's my cast.Nice movie it would be :)

You ******* disagreed because i chose Halle Berry (Who is black) **** you racist *****!
2012-11-11 04:26:43 UTC
BOND: Frank Iero

BOND GIRL: Gerard Way - sexy, feminine, and needs to make out with Frank Iero.

VILLAN: Pete Wentz. We can always blame Pete Wentz. For everything. Ever.
2012-11-09 19:19:05 UTC
James Bond: Sean Connery-how he was in Dr No, From Russia with Love, Goldfinger and Thunderball. He was really brilliant in these films.

Bond Girl: This is a tough choice but it would be between eva green (vesper lynd in casino royale) and Honor Blackman (Pussy Galore in Goldfinger). I would probably go with eva green as she didn't look like the stereotypical Bond girl but she was sexy, confident and intelligent in casino royale and had a very mysterious look.

Villain: I would have liked to Jack Nicholson as a Bond villain. His performance in The Shining showed he had all the qualities to be a great Bond villain. He could be menacing, evil, funny and very entertaining.
2012-11-11 17:35:02 UTC
The only one I can do justice is Villain - David Suchet as Blofeld
2012-11-11 06:03:20 UTC
Rowan Atkinson would be my choice, He is dark haired, with a 'villain' look about him, BUT he has a certain je-ne-sais-quoi! He is macho and yet friendly and has that determined mind where he can save people without even realising - then of course he possesses that deadly sense of humour!!
the advise man
2012-11-10 10:24:18 UTC
We should bring the original James Bond out of retirement Sean Connery!
2012-11-09 23:50:58 UTC
James Bond: either A.)Leonardo Dicaprio- because of his amazing acting ability, and logical appearence he brings or B.) Chris Hemsworth because he can adapt his voice well, (proven in Snow White and the Huntsman) and perform the physical abilities of 007

Bond Girl: Scarlett Johanson- she is gorgeous and a talented actress

Villain: Gary Busey- he can pull off the villain look well, period.
2012-11-09 20:49:20 UTC
Dominic Cooper as James Bond (because he has Brit accent), Mila Jovovich as Bond Girl (because she has slight Russian accent) and the villain will be Hugh Jackman (because he has mysterious dark looks).
2012-11-10 07:50:42 UTC
James Bond: Keep Graig or whoever is doing it now

Bond Girl: Scarlett J.

Villain: Jean Claude Vann Damne
2012-11-09 20:51:15 UTC
Bond: Craig is a great Bond so I'd leave him.

Bond Girl: Bryce Dallas Howard - a great actress, a real beauty and she's a chameleon so she'd be interesting as a Bond girl changes looks

Villain: Gary Oldman - just because he's such a good actor, and he's a great psychotic

optional subs for villain

Gabriel Byrne - he's great good or bad

Bruce Willis - it would be interesting having him as the bad guy in an action film
2012-11-09 16:17:27 UTC
James Bond: Jeremy Renner, or Liam Neeson.

They both have two factors to make an idealistic Bond; they seem worldly, and they have experience starring in spy films. Admittedly, Neeson is getting a little old.

Bond girl: Rachel McAdams.

After her performance in Sherlock Holmes, she seems like an witty femme fatale to toil Bond around.

Villain: Daniel Day-Lewis

A devoted actor, seems eccentric enough for the role. Appearance also helps.
2012-11-11 17:05:17 UTC
Peter North.
2012-11-09 21:10:03 UTC
Jon Hamm would be my Bond. He seems around the right age, general good looks, stern face.

Michael Wincott would be my villain. In the Three Musketeers as Rochefort he had that eerie voice coupled with the dark demeanor. Sometimes just an intimidating voice can work wonders.

Cobie Smulders would be my Bond Girl. Attractive, known for her role on How I Met Your Mother. I just think she'd work...I don't know.
2012-11-12 06:48:10 UTC
Michael Fassbender!!!! Cause did you see him in Xmen first class as Magneto? That's why!!!
Richard B
2012-11-10 19:56:51 UTC
I think Sean Connery is the ideal person to play James Bond. He pretty much brought the character's image and personality to life in such a way which made James Bond become so revered. Plus he was in arguably one of the best Bond films to date, Goldfinger.

I'll finish my answer later...
2012-11-10 13:58:01 UTC
Sean Connery- He is James Bond, the others are just substitutes.

Jane Seymour- Omg, she's still smoking hot!

Max Zorin- Christopher Walken has to be one of the top "bad guy" actors ever!
2012-11-10 10:53:29 UTC
Roger Moore as James Bond

this women in her prime as the bond girl

and the Villian would be Don King played by Don King......
2012-11-11 19:12:24 UTC
Chuck Norris as James Bond

Kim Kardashian as Bond Girl (She can't die after they do it)

Random British actor as bad guy (he HAS to be British)
2012-11-11 14:21:12 UTC
Clive Owen!
2012-11-11 06:41:49 UTC
Holly Willoughby as a Bond girl
2012-11-10 22:09:23 UTC
Sean Connery is STILL the sexiest man ever, Vesper Lynd (Eva Green, I think is the actress) as the Bond Girl and Richard Kiel as Jaws
2012-11-10 16:02:14 UTC
Roger Moore, Me and whoever. :P

Roger Moore, because he will always be MY 007.

He is the most gorgeous, sexy, charismatic and funny Bond; no one can hold a candle to him.

Me, because I want to kiss Roger Moore, and I will kick anyone's butt that gets in the way. ;-)

Villain can be whomever. It doesn't matter because James and I will handle it.
2012-11-10 06:12:47 UTC
Johnny Depp as James Bond because he'd be FAB, he is also really "actiony"

Jennifer Aniston as Bond Girl because she is really pretty and would look super cute with Johnny Depp

Kevin Bacon as villain because he has a really evil side that nobody can really expect, it's kind of a surprise!!
2012-11-10 05:11:00 UTC
James bond: Nathan Fillion. not only does he have the fighting and good looks, he has more charisma than Angelina Jolie. and that's saying something.

bond girl: Eliza dushku. her independent attitude in roles will effect her role in the James bond movie for the better, no more slutty women running around needing a man to help them!

villain: rose McGowan. enough said.
2012-11-09 16:50:39 UTC
James Bond - Harrison Ford, good actor creative

Bond Girl - Kate Blanchet, dang good actress

Villian - Christopher Lee, come on it's Christopher Lee
2012-11-11 16:08:34 UTC
I hate james bond movies, so overrated
2012-11-11 11:18:44 UTC
Bond - Brad Pitt

I think he doesn't really get enough credit. He's awesome and can pull of any role.

Bong Girl - Mila Kunis and Scarlett Johansson

I think both of these actresses are phenomenal.

Bond Enemy - Rowan Atkinson

I love this dude. He is absolutely hilarious. He would make an awesome enemy!
2012-11-10 13:14:36 UTC
James Bond : Daniel Craig

Bond Girl : I would make her and sexy girl like Ashton Kutcher.

Villain : A guy with a huge dick
2012-11-10 07:12:52 UTC

If I was casting James Bond here is who I would choose:

For James Bond: I would choose Jude Law as I think he has the charm that Bond has.

For Bond Girl: I would choose Karen Gillan as she is very pretty and a good actress and she's Scottish.

For the Villain: I would have to choose Sylvester Stalone. He would be a good villain as he looks very strong, he is a great actor.
2012-11-10 04:30:32 UTC
All James Bond cast needs is Daniel Craig.
The Sand Witch
2012-11-10 04:04:12 UTC
Colin Farrell as bond- he is extremely handsome and sexy and very talented.

Charlize Theron as girl- she is not only attractive, amazing ability to act. Would bring depth to character and not just be a pretty face.

Anjelica Huston as the Villian - such a great actress. She is capable of playing evil characters. If anyone has seen her as the witch in BBC Narnia, or the stepmother in Ever After, you know what i'm talkin' 'bout.
2012-11-11 09:33:19 UTC
Bond = Eddie Murphy

Bond Girl = Eddie Murphy

Villian = Eddie Murphy

2012-11-10 22:28:50 UTC
I would be a great bond villian turned good, villian cause I would try to take his spot, but finally would settle for the second spot for reasons only I know about :)
2012-11-10 07:31:09 UTC
Ryan Gosling (Drive) for James Bond. I think he could fit the role very well. He seems kind of mysterious in a way like James Bond usually is. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (Transformers: Dark of the moon) because she's so hot, no other explanation needed. Michael Douglass(Wall Street) for villain. James Bond's enemies are usually wealthy. Douglass looks good (and quite menacing) in a suit.
2012-11-10 05:50:02 UTC
bond > daniel craig

bond girl > Rhianna

baddy > alan rickman


dc still has a couple more bond in him best bond since connery

Rhianna enough said

and rickman in die hard was the best baddie ever

if you have to change bond i would go for an unknown actor or even a female
2012-11-09 15:41:29 UTC
Bond: Clive Owen

Villan: Tom Flannery

Bond Girl: Sofia Vegara
2012-11-09 14:31:37 UTC
James Bond: Daniel Craig

Bond Girl: Naomi Harris

Villain: Javier Bardem

I wouldn't change a thing about it. Theyre all perfect
2012-11-11 05:44:13 UTC
007 = Daniel Craig, best modern bond

Girl = Cristy Turlington

Villian = Tom Hanks, seriously. I would love to see that
2012-11-11 03:25:07 UTC
BOND: Christian Bale

BOND GIRL: Olga Kurylenko

VILLAIN: Anthony Hopkins
2012-11-10 17:27:25 UTC
Sean Connery is the best Bond even though Crag is good. It is very hard to see someone else in that part as Bond is part of Connery's British culture.

For the female lead my choice is Natalie Wood. Natalie was beautiful and has an world national look and name.

The villan would be out of time sink for both Connery and Wood but my choice is Kevin Bacon. Why Bacon? His outstanding performance as the bad guy in XMen First Class. I never thought of Bacon as neither a great actor nor a villain till I saw that movie and I am not a super hero movie fan but his performance took that movie to the next level.
2012-11-10 13:27:06 UTC
Bond would have to be Brad Pitt, I think that would be interesting to see the final product. I mean, hopefully he wouldn't screw it up, so it's a bit of a gamble.

Bond Girl, I would say Kira Knightly. She's a brilliant actress, and I could see her in a Bond film.

And as for the villain, I would say Liam Neeson. He would be absolutely fantastic in a Bond movie.
Charles C
2012-11-10 11:04:58 UTC
Bond: Adrian Paul. When he was The Highlander on TV my wife said he should play Bond. She was right. Accent, looks and method.

Bond girl; Mila Lavovich. Atheletic look, bad *** delivery.

Villian; Kieth Carradine. Do not get in the car with him. Watch Criminal Minds.
2012-11-10 08:38:59 UTC
JAMES BOND: Daniel Craig is pretty good and I reckon he could do a few more, but I think Clive Owen would be a pretty great bond as well, he just looks the part. Also, Ewan McGregor strikes me as someone who could pull it off.

Jude Law probably could have pulled off Bond.

BOND GIRL: Mila Kunis because she has the sexiness of a bond girl (and the fact that she's not english, as bond girls tend to be). Scarlett Johansonn, for the same reasons, and because she was amazing as Black Widow.

VILLAIN: Robert DeNiro because he just seems like a good bad guy and I good see him as a bond villain. Also, weirdly, I think Kenneth Branagh would be a good villain, because he has quite piercing eyes.
2012-11-10 22:44:38 UTC
Michael Jai White, Liam Neeson, and Chuck Norris. Peter from family guy could be the bad guy
2012-11-10 18:17:27 UTC
Jame's Bond: Jeremy Renner

Bond girl: Mila Kunis

Villian: Chris Hemsworth

Explanation: Yes my cast choice is obviously diverse but I think they’d made a good twist for a Bond movie. I choose Renner because I don’t think Bond needs to be some pretty boy. Renner has that agent look and he’s definitely hardcore dude. The only con is he’s a short guy but then again camera angles could fit that.

I choose Mila Kunis because she would complement Renner. She’s beautiful, sexy and diverse honestly I think she’d kick butt too. Finally I choose Chris because he’d totally fit the role! He has that bad boy look and I think people would like to see him play the villain.
2012-11-10 15:00:29 UTC
"JAMES BOND" Cause he's the main character or actor in the movie, He also is skilled with (Fighting,Shooting, Smart with his mind, and gets all the "Ladies.") He's basically the best at what he does and he never seems to fail what Mission he has to do or what orders..
2012-11-10 08:44:21 UTC
Bond: Alex Pettyfer (he played a young agent for MI6 in Operation Stormbreaker or whatever the movie was called) or Clive Owen (because he is much better than Alex)

Girl: Imogen Poots (she is just really gorgeous and she's British whoo!)

Villain: Jason Statham (because he looks kind of scary sometimes)
2012-11-10 02:25:32 UTC
I would have Clive Owen as James Bond
2012-11-09 21:33:29 UTC
Bond: James Roday, have the classic Psych-ness. ( He could make it more comical with his sarcasm)

Girl: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley - She could be the innocent british girl, but also a badass.

Villain: Michael Fassbender: Everyone knows he could be awesome as a villain. He could have a dark back-story like in xmen.
2012-11-09 14:12:06 UTC
James Bond: Brad Pitt

Bond Girl: Hilary Duff

Villain: Daniel Craig (he looks like the classic russian villains of classic Bond films)
2012-11-09 13:11:27 UTC
James Bond: Steven Seagal

Bond Girl: Mila Kunis

Villain: Anthony Hopkins
2012-11-12 04:46:36 UTC
james bond:- cris pine

bond girl :- penelope cruz

villian :- mark strong
2012-11-11 16:04:27 UTC
I want Christian Bale as Bond
2012-11-11 15:15:12 UTC
James Holmes!!!!
2012-11-10 17:44:08 UTC
James Bond. Daniel Craig, I think he's the perfect choice.

Bond girl. Keira Knightley. She is beautiful and sexy, but at the same time she is also a great actress.

Bond Villain. Liam Neeson. He is another great actor, and he's also someone who could stand up to Craig's Bond psychically.
2012-11-09 14:15:12 UTC
James Bond: Justin Bieber

Bond Girl: Selena Gomez

Villain: Haters
2012-11-09 13:41:03 UTC
James Bond: Halle Berry.

Bond Girl: Ann-Margret.

Villain: Ursula Andress.
2012-11-11 15:59:18 UTC
Henchman #2.
wizard bob
2012-11-11 12:49:43 UTC
bond: johnny vegas

bond girl: lauren socha off misfits

villain: trevor mcdonald
Curtis P
2012-11-10 11:12:52 UTC
For Bond: Daniel Craig seems to be a good fit for now.

For his girl, they should pursue Charlize Theron, she's experienced with the genre and the classiest choice.

For the adversary, Seth Rogen or Jack Black.
2012-11-10 02:22:08 UTC
Idrs Elba as Bond would be pretty cool or Tom Hardy. You could have Paula Patton or Cody Horn (because I think she's really cool and up and coming) as a bond girl and Tom Cruise as a villian! (No just kidding with that one).
2012-11-11 21:13:09 UTC
JAMES BOND: Cute guy at work


VILLAIN: Cute guy at work's girlfriend
2012-11-11 05:08:22 UTC
Bond should be: Jim carrey girl should be: Emma Watson or Anne Hathaway villain should be: Tommy Lee Jones
2012-11-10 16:57:27 UTC
James Bond: Clive Owen... Craig is a horrible looking bond. I dont care how people are so enamored with the entire movie. He doesn't fit.

Bond Girl #1/ Villain Girl: Angelina Jolie. Cos damn...

Bond Girl #2/ Good Girl: Kate Beckinsale. Cos that is just some fine piece of *** after another fine piece of ***.
2012-11-10 12:28:42 UTC
Bond: me

Bond girl: me in a dress

Villain: me in a moustache.
2012-11-10 09:56:46 UTC
JAMES BOND: Ryan Gosling

BOND GIRL: Keira Knightley

VILLAIN: Ryan Reynolds
german shepherd
2012-11-10 08:32:30 UTC
Ideal James Bond Cast

007 - Liam Neeson - He's trained Jedi, he was Zeus and why can't he be 007?

Villain - Benicio Del Toro - Remember Dario from 1989? Well, now older, he would make a great villain as in 1989 at 22 he was a reckless killer

Bond Girl - Olga Kurylenko - Because she acted so well in Quantum of Solace and she is beautiful
2012-11-10 02:12:37 UTC
Bond: Money-Maker-Mike from Krispy Kreme because he is GANGSTA.

Villain: Hitler

Bond Girl: Pornstars. Such as Lisa Ann, Puma Swede etc
2012-11-10 01:14:01 UTC
Jared Leto, Nina Dobrev, and Ian Somerhalder
2012-11-09 20:21:12 UTC
If Bond HAS to be British they should've tried Christian Bale by now!

Villain could be... Ed Harris... just because he is so good at being a bad guy (National Treasure and Man On A Ledge).
2012-11-09 16:15:34 UTC
Villain: kris kristofferson

Bond girl: Angelina Jolie

James Bond: Russell Crowe

Mixing it up abit lol.
2012-11-10 07:27:02 UTC
Ian Somerhalder as James Bond
Mike Wentworth
2012-11-12 06:57:59 UTC
Liam Nissan from "Taken"
2012-11-11 16:35:03 UTC
no sources but bond should have black or brown hair! not blonde! i would like either johnny depp or hugh jackman!
2012-11-10 10:41:13 UTC
James Bond: Jim Carrey

Bond Girl: Betty White

Villan: Bruce Willis

I have a feeling that would be so bad it would be good.
2012-11-10 05:14:34 UTC
Leonardo di Carpio, Emmy Rossum, David Anders. Their blending would be so nice because having Leo's straightforward appeal mixed with Emmy's classical sexy approach will make a very interesting action movie and of course added with the antagonistic aura of David Anders that will surely add some spice to it.
2012-11-09 20:46:57 UTC
The three people that would be in my ideal James Bond cast is Tom Cruise as James Bond, Milla Jovovich as my Bond girl, and Hugh Laurie as my villain.

I picked Tom Cruise because when I think of action movies, he's the first actor to pop up in my head. Considering he's been in a lot of action movies, I think he would be a very good choice for the role.

Plus, he's a very attractive man like James Bond from the movies, so I guess he would be perfect.

Milla Jovovich, who also starred in a lot of action movies, would be a good choice for my ideal Bond girl. I really enjoyed her performance in the Resident Evil films, so I thought should be equally enjoyable in a James Bond movie.

When I watched the television show, House, I thought Hugh Laurie was very serious in that show. I think the villain should be serious, so I thought he would be perfect for the role.

I'm sure a lot of people aren't going to agree with me, but I couldn't think of anyone else who could play these kinds of characters...

Have a great day!
Star T
2012-11-09 19:15:33 UTC
James Bond: Eric Bana (Good looking)

Bond girl :Jeri Lynn Zimmermann Ryan ( kick butt)

Villain: Willem Dafoe ( action man)
2012-11-09 18:27:24 UTC
Bond: Jude Law

Bond Girl: Charlotte Gainsbourg (Uma Thurman close 2nd)

Villain: Willem Dafoe

However, this would be equally if not more awesome...

Bond: Brad Pitt

Bond Girl: Angelina Jolie

Villain: Jennifer Aniston :p
2012-11-09 18:19:47 UTC
Time for a black James Bond- Idris Elba. He is British and has shown incredible drama talent in gritty roles.

Bond Girl=Kerri Washington from the tv show Scandal. Or Daniella von Graas. Or Morena Baccarin,

Laura Prepon, Tricia Helfer or just have a full multiracial cast and have the first Indian actress.

Villian- an actor who usually plays the hero- like Gerard Butler. Morgan Freeman as Blowfeld!
13 year old Unorthodox
2012-11-09 15:37:00 UTC
James Bond...School Bully

Bond Girl...School Bully's Girlfriend.

2012-11-09 14:38:06 UTC
Bond; myself Girl; Mila Kunis. Villian;Jack Nicholson.
2012-11-09 14:14:18 UTC
James Bond - I don't think there is an ideal Bond, he has been changed so many times. How about Paul Bettany?

Bond Girl - Kate Beckinsale

Villain - Michael Wincott
2012-11-11 13:01:47 UTC
Tosh, Daniel Tosh.
2012-11-11 10:40:51 UTC
I like the cast they have now and don't think anyone could play a better role of them.
2012-11-10 17:00:20 UTC
James Bond: Daniel Craig. Best in role so far.

Bond Girl: Jessica Alba. Good looking, can swim, fight, and make it look good.

Villain: Brad Pitt. Can play deceptive and evil very well.

Plot topics: Bilderberg, Transhumanism, Gray Goo, Peak Oil, Cold Fusion
2012-11-10 10:14:50 UTC
Bond: Me. What better character than a guy packing an R4, two Berettas, a katana, while wearing a business suit and one of those Russian hats

Sidekick Girl: Sasha Grey. Even better if she's good with an assault rifle

Villain: Mel Gibson.
2012-11-09 16:11:33 UTC
James Bond: Liam Neeson because he can kick some serious major behind while being smart, suave, cool and handsome.

Bond Girl: Zoe Saldana because she can kick up her heels and is still super feminine, sultry, and smart as well.

Villian: Daniel Day Lewis because he can play the bad guy SO believably well.
2012-11-09 15:47:12 UTC
Daniel Craig has kind of grown on me, although I still believe he has not the James Bond flair....

But just to thrown in an idea....

Irish actor Jason O'Mara

Bond girl....there are so many pretty models out there...I don't really care.


Christoph Waltz
2012-11-09 15:09:11 UTC
James Bond - Pierce Brosnan

Bond Girl - Keeley Hazell
2012-11-12 05:22:43 UTC
Apparently, no one likes any of the selections...
2012-11-12 05:10:14 UTC
2012-11-10 16:07:23 UTC
Bond girl, I'm all about the sexy girls ;)

And she will have good abilities like bond, just not as good.
2012-11-10 15:30:50 UTC
Charles Shaughnessy,Jennifer Veal,debbie ryan and victoria justice
2012-11-10 13:57:54 UTC
Bond: Chuck norris. Because he kicks butt and he's cool.

Girl: Megan Fox. Because everyone seems to think she's attractive.

Villain: Loki from Thor. Because he's pretty much an evil mastermind.
2012-11-10 05:38:32 UTC
BOND: Christian bale

BOND GIRL: Camilla belle

VILLAIN: Mark Strong
Le Baron
2012-11-09 17:45:41 UTC
Daniel Craig is fantastic as Bond, my reason is that he does most of his own stunts...If he does not continue in the 24th movie then I would choose Eric Bana or Gerard Butler, both these guys have shown that they have magnetism with the women.

As for the Bond girl, that would be Charlize Theron or Lucy Liu.

As for the villain, my choice would be Crispin Glover...he has a way of portraying the bad guy that he makes my skin tingle. I loved him in “Simon Says” boy was he fu--ing great!
2012-11-09 13:23:58 UTC
Colin Farrell for James Bond

Emma Watson as the Bond girl

Anthony Hopkins or Ben Kingsley as the villian
2012-11-12 10:46:01 UTC
Chuck norris for everyone
stacy milli2207
2012-11-12 08:58:31 UTC
no one
2012-11-12 00:14:55 UTC
bond: daniel radcliff (only because he hasnt done anyfin good since harry potter) Girl:Cobie Smulders Villan:jim carrey
2012-11-11 11:39:15 UTC
bond: liev schreiber (victor creed in xmen origins)

bond girl: scarlett johansson

villian: christian bale
2012-11-11 05:31:52 UTC
james bond- Liam neeson

bond girl- natalie portman

villian-norman bates
2012-11-10 20:47:33 UTC
Sean Connery,Holly Berry and Darth Vader
2012-11-10 04:39:16 UTC
Jason Statham,Michelle Rodriguez and Alfred Molina..Respectively
2012-11-09 18:37:21 UTC
Personally, I like Craig, id keep him for Bond but another good actor to be Bond would be: Jason Statham

Bond Girl: Scarlett Johanson

Villan: Sylvester Stallone
2012-11-09 17:56:32 UTC
James Bond: Idris Elba.

Bond girl: ?? Anna Paquin.

villain: Kevin Spacey.

I picked Idris as Bond because he's a Londoner and he looks the part (tall and handsome).

I picked Anna Paquin because she's sort of a rising star from the True Blood series and I think she's more than just a pretty face.

I picked Kevin Spacey as the villian because they originally wanted him to be the villian in Skyfall, but he couldn't do it because of scheduling conflicts.
2012-11-09 15:44:03 UTC
BOND = Will Smith...he's cool, he makes every movie a hit and he can bring some men in black style to James Bond!

BOND GIRL= Mila Kunis....she's smart, sexy, she can be very funny when she wants to be and I bet she'd look cool with a gun!

VILLIAN = Jackie Chan...he can bring all of his moves into the role and we always see him play the hero, he'd be awesome fighting will smith as a bad guy!

Mr Gonzo
2012-11-11 09:59:01 UTC
BOND: Harry Enfield

BOND GIRL: Susan Boyle

VILLAIN: John Cleese
2012-11-09 14:37:56 UTC
Daniel Craig [ James Bond ]

Sean Conner [ As "M"]

Kelly Hu [ Bond Girl ]

Joh Travilta [ Villian ]

I know , Only Three , but you have to have all the Characters?
2012-11-11 16:45:53 UTC



Leonardo de caprio as bond because then I (bond's girl) get to get with him (duhh)

Denzel washington would just kind of be there creating bad **** and making things happen because hes.. well, a villian i guess?!
2012-11-10 20:14:13 UTC
James Bond-Ryan Gosling

Super attractive that's why

Bond girl-Amanda Seyfried

Love to see some chemistry between her and Ryan

Villian-Justin Timberlake

He'd be good to be evil
2012-11-10 18:37:42 UTC
Bond: George Bush

Girl: Ann Coulter

Villain: 0bama

Because we are living it.
2012-11-10 09:41:56 UTC
Bond: Christian Bale

Villain: Al Pacino

Bond girl: any bimbo, doesn't really matter
2012-11-10 09:24:05 UTC
Seriously? Hugh Jackman, Luci Lui as the counter operative, Denzel Washington as the American Operative in Britain as liaison. American Aunt M would be Kathleen Tuner. There ya go! The British nerd from the cast of characters would be Sheldon. Bazinga!
2012-11-10 05:11:46 UTC
daniel Craig is already a great Bond and for Villain i would say Alan Rickman
2012-11-09 13:45:49 UTC
James Bond - Michael Fassbender; reasons being is that every roll he plays he gets great critical reception for his acting, he is great looking, obviously needed for the iconic role; and since Bond is such a big character to play, the actor must be able to convey a certain image to the audience, something Fassbender could accomplish.

Bond Girl - Maggie Q; reasons being is that she is gorgeous, something that is needed of every bond girl, she has experience of playing a tough independent woman character in her roll as "Nikita", and it was about time the bond girls actually were able to defend their selves, they are constantly needing Bond to help them, which obviously is a large part of his character, but the girl defending herself for once would be a great dynamic to the new films, something that is rarely seen.

Villain - Christopher Walken, he has the absolute perfect toned voice for a villain, he just generally looks like someone who is wanting to cause mayhem, he is an experienced actor, great guy for the part.
2012-11-11 15:51:02 UTC
Well I'd love to have muse do the soundtrack and not adele
2012-11-11 08:38:47 UTC
Yes, I am a great fan of James Bond movies. Unforgettable, enjoyable , everlasting
2012-11-10 16:54:30 UTC
BOND: Daniel Craig - Hes a good actor at acting

GIRL: Nicole337 - She rawks and can reli sing and stuf

VILLAIN: Mi dog bcuz its rubbish and stuff
2012-11-10 09:24:01 UTC
anyone other than craig wasnt bond supposed to be hansome? he looks like a ball bag in a wrinkle factory.diana riigg best bond girl ever in the worst film and jaws for best bad guy
2012-11-09 19:44:16 UTC
I would have Daniel Craig be bond and the bond girl would be Virinie Ledoyen. My villain will be played by Idris Elba
2012-11-09 17:40:03 UTC
Bond: Justin Bieber

Bond girl: Justin Bieber

Villain: Justin Bieber

-Says Nobody ever.
2012-11-09 16:22:30 UTC
JAMES BOND- Daniel Craig. Because he is my favourite Bond so far and is a great actor.

BOND GIRL-Rachel Weisz. Because she is beautiful and since she is married to Daniel Craig, would have great chemistry. Also an excellent actress.

VILLAIN-Hugh Laurie. Because I think he's a good actor with a good range and it would be fun to see him portraying a villain as I've never seen him play one.
2012-11-09 15:38:50 UTC
1. James Bond: Tied-Clive Owen and Daniel Craig

#2. Bond Girl: Charlize Theron

#3. Villain: Catherine Zeta-Jones

Ooooh, ooh, ooh. Daniel Craig and Clive Owen could both be James Bond, all day, every day. They are both gorgeous, highly-talented, versatile, and downright magnetic. As for the Bond girl, I would love to see Charlize Theron play the role. And oh, she would play that role very well. She's absolutely stunning and elegant, but she appears to have a stern side. Her facial expressions are coquettish; she doesn't make the typical "down-to-screw, anytime, anyplace" face, like so many of the previous Bond girls.

Lastly, I feel it is high-time for a woman to be cast as the villain. A badass, highly educated, attractive, cunning, merciless, strong female (like Catherine Zeta-Jones) who brings James Bond to his knees. There will be no stupid, "hidden" sexual tension between them (I hate when movies do that); she will get the same respect a male villain does. This female villain will command and earn attention and no one, aside from Bond, can stop her. Bond will win barely. He'll struggle, a lot.
2012-11-09 14:45:40 UTC
Bond = Christian Bale - Done great in the Batman trilogy and can play a mysterious role, got the action of Bond.

Bond girl = Emma Watson - She is stunning and can play the sexy part that a Bond girl needs, Emma is well known and I think would make a perfect Bond girl in the series.

Villain - David Tennant - Pulled of the villain perfectly in Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire and would make a perfect enemy for Christian Bale.
2012-11-11 17:31:36 UTC
bruce willis should be nxt james bond
2012-11-10 19:27:27 UTC
VILLAIN it my ideal in James Bond.

With out him there is no value of Hero James Bond.
2012-11-10 01:38:36 UTC
james bond cause he is the best men in the movie that more of intelligent and hightech gadget and fire arms even he is on the event where he and the villain think that he died.
2012-11-09 13:10:51 UTC
Bond: Tom Cruise

Girl: Halle Berry

Villian: Harrison Ford
2012-11-10 17:13:53 UTC
I'm afraid that I'm old school James Bond, I'd take things back to the way they used to be.

Key to casting an actor for the role of Bond is they need to be relatively unknown previously. While we have great and fascinating potential in established actors such as Hugh Grant (wonderful funnyman), and Ewan McGregor who satisfy the need for ability, suaveness, Britishness and sense of humour, they are too well known for previous roles. So my shortlist consists of a mix from TV and stage actors, soldiers, explorers and adventurers. I would consider, Bear Grylls, Tom Ward, Goran Visnjic (yes the surprise entry), Rupert Penry-Jones, plus Hollywood regulars Eric Bana and Michael Fassbender. Perhaps because of Penry-Jones previous appearance in BBC series Spooks, I would be most inclined to cast him, he has the public school image, but with a bad boy twist.

The Girl, traditionally there are many featured in each film, with cameo appearances, and those of them who get killed off, not to mention Miss Moneypenny. Then there is the one who lives (often saved repeatedly by 007). For me the leading Bond Girl does not necessarily have to be an exceptional actress, but has to deliver an glamorous impact, Amber Heard would be ideal, The role of Moneypenny would have to go the the classically English, Emilia Fox.

The Ultimate Bond Villain, was the Megalomaniac Ernst Stavro Blofeldt, portrayed by Donald Pleasance in You Only Live Twice, nobody has epitomised that manic (and slightly comedic) evil as that. Actors such as Alan Rickman or Anthony Hopkins would be ideal, particularly when provided with an opportunity to overact to ridiculous levels. Mark Gatiss, Derek Jacobi, and Jean Reno could also be considered. My casting for archnemesis would have to go to Alan Rickman, purely on his peculiar speech mannerism.

So to sum up:

Rupert Penry-Jones as James Bond

Amber Heard as Lead Bond Girl

Alan Rickman as Arch Nemesis


Emilia Fox as Moneypenny

David Jason as Q

Edward Fox as M
2012-11-10 16:58:20 UTC
Daniel Radcliffe as James Bond, a heck of a good actor, has become movie star handsome, does not look dangerous (which is Daniel Craigs greatest flaw), Daniel would return the series to the deceptively dangerous Bond who could make the women swoon (let us face reality, sucking face with Daniel Craig is very subjective)........................

Jemmfer Lawrence showed off her toughness in HUNGER GAMES and is easy on the eye, she would be a terrific BOND GIRL

Sir Anthony Hopkins is aging but I stiull think he has the energy for a trun as the most evil of Bond Villains; A Stellar turn as a man feeeding raw meat to a pet Iguana. Ahh, the possibilities....

2012-11-11 15:20:38 UTC
Tom Hardy! Follow me on instagram @thatssoerin. i follow back :D
Stretch Armstrong
2012-11-10 18:28:32 UTC
Since your question is asking about "ideal".....

Bond....Sean Connery....nobody does it better....he created the role...and he is THE Bond by which all others are measured....

Bond Girl...a Bond girl should be an actress capable of being a bad azz...but she should also be able to stand up to Bond...and she should be I think Scarlett Johansson...

Bond Villain...there are soooooo many great actors....I think an ideal Bond villain should be international...and older....Vincent Cassel...would be a great choice....he was excellent in Oceans 12, Brotherhood of the Wolf, and Derailed.....
2012-11-10 11:26:42 UTC
Bad guy : who are you man ?

Bond : Im james , JAMES BOND

(end of the movie)
2012-11-10 11:19:56 UTC
bond : michael fassbender

bond girl megan fox

villain : gary oldman
2012-11-10 07:39:35 UTC
Professor Green

Rachel Weisz, Kate Winslet, Thandie Newton or Keira Knightley

Prince Philip or Nick Griffin as the villain
2012-11-09 21:59:42 UTC
BOND: Christian Bale, because he seems the type to be a womanizer, good with gadgets, looks dashing in a suit.

GIRL: Scarlett Jo, because she is good looking, and can fight.

VILLAIN: Anderson Cooper, because the depressed eye sockets, squinty eyes, and prominent browbone makes him look evil. The white hair also helps.
2012-11-09 17:49:38 UTC
James Bond played by-Jeremy Renner because he is the perfect kind of hot and intense and awesome actor.

Bond Girl played by-Scarlett Johanson. She and Jeremy make a great couple and she is a perfect complement to Renner. She is just as intense as he is.

Villain played by Ian McKellan. He is a brilliant actor, and makes the perfect bad guy.
2012-11-09 13:28:08 UTC
Bond : Tom Cruise

Bond Girl: Angelina Jolie

Villian: Wesley Snipes

Tom cruise just has that James Bond look to him. Angelina Jolie is attractive and somewhat slutty at the same time. Wesley snipes always plays a good Anti-Hero/Villian if you've seen any of his movies.
2012-11-11 08:59:48 UTC
Adrian Paul,

Great actor, perfect age, he's actually british, and he even physically resembles a YOUNGER SEAN CONNERY.
2012-11-10 10:10:20 UTC
Will Moffett because I would make a really good James Bond, Emma Watson for Bond Girl and Tom Hardy for Villain (Will Moffett)
2012-11-10 08:32:30 UTC
James Bond because he is a good secret agent foiling the villains plans
2012-11-09 18:35:27 UTC
In real life Bond would have to be Me... cos i'm super cool.

But as it is movie I'd rather choose from some movie actors ^_^

Bond:: I wanna see James Franco as Mr. Bond.

Bond girl:: I wanna see Sarah Hagan, she looks so sexy and she's a bit shy ... which is even more sexy lol. (My second option would be Natalie Portman)

Villain:: well, I wanna see Hayden Christensen. He looks cool and sophisticated. If i were a girl i'd certainly fall for him. lol.

That's it. Thanks.
2012-11-09 17:07:49 UTC


VILLAIN - Justin Bieber
2012-11-09 14:38:22 UTC
JAMES BOND: Daniel Craig

BOND GIRL: Angelina Jolie

VILLAIN: Ian McKellen
2012-11-12 10:46:35 UTC
sean connery
2012-11-10 01:45:20 UTC
I would like to be bond becuse he gets the ladies ;)
2012-11-09 22:13:14 UTC
I would pick Nathan Fillion as Bond. He's done such a wide variety of characters, he'd be excellent in the role.

I would pick Kari Byron for bond girl. It be interesting to have a bond girl who could give Q a run for his money

I would pick Richard Simmons as the villain. After Sweatin' to the oldies commercials, I'm sure many people would love to see him fired into space ;)
2012-11-09 15:02:23 UTC
Bond: Jason Statham

Bond girl: Me

Villain: James Woods
2012-11-11 11:33:08 UTC
All you need is Chuck Norris with a BB Gun.
2012-11-11 06:58:54 UTC
james bond cause he's cool
T.j. Weeks
2012-11-10 18:35:37 UTC
Matt Damon:Bond, Aaliyah(if she wasn't dead):Bond Girl, Liam Neeson:Villain
2012-11-10 17:07:23 UTC
First of all, I would choose Jason Statham as James Bond, then Kiera Knightly as the Bond Girl, and Antonio Banderas as the Villain.
2012-11-10 14:30:50 UTC
Bond : Luca Zingaretti... for a change.
2012-11-10 12:57:27 UTC


squid poop
2012-11-10 06:24:55 UTC
I'm not sure, but wow....basically every comment on here has like a billion thumbs down....and i'm willing to bet this answer would be one of them
2012-11-09 17:04:06 UTC
Bond-George Clooney. (I can picture it)

Bond Girl- Nicole Kidman (maybe with brown hair)

Villian- Christian Bale
2012-11-09 16:40:07 UTC
James Bond: Hulk

Bond Girl: Chuck Norris

Villian: Mr fluffy wuffy!

Hulk because he's green

chucknorris because hes asian

and Mr fluffy wuffy because hes sahh flufffffy!
2012-11-09 16:18:30 UTC
Bond: Gerard Butler sexy, built, and smart looking all in one

Bond Girl: Denise Vasi sexy a s s b i t c h

Villain: Russell Wong sexy asian or Ryan Seacrest
2012-11-09 15:45:11 UTC
James Bond: Liam Neeson with a British accent

Reason: Taken


Keep Daniel Craig

Bond girl: Angelina Jolie

Reason: Salt, Tomb Raider, The Tourist


Kim Kardashian

Reason: might be able to play a deceptive and/or helpful role (with regards to how they deal with Bond)

Villain: Liev Schreiber

Reason: Salt, Manchurian Candidate

Please don't disparage my suggestions.
2012-11-09 14:27:48 UTC
Clive Owen as James Bond (perfect age)

Selma Blair as Bond Girl (perfect age and i like her)

Morgan Freeman as Villain (he does absolutely great on any role...i love him!)
2012-11-09 13:15:34 UTC
Bond - Liam Neeson - Great action actor

Bond Girl - Angelina Jolie - Hot as hell and great action actress

Villain - Ralph Fiennes - Evil looking and a very good Villain (Schindlers list ((Amon Goeth)) )
2012-11-11 02:05:36 UTC
Jimmy saville for every part
Fat Man In The Bath Tub.
2012-11-10 14:50:56 UTC

Beyonce as girl

.... Obama as bad guy
2012-11-10 13:55:54 UTC
James: Robert Downey Junior

Girl: kate beckinsale (may be take 10 years off but for me not nescessary) or willa ford. totally naked.

Villain: steven seagal
2012-11-10 09:24:06 UTC
I would like to see a cabal of former spys who have gone rogue; I would choose Christopher Walken, Gary Oldman and Dennis Hopper, because no one can give menace like those three.
2012-11-09 15:40:51 UTC
Young Sean Connery

Mila Kunis

Morgan Freeman
The Batman Fan
2012-11-09 15:38:38 UTC
Bond: Christian Bale because he can play the gentleman but also the killer.

Girl: Jennifer Lawrence because shes really hot!!

Villain: Hugh Jackman because he could be one of the villains who can stand toe to toe with Bond.
2012-11-09 13:00:17 UTC
Liam Neeson as James Bond, Emma Stone as Bond Girl, and Michael Emerson as the Evil Genius Villain!
2012-11-10 13:56:25 UTC
JAMES BOND: Daniel Craig. He just fits the role so well! And he's drop dead gorgeous! ;)

BOND GIRL: Emma Watson. She's beautiful and lovely, a great girl! :)

VILLIAN: Sylvester Stallone. He'd be a great villian, he's rough 'n' tough! :P
2012-11-10 09:27:12 UTC
james bond would be Jim Carrey, bond girl megan fox, and the villain would be sylvester stallone
2012-11-12 00:01:35 UTC
get rid of the current guy he sucks
2012-11-11 09:41:29 UTC
bond: taylor lautner

bong girl: nina dobrev

vilain: ian somerhalder
omar n
2012-11-10 23:17:51 UTC
2012-11-10 18:38:27 UTC
David bowie as Bond
2012-11-10 12:02:29 UTC
Bruce Lee who really knows how to fight with very quick actions. As well, with China and Asia's huge and prospering market, Bruce as Bond is bound to be a big hit.
2012-11-09 18:52:40 UTC
BOND: Keep Daniel Craig. Still has longevity and has played Bond exceptionally.

BOND GIRL: Emily Blunt; she has acting chops and a face.

VILLAIN: Cillian Murphy; do him up right and he can be more scary than Ernst Blofeld's face.
Dustin Hill
2012-11-11 23:32:37 UTC
straight up me
2012-11-11 03:20:59 UTC
The guy from golden eye was the best
2012-11-10 09:26:16 UTC
I do so like Val Kilmer, I like Eddie Murphies ex for a bond girl.
The Trickster
2012-11-10 09:11:25 UTC
Me as james bond
2012-11-09 13:17:50 UTC
James Bond - Charlie Sheen

Bond Girl - Lindsay Lohan

Villian - Arnold Schwartzenegger
2012-11-12 02:30:48 UTC
2012-11-10 17:59:30 UTC
Owen Wilson as Bond. Scarlett Johansson as Bond Girl. Liam Neeson as the Villian. I chose Owen because he's my favorite actor. I chose Scarlett Johansson because she is hot. I chose Liam Neeson because he's the perfect villian in any movie.
2012-11-10 12:15:52 UTC
I liked Roger Moore the best...
2012-11-10 17:13:47 UTC
Nicolas Cage as Bond.
Chad L
2012-11-09 19:10:42 UTC
Bond Girl: Halle Berry, have you seen her, oh maaaaan ;)

Bond:The Rock, he looks like he can kick some butt

Bad Guy: Donald Trump, I'd like to see The Rock F him up
2012-11-09 13:54:20 UTC
JAMES BOND: I always picture CARY GRANT (who happens to be a candidate to play the original Bond back in early 1960s) as my ideal Bond. Suave, charming, and most importantly British! Although with all respect I think the actors who played 007 in the past and present did terrific jobs themselves, in particularly Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, and Daniel Craig. If the answer is limited to actors who are alive and still working today then the perfect choice would be CLIVE OWEN.

BOND GIRL: French actress ISABELLE ADJANI, she has this unique sorta gothic beauty that exudes mystery, sensual robustness, and sweet vulnerability.

THE VILLAIN: This may come surprising, but I wished KATHY BATES or FAYE DUNAWAY would have stepped in as one of the supervillains in Bond universe, playing a character similar to their acclaimed roles; Annie Wilkes from "Misery", or Diana Christensen from "Network." I had always love eerie, unpredictable, crafty, enigmatic antagonists with depth, vulnerability, and human emotions, without the stereotypical flamboyance. I'm sure that actresses of their magnitude are more than qualified to deliver one.
We left and returned!
2012-11-09 13:34:59 UTC
Bond: Rowan Atkinson (ridiculous as that may seem at first)


Liam Neeson

Other agents: Antonio Banderas

and Johnny Depp

and Jackie Chan

Bond Girl: Vivian Hsu

(among other Asian and Hispanic beauties)

Villians: Meryl Streep


Dennis Quaid

Basic Plot: An aging 007 goes rogue (reason is up to your imagination) and falls under the influence of Chinese Triads working to install military hardware in South America, along with a corrupt US Senator (Streep) and her Military-Industrialist boyfriend (Quaid). A team of other agents (former coworkers) must seek him out and capture him.
2012-11-09 16:43:59 UTC
Hi Yahoo Answer team!
Galen H
2012-11-09 15:32:41 UTC
Sean Connery as an old bond
2012-11-09 15:06:37 UTC
Bond.........a black Scottsman....

Bond Villain.... A religious fanatic. Maybe Pat Robertson can play himself

Girl............Bring back Halle Berry

other Girl: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

other Girl Villain: bring back Barbara Carrrera (never say never again) ....she was hot !!!!
2012-11-09 13:34:35 UTC
Bond - Liam Neeson (quick before he gets even older)

Bond Girl - rosie huntington whiteley (just because she is hot, anythin she is in ill watch)

Villain - Jimmy Saville (because well you know...)
2012-11-11 10:54:18 UTC
2012-11-10 17:25:46 UTC
I'd pick the cast of Dr. No.
Tori Tidwell
2012-11-10 10:05:39 UTC
Seth Rogen.
2012-11-10 07:10:55 UTC
Keep Craig. For the Bond girl, Mila Kunis, and for the villain Heath Ledger. Craig is an excellent actor, Mila Kunis is a great actor, and she's beautiful, and heath ledger is an amazing villain!
2012-11-09 23:02:50 UTC
kevin james
2012-11-09 15:05:35 UTC
James Bond: Clive Owen would be good, bond girl: Beyonce.
2012-11-09 14:04:32 UTC
Me, Megan Fox, and Justin Bieber
2012-11-09 13:00:21 UTC
Bond: Leonardo DiCaprio - He would look really badass in a suit.

Bond Girl: Mary Elizabeth Winstead (loved her in SP vs the World)

Villain: Daniel Day-Lewis (He can be anything :P)
2012-11-11 14:51:28 UTC
Me, my brother, and my sister.
2012-11-10 09:11:42 UTC
all the former "James Bonds"

edit: because it would just be cool...probably extremely unaffordable to produce, however...too many "big names" to pay big mullah to...
Hollow Sunsets
2012-11-09 23:59:18 UTC
This answer will be thumbed down for absolutely no reason.
2012-11-09 15:05:13 UTC
I have the answers

BOND is Sean Connery because no one can beat his voice or skill at playing Bond

BOND GIRL I have to go with Eva Mendes as a double agent or something

BOND VILLAIN Who here has seen the movie Snatch? Remember Vinnie Jones. Tell me that he wouldn't make a great villain for bond.


BOND GIRL-,r:2,s:0,i:138

BOND VILLAIN-,r:55,s:20,i:361
I am I said
2012-11-09 19:20:53 UTC
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Archie Bunker.

Stupid question begs for stupid answer.
2012-11-09 18:13:58 UTC
Justin Bieber!
2012-11-09 15:08:38 UTC
james bond: chuck norris

girl bond: sarah palin

villian: bruce lee
Arkin Lewis
2012-11-09 13:22:12 UTC
Bond:Mike Myers for real!

Girl:Scarlett Johannason(however you spell it)

Villain:Chuck Norris
Anthony C
2012-11-10 18:53:29 UTC
Rihanna and Chris Brown. Edgy cast that people know and, for sure, a great fight scene.
2012-11-10 08:41:59 UTC
bond ~ jason issacs

girl ~ natalia tena

villian ~ aaron paul
2012-11-10 02:17:14 UTC
James Bond: dunno nt sure!

Bond girl: meee!! :))

Villian: my bro (he rly is 1, and besides id like to see someone kick his ***!)
2012-11-09 17:45:19 UTC
james bond: matt damon

bond girl: penelope cruz

villan: meh
2012-11-09 15:38:44 UTC
...Sean Connery ! (He is James Bond !) ...there is no 'one' better ! Bond "girl" ? that would be Gabrielle Anwar (Burn Notice...Fiona Glennanne) ...and Villlan...? that would be "Johnny Sacramoni" (Johnny "Sac"...Vince Curatola) from the HBO series "The Soprano's" ...Period, end of story !
2012-11-11 19:40:37 UTC
2012-11-11 11:30:48 UTC
Don't even no
2012-11-10 20:12:48 UTC

2012-11-10 08:28:50 UTC
2012-11-10 02:43:46 UTC
crap the first page is all hidden lol
2012-11-10 00:34:49 UTC
bond cause you are doing what you like to do yow,"bond,james bond............;;;;;;;;;
2012-11-09 22:40:20 UTC
pierce brosnan , oprah , and mitt romney as villain
2012-11-09 14:19:26 UTC
-.JAMES BOND = Jude Law or Clive Owen.

-.BOND GIRL = Emma Stone or Kate Beckinsale

-.VILLAIN = Michael Fassbender.

Swag daddy
2012-11-11 20:09:14 UTC
2012-11-11 08:22:06 UTC
The name's Ron ... James Ron ... who feels shaken, and stirred ... and wants you to answer his own question posed to Answers about an accident ... please!

2012-11-11 03:14:21 UTC
2012-11-10 22:06:02 UTC
ur moma
2012-11-10 21:03:14 UTC
vince vaughn
Mr whom?
2012-11-09 16:16:56 UTC
Me and Megan Fox.
2012-11-09 13:22:40 UTC
Very interesting question, I am LOVING it.

My cast:

BOND; Idris Elba. He's English, handsome, suave and sexy. It'd be interesting to have a black Bond soon for the next generation, and Elba is VERY classy and witty--perfect pick. Like seriously, he's a great actor and so cool.

BOND GIRL; Kelly Brook. She's gorgeous, super magnetic and English as well. It'd be awesome to have a curvy Bond girl actually.

VILLAIN; Michael Fassbender. He's British too but I believe he's German part, and speaks German so he can play like this big German American hot shot, and speak German and English for the majority of the movie. Plus he's hot.
Hairy Jim
2012-11-09 13:08:56 UTC
Bond: Viggo Mortensen. All action, a hit with the ladies, and would look the part.

Girl: Myleene Klass. Did you ever see her in THAT white Bikini? (Not nude in this shot, but almost!)

Villain. Vinnie Jones. Enough said.
2012-11-10 20:57:38 UTC
not the guy they got now.. he ******* sucks!!
2012-11-10 16:15:50 UTC
2012-11-10 12:54:36 UTC
2012-11-10 00:35:58 UTC
2012-11-09 21:48:53 UTC
Not sure lol
2012-11-09 13:07:39 UTC
Dunno about Bond or Bond girl, but I'd love to see Alan Rickman as a Bond villain...
2012-11-09 12:57:52 UTC
James bond- Sawyer from Lost

Girl- Megan Fox or Adriana Lima

Villain-Paul Bettany rrrr
2012-11-09 12:39:48 UTC
Well the best bond cast would be Will Moffett for James Bond, Emma Watson for Bond girl and Tom Hardy for the villain. (Will Moffett)
Mr. Baliram Niwale
2012-11-10 23:05:16 UTC
2012-11-10 08:13:31 UTC
2012-11-09 12:39:45 UTC
James Bond - Clive Owen. Because he is bucket full of talent and reminds us of Sean Connery.

Bond Girl - Scarlett Johansson - why not ? she did kind of played that in The Avengers.

Villain - Idris Elba . Black Bond rumours be damned. When was the last time you saw a black Bond villain ?
2012-11-09 12:12:13 UTC
Bond: Hugh Jackman

Villain: Russell Crowe

Bond Girl: Amanda Seyfried

I couldn't resist. They all star in _Les MIserables_, which opens on Christmas Day.
Tyler Recino
2012-11-09 12:08:26 UTC
bond=jim caviezel

bond girl= mila kunis

villain= james gardiner
2012-11-09 11:50:10 UTC
James Bond: Brad Pitt

Why? Among all of his action films, he has a kind of magnetic aura, an atmosphere about him that makes his character look real and serious. It's like he has it on his face.

Bond Girl: Kate Middleton

Why? I'd have to say she has all the looks and charms to be a Bond girl. And a pretty good one at that. Especially the fact that the 'royal' atmosphere all about her would add to the finesse of the role.

Villian: Jet Li

Why? It would be an odd, but intriguing concept with a new style of karate and martial arts added to the action of the film. I saw Li in a villain role in The Mummy 3 and he looked pretty pro doing it. So he'd be worth James Bond, eh?
2012-11-09 11:48:19 UTC
BOND = tom cruise. BOND GIRL = katy perry. VILLAIN = joe pesci.
2012-11-09 11:33:03 UTC
Bond:Leonardo diCaprio

Bond girl: Emma Watson and

Villian: Ryan Reynolds.

They all have an air of mystery and action which is evident on screen and they would look great if they worked together! :)
Eric R
2012-11-09 11:18:43 UTC
Bond: I think I would make a pretty good James Bond - minus the accent

Girl: Jessica Alba - There is just something about her...

Villain: Steve Buschemi as a creepy criminal

I think Antonio Banderes would be pretty good as a suave bad guy.
2012-11-09 11:06:30 UTC
Bond: Keep Craig in right now, he seems like a good choice(for now).

Girl: Uma Thurman (With kind of the same performance as she did as The Bride in Kill Bill)

Villian: Robert De Nero( preferably.) or Al Pacino. No real reason but either would be badass as the villain. Or maybe both.....that would rock....
2012-11-11 08:12:45 UTC


2012-11-11 05:04:56 UTC
IT is very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2012-11-10 19:33:17 UTC
2012-11-10 17:24:48 UTC
2012-11-09 18:33:13 UTC
2012-11-09 12:56:41 UTC
JAMES BOND: Ewan McGregor (Really good actor and has a Britt accent to boot!)

BOND GIRL: Mila Kunis (Does she need an explanation?)

VILLAIN: Daniel Day-Lewis (He can play any character in any movie, period)
2012-11-09 12:41:37 UTC
James Bond: Me.

Because playing in a James Bond movie would give me a huge paycheck and I could pay off student loans and buy a house and car.
2012-11-09 12:38:35 UTC
Beyonce, Beyonce, Beyonce.
2012-11-09 12:27:43 UTC
Barney Fife
2012-11-09 12:24:07 UTC
Bond: Judi Dench

Bond Girl: Judi Dench

Villain: Judi Dench
2012-11-09 12:22:40 UTC
Bond would be Mitt Romney, Obama would be a wimp, Romney would kill the wimp.

2 thumbs down? Impeach Obama!
2012-11-09 12:05:31 UTC
Bond: Sean Connery

Bond Girl: PussyGalore....snicker...I still laugh at that one....

Villain: Goldfinger....'s my favorite movie
2012-11-09 12:04:23 UTC
Daniel Craig as Bond, he's awesome! Stana Katic as the Bond girl, she's gorgeous and a brilliant actress and for the villain, I'd say, as awesome as he is, I think that David Tennant would make a brilliant Bond villain!! GO JAMES BOND!!!!!
2012-11-09 11:59:16 UTC
Arnold Swarzenegger

2012-11-09 11:49:32 UTC

BOND GIRL = Emma Watson

2012-11-09 11:47:44 UTC
Bond: Leonardo Di Caprio

bond girl: Kim kardashian

bad guy: charlei sheen
2012-11-09 11:35:52 UTC
James Bond: Christopher Dean because he would be right for the role and he and Jayne would make the movie perfect

Bond Girl: Jayne Torvill because she would be perfect for the role and Millions of her fans would watch.

Villain: Jason Gardiner because of what hes says sometimes and he would get booed lol

Jayne and Christopher and

Santa's little helper
2012-11-09 11:34:20 UTC
Bond= Colin Firth.

He brings the films a real homely British feeling and a slight taste of humour

plus he would be unorthodox for the role- he's older than the usual chosen men but still as good looking, bringing a fresh new vibe to the film.

Bond Girl= Kate Winslet

Again, a real British feel. She's so versatile, being to play any role and her in the film would be so unpredictable, usually the girls are just there to kiss Bond, but she would add real class.

Villain= Mathus

Back from the dead from Quantum Of Solace! This would bring real emotion to the film if mathus were to betray Bond after he left him dead in a skip!

But after Skyfall, Daniel Craig has shown he is more that capable of delivering a great performance!

I would like to see a Bond who wasn't totally chosen for their hot looks and great body!
2012-11-09 11:27:28 UTC
Bond - James McAvoy his acting just gets better and better, Chris Pine or Chris Hemesworth would also be good choices since they are young good actors.

Bond Girl - Blake Lively she is gorgeous and a pretty good actor, Rachel McAdams, or Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson

Villian - Mark Strong plays a great bad guy in Sherlock Holmes, Micheal Sheen, Ralph Fiennes
2012-11-11 00:22:53 UTC
me :)
2012-11-10 19:44:19 UTC
it shouldn't need a cast, just morgan freeman narrating an entire script.
2012-11-09 18:28:34 UTC
2012-11-09 12:55:19 UTC

BOND GIRL: Kate Beckinsale

VILLAIN: Charles Dance
2012-11-09 12:46:58 UTC
Bond: Jhonney Depp

Bond Girl: Adele?

Villain: Chuck Norris

Jhonney Depp because he rocks

Adele, because she rocks

And Chuck Norris because he stinks(so he is the villain)
2012-11-09 12:06:01 UTC
Bond: Clive Owen. Because he just missed out and could have been a good bond.

Bond Girl: Dita Von teese. For her classic look and the fact She's stunning!

Villain: Kevin Spacey. Need I say more!
2012-11-09 11:48:58 UTC
Well the best bond cast would be Will Moffett for James Bond, Emma Watson for Bond girl and Tom Hardy for the villain. (Will Moffett)
2012-11-09 11:25:59 UTC
Bond: Ricky Gervais, just look at this picture and imagine him holding two handguns. It would be epic. Besides, he's BRITISH with capital letters.

Bond Girl: Juliette Lewis, she's ridiculously hot and she can play both a serious, seductive chick and an insane psycho with the same level of success.

Villain: Pierce Brosnan, wow what a twist!! :o

Or Rowan Atkinson, doing what he does best and playing some really crazy villain.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.