Right now, no there's no solid date. If you google around, you find release snippits dating back at least three whole years - it seems that either the companies are still tied up in copyright wars, or QT just hasn't put the whole thing together yet.
The most recent news blurb about Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair seems to be Uma Thurman talking to MTV about the whole thing, and she doesn't really give too much info beyond that which was already known: it will be an edit of the two films together, with added animated scenes and an intermission that QT had already written.
As I said, there is no date for it, and it seems that every time they set one it gets pushed back. If you're a die-hard fan who just can't wait to see the movies again, then I'd go ahead and buy the original release, but if you're like me and you won't be able to stand seeing the story again unless it's "complete", then I would hold off for it.
Then again, what with the history of the "release", it may never come.