...oh, you mean "Not-So-Clever-Field"??? Well, first thing out the gate, is that in a riotous panic, who in the right mind, is going to keep a camcorder going??? I keep trying to picture this from the perspective of the film being just a film, like any other film, and not a point-of-view perspective...and I have to have to laugh my @ss off!!!
...the creature looked like a mish-mash multi-tentacled meld of the rider creatures in "The Dark Crystal", the diminitive bugged-eyed alien creatures from the classic version of "War of the Worlds", and the mutated Dr. Bartok creature, at the end of "The Fly II" (...especially in the 'split' face)...
...the best part of the movie was when that damn guy with the video camera, stumbled, went back for his video camera, stuck it once again in his face, just happened to look up, see the creature, and ended up getting munched by it; it was like the creature was saying, "...dude, what the heck are you doing, running around here with a video camera?? Shouldn't you be running for dear life??? Ah, well....suppertime!!!"
...even the oh-so touching and supposedly spontaneous 'Peyton Place' dialogue, at the beginiing of the film, seemed forced and unrealistic (...thought that I walked into a camcorder-filmed soap opera; I was waiting for a techno version of the "Days of Our Live" theme, to be playing in the background)...
....anyways, in answer to your question, that would be 'no', I didn't like "The Godzilla Holocaust Project" (...those most privvy in the horror, sci-fi and fantasy genres, will definitely understand why I would call it that)...