Do u think kids exposed to screen smoking are more likely to pick up the habit? Why or why not?
Thirteen answers:
2007-04-19 11:46:02 UTC
Kids emulate what they see on TV and in movies. It stands to reason that the more they see it, the more likely they will want to try it.
2016-05-19 04:02:38 UTC
These days, kids usually smoke herbal cigarettes. But if they already smoke, which isn't unusual for a kid in show business, they just smoke their favorite brand. In the old days chiildren always smoked real cigarettes in movies, regardless of their age. For example, Tatum O'Neal in Paper Moon - she started smoking for the role with her parents' blessing, and has smoked ever since. Gaby Hoffman is another example.
Amanda M
2007-04-19 12:38:46 UTC
Not really, You don't really see excessive cigarette smoking in most recent movies. I think a kid is going to pick up the habit to be cool to their friends not cause it's in a movie. But I'll tell you this I'm a smoker myself and I went to see "Sin City" in the theater. That was hard to do, all those people smoking in the movie.
2007-04-19 11:51:58 UTC
Let's not worry so much about the cigarettes and look at the violence, kids are exposed to more than 1,500 murders a year, and in light of the recent events I would say that is were we should focus our outrage.
margaret k
2007-04-20 09:39:26 UTC
years ago tv shows had the characters smoking but they don't anymore.
there used to be cigarette commercials also but not now. but more kids smoke now then back then. there is enough censorship now and it does not deter kids from smoking. maybe if the kids did not have so much ready cash and credit cards they would not smoke because cigareettes are expensive now.
2007-04-19 12:40:08 UTC
I watch extremely violent I kill or torture people?
I watch a lot of mafia I extort or launder money?
I watch a lot of movies with foul language...alright bad example.
the point is its a freakin movie. I don't approve of censorship in any form just because a couple kids are stupid.
and to the person above...ok kids are exposed to murders on tv and film...yet 99.99% don't do that sort of thing...ever think maybe its not the tv shows?
2007-04-19 11:46:48 UTC
Doesn't matter, It's up to the parents. The characters that used to smoke in older movies were usually the cool guys, nowadays the characters that smoke are the bad guys or drug addicts.
2007-04-19 11:49:31 UTC
I don't think so. I feel that the friends kids have play a huge roll along with family but not so much movies.
Like being a DINK
2007-04-19 11:48:25 UTC
It depends on the parents.
If parents teach their children to think for themselves and take time to be with them, the children will think for themselves.
My in-laws don't smoke, hate the smell of smoke and yet my sister-in-law smokes. I love my in-laws but as parents they were very distant. They felt school is where children learned everything about life.
2007-04-19 11:50:39 UTC
yes. when i was younger, i would watch movies and when my favorite actor/actress was smoking, it made me want to smoke. b/c i seriously thought they looked cool while doing it. thankfully, when i tried smoking years later, i couldnt handle it. i was coughing. the smell was awful. and overall, i just didnt enjoy it. but still to this day think those actors and actresses look cool when lighting up on screen.
Lady Macbeth
2007-04-19 11:46:59 UTC
I find it very unlikely. Kids are not nearly as weak-minded and impressioanable as adults seem to think, and while some may try things simply because they saw them in films or on TV I think they are in the minority.
2007-04-19 11:47:50 UTC
I don't know maybe it depends on if people are dying from lung cancer in the movie or if they're the hero.
2007-04-19 11:46:28 UTC
No. You don't see little boys going around and being all romantic to girls thanks to chick flicks, do you? Obviously somebody in the PMRC (I'm looking in Tipper Gore's direction) is trying to flex their polittical muscles to weasel someone into office...
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