I am a die-hard Superman fan. I have loved this comic-book character and iconic American hero since I was like 5, the first time I saw Christopher Reeves bringing Superman to life on-screen. Brandon Routh portrayed a great Superman, he didn't nail it, but he did the role and Reeve's legacy justice. It's been said that Henry Cavill, star of the Tudors series, was cast for the lead in Zack Snyder's reboot from all those auditioning simply because he was the only one that didn't look too ridiculous in the suit. I don't know if this is true but what a horrible way to cast an actor for the greatest superhero of all time. I have a bad feeling about the reboot project and think that if it bombs, Zack Snyder will be done in Hollywood. His latest film, Sucker Punch, has gotten mediocre-to-rotten reviews. If that film is any indication of what moviegoers will be in store for with the new Superman project, I think Snyder needs to be pulled and Warner Bros needs to start fresh and get a phenomenal casting director who actually knows Superman and his ins and outs. Sorry, I just don't see Cavill as Superman. Apart from Routh, who else would you guys recommend for the role? And will Snyder be sealing his fate if he continues on with Cavill as the lead when many fans are voicing their concerns that Cavill just doesn't fit the part?